The Individual Differences That Are Most Salient and Socially Relevant in People's Lives Become Encoded Into Their Language

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NEO and its Scales

Lexical Hypothesis - The individual differences that are most salient and socially relevant
in peoples lives become encoded into their language; a major foundation of the Big Five
personality traits, the HEXACO model of personality structure and the 16PF
Questionnaire and has been used to study the structure of personality traits in a number
of cultural and linguistic settings.
Why can a test be reliable but not valid
o A test may be consistent and reliable but is not actually measuring
what it is suppose to measure
MMPI and its Scales
MCMI and its Scales
Difference between test taker and test user
o Test Taker those who will answer the test
o Test User Test developer or those who will use the results of the test
for information
Concurrent validity range
o Between different tests
o Between new and old version of test
Premise of Projective Test
WAIS indicator of Organic Brain Damage
Leiter International Scale - Leiter scale is an intelligence test in the form of a strict
performance scale. It was designed for children and adolescents ages 2 to 18, [1] although it
can yield an intelligence quotient (IQ) and a measure of logical ability for all ages.
Mental Status Exam
Percentile and Standard Deviation
o If IQ = 89
o If IQ belongs to the 50th percentile

Prototypal Item
Informed Consent for underage


Didactic Thinking
Private Logic
Goal of Multigenerational Family Therapy
Martin Psychodynamic
Human Validation Proc Model
Structural Family Therapy
Strategic Fam Ther
Goals of Adlerian Therapy
Non verbal expression
Limitation of Expression of understanding and self disclosure by therapist
Ambivalence stage
What to do with Person lacks capacity in making clinical decisions
Transaction Analysis
Factors involved in Hypnotherapy
Bowens Goal


Mays compulsive disorders

Mays drug addiction, alcoholism, promiscuous sexual behavior

Latent Conscious?
May structure gives meaning
___________ id impuses to breakthrough
Primitive defense mechanism
3 mistaken styles of life Adler
Weakness of 5 factor model
Expansive Solutions
Object Relations on Borderline
Harry Stack Sullivan distortion
Single most important factor for neurotic clients
Allports proprium
Functioning autonomy
High need for Achievement
High Need for Affliction
Biological Approach
Rogers fully functioning
Kellys construct
Maslows workplace
Rotters theory
FROMM successful solutions to human dilemma


Childhood trauma is DSM 5
Symptoms of Autism Severity 1
Bipolar & Related disorders due to
Neurotransmitters and what they cause
Severity of substance abuse
Proposed for further inclusion in the DSM
o Internet Gaming, Shopping, Suicide,?
PTSD biological explanation
Learned Helplessness
PD for childhood neglect
Diclemente & Prochaska
Drugs that increase risk of alzheimers
Emil Kraeplin
Medication treat PD Axis I, II, III, IV
Self-psychology model Narcissistic PD
ADHD criteria for DSM IV and DSM 5
Dopaminergic Theory of Schizophrenia
Linehans Dialectical Beh Theory

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