The Effect of Interpersonal Communication For Startup Business in TANRI ABENG University

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The Effect of Interpersonal

Communication for Startup

Business in TANRI ABENG
English for Academic Purpose
Naimy Zam Zam / Corporate Communication / 13.013

This research proposal contains the analysis about
interpersonal communication in startup business

The Impact of Interpersonal Communication in Startup


These days, there are so many startup businesses in the world. But only few of
them can survive for long time. What makes them survive? In business, the factors that
make the businesses survive are not only the capital, the organizational structure or else.
Good interpersonal communication skill can also be one of the key factors in business.
Many researches prove the importance of interpersonal communication in
business especially startup business, which can helps to create a good relation among the
employees or to customers. Have a good interpersonal communication make good deal in
relation with business partner or customer. A positive relation among employees or to
customers in interpersonal communication will give result trust in that relation.
Partners trust in business is important, as well customers.
The reason why researcher decided to take communication in business because
researcher realized that some of TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITY students are already own
startup business and researcher has willing to help the students of TANRI ABENG
UNIVERSITY who own a business or work in a company about the importance of
interpersonal communication in creating good relation with the partners and customers.

Research Question
1. How interpersonal communication can affect the relationship among partners or

Justification for the Proposal Research

Historically, there have been enormous difficulties in creating good relationship
with partners or customers in business. However, common barriers that get in the way of
effective communication can make it more difficult to create a sense of collaboration
among the workforce. Communication barriers can take on a variety of forms, such as:
cultural and language difference; gender issue; and competition.
Naimy Zam Zam

Corporate Communication

This research is conducted to guide the students of TANRI ABENG

UNIVERSITY to be success in overcoming the barriers in interpersonal communication
in order to be better in business.

Literature Review
Interpersonal communication defined by Joseph A. Devito on his book The
Interpersonal Communication Book. (Devito, 1989:4) as:

process of sending and

receiving messages between two people, or in a small group of people, with some effect
and some immediate feedback. Many people didnt realize about interpersonal
communication. Meanwhile, everyday, every time, people are doing interpersonal
communication in their life. Either used to communicate with family or colleague.
Interpersonal communication can be applied anywhere, especially in business situation.
To support this topic, which is interpersonal communication in startup business,
researcher would like to give a light about what startup business is. A startup company or
startup is a company, a partnership or temporary organization designed to search for a
repeatable and scalable business model.

Theoretical Framework
Interpersonal communication gives many advantages for startup business. For
instance, the main advantage of interpersonal communication is the fact that you can
create relationships with other people while being able to understand and maintain them.
If you do not have the ability to have interpersonal skills then you will struggle to express
any feelings or emotions with people as well as empathize with various situations.
If you are working in an environment where you are required to interact with
colleagues and customers on a daily basis, then you need to have good interpersonal
skills. This is especially important with customers because you have to show them that
you have a friendly nature and can understand their frustrations if they're experiencing a
problem or making a request. It is also a good skill to have when you are speaking with

Naimy Zam Zam

Corporate Communication

your colleagues because if you come across as cold and uninterested then you may
receive negative feedback.

Researchs Contribution
Communication skill is required in order to make the communication runs
smoothly. Unfortunately, not everyone has communication skills. Many people who
communicate only rely on their daily communication style. They consider ways of
communication that they use is correct. Sadly, if we observe the process of the
communication, there are still a lot of mistakes in communicating.
This research is expected to be useful to students of TANRI ABENG
UNIVERSITY that own startup business as a guidance to: build harmony relationship
with customers, investors or venture capitalists, and among partners.

Research Methodology
A. Type of Study
In order to prove this research, researcher will use exploratory method
accompanied with an interview to startup business owner in TANRI ABENG
UNIVERSITY that is related with the topic. The interview is used as the answer and
explanation of the problem statement that already mention above.
Therefore, the study plan will involve the gathering of information about the
benefit or effect of interpersonal communication for startup business in TANRI ABENG
B. Data Collection Method
In the proposed study, two instruments will be employed to measure one
independent variable, one dependent variable, and three moderator variables. These are
outlined below.

Naimy Zam Zam

Corporate Communication

Independent Variable The independent variable in this study will be measured

by using the interview that conducted for the students that own startup business

about the effect of interpersonal communication for their business.

Dependent Variable The dependent variable in this study is the motivation of

the students that own startup business in TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITY.

Moderator Variables In addition to the above independent and dependent
variables, three secondary independent or moderator variables will be considered.
According to Tuckman (Develop a Research Proposal, 1978), a moderator
variable is as follows:
. . . that factor which is measured, manipulated, or selected by the researcher to
discover whether it modifies the relationship of the independent variable to an
observed phenomenon.
Thus, the moderator variables can determine the extent to which the relationship

between the two major variables is influenced by secondary factors. In this study the
moderator variables of major and business will be included. The moderator variable in
this study is the number of the students that own startup business.

Task No.



2 3

2 3

Choosing the topic

Analyzing the topic
Finding related theories
Designing the data mining process
Collecting the data from interview
Compiling all the theories and data


Naimy Zam Zam

Corporate Communication

Sulistyo, Rendi. (2013) Komunikasi Dalam Bidang Bisnis. Available at:
(Accessed 17 June 2015)
Joynson, Danielle. The Advantages of Interpersonal Communication. Available at:
(Accessed 17 June 2015)
Joseph, Chris. Barriers to Interpersonal Communication. Available at:
(Accessed 17 June 2015)
Tuckman, Bruce (1978) Develop a Research Proposal.
Ayu, Putri. Pentingnya Interpersonal Skill Dalam Komunikasi. Available at:
(Accessed 18 June 2015)
Cahyadi, Agung. Definisi Startup Company. Available at:
(Accessed 18 June 2015)
King, Donnel. Four Principles of Interpersonal Communication. Available at:
(Accessed 18 June 2015)

Naimy Zam Zam

Corporate Communication

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