Chemistry Notes: Rate of Reaction:-Is The Change in The Concentration of A Reactant or Product Per Unit Time

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Chemistry notes

Rate of reaction.
The rate of reactions depends on collisions between particles.
The collisions must have more energy than the activation energy for a reaction
to take place.
Temperature can change the proportion of molecules that exceed the Ea as can
the presence of a catalyst.
The rate of chemical reaction measures:
-How fast a reactant is being used up.
-How fast a product is being formed.
Rate of Reaction :- is the change in the concentration of a reactant or
product per unit time.
Change in conc. Of reactant or product
Rate =
Time for the change to take place
Units of rate =

= moldm3s1} concentration/time

Brackets [ ] are used to represent concentrations, in moldm3. E.g [CO2] means

conc of CO2 in moldm3
During a reaction concentration of reactants decrease as:
Fewer collisions take place between reactant particles per second therefore the
rate slows down.
The rate of reaction can be determined by measuring the concentration of the
reactant or product, at time intervals during the course of the reaction.
A graph is produced from the results as conc against time

at any instant of time, the rate is equal to the slope of the curve.
The slope is measured by drawing a tangent to the curve at this time.
The gradient, or slope, of the tangent is then calculated.

Initial rate of reaction is the change in concentration of a reactant, or

product, per unit of time at the start of the reaction when t=0
1) What are the units of rate of reaction? = moldmm3sm 1
2) How is rate of reaction measured from a concentration time graph?
a tangent is drawn to the curve at the required time, and the
gradient of the tangent is measure.
3) What is meant by the initial rate of reaction?

The change in concentration of a reactant or product at the start

of the reaction, when t=0
Measuring reaction rates from a concentration-time graph
Sulphur dichloride, SOCL, decomposes according to the equation:
SOCL(g) SO(g) + Cl(g)
In an experiment, the conc of the reactant SOCl was measured over a
period of time.
A graph is formed from the results and tangents are drawn after 0 s ( the
initial rate) and 3000 s
The value of the gradient of each tangent is measured to give the rate at
each time , t.
Change in concentration of SOCl
After t=0 s initial rate =
Time for the change to take place
=1.5 x 10 4 moldm3s1
Change in concentration of SOCl
0.38 0.14
After t=3000 s, rate =
Time for the change to take place
= 6.0 x 10 5moldm 3s 1
Orders and the rate equation
In a chemical reaction the particles that have a greater energy than the
activation energy have sufficient energy to react and only these.
The greater the concentration:
The larger the number of collisions per second
The faster the rate of reaction.
The concentration of each reactant affects the rate of reaction, this effect is
called order with respect to a reactant
For a reactant A:
Rate [A]
Where = order with respect to A
Order is always defined in terms of reactant concentrations.

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