Kursus Program Bhs Jerman Intensive

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Intensive German

Studies Program (IGSP)

Target Group
Are you ready to acquire German skills that you can put to
use in the real world? To learn about German culture and
history from within? To experience one of Germanys finest
university cities?

Then come to Marburg!

For students of German who are seeking the opportunity
to live the language and not just learn it in the classroom,
who are looking for language training that goes beyond the
classroom, the Intensive German Studies Program (IGSP)
oers the opportunity to experience Europe, Germany and
especially the Philipps-Universitt at Marburg, along with
the atmosphere and beauty of one of Germanys oldest
university towns.

Further information and Contact

Philipps-Universitt Marburg
International Oce
Deutschhausstr. 11+13
35032 Marburg
Tel.: ++49 (0)6421/2826467
Email: igsp@uni-marburg.de

Learn more about Germany and improve your German language skills while studying with excellent German instructors. Enjoy living in the university community and having
daily interaction with German and international students.




About the Curriculum and Calendar

The program is divided into three parts. You will start with
your first intensive German course for six weeks, then have
a one-week break. Following the break youll take a second
intensive language course for another six weeks, which is
also followed by a one-week break.
The third part of the program is a comprehensive literature
and reading course in German.
The German language courses are integrated in the on-going
language courses at the Philipps-Universitt for international
students who plan to continue their studies in Germany. Excursions to various German cities supplement your classroom experience.
Participants will receive credit from the Philipps-Universitt
Marburg upon successful completion of the program. A certificate of participation and a transcript reflect the course
work completed, enabling a smooth transfer of credit to your
home university or college.

Duration of Program
January May

Registration Deadline
September 30 of previous year

Partners of Marburg University: There are special conditions
for students from Partner Institutions of Marburg University
with student exchange agreements. Please contact your International or Study Abroad Oce.

Room and Board

Single rooms in student dormitories; self-catering plus inexpensive meals available in the students cafeteria

The City of Marburg

The City is an attractive destination for students and tourists from around the world. The backdrop of the historic old
town houses which have remained virtually unchanged
for centuries towers high above the Lahn River Valley. Here
you can stroll through the narrow, cobblestone streets and
stop at a caf for passing time or meeting with friends for
conversation or discussion. A popular tourist destination
is Marburgs castle, enthroned high above the historic old

The University
The Philipps-Universitt Marburg (founded in 1527) is the
oldest Protestant university in the world. Marburg has approximately 86,000 residents. With about 23,000 students
and 6,000 people working for the university, the slogan of
Marburg is:

Other cities may have a university,

Marburg is a university.
The majority of students in Marburg come from all over
Germany. There are also over 30 international partnerships
and exchange agreements that tie the University of Marburg to colleges and universities worldwide. 2,000 scientists and scholars teach and research at Marburg; within
this number are over 400 professors and university lecturers.

The Language Institute

The Studienkolleg Mittelhessen at the University of Marburg
is an institute staed by professionals who specialize in
teaching German language and culture to students from
all over the world.


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