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Guide by Simpson Dinh

Game Creator Robert Reed


***The Symbols are just there for aesthetic. ***

About Timber and Stone ........................................................................................................................... 1

Game Mechanics:...................................................................................................................................... 2
Game Controls: ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Settler Information (F1) ........................................................................................................................ 3
Settler Profession (F2) ........................................................................................................................... 4
Settler Equipment (F3) .......................................................................................................................... 5
Settler Preferences (F4) ........................................................................................................................ 6
Game UI ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Design: ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Queue: ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Resources:.......................................................................................................................................... 7
Currently in Queue: ........................................................................................................................ 8
Maintain in Storage: ....................................................................................................................... 8
Resource tracking: ............................................................................................................................. 8
Storage: .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Notification area: ............................................................................................................................... 9
Unit List: ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Left-clicking: ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Construction block types: ................................................................................................................. 10
Stone Mason: ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Objects Stone Mason can build and create: ................................................................................... 11
Miner: .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Objects Miners can build: ............................................................................................................... 12
Farmer: ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Objects Farmers can build: ............................................................................................................. 13
Wood Chopper: ................................................................................................................................... 14
Objects Wood Chopper can build: .................................................................................................. 14
Builder:................................................................................................................................................. 15
Forager:................................................................................................................................................ 15
Herder: ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Infantry: ............................................................................................................................................... 16

Archer: ................................................................................................................................................. 16
Adventurers: ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Blacksmith:........................................................................................................................................... 17
Objects Blacksmith can build: ......................................................................................................... 17
Carpenter: ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Objects Carpenter can build: .......................................................................................................... 21
Trader: ................................................................................................................................................. 24
Traders can build:............................................................................................................................ 24
Fisherman: .......................................................................................................................................... 25
Fisherman can build: ....................................................................................................................... 25
Engineer: .............................................................................................................................................. 26
Engineers can build: ........................................................................................................................ 26
Tailor: ................................................................................................................................................... 27
Tailors can build: ............................................................................................................................. 27
Traits: .................................................................................................................................................. 29
Game Item List: ....................................................................................................................................... 30
Seeds:................................................................................................................................................... 30
Raw Materials: ..................................................................................................................................... 30
Processed Materials: ........................................................................................................................... 33
Hand Tools: .......................................................................................................................................... 36
Weapons: ............................................................................................................................................. 39
Armor: .................................................................................................................................................. 42
Workshops: ............................................................................................................................................. 45
Doors: ...................................................................................................................................................... 47
Furniture: ................................................................................................................................................ 48
Military: ................................................................................................................................................... 49
Siege craft: .............................................................................................................................................. 49
Lighting:................................................................................................................................................... 49
Dcorations: ............................................................................................................................................ 50
Storage: ................................................................................................................................................... 51
Animals: ................................................................................................................................................. 54
Chicken: ............................................................................................................................................... 54
Boar:..................................................................................................................................................... 54

Sheep: .................................................................................................................................................. 54
Fish: ...................................................................................................................................................... 55
Monsters: ................................................................................................................................................ 56
Undead: ................................................................................................................................................ 56
Skeleton Infantry: ............................................................................................................................ 56
Necromancer: .................................................................................................................................. 57
Arachnid: .............................................................................................................................................. 58
Spiders: ............................................................................................................................................ 58
Spider Matriarch: ............................................................................................................................. 58
Demi-Human: ....................................................................................................................................... 59
Goblins: .......................................................................................................................................... 59
Tertiary Predators: ............................................................................................................................... 60
Beginner guide ........................................................................................................................................ 61
Preferred Starters: ............................................................................................................................... 61
Hints & Tips: ..................................................................................................................................... 62
Defense Tactics 101: ............................................................................................................................ 63
How to defend against Necromancer: ............................................................................................ 64
How to defend against a Spider Matriarch: .................................................................................... 64
Farming Mechanic:............................................................................................................................... 65
How to gain more Settlers/Units ......................................................................................................... 65
Migrant spawn mechanics: .............................................................................................................. 65
Trading Mechanics: .............................................................................................................................. 66
Requirements: ................................................................................................................................. 66
Herding & Live Stocks:.......................................................................................................................... 68
Requirements: ................................................................................................................................. 68
Update Log: ................................................................................................................................................. 70


Timber and stone is a project Robert Reed started in March of 2012. The start of it was from the contribution of
supporters from Kickstarter fundraising program.

Timber and stone is a voxel-based sandbox city building game with a heavy emphasis on combat, fortifications, and
siege warfare. While you build a village to a castle town, you are hit with waves of monsters that are either
working together or fighting amongst each other, or even hit with famine while morale is causing your village
population to dwindle on a line.

What will 'Fate' have in store for your city in this twisted wilderness? We can't wait to hear your stories of demise
or glory.
Link to the game:
Developer email:
TeoXD YouTube link:

Timber and Stone

Main menu



Settler Information


Settler Professions


Settler Equipment


Settler Preferences


Unit Action: Halt

Unit Action: Idle

Tab through Unit forward

Tab through Unit Backwards

Move Camera up

Move Camera down

Move Camera left

Move Camera Right

Lower Depth

Page down, Or Alt + mouse wheel down

Raise Depth

Page up, Or Alt + mouse wheel up




Mouse Hover Info

Rotate Structure


Faster camera Movement

Hold Shift + Camera movement

Rotating Camera

Right Mouse Click

Deselect/delete Designation (Mining, Roads,

Construction, Trees)

Select anyone of the listed options on the left, then

left click the area and Shift + Alt +drag. Color yellow is
shown and left click again to delete.

Deleting by right clicking (Livestocks, Military, Farms,


Right click the designation and click remove.

To delete buildings blocks already constructed

Use the dig option and dig them out.

Increase/Decreasing height of building blocks

Up/down arrow

Unit List

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Name: The settlers name. It can be changed by left-clicking on her name.

Level: Her current Profession level & Experience points
Status: (?)
Health: Full blue gauge bar means the settler is at full health points.
Morale: Full gauge bar means high morale, while empty gauge bar (more towards the left) means low morale.
***Flee Mode: When Units health or morale becomes low during a fight, the unit enters flee mode where the settler
runs away and the morale bar flashes red as a sign of panic.
Fatigue: If the blue color is more to the right than the settler is fatigue, but if the blue is more to the left, then it is
less fatigue (for example the picture)
Hunger: If the blue color is more to the right than the settler is hungry, but if the blue is more to the left, then it is
less hungry (for example the picture).

Traits: Random Characteristics that came with the character. It can either be good or bad depending on
what it is. For example, disloyal means the settler will always be losing morale and have a higher chance of
leaving the settlement because of it. Quick Learner means they will gain experience in their current
profession at a much higher rate than others without the trait. (Traits)
Current Task: This area tells you where the settler is currently planning to go, or what their next action may

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


This is the Profession screen where you choose which profession you want your settler to be and what their current
level in those profession are. You can switch in between professions at the cost of morale loss. You will not lose
experience points in those professions that you switched out of.
This concept allows you to have many types of profession on any one settler without any cost towards freedom, but
be aware of the morale loss since it can cause your settlers to leave the settlement.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


This is the Equipment Screen, where you can choose what your settler can have equipped on.
****All professions can equip any type of weapons, but only Infantry can equip heavy type armor.
To equip the items, you need to click Maintain in Inventory option in order to do so.

The left window will pop up after. You click -/+ to either add the item to settler or to take it off so that the settler
can either have it equip or unequipped. You can also adjust the total inventory limit on the bottom, Encumbrance.
Be warned! The fuller the inventory is, the slower the settler moves.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


The Settler Preference window allows you to adjust the Autonomy, notification, and sleep options of the settler.
Wait in Hall while idle Your Settler will automatically move to the area you designated as the Town Hall when
they have no more work to do.
Notification Options:
Notification bubbles Notifies you what the settlers are thinking/doing.
Tool Breakage notifies you when the tool they are using breaks.
Resource collected Notifies you what they collected.
Resource crafted Notifies you what they crafted.
The sleep function has two configuration:
1) Automatic sleep cycles based on the fatigue gauge bar.
2) Or manually set when the settlers sleep during the cycles of the day.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



Objects: This is where you find structures to build for workshops, furniture, storage, decoration, etc.
Dig/Mine: Designates an area to mine for the miners. (Color Red)
Construction: Designates building plans for the builder. (Color Blue)
Farms: Designates Plots of land for farmers to farm. (Color gold)
Remove trees: Manually designate areas of trees to cut down. (Color maroon)
Roads: Designate Roads towards town halls and end of map to allow travelers to visit. (Color cyan)
Hall: Designate an area to be the town hall where traders and merchants will come. (Color purple)
Livestock Pen: Designate an area for livestock to be herded to by herders. (Color Green)
Military: Designate guard points, or patrol routes for your soldiers. (Color Blue markers)

(To deselect/cancel the designated areas, the first seven options, you must hold shift+alt while clicking dragging to
designated area. For Military, you just right click on it if you wish to cancel.)

Shows you what is in plans for crafting that you prioritized. Right click the items to change priority order of
the items being crafted.
You use the Currently in queue option to add the item to the Queue list so that you can prioritize the item
for workers to work on first.

-Seeds: Shows you the amount of seeds you have in stock.
-Raw Materials: Shows what kind of raw materials you have in possession.
-Processed Materials: Crafting recipes needed for buildings, objects, tools, weapons, and armor.
-Hand tools: Crafting Recipe for building tools.
-Weapons: Crafting recipe for Weapons.
-Armor: Crafting recipe for armor.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Use this option to add items you want your worker to prioritize to build in to the queue. You can set priority
of which items to build first in the Queue option.


Use this option to autonomously maintain a certain amount of item in storage.

Your workers will automatically build these after all the items in Queue are crafted.

You cant prioritized maintain in storage items. To prioritize, you add them to
Currently in queue and go to the queue bar to set priority.

You can left click any of the items in the Resources option and set
them to Track so you can see the amount you have in stock immediately on the Right side
of the screen. E.g. tracking what is stored such as food, wheat, etc.

This menu tells the amount of storage you have left. This menu you will turn
color form yellow to red to tell that the storage is almost full requiring you to construct
more storage areas.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough

At the bottom left corner is a scroll bar for notifications that
you have ticked on other settlers. It tells you if the game is paused,
game saving, if monsters are spotted, settlers are killed, etc.


-To access this unit list. You press the U key. This list gives you an overall chart to your units, you can change their
professions here, you can see their job levels, unit count, and you can jump to them more easily.

- If you right click on a profession, the list will be reorganized highest lowest level of that profession you have
clicked on. If you click the same profession again, the list will show from lowest highest level.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


-if you left click objects, you can choose to deconstruct.
-if you left click a bed, you set ownership.
-If you left click a (n) enemy, you can choose to charge the enemy. If enemy is dead, you can dispose corpse or even
gather its resources.
-You can left click animals to either domesticate them or slaughter them.
- You can left click trees and bushes, to either cut them down fully through stump or harvest its materials.
- The construction option allows the player to build their own buildings using different
type of blocks provided by the game. This gives the user/player the ability to customize
their own buildings , defence, and terrain.
- You can find the construction option in the Design option of the UI.
- Types:

Terrain blocks: Dirt, grass, sand, and stone.

Walls black: Castle Bricks, Castle Ruins, Timbered Brick, Fieldstone, Full Timber,
Timbered Plaster, Mossy Palster, Umber Brick, Pale Brick, and Plastered Brick.

Flooring Blocks: Cobblestone Brown, Cobblestone Grey, Flatsone, Pavestone

Brown, Pavestone Grey, Smooth Timber, Timbered Floor, Timber Tiles, and Timber

Roofing Blocks: Ceramic Roof, Wood Tile Roof, Thatch Roof, and Ceramic Tiles.

Utility Blocks: Fence and Scaffolding.

At the moment, there are only 4 options for building blocks (Solid, Decorate,
Slopes, and Pillar) and each of them are currently only available in different options;
not to all.

Options for the block:

Solid (Red circle): Available to terrain, walls, flooring, and ultility. To gain
this effect, make sure the other ticks are off just like the
green circle. Only the red circle should be on. Example is
on the left.
Decorate walls (Blue circle): Available only to Wall
blocks. Have only the red and blue circle ticked for this to
work. Example on the right.
Pillar (Green circle): Avalilavble on to Wall Blocks. Every 1 x 1 x 3 block
is a pillar. Have the red and green on, and blue off.
Slope (Brown circle): Available only for terrain and roofs.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough






Stone Mason are the masters of crafting stones

into usable objects.
They are used to build the primary beginning
tools (e.g. stone tools) and the ones who focuses
on building materials such as bricks.
They use only hammers and tongs.
Can Equip: stone hammers, solid hammers

Objects Stone Mason can build and create:

Stone Tongs (1)
Stone Hammer (1)
Stone Pick (1)
Stone Axe (1)
Stone Hoe (1)

Fireplace (6)

Stone Bench (4)
Statue (11)
Well (13)

Workbench (1)
Stone Anvil (3)
Stone Forge (1)
Feeding Trough (3)

Processed Materials
Bricks (3)
Plaster (6)

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough




This profession allows you to mine minerals and ores.

Without this, you will not be able to get the materials
needed to build tools/objects.
As this profession levels, it opens you up to faster mining
speed, higher ore gathering rate, and the requirement
level needed to mine the ores of copper, iron, etc.
With stronger tools, the efficiency of gathering ores will
increase at a much better rate.
Equip with stone picks, solid picks (unbreakable, 4% bonus
resources), and sharp picks (unbreakable, 8% bonus


Ore level Requirement

lvl 1 Stone, Dirt, Sand


lvl 3 Copper

Stockpile (2)

lvl 5 Coal
lvl 6 Tin
lvl 8 Iron, Silver
lvl 10 Gold & Mithril

Masonry Stockpiles:
o Used for storing ores, dirt, stone, and building Materials called bricks and plaster.
Can be upgraded: 300 800 1500

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



Farmers are farmers! The Masters of the agricultural


This profession opens you to renewable food sources such as

corn, turnips, etc., but this food source is hard at first until you gain a
level 6-10 farmer through leveling him up. With practice makes
As they level up, their work time decreases and harvest abundant of both food and seeds are increased.
Food will start coming up out of the plots of land as long as your farmers gained more seeds than the
number of allotted plots of designated farming land. So as long as you have more seeds than plotted land,
you will start harvesting food, but the difficulty is getting there and producing enough food to sustain your
population. ( Pg. 65 Farming Mechanics)
Can plant: Wheat, turnip, corn, pumpkin, carrot, and cotton, flax, and potato seeds. (Best start seeds are
wheat, flax, and 1 type of food seed.)
Equip with stone hoe, solid hoe (unbreakable, 4% bonus resources), and strong hoe (unbreakable, 8% bonus




Hay Pile:
o Used for Hay.
Can be upgraded:
12 24

Straw bed (2)

Storage (Wheat)

Hay Pile (1)

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough




This profession allows you to gather wood by chopping down trees

and collect seedlings from trees they cut. They can be set to
autonomously cut down trees.
As this profession levels, they start to cutting down trees at higher
speed and increase wood and seedling drop rate.
Equip with stone picks, solid axe (unbreakable, 4% bonus
resources), and sharp axe (unbreakable, 8% bonus resources).


Tree (2)
Hedge (5)
Shrubbery (7)
Storage (Wood):

Raw Wood Stack (1)

Campfire (1)

Raw Wood Stack:

o Used for raw wood.
Can be upgraded: 80 120 200

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



This profession allows you to build houses, walls, etc. As it is named,

they build using building materials from the storage.
Equip with stone hammers, solid hammers (unbreakable), and strong
hammers (unbreakable).
The builder can build 2 block up and 1 block down from the villager
Equip with stone hammers, solid hammers (unbreakable), and strong
hammers (unbreakable).


Foragers job is to scout for enemies while gathering food from nearby
bushes or by killing the wild faunas running about.
Can gathering resources from corpses of the enemy.
Equip a knife so they can harvest Wild Wheat, and kill boars, chickens,
and sheep.
You can also equip them with a bow and arrow to hunt boars, chickens,
and sheep. Normally, maps are generated with a bow and arrow.


This profession is used for domesticating animals and

autonomous care taking of the animals.
You can herd chickens, sheep, and boars to the designated
livestock area.
o You can obtain feather, food, animal hair, animal fat,
and wool.
o Animal hide is obtained from killing sheep and boars.
Make sure to equip herders with a knife, shear, and crook.
Herding Requirement Pg. 68

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



The Infantry profession is your basic melee unit that can wield swords,
shields, and spears while being able to wear the stronger armor
compared to archers and villagers.
You can set them to guard positions or patrol manually selected routes.
You can train them on training dummies to level them, but they gain
more experience fighting enemy monsters than dummies. As they level
up, Infantries become more useful as they do more damage, better
evasion, and can survive longer than rookie infantries.
Max level for training using dummies and targets is level 11.


Archers are your primary source of range damage other than

bolt ballista. While vulnerable to melee attacks, they can dish
out a lot of damage from long range.
Archers can equip bows and arrows. Most effective with a long
bow. Can equip other weapons also, but no heavy armor.
Great at taking down bosses like the spider matriarch with fire
Max level for training using targets and targets is level 11.


The Adventurer class is the only profession to allow you to

control and play as an adventurer in your town.
Its uses are just like both infantry and archers in that he/she
can equip swords, shields, and bows, but only light armor.
Can be used in first person view to fight monsters, travel the
land, and have your own small adventure.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



The blacksmith professions allow you to smelt ores into ingots

using a forge and anvil. You can then use those ingots to create
armors, weapons, and shields.
Blacksmiths can build lamps and stronger tools
Equip with stone hammers & tongs, solid hammers & tongs
(unbreakable), and strong hammers (unbreakable).
Blacksmith needs both tongs and hammer equipped.


Process Materials
Standard Ingot
Solid Ingot
Strong Ingot
Coins ( 8)
Metal Gear (14)
Chain (8)
Dungeon Door (12)
Wall Sconce ( 8)

Storage (Armor):
Armor Chest (4)
Storage (Metal)
Minecart (2)
Ingot Stock (2)

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Hand Tools
Knife (3)
Sharp Knife (9)
Shears (4)
Sharp shears (10)
Solid tongs (6)
Strong Tongs (10)
Solid Hammer (6)
Strong Hammer (10)
Solid Pick (6)
Sharp Pick (10)
Solid axe (6)
Sharp Axe (10)
Solid Hoe (6)
Strong Hoe (10)

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



Short sword (5)
Gladius (8)
Spatha (12)
Broadsword (16)
Spears (5)
Voulge (10)
Glaive (13)
Halbred (18)


Light Helmets
Chainmail Coif (7)
Spangenhelm (9)
Heavy Helmet
Barbute Helm (7)
Great Helm (14)
Armet (20)

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



Heavy Armor
Hauberk (6)
Breastplate (13)
Cuirass (20)
Heavy armored Shoes/boots
Sabatons (8)
Cuisses (13)
Greaves (20)
Kite Shield (9)
Heater Shield (14)
Tower Shield (19)

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



The Carpenter profession can build a variety of items from processed

items to even armors such as light weight shoes.
Carpenters uses axe for cutting timber.
Equip with stone hammer (breakable), solid hammers (unbreakable),
and strong hammers (unbreakable).
Equip with stone axe (breakable), solid axe (unbreakable, 4% bonus
resources), and sharp axe (unbreakable, 8% bonus resources).



Timbering Bench (1)

Artisan Workbench (10)


Timber Door (1)

Braced Door (5)
Studded Door (9)
Fence Gate (2)

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



Wooden Chair (4)

Blanketed Bed (5)
Comfortable bed(16)
Medium Table (5)
Long Table(6)
Dresser (6)
Small Bookcase (7)
Large Bookcase (8)


Lamp Post (7)


Weapon Rack (3)

Tools Chest (3)
Food Crate (1)
Food Barrel (5)
Treasure Chest (5)
Timber Pile (2)
Resource Crate (2)

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Processed Material
Timber (2)
Strong Timber (10)
Wheel (9)
Wooden Gear (12:
Hand Tools
Torch (4)
Fishing Rod (3)
Strong Fishing Rod (11)
Herding Crook (2)
Club (1)
Self bow (9)
Compound bow (12)
Longbow (17)
Stone Arrow (1)
Bodkin Arrow (5)
Broadhead Arrow(10)
Fire Arrow ( 8)
Ballista Bolt (14)

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



Pattens (3)
Buckler (6)


The Trader professions work is to trade with merchants and

greet incoming migrating settlers at the Town hall.
At the town hall, the trader waits for Merchants to come
sell/buy items off of you. The higher the level of your trader,
the more bargains from trades you can get.
Trading Mechanics on Page 66


Storage (Treasure)

Coin Pile (1)

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



The Fisherman Profession are dominates the coastal/river

regions with mastery of catching fishes.
The only profession at the moment that can catch fish as long
as there is water.
The can equip Fishing rod (breakable) and Strong Fishing rod
(unbreakable, 6% bonus resources).


Storage( food/seed)
Fish Rack(1)

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



Engineer Profession class, master of techniques with their

devastating fingers.
Used to build training dummies and targets for infantry and
archer practices.
Can build strong castle gates and build Ballista. Yes those
things that can hurl one of your men 10 squares and lodge
him/her into a tree. Dont try it at home.
Engineers can be equip with stone hammers, solid hammers
(unbreakable), and strong hammers (unbreakable).



Castle Arch Gate (7)

Castle Gate (7)


Archery Target (2)

Training Dummy (3)


Ballista (12)

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



Tailors are experts at clothing and weaving.

They can craft clothings such as tunics and create a variety of processed
goods for later crafting.
Tailors can equip shears (breakable) and sharp Shears (unbreakable, 6%
bonus resources).



Tanning Rack (4)

Loom (3)


Post Banner(10)
Pennant Banner (l8)

Processed Materials

Twine (1)
Leather (5)

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



Tunic (5)
Gambeson (9)
Brigandine (14)
Leather Boots (7)

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Hard Worker: 1.25x Work Speed (all but removing stumps)
Lazy: slower EXP gain than normal.
Strong back: Can carry more weight without the reduction on speed.
Weak Back: Haul less items in their inventory than normal; greatly decrease movement speed the fuller the units
inventory becomes
Bad Vision: -1 Line of Sight Radius, -8 levels on accuracy check
Good Vision: +0.5 Line of Sight radius, +8 levels on accuracy check
Charismatic: slower rate of fatigue
Courageous: 1.5x Attack Damage, if not archer, infantry, or forager, guaranteed to fight
Disloyal: Higher chance of leaving town at low morale
Overeater: +2 food eaten every 2-4 hours
Clumsy: +0.2% chance to break tools/weapons, +20% chance to fall off ladder
Quick Learner: 1.25x EXP
Cowardly: If is not archer, infantry, or forager, guaranteed flee from enemies
Athletic: Faster movement speed
Sluggish: Slower movement speed

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



*All Raw Materials, Processed Materials, and seeds can be bought from merchants or brought in by new settlers.

Obtainable from:


Farms or purchase from merchants.

Dependent on the levels of

farmers: 0-3

Farms or purchase from merchants.

Dependent on the levels of

farmers: 0-3

Farms or purchase from merchants.

Dependent on the levels of

farmers: 0-3

Farms or purchase from merchants.

Dependent on the levels of

farmers: 0-3

Farms or purchase from merchants.

Dependent on the levels of

farmers: 0-3

Farms or purchase from merchants.

Dependent on the levels of

farmers: 0-3

Farms or purchase from merchants.

Dependent on the levels of

farmers: 0-3

Farms or purchase from merchants.

Dependent on the levels of

farmers: 0-3

Carrot Seed
Corn Seed
Cotton Seed
Flax Seed

Potato Seed
Pumpkin Seed
Turnip Seed
Wheat Seed



Obtainable from:


farming, foraging, herding, and


Dependent on the level of the

farmer: 1 4

Farming: pumpkin seeds, carrot

seeds, corn seeds, potato seeds, and
turnip seeds.

Dependent on the level of the

Herder : 1 9

Herding: chickens eggs or

slaughtering sheeps, boars, and

Dependent on the level of the

Forager : 1 - 4

Forager: Berry bushes

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Mining Grass tiles

Dependent on the level of the

miner : 1 - 4

Mining stone tiles from mountain

ranges, valleys, and from depth 1-5

Dependent on the level of the

miner : 1 - 4

Cutting Mature/saplings trees

Dependent on the level of the

woodchopper: 1 - 9

Mining beach, under water, coastal


Dependent on the level of the

miner : 1 - 4

From Skeletons

Dependent on the level of the

Forager : 1 - 4

From Chickens

Dependent on the level of the

Herder and Forager: 1 - 9

From Spider-Type Monsters

Dependent on the level of the

Forager : 1 - 4

Can be mined from Mountains,

valleys, depth 1-5

Dependent on the level of the

miner : 1 - 4

Forager and herders need to be

equipped with a knife or bow to
harvest from Boars, chicken, wolves,

Dependent on the level of the

Forager and Herder : 1 - 4


Raw Stone

Raw Wood




Spider Silk


Animal Hide

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Animal fur

Forager need to be equipped with a

knife or bow to harvest from Boar,
wolves, sheep

Dependent on the level of the

Forager and Herder : 1 - 4

Herders can farm these from the

boars with a shear at certain time


Forager and herders need to be

equipped with a knife or bow to
harvest from chicken, wolves, boar,
and sheep after killing them.

Dependent on the level of the

Forager and Herder : 1 - 4

Can be obtained from wheat farms

by farming it with a farmer, a hoe,
and the seed.

Dependent on the level of the

Forager and Farmer : 1 - 4

Can also be obtained through

foragers by foraging wheat grass
with a knife.
Flax Fiber

Can be obtained from wheat farms

by farming it with a farmer, a hoe,
and the seed.

Dependent on the level of the

farmer: 1 4


Can be obtained from wheat farms

by farming it with a farmer, a hoe,
and the seed.

Dependent on the level of the

farmer: 1 4

Equip the herder with a shear to

collect wool from the sheep at
certain time intervals

Dependent on the level of the

Herder : 1 9

Can be obtain from Bushes and trees

when being cut down by
woodchoppers or foraged by

Dependent on the level of the

Woodchopper : 1 3

Scrap Metal

Can be obtained from dead Goblins

and migrants with a forager.

Dependent on how much they

spawn with and level: 1- 8

Tin Ore

Can be mined from mountains,

valleys, and depth 1-5

Dependent on the level of the

miner : 1 - 4

Copper Ore

Can be mined from mounts, valleys,

and depth 1-5

Dependent on the level of the

miner : 1 - 4

Iron Ore

Can be mined from mounts, valleys,

and depth 1-5

Dependent on the level of the

miner : 1 - 4

Silver Ore

Can be mined from mounts, valleys,

and depth 1-5

Dependent on the level of the

miner : 1 - 4

Gold Ore

Can be mined from mounts, valleys,

and depth 1-5

Dependent on the level of the

miner : 1 - 4

Mithril Ore

Can be mined from mounts, valleys,

and depth 1-5

Dependent on the level of the

miner : 1 - 4



Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough





Crafted From:


Requires a forge, a
blacksmith, a
hammer, and a tong

Requires level 4 blacksmith

Amount crafted from

copper: 2 coins

Materials Needed:
8 Copper Ore

Amount crafted from

Silver and Gold: 4

Requires level 6 blacksmith
Materials Needed:
4 Silver Ore
Requires level 8 blacksmith
Materials Needed:
1 Gold Ore

Strong Timber


Requires a
Carpenter, an axe,
and a Timbering

Requires level 2 carpenter

Requires a
Carpenter, an axe,
and a Timbering

Requires level 10-carpenter

Requires a Tailor
and his bare hands

Requires level 1 tailor

2 raw wood

4 raw wood

1 Animal Fur
Requires level 2 tailor:
2 Flax Fiber

Amount crafted from

raw wood: 4 timber

Amount crafted from

raw wood: 4 strong

Amount crafted from

Animal fur or spider silk:
2 Twine
Amount crafted from
Flax fiber: 1 Twine

Requires level 5 tailor:
1 Spider Silk

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



Requires a Tailor
and his bare hands

Requires level 5 tailor

4 Twine

Amount crafted from

twine or leather: 1 rope

Requires level 8 tailor:
1 leather

Requires a Stone
mason, a hammer,
and a workbench

Requires a level 6 stone


Amount Crafted: 4

Materials Needed:
3 raw stones
1 dirt


Requires a Stone
mason, a hammer, a
workbench, and a

Requires a level 3 stone


Amount crafted: 4 brick

Materials Needed:
3 raw stone
1 dirt


Requires a tailor,
shears, and a loom

Requires level 3 tailor

1 wool
3 cotton

Amount crafted from

wool: 2 cloth
Amount crafted from
cotton or flax fiber: 1

4 Flax fiber

Standard Ingot

Requires a tailor, a
tanning rack, and

Requires level 5 tailor

Requires a level 1
blacksmith, a
hammer, a tong, and
a forge

Materials Needed:

1 Animal Hide

2 copper ore

Amount crafted from

animal hide: 1 leather
Amount crafted from
copper ore or scrap
metal: 1 standard ingot

Req. level 3 blacksmithMaterials Needed:
2 Scrap Metal

Solid Ingot

Requires a
blacksmith, a
hammer, a tong, and
a forge

Req. level 6 blacksmith Materials Needed:

Amount crafted in
general: 1 solid ingot per

2 Iron ore
Req. level 7 blacksmithMaterials Needed:
1 Tin ore
1 standard Ingot

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Strong ingot

Requires a
blacksmith, a
hammer, a tong, and
a forge

Req. level 13 blacksmithMaterials Needed:

Amount crafted in
general: 1 strong ingot
per order

1 Coal
1 Solid Ingot
Req. level 16 blacksmithMaterials Needed:
2 Mithril Ore



Wooden Gear

Metal Gear


Requires a tailor and

his bare hands

Requires level 8 tailor

Requires a
Carpenter, a
hammer, and an
artisan workbench

Requires level 9 carpenter

Requires a
Carpenter, a
hammer, and an
artisan workbench

Requires level 12 carpenter

Requires a
blacksmith, a
hammer, a tong, an
artisan workbench,
and a forge

Requires level 14 blacksmith

Requires a
blacksmith, a
hammer, a tong, an
artisan workbench,
and a forge

Require level 8 blacksmith

2 Cloths

Amount crafted: 1

Amount crafted: 1 wheel

1 standard ingot
2 Timber

1 Timber

Materials Needed:

Amount crafted: 1
wooden gear

Amount crafted: 1 metal


1 Solid Ingot

Amount crafted: 1 chain

Materials Needed:
2 Standard Ingot

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough




Crafted by:


Lights up the surrounding

when equipped. Used for wall

A carpenter with a

Requires level 4
Materials Needed:
1 Cloth
1 fat
1 raw wood


Used for butchering animals,

and Wild Wheat. Can be used
in combat.

A blacksmith with a
hammer, a forge, and
an anvil.

Requires level 3
Materials needed
1 raw wood
1 Standard Ingot

Sharp Knife

Unbreakable; 6 % Bonus

A blacksmith with a
hammer, a forge, and
an anvil.

Requires level 9
Materials Needed:
1 raw wood
1 solid Ingot


Unbreakable; Used to shear

boars and sheeps fur

A blacksmith with a
hammer, a forge, and
a workbench

Requires level 4
Materials needed
3 Standard Ingot

Sharp Shears

Unbreakable; 6 % Bonus

A blacksmith with a
hammer, a forge, and
a workbench

Requires level 10
Materials needed:
3 Solid Ingot

Stone Tongs

Breakable; used by Blacksmith

and Stone Mason for forge

A stone mason with a


Requires level 1 stone

Materials Needed:
3 raw stone

Solid tongs

A blacksmith with a
hammer, a forge, and
an anvil.

Requires level 6
Materials Needed:
1 raw wood
3 standard ingot

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Strong Tongs

A blacksmith with a
hammer, a forge, and
an anvil.

Requires level 10
Materials needed:
1 raw wood
3 Solid Ingot

Stone Hammer

Breakable; Used for building

any objects or building

A stone mason with

his bare hands

Requires level 1 stone

Materials needed:
1 raw wood
3 raw stone

Solid Hammer

A blacksmith with a
hammer, a forge, and
an anvil.

Requires level 6
Materials Needed:
1 raw wood
3 standard ingot

Strong Hammer

A blacksmith with a
hammer, a forge, and
an anvil.

Requires level 10
Materials needed:
1 raw wood
3 Solid Ingot

Breakable; Used by miners

Stone Pick

A stone mason with a


Requires level 1 stone

Materials Needed:
1 raw wood
4 raw stone

Solid Pick

Unbreakable; 4% Bonus

A blacksmith with a
hammer, a forge, and
an anvil.

Requires level 6
Materials Needed:
1 raw wood
4 standard ingot

Sharp Pick

Unbreakable; 8% Bonus

A blacksmith with a
hammer, a forge, and
an anvil.

Requires level 10
Materials Needed:
1 raw wood

Stone Axe

Breakable; Used by Wood

choppers and Carpenters

A stone mason with a


4 Solid Ingot
Requires level 1 stone
Materials Needed:
2 raw wood
2 raw stone

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Solid Axe

Unbreakable; 4% Bonus

A blacksmith with a
hammer, a forge, and
an anvil.

Requires level 6
Materials needed:
2 raw wood
2 standard ingot

Sharp Axe

Unbreakable; 8% Bonus

A blacksmith with a
hammer, a forge, and
an anvil.

requires level 10
Materials Needed:
2 raw wood
2 Solid Ingot

Fishing Rod

Breakable; Used by

A carpenter with a
hammer and a

Requires level 3
Materials needed:
2 twine
2 raw wood

Strong Fishing Rod

Unbreakable; 6 % Bonus

A carpenter with a
hammer and a

Requires level 11
Materials needed:
3 Twine
1 Timber

Breakable; Used by Farmers

Stone Hoe

A stone mason with a


Requires level 1 stone

Materials Needed: 1
raw wood
2 raw stone

Solid Hoe

Unbreakable; 4% Bonus

A blacksmith with a
hammer, a forge, and
an anvil.

Requires level 6
Materials needed:
1 raw wood
2 standard ingot

Strong Hoe

Unbreakable; 8% Bonus

A blacksmith with a
hammer, a forge, and
an anvil.

Requires level 10
Materials needed:
1 raw wood
2 Solid Ingot

Unbreakable; Used by Herders

Herding Crook

A carpenter with a
hammer and a

Requires level 2
Materials Needed:
3 raw wood

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough




Crafted by:


8 Damage

A carpenter with a

Requires level 1


Materials Needed:
2 raw wood
Short sword

15 damage, 2% Critical

A blacksmith with a
hammer and tong
using a forge and anvil.

Requires level 5
Materials needed:
1 raw wood
2 standard ingot


18 Damage, 5% Critical

A blacksmith with a
hammer and tong
using a forge and anvil.

Requires level 8
Materials needed:
1 leather
1 raw wood
2 standard ingot


20 Damage, 10% Critical


A blacksmith with a
hammer and tong
using a forge and anvil.

Requires level 12
Materials needed:
1 leather
4 Solid ingot

Broad sword

30 Damage, 10% Critical


A blacksmith with a
hammer and tong
using a forge and anvil.

Requires level 16
Materials needed:
1 leather
5 strong ingot

15 range, 5% Critical Chance

Short bow

A carpenter with a
hammer and a

Requires level 5
Materials needed:
1 Twine
2 raw wood


20 Range, 10% Critical


A carpenter with a
hammer and a

Requires level 9
Materials needed:
1 twine
1 Timber

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Compound Bow

22.5 Range, 15% Critical


A carpenter with a
hammer and a

Requires level 12
Materials needed:
1 leather
1 Twine
2 Timber

Long Bow

30 Range, 25% Critical


A carpenter with a
hammer and a

Requires level 17
Materials needed:
1 leather
2 Twine
2 Strong Timber


10 Damage, 6% Critical

A blacksmith with a
hammer and tong
using a forge and anvil.

Requires level 5
Materials needed:
2 raw wood
1 standard ingot


12 Damage, 10% Critical


A blacksmith with a
hammer and tong
using a forge and anvil.

Requires level 10
Materials Needed:
2 raw wood
2 standard ingot


15 Damage, 16% Critical


A blacksmith with a
hammer and tong
using a forge and anvil.

Requires level 13
Materials needed:
1 Timber
2 Solid Ingot


22 Damage, 20% critical


A blacksmith with a
hammer and tong
using a forge and anvil.

Requires level 18
Materials needed:
2 Timber
3 Strong ingots

10 Damage
Stone Arrow

A carpenter with a

Requires level 1
Materials needed:
1 feather
1 raw stone
1 raw wood

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


14 Damage
Bodkin Arrow

A carpenter with a
hammer and a

Requires level 5
Materials needed:
1 feather
1 standard ingot
1 raw wood

20 Damage
Broad-head Arrow

A carpenter with a
hammer and a

Requires level 10
Materials needed:
1 feather
1 solid ingot
1 raw wood

24 Damage, Causes fires

Fire Arrow

A carpenter with a
hammer and a

Requires level 8
Materials needed:
1 feather
2 Cloth
1 raw wood

200 Damage
Ballista Bolt

A carpenter with a
hammer and a

Requires level 14
Materials needed:
2 Strong ingot
1 Strong timber

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough




Crafted by:


4 % Damage Protection

Crafted by tailor with

shears, a hammer, and
a loom.

Requires level 5 tailor

Tunic (Light)

Materials needed:
4 Cloth

8 % Damage Protection
Gambeson (Light)

Crafted by tailor with

shears, a hammer, and
a loom.

Requires level 9 tailor

Materials needed:
5 Cloth

12 % Damage Protection
Brigandine (Light)

Crafted by tailor with

shears, a hammer, and
a loom.

Requires level 14 tailor

Materials needed:
1 standard Ingot
2 Leather
3 Cloth

16% Damage Protection

Hauberk (Heavy)

Crafted by a
blacksmith with a
hammer, forge, and an

Requires level 6
Materials needed:
2 leather
3 Solid Ingot

22% Damage Protection

Breast plate (Heavy)

Crafted by a
blacksmith with a
hammer, forge, and an

Requires level 13
Materials needed:
2 leather
3 Strong Ingot

28% Damage Protection

Cuirass (Heavy)

Crafted by a
blacksmith with a
hammer, forge, and an

Requires level 20
Materials needed:
3 leather
7 Strong ingot

4 % Damage Protection

Crafted by tailor with

shears, a hammer, and
a loom.

8 % Damage Protection

Crafted by a
blacksmith with a
hammer, forge, and an

Arming Cap (Light)

Chainmail Coif (Light)

Requires level 7
Materials needed:
2 Cloth
2 Solid Ingot

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


12 % Damage Protection
Spangen-Helm (Light)

Crafted by a
blacksmith with a
hammer, forge, and an

Requires level 9
Materials needed:
2 Cloth
4 Strong Ingot

16% Damage Protection

Barbute-Helm (Heavy)

Crafted by a
blacksmith with a
hammer, forge, and an

Requires level 7
Materials needed:
1 leather
2 Solid Ingot

22% Damage Protection

Great Helm (Heavy)

Crafted by a
blacksmith with a
hammer, forge, and an

Requires level 14
Materials needed:
1 leather
2 cloth
4 Strong ingot

28% Damage Protection

Armet (Heavy)

Crafted by a
blacksmith with a
hammer, forge, and an

Requires level 20
Materials needed:
1 leather
2 cloth
5 Strong ingot

4 % Speed Increase
Pattens (Light)

Crafted by a carpenter
with a hammer and a

Requires level 3
Materials needed:
2 Cloth
2 Raw Wood

8% Speed Increase
Leather Boots (Light)

Crafted by tailor with

shears, a hammer, and
a loom.

Requires level 7 tailor

Materials needed:
4 Leather

8 % Damage Protection
Sabatons (Heavy)

Crafted by a
blacksmith with a
hammer, forge, and an

Requires level 8
Materials needed:
4 Solid Ingot
3 Leather

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


12 % Damage Protection
Cuisses (Heavy)

Crafted by a
blacksmith with a
hammer, forge, and an

Requires level 13
Materials needed:
4 Strong Ingot
3 Leather

16% Damage Protection

Greaves (Heavy)

Crafted by a
blacksmith with a
hammer, forge, and an

Requires level 20
Materials needed:
6 Strong Ingot
3 Leather

5 % Block Chance

Crafted by a carpenter
with a hammer and a

Requires level 6
Materials needed:
1 Standard Ingot
3 Timber

10% Block Chance

Kite Shield

Crafted by a
blacksmith with a
hammer, forge, and an

Requires level 9
Materials needed:
1 leather
3 Solid Ingot

15% Block Chance

Heater Shield

Crafted by a
blacksmith with a
hammer, forge, and an

Requires level 14
Materials needed:
1 leather
4 Strong Ingot

20% Block Chance

Tower Shield

Crafted by a
blacksmith with a
hammer, forge, and an

Requires level 19
Materials needed:
1 leather
6 Strong Ingot

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



Requires level 1 stone mason
Materials needed:
2 raw stone
2 raw wood

Stone Anvil:

Requires a level 3 stone mason

Materials needed:
2 Twine
4 raw stone
4 raw wood

Stone Forge:

Requires a level 1 stone mason

Materials needed:
12 raw stone
4 dirt

Feeding Trough:

Requires level 3 stone mason

Materials needed:

Plaster, Brick, shears, sharp shears,
fishing rod, strong fishing rod,
herding crook, Shortbow, Self-bow,
Compound bow, long bow, bodkin
arrow, broadhead arrow, fire
arrow, ballista bolt, pattens, and
Knife, sharp knife, solid tongs,
strong tongs, strong hammer, solid
hammer, solid pick, sharp pick,
solid axe, sharp axe, solid hoe,
strong hoe, Shortsword, Gladius,
Spatha, Broadsword, spear, voulge,
glaive, halberd, Hauberk,
breastplate, Cuirass, chainmail coif,
spangenhelm, barbute helm, great
helm, armet, sabatons, cuisses,
greaves, kite shield, heater shield,
and tower shield.
Coins, Brick, standard ingot, solid
ingot, Strong ingot, Metal gear,
Chain, shears, sharp shears, solid
tongs, strong tongs, strong
hammer, solid hammer, solid pick,
sharp pick, solid axe, sharp axe,
solid hoe, strong hoe, Shortsword,
Gladius, Spatha, Broadsword,
spear, voulge, glaive, halberd,
Hauberk, breastplate, Cuirass,
chainmail coif, spangenhelm,
barbute helm, great helm, armet,
sabatons, cuisses, greaves, kite
shield, heater shield, and tower
Herders will use this to
automatically feed animals by
putting wheat in.

8 raw stone
Tanning Rack:

Requires level 4 tailor


Materials needed:
4 Timber
8 Twine

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



Requires level 4 tailor

Materials needed:

Cloth, Tunic, Gambeson,

brigandine, arming cap, and leather

1 raw rock
8 twine
4 timber
Timbering Bench:

Requires level 1 Carpenter

Timber, Strong Timber

Materials Needed:
2 raw stone
6 raw wood

Requires level 10 Carpenter

Materials needed:

wheel, Wooden Gear, Metal gear,

and Chain

2 raw stone
12 Timber

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Dungeon Door:
Requires level 12 blacksmith
Materials needed:
4 Solid Ingot
6 Timber
Castle Arch Gate:
Requires level 7 engineer
5 standard Ingot
10 Strong Timber
Castle Gate:
Requires level 7 engineer
6 Strong Ingot
8 Strong Timber
Timber Door:
Requires level 1 Carpenter
8 Timber
Braced Door:
Requires level 5 Carpenter
2 Standard ingot
6 Timber
Studded Door:
Requires level 9 Carpenter
3 Standard ingot
6 Timber
Fence Gate:
Requires level 2 Carpenter
3 raw wood

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Requires level 6 stone mason
Materials Needed:
2 raw wood
4 raw stone
12 bricks
Straw bed:
Requires level 2 farmer
Materials needed:
1 Animal Hide
8 Wheat
Wooden Chair:
Requires level 4 carpenter
2 Timber
Blanketed Bed:
Requires level 5 carpenter
8 wheat
6 cloth
4 timber
Comfortable bed:
Requires level 16 carpenter
12 Cloth
20 Cotton
6 Timber
Medium Table:
Requires level 5 carpenter
4 timber
Long Table:
Requires level 6 carpenter
8 Timber
Requires level 6 carpenter
4 timber
Small Bookcase:
Requires level 7 carpenter
4 Timber
Large Bookcase:
Requires level 8 carpenter
8 Timber

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Archery Target:
Requires level 2 engineer
1 Timber
4 Twine
6 Wheat
Training Dummy:
Requires level 3 engineer
1 timber
4 Twine
6 Wheat
Requires level 12 engineer
2 Wooden Gears
4 Ropes
4 Strong Ingots
14 Strong Timbers

Requires level 1 wood chopper
Materials needed:
1 raw stone
3 raw wood
Wall Sconce:
Requires level 5 blacksmith
Materials needed:
1 torch
1 Standard ingot
Lamp Post:
Requires level 7 Carpenter
1 fat
2 Twine
1 Standard Ingot
4 timber

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Stone Bench:
Requires level 4 stone mason
Materials Needed:
3 raw stone
Requires level 11 stone mason
Materials Needed:
8 raw stone
Requires level 13 stone mason
Materials Needed:
2 ropes
5 timber
4 raw stone
2 dirt
Requires level 2 wood chopper
Materials needed:
1 seedling
Requires level 5 wood chopper
Materials needed:
2 seedlings
Requires level 7 wood chopper
Materials Needed:
1 seedling
Post Banner:
Requires level 10 tailor
1 Timber
5 Cloth
Pennant Banner:
Requires level 8 tailor
1 Timber
4 Cloth

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Storage (Masonry) Masonry Stockpile
Requires level 1 miner
Materials Needed:
20 raw stones
Upgrade (req. level 3 Miner)
Materials needed:
35 raw stone
Upgrade (req. level 4 Miner)
Materials needed:
50 raw stones
Storage (Wheat) Hay Pile:
Requires level 1 farmer
Materials needed:
8 wheat
Requires level 3 farmer
Materials needed:
8 wheat
Storage (Wood) Raw Wood Stack:
Requires level 1 wood chopper
Materials needed:
6 raw wood
Requires level 2 wood chopper
Materials needed:
6 raw wood
Requires level 3 wood chopper
Materials needed:
6 raw wood
Storage (Wood) Timber Pile:
Requires level 2 carpenter
8 Timber
Storage (Armor) Armor Chest:
Requires level 4 blacksmith
Materials needed:
1 Standard ingot
3 Timber

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Storage (Metal) Mine cart:

Requires level 2 blacksmith
Materials Needed:
3 Timber
Requires level 3 blacksmith
Materials needed:
2 standard ingot
Storage (Metal) Ingot Stock:
Requires level 2 blacksmith
Materials Needed:
2 Standard Ingot
Requires level 3 blacksmith
Materials needed:
4 Standard ingot
Storage (Treasure) Coin Pile:
Requires level 1 trader
Materials needed:
24 Coins
Requires level 3 trader
Materials needed:
60 coins
Storage (Treasure) Treasure Chest:
Requires level 5 carpenter
Materials needed:
2 Solid Ingot
3 Timber
Storage (food/seed) Fish Rack:
Requires level 1 fisherman
Materials needed:
1 rope
3 raw wood
Storage (food/seed) Food Crate:
Requires level 1 carpenter
Materials Needed:
3 Timber

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Storage (food/seed) Food Barrel:

Requires level 5 carpenter
Materials needed:
1 Standard ingot
4 Timber
Storage (Weapon) Weapon Rack:
Requires level 3 Carpenter
Materials needed:
4 Timber
Storage (Tools) Tools Chest:
Requires level 3 carpenter
Materials needed:
3 Timber
Storage (Miscellaneous) Resource Crate:
Requires level 2 carpenter
Materials needed:
3 timber

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough




Chicken are the cutest and delectable animal to eat, but these guys love to jump
out of their pen way too much!
They provide you with food, feather, and sometimes animal fat.
You can butcher them and kill them early if you are desperate for food in the beginning Piii~
Renewable source of feathers, eggs (food), and animal fat (hardly drops).
They eat wheat and only wheat. Wheat can be obtained from Wild Wheat, wheat farms, merchants, and
incoming settlers. Herders will place wheat into Feeding troughs that are built by stone mason.

Boars are rugged, burly animals that provide you with animal hair, fur, and fat.
Renewable source of animal hair.
Boars, when butchered, drops animal fat, animal hide, animal hair, and food.
Animal hair can be obtained after the boar turns dark brown with a shear.


Sheep are cute, fluffy, and full of life.

Renewable source of wool. Can be used in place of cotton to create cloth.
Sheep drops animal fat, wool, animal hide, and food when butchered.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



There are no images for fish so here is one. Fishes are abundant and can only be
found near rivers and coastal areas.
Fisherman profession are the only one who can catch these with fishing rods.
Renewable source of food; Can only be caught on river/coastal/ocean maps.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


*Mob Monsters that spawns on the edges of the map.
**** Spiders will ignore the undead and hide from necromancers out of fear of fire***
***But the harbinger of death kills all***
Kills everything, but spiders unless boss monster tells them to.

Servants of the Necromancer. Oh The necromancer

Skeletons Infantry comes in three types: Regular skeletons, Skeletons with red fist, and Heavy Skeletons.
From left to right: Weakest to strongest.
Regular Skeleton: Health: Medium, Attack: low, Defense: none
Skeletons with red fist: Health: Medium, Attack: Medium, Defense: none
Heavy Skeleton: Health: Medium, attack: high, Defense: low.
Drops: bones
Skeletons are more likely to attack at night, and receive a boost to vision and mobility after nightfall.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



+ Fireballs =

Necromancer, the lord of the undead, the ones who burn down villages whenever it pleases.
A boss monster with the ability to shoot dark fire balls and burn your town and forest down to the ground.
Fire balls will 1-2 shot your units even with armor. Only thick walls can protect your men.
Health: Medium, defense: none, Attack: High
Ability: Dark Fire ball
Drops: Nothing
It spawns the map has a large mod of skeleton + High wealth level. When spawning, the Necromancer will
gather all the idle skeletons on the map and attack you all at once.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


***Arachnid Monsters will not attack and stay in their holes that they dug.
***Only attacks when someone walks by its lair or when threatened. Only Attacks you!

Underlings of the Spider Matriarch.

There are two types of spider: Normal Spider(original size: small and the venomous spider (slightly
Health: low, Defense: none, Attack: low; The second type has the Ability: Venomous bite
Drops: Spider Silk
The weakest of the mob monsters, but can be deadly depending on which type is attacking you.
You dont need a fully armed settler to kill them, but be wary of them invading you at night by climbing over
your defenses.

Boss spider type, likes to collect spiders from around your map before attacking, high
damage and health, but weak to fire arrows.
Health: high (2300?), Attack: High, Defense: None
Drops: Spider silk
Their attack speed is extra fast, and can kill soldier in full steel armor on 2-3 hits. They can
climb walls fast, and move faster than wolves.
Spawns when there is a large presence of spiders on the map + Wealth.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


***Attracted to roads & light
*** Cut down trees to create campfires at night, kill live stocks, and eat non-aggressive animals.
***Only Attacks you and non-aggressive animals

Goblin Archers are the weakest of the goblin race. They are weak in defense, but make
up for it with their deadly fire arrows. Be careful of fire!
Attack Power: low (Short Bow), Defense Power: none, Health: Low
Ability: Fire Arrow, Demolition: Ability to destroy structures
Drops: Fire Arrows/ Stone Arrows, Scrap iron
Goblin Marauders are the short swordsman practitioners of the goblin race. Their main
front liners and their basic infantry unit. They can tame and ride wolves to boost their mobility
and damage.
Health: Medium. Defense: none, Attack: low
Ability: Wolf rider
Drops: scrap metal
A goblin mounted on a wolf. Extremely mobile and aggressive, generally takes
over twice as long to destroy. Requires you to kill the wolf first, then the marauder.
Spawns randomly and if a marauder meets an alpha wolf.
Health: Medium, Attack: Medium, Defense: none
Ability: Increase Mobility, double-team: Attacks you twice.
Drops: animal hair, animal fat, scrap metal, and animal hide.
Goblin Ravagers are two-handed sword specialist with jagged weapons on both hands.
Strong and deadly against unarmored units because of its ability to do critical blows. They
can tame and ride wolves to boost their mobility and damage.
Health: Medium, Defense: low, Attack: Medium
Ability: Critical blow: 5% Critical Damage
Drops: Scrap metal

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



*** Wolves are more attracted by animals, especially livestock and freshly hunted wild animals.
*** Wolves can form packs with other wolves in to a large force, but the problem is they only attack you.

Darker Brown wolves are the main attacking force of wolf pack. They run around
eating livestocks and forest animals and raising havoc. Only the gray wolves can
control them and goblins to tame them.
Health: low, Attack: low, Defense: None
Ability: Pack Instinct; Goblins friend: Allows goblins to ride on their backs.
Drops: Animal Hair, Animal hide, and Animal fat


Known as the alpha wolves of the packs. They run around eating livestocks while
forming packs with darker brown wolves. Stronger than normal darker brown
Health: low, Attack: medium, Defense: none
Ability: Pack Instinct; Goblins friend: Allows goblins to ride on their backs.
Drops: Animal Hair, Animal hide, and Animal fat

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


When I start a new game, I play on large for the ability to build lots of villages and farm lands. What I look
for in the World map are 3 things:
1) Terrain: water, lots of trees, and hill/mountains.
2) An abundant of different types of ores: important iron and tin.
3) And does it have Chicken? Yes chicken.
After loading in to the selected area of preferred, I would look for an area on the map that has defensive terrain
such as a peninsula, between rock mountains, or if you can minimize the amount of entrances in to your base.

As you can see, I chose to build on a corner near the ocean water. I dictated in which way enemies on land can attack
me by choosing the area that deem safer than building straight in the open. Never build on the edges of the map
because monsters will spawn in your base, on top of walls, and even underground if you have a mine.
After choosing the area, I check my seven settlers traits and profession level. The trait I am looking for is quick
learner (This trait allows your settler to gain experience faster than normal.). Afterwards, I then look at all my settlers
profession level. The reason why I am doing this is to make sure before the game starts, I have set up a way to use
my settlers more efficiently. I reallocate my settlers to these professions:
1) 2 farmers (one with quick learner); quick learner can be level 1-2 and the other at least 2-3.
2) 2 wood choppers (These guys are the ones with lowest profession levels that doesnt matter early

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


3) 1 forager (to collect food for the first 2-3 days. To gain at least a total of 150 food.)
4) 2 Miners; ones with the highest level of that profession.
5) 1 settler as a go between profession of both carpenter and stone mason.
I then designate a farming area, mining area, set my wood choppers to independently chop trees, and started
focusing on getting at least 10 in stock for all basic tools. I make sure my stone mason is constantly maintaining the
amount of tools set. I also always set up my trackers for inventory to make sure I am always aware of what I need.
1) For farmers, they are farming wheat seeds and certain type of seed that produce food. I put the wheat
seed/flax to 4 x 3 and the food seed to 4x 2. If I only have food seeds, then I create 2 plots of land of 4x
2. This is so you know your farmers will have a constant flow of work to gain experience till level 7.
Wheat is for chicken herding, and flax is for creating twine used to make fishing pools for fishing.
2) I designate lands for my miners in focus of building rivers and lakes to beautify the area while collecting
much needed stone, dirt, and minerals.
3) My stone mason is set on auto-maintaining my stone tools and my wood choppers are chopping away
at trees.
4) Forager is set to auto pick berries.
On my 6-7 day with this, I am to have a sustain food system with my farmers reach level 7-9. My forager can now be
put to become a carpenter to create timber, while my stone mason starts creating bricks. At this time, I would focus
on building a chicken farm and continually dig out my landscape to create moat-like rivers. Once I have gained
enough wheat, I would build the coop, and gather at least 6 chickens. Afterwards I would build walls and city gates
so that I can change one of my wood chopper into a blacksmith. With this set-up, I am able to have a renewable
source of food and wood, and a huge accumulation of dirt, stones, and ore on the days afterwards.
To survive against attacks, I tend to micro the settlers in order to pull the monsters towards my group of 6 settlers
so I can kill the enemy faster by mobbing. After making sure my man-made river is depleted of minerals and stone,
I let the water flow through the whole moat. After you are done, you can finally focus on covering up areas with
walls, towers, and gates. After that, I would start a towns hall, connect roads, and start gathering more settlers
while I smelt with my blacksmith to start crafting weapons and armor for my army.
(Hint: Use always keep a certain # in stock for stone tools and have a stone mason auto build the tools whenever it
gets low. Reduces macro management at early level. Only do this after you create tools. Prioritize any needed tools
by queueing them in manually so workers can focus on that item first.)
(Hint: Make sure to use wood for the forge. Burning coal is a waste and it is not a renewable source of material.
Make sure to use the seedlings youve obtained for a tree farm before using them for decorations.)
(Hint: You can use seedlings to create a logging camp and set your wood chopper to auto-cut those trees so that
they dont wander out into the dangerous wilderness.)
(Hint: Only start an animal farm after you have a wheat farm producing more wheat than the animals consuming
wheat. Gathering chickens are the most important out of the animals for feather.)
(Hint: After building your defense, use your archers to whittle down your enemies that are approaching so that when
your infantries do attack, they wont have a hard time finishing them off.)

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


(Hint: Fire arrows are great at killing spider Monarchs, but it comes with environmental dangers called forest fire.)
(Hint: Be careful building stronger tools, weapons, or even ingots early since it will increase your towns wealth,
which in turn increases the monster spawn on the map.)
(Hint: Be careful building stronger tools, weapons, or even ingots early since it will increase your towns wealth,
which in turn increases the monster spawn on the map.)


When creating defense, I would focus on funneling enemies towards one area at first. This will make it
easier for you to defend and not need for you to reallocate yourself to other areas of the attack. I normally build a
moat or huge lake to divide the outside land, then a long bridge from the entrance to the outside lands.

The picture up here is an example of a man-made river, lake, or moat. You can see that I am even
constructing a man-made valley to help reduce the enemy from climbing over slopes. This is known as the Twoblock rule anything over two blocks, the enemy cant melee you. Enemies will not climb over walls 2 blocks off
the ground; including water. When building, make sure to not leave a random space that enemies can come in.
The only exception are spiders and spider matriarch. To combat these monsters, you have to know that
they are coming or they will devastate your villagers during a fight. I have experiences where during a large battle,
spiders would crawl into my base and kill off my villagers without me noticing they have climbed the walls. Warning:
If a spider Matriarch arrives, burn it to the ground with fire arrows. Matriarchs are boss monsters and will make or
break your town settlement in one go.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


After completing my walls and entrances, I would build towers for my archers so that they can spot enemies
quicker and shoot them at safe distances without worrying that a melee enemy or archer will shoot him/her down.
In those towers, build a food crate and a weapon rack so that you can reduce the movements of your archers.
After the main defenses are done, you would want to build sleeping quarters for your units. Military units
are set on a rotation sleep cycle where one is asleep while the other is awake guarding. Fatigue is a detriment to a
soldier and morale. Build storage facilities, equipment facilities, training facilities, and eating areas so that they can
have high morale and be fully rested.
***Defense preparation complete***
Defensive tactics: Necromancers cannot burn stone and obviously water. So you would want to utilize 1 x
1 x 3 stone walls and create a defensive boundary line where necromancers cant burn your base down. Surround
your base with stone walls as a first defense against necromancers. Also have trees at the edges of your map so it
can be your first warning sign that a necromancer has spawned by the sound of fire.
Kill or be killed: When trying to kill necromancers, make sure to have a shield equipped. This is due to the
ability to take a lucky chance and block a necromancer fireball that instantly kill lightly to no armored units. Also if
there are too many skeletons around the necromancer, slowly but surely, only aggravate the skeletons and kill them
one by one. If you do not, skeletons will surround your units and create a huge morale loss where your troops would
flee rather than fight. After pulling the skeletons away/killing them, the necromancer is left vulnerable to any attacks.
The skeletons are its main defense, but by itself, it has none except for high damage.
Defensive tactics: To defend against a spider matriarch, it is better to let it come to you
(your base) than to go outside and fight it. Spider matriarchs have high attack speed,
damage, and health points and is known to be an end game boss at the moment if it
strikes. This is because it can actually end your game. You need to build your base with
overhangs, your walls need to be 1x 1 x 4 high and from the top block, 2 x 2 x 1 away from
the wall. The reason to have it 2 x 2 x 1 away from the wall is because they cant go over
walls that they cant reach by a block. Spiders cant crawl over walls with long extended
hangings since its unreachable.
Burn: Make sure to equip your archers with fire arrows since the DoT is necessary to kill
it fast.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Farming Mechanic:
1) Your farmers will prefer to collect seeds during harvest until you have enough to provide for the
amount of farming space youve designated.
This means that when you designate a 4x4 farming plot, your farmers will continue harvesting seed until it
reaches the threshold 16 seeds (give or take). After reaching the seed threshold of 16 for that plot of land, the
farmers will start producing food and seeds until the food to seed ratio is stable. Thats why when I first start out. I
would build 4 x 3 plots of lands to reach the seed-to-plot threshold faster and slowly increase from there.
(Hint: At the beginning, immediately start farming with two farmers. If you have wheat seed and food seed (corn,
etc.), start growing wheat with a 4x3 plot of land and food with a 4 x 2. If you have only food seeds, starting
designating two plots of land, both with food 4 x 3.)
How to get more units? Well you offer them gold and they say okay! Yeah right. To gain more settlers,
you need to have high food/wealth levels and roads connected to all 4 edges of the map to a hall. This doesnt mean
you will gain settlers instantly. This is due to the Migrant spawn mechanics of the game.

You need food to feed your population. About 30 food per settler (+/- overeater traits)
You need a town hall that is connected to all 4 edges of the map.
Chances of you getting villagers and merchants are at random.
Each edge connected to your hall by a road gives you +25% chance to get a migrant / merchant

So if you want merchants and settlers to arrive at your town, you need 30 more than the population needs of
food. For example, 7 settlers x 30 food each = 210 + 30 = 240~. You need about 300 food in total to start seeing this
mechanic in action.
Quote from Ethrel: There is a minimum food requirement for migrants. You need to be able to feed the ones
you have as well as the migrant for at least a day in order for a migrant to even spawn.
Villagers go through something like 30 food a day (I don't have the exact number in front of me).

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



1) Roads connecting from the Hall to all 4 edges of the map. (Can be located in the Design tab(pg.7))
2) A trader
3) Gold coins and/or Materials to sell/trade.
Example: A road connected to a hall to an
edge of the map.
The reason for connecting the roads to all 4
edges of the map is because it increases the
arrival rate of merchants and migrating settlers.
Food and wealth level of your town also
plays a role in spawning these merchants.
Halls cannot be removed at the moment, but
can be replaced by designating another area.

The window that pops up when you left click on

the item is where you mark for resource tracking,
selling, and buying of item.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


When you tick buy: This means you want this item, telling your trader
to trade items/gold for that item.
When you tick sell: This means you want to sell the current items to the
merchants that are coming.

When the merchants come, if they have the items, and if you have the gold or item that they want, a trade
pop-up window will pop up like in previous version. In this window, you cant buy more than your storage space or
sell more than your gold space.
If the Pop-up window doesnt come up, that means the trade failed because of these reasons:

The merchant doesnt want to buy your items

He doesnt have what you want.
You have no gold for your trader to buy items off the merchant
Your storage is full.

***If the problem is lack of coins for purchasing or the merchant not having or wanting goods, a bubble will alert
you to that and the system will move on.
Ethrel Quote:
The amounts are randomized based on the amount of product you are giving the merchant -- either goods in the
case of selling or coin in the case of buying. More goods usually equals larger trades. The only exception is that the
merchant will never ever give you more than you can store, be it coins or otherwise.
You control how much you get by manipulating those variables. If you want more stuff, get more coin. If you want to
sell more stuff, make more of whatever it is you are selling. Make sure you have the stockpile space to support trades
in the goods you are trading.
The importance of traders is that they can trade with merchants to get seeds that you do not have. You want to aim
to get at least 1 seed of every type before you start buying random items.

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough



1. A fenced area with a feeding trough built.
2. Designate the inside of the fenced area with the livestock
designation tool.
3. Wheat; Lots of wheat
4. A Herder equipped with a crook, shear, and a knife.

First, you build a livestock area. It can be as small as the image above or even test your creativity and
build a chicken coop or a large barn. As long as it is an enclosed area so that animals dont jump out of the
livestock designation zone. The amount of animals you can domesticate is dependent on the size of the
livestock zone. If the zone is too small and you domesticate over the limit, the animals will start hopping
out of the zone and causing your herders to keep going to grab them and putting them back in.
Finally, after you have built your zone, you can go run around domesticating animals. Livestock animals only
eat wheat. Wheat can be found by foraging Wild Wheat and farming wheat seeds. I normally wait till I have
a sustainable wheat production before domesticating animals. This is because you will lose one worker to
herding and if the herder does not have wheat, they cant fill up the trough. Without wheat, your animals
will die. The most important animal to me is the chicken because they give you food, feathers, and they are

A quote from the dev Ethrel to make it more clear:

To remove the designation zone, right click and click show designation or open design menu to show your
current designations. Left click the spot where the animal pen is and click Remove.
Herders will gather from animals once one of three resource counters reach a number larger than one, and
gathering from an animal will reduce that counter by one, after which it will begin counting up again. Each
counter is tied to a specific resource on each animal independently. That's about all you need to know about
how that works internally, aside from:

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


Amount per second each resource counter ticks up

(Note: This is in real-world seconds.)
Chicken feather: 0.0001 per second
Chicken egg (food): 0.001 per second
Boar hair (animal hair): 0.0001 per second
Sheep wool: 0.00005 per second
What this all means is:
(Note: Real-world time)
These resource counter will go from 0 to 1 in approximately...
Chicken feather: 2 hours, 46.6 minutes
Chicken egg (food): 16.6 minutes
Boar hair (animal hair): 2 hours, 46.6 minutes
Sheep wool: 5 hours, 33.3 minutes

To sum up: It takes a long time. To put it in perspective, 1 hour is approximately 1 in-game day.

EDIT: Note that running at 2X speed also speeds up these counters, so at 2X, the times are shortened by
***Happy Herding***

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough


-Jan 18, 2015 6:18 PM PST Added Professions and details on them (Completed)
- Jan 18, 2015 8:08 PM PST Added Game Mechanic help and UI, Added About t&S (Completed)
-Jan 18, 2015 9:00 PM PST Added Table of contents, Edited the pages to look a little bit less cluttered (Completed);
still editing clutters
-Jan 19, 2015 6:10 AM PST Added beginner guides (Almost there), updated Game Mechanics, Added Traits,
Working on monsters, and items.
-Jan 19, 2015 9:43 Am PST Beginner Guide (Completed), traits (Completed), Items (Completed), Monsters and
Animals (working on it)
-Jan 19, 2015 12:33 PM PST Monster (Complete), Animals (Completed), Final edits (revision & awaiting for critics
and inputs), Farming Technique (complete)
Jan 19, 2015 4:56 PM PST Added Trading Mechanics, Added and edited information
Jan 20, 2015 2:28 PM PST: Updated Guide: Reorganized guide, edited sections to be basic information, all
suggestions and hints moved to beginner guide section, Images for clarification
Jan 20, 2015 4:52 Pm PST: Added Images to game item list (complete), Added images to monster (Only need
picture of Goblin Wolf Rider)
Jan 30, 2015 Updated to New version
Feb 19, 2015 Updated to New version 1.6.3, Updated Guide to be easier to read, added a crafting section for a
listing of all needed materials to build the necessary items, Added construction, Added new images, Planning
feature (adding Hp/damage for monsters and villagers), Added Defense tips for Necromancer and Spider
March 21, 2015 Merged item list and crafting list together to make it easily readable and decipher. Added in
hyperlinks per request, but am unable to add hyperlinks to charts, add images for workshop, increased clarity and
readability. (Still planning to add hp to monsters), Added in herder timer for materials.!

Timber and Stone Guide & Walkthrough

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