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Young coconut meat is the soft, rich-tasting flesh of green coconuts, produced from

the coconut palm tree. Before they fully mature, coconuts are green, with a thicker,
fibrous outer shell. The juice from young coconuts is a refreshing and hydrating
beverage, while the young meat can be eaten as is or shredded and mixed with the
juice for extra texture
. Dietary Fiber Content
A 1-cup serving of raw coconut has over 7 grams of dietary fiber per serving.
Dietary fiber makes your stools bulkier and softer, helping you pass waste through
your digestive system more easily. A diet high in fiber can reduce the risk of or treat
constipation, hemorrhoids and diverticulosis. The dietary reference intake for
dietary fiber is between 21 and 38 grams per day for adults. In general, the
American diet is low in dietary fiber.
Benefits of Coconut Fats
Young coconut meat is rich in medium-chain fatty acids. Although these are
saturated fats, your body processes them differently from other saturated fats, such
as animal fats. An article published in the Ceylon Medical Journal in 2006 stated
that medium-chain fatty acids, such as those found in coconuts, are used directly by
the body as fuel, not broken down and absorbed like other saturated fats. The
scientists concluded that coconut fats are widely misunderstood in the scientific
community, and further research into potential benefits is called for.
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Nutritional Profile of Young Coconut Meat
Raw young coconut meat has 283 calories per serving, with over 37 grams of water
per 1-cup serving. A 1-cup serving has 26.8 grams of total fat, over 12 grams of
carbohydrate and almost 5 grams of sugars. Raw coconut meat can sometimes be
purchased frozen in Asian or specialty grocers, or it can be harvested directly from a
halved, green coconut.
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Vitamin and Mineral Content

Like coconut water, young coconut meat is a source of potassium and sodium, with
285 and 16 milligrams, respectively, per 1-cup serving. Balanced sodium and
potassium levels help keep your blood pressure at a healthy level. Coconut meat is
also a source of a number of B vitamins, including folate, with 21 micrograms per 1cup serving. B vitamins help your body make energy from food and assist in the
production of red blood Coconut Meat is basically the gel covering the walls of the
coconut insides. To eat coconut meat like a native to tropical regions, slice a narrow
strip of nuts skin to serve as spoon and scrape the meat off with this improvised,
disposable tool.
Study young buko meat
The younger the coconut, the softer the meat will be. Older coconuts will have the
meat harder and sometimes so hard its virtually impossible to scrape it off. The gel
like meat of very young coconuts is my favorite. I dont particularly enjoy the taste
of that hardened mass. Unless the meat is very hard, you should not pass up on
eating it. Health benefits of this gel are undeniable.
If young coconuts are not harvested, the drupe will continue to ripen and the water
inside harden with white flesh of the coconut gaining on volume. Eventually, green
coat will peel off and the water inside will become meat.
Coconut Meat Good News
Coconut meat is very low in Sodium and Cholesterol but rich in Manganese.
Coconut Meat Bad News
Coconut meat is high in Saturate Fat.
Well, thats a bummer. Unfortunately it is true. There is some good news to come
with the bad news, though. While coconut meat IS high in saturated fat, its also
high in medium chain triglycerides, which is also a type of fat, but this type of fat
reduces appetite and may help to eliminate abdominal fat deposits. Early studies of
medium chain triglycerides suggest that these fats are more likely to be burnt off as
fuel, instead of being stored as fat and may boost metabolism enabling the body to
burn excessive fat on its own.
Coconut Meat and Cholesterol Levels
Early studies of coconut oil showed increase in LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins aka
bad cholesterol) levels however this theory was negated with newer studies which
attributed the differing results from the old studies to the use hydrogenated coconut
oil which is known to contain trans fats (commonly associated with heart disease).
Newer studies showed that coconut oil helped to reduce LDL cholesterol levels. The

studies are ongoing but initial research suggests that the ability of coconut oil to
reduce bad cholesterol could be attributed to high concentration of L-Arginine, an
amino acid known for its protective properties against heart disease. More studies
are needed to back up these theories, though.
Coconut Meat as Protection Against Bacteria and Viruses
Just as is the case with coconut water, coconut meat is also rich in Lauric Acid and
Monolaurin, the components known for their bacteria and virus killing properties.
Monolaurin is of particular interest because its shown the ability to eliminate the
growth of the HIV virus which is responsible for dreadful AIDS.
Lauric Acid, the same acid which is found if milk of breastfeeding mothers is the
component which helps boost newborns immunity and protects them against
Despite its high Saturated Fat content, coconut meat has significant health benefits
and is rich in nutrients that help maintain good health and protect against bacteria
and viruses. I eat coconut meat each time I am done drinking coconut water, unless
the nut is already too old and meat too hard. If I get young and fresh coconut with
jello like meat, I wont pass on the opportunity to munch on this yummy
substCoconut Meat is basically the gel covering the walls of the coconut insides. To
eat coconut meat like a native to tropical regions, slice a narrow strip of nuts skin to
serve as spoon and scrape the meat off with this improvised, disposable tool.

The younger the coconut, the softer the meat will be. Older coconuts will have the
meat harder and sometimes so hard its virtually impossible to scrape it off. The gel
like meat of very young coconuts is my favorite. I dont particularly enjoy the taste
of that hardened mass. Unless the meat is very hard, you should not pass up on
eating it. Health benefits of this gel are undeniable.

If young coconuts are not harvested, the drupe will continue to ripen and the water
inside harden with white flesh of the coconut gaining on volume. Eventually, green
coat will peel off and the water inside will become meat.

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