Catching The Tide: Cultural Renewal in 20th Century Italy (2014-2015)

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Catching the Tide: Cultural Renewal in 20th Century Italy | University of


Catching the Tide: Cultural Renewal in

20th Century Italy

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41 items

Primary Texts (8 items)

La coscienza di Zeno: romanzo - Svevo, Italo, 1966
Document | Core text | Can be read in English. Italian version is freely available online
Confessions of Zeno - Svevo, Italo, 1930
Book | Core text
Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore - Pirandello, Luigi, Simioni, Corrado, Pirandello, Luigi,
1966, 1977 printing
Document | Core text | Can be read in English translation. Both versions are freely
available online
Six characters in search of an author - Pirandello, Luigi, 1979
Book | Core text
Futurist manifestos - Apollonio, Umbro, [1973
Book | Core text | Can be read either in Italian or in English. See item metadata or
Moodle for Italian or English version
Un marziano a Roma e altre farse - Flaiano, Ennio, 1998
Book | Core text | The item to be read is the SHORT STORY 'Un Marziano a Roma'.
Check Moodle for Italian and English version
La Dolce Vita - Federico Fellini, 1960
Audio-visual document | Core text
Teorema - Pierpaolo Pasolini, 1968
Audio-visual document | Core text

Italian Modernism (5 items)

Highly recommended Background reading.

Italian modernism: Italian culture between decadentism and avant-garde - Luca Somigli,
Mario Moroni, 2004
Book | Core text | PQ 4088 .I85 som
Insegnare il Novecento: il modernismo - Romano Luperini
Webpage | Recommended



Catching the Tide: Cultural Renewal in 20th Century Italy | University of


Periodization, Comparative Literature, and Italian Modernism - Donata Meneghelli

Article | Recommended
La narrativa modernista italiana - Massimiliano Tortora
Article | Recommended
Sul modernismo italiano - M.T. Luperini
Book | Recommended

On Svevo and La coscienza di Zeno (5 items)

Svevo - Contini, Gabriella, 1996
Book | Recommended
Italo Svevo: the man and the writer - Furbank, P. N., 1966
Book | Recommended
In the shadow of the mammoth: Italo Svevo and the emergence of modernism - Minghelli,
Giuliana, c2002
Book | Recommended
Origin and identity: essays on Svevo and Trieste Scha

chter, Elizabeth Ann, 2000

Book | Recommended
The Modern Language Review - Brian Moloney, 1972
Journal | Recommended

On Pirandello and Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore (5 items)

Luigi Pirandello in the theatre: a documentary record - Pirandello, Luigi, Bassnett, Susan,
Lorch, Jennifer, 1993
Book | Recommended
Characters and authors in Luigi Pirandello - Caesar, Ann, 1998
Book | Recommended
Introduzione a Pirandello - Luperini, Romano, 1992
Book | Recommended
An introduction to Pirandello's "Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore" - Thompson, D., 1985
Book | Recommended
Character and Discourse from Pirandello to Fellini: Defining a Countertradition in an Italian
Context - Manuela Gieri
Article | Recommended


Catching the Tide: Cultural Renewal in 20th Century Italy | University of



On Futurism (2 items)
Futurismo cultura e politica - De Felice, Renzo, 1988
Book | Recommended
Futurism - Tisdall, Caroline, Bozzolla, Angelo, 1977
Book | Recommended

On Flaiano (5 items)
The Via Veneto papers - Flaiano, Ennio, c1992
Book | Recommended
Ennio Flaiano and His Italy - Marisa S. Trubiano, 2010
Book | Recommended
Ennio Flaiano, una

personale - G. Ruozzi

Un marziano in Italia. Vita di Ennio Flaiano - P. Schembri

Book | Recommended
Invito alla lettura di Ennio Flaiano - L. Sergiacomo
Book | Recommended

On Fellini and La Dolce Vita (7 items)

Italian national cinema 1896-1996 - Sorlin, Pierre, MyiLibrary, 1996
Book | Recommended
Federico Fellini: essays in criticism - Bondanella, P., 1978
Book | Recommended
Federico Fellini: Variety lights to La dolce vita - Burke, Frank, 1984
Book | Recommended
The cinema of Federico Fellini - Bondanella, Peter E, 1992
Book | Recommended
Fellini on Fellini - Fellini, Federico, Costantini, Costanzo, 1995
Book | Recommended
L'orgia e il sorriso - T. Kezich
Chapter | Recommended
The cinema of Federico Fellini - Rosenthal, S., 1976


Catching the Tide: Cultural Renewal in 20th Century Italy | University of




| Recommended

On Pasolini and Teorema (4 items)

Il cinema di Pier Paolo Pasolini - Ferrero, A., 1977
Book | Recommended
Pier Paolo Pasolini: cinema as heresy - Greene, Naomi, 1990
Book | Recommended
Teorema - Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 2006
Book | Recommended
Quaderni del carcere - Gramsci, Antonio, 1966
Book | Background


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