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focusing on quality instead of quantity,

we design and produce exclusive furniture and artwork in limited edition.
100% hand-made in Italy





library & shelf systems








f l a p f l a p

The two elements of the table structure are slotted together one into another
without using the help of glues;
following our philosophy of using only natural products,
the wood has been treated with beeswax only.
solid wood - tempered extra-clear crystal glass
coffee table: L110 W45 H38cm
registered copyright: ADI n R.P. 2691

pag. 5

flap flap - barberini & gunnell

pag. 6

flap flap - barberini & gunnell

o r i g a m i

The inspiration for ORIGAMI came from the observation of a simple piece of paper which,
being folded according to an antique Japanese technique, transforms into complex and
delicate figures of innate fascination and beauty: the origami.
Both, paper with its light sense of touch and opacity and glass with its physical heaviness
and transparency present contrary features but also have a strong attribute in common:
the concept of lightness.
The tables ORIGAMI were created as a result of this theory.

registered copyright: ADI n R.P. 2726

pag. 7

extra-clear crystal glass

executive desk: L220 W90
home office:
L160 W70
coffee table:
L140 W70
side table:
L55 W40


coffee table

origami - barberini & gunnell

origami - barberini & gunnell


pag. 9

origami - barberini & gunnell

origami - barberini & gunnell

pag. 10


origami - barberini & gunnell

origami - barberini & gunnell


pag. 11


side table calcio

origami - barberini & gunnell

origami - barberini & gunnell

origami - barberini & gunnell


pag. 13

pag. 14

origami - barberini & gunnell

side table classic

pag. 16

origami - barberini & gunnell


pag. 17

home office
origami - barberini & gunnell

origami - barberini & gunnell

pag. 18

origami - barberini & gunnell

pag. 19

origami - barberini & gunnell

t r a n s i s t o r

Inspiration fueled by the intricate wiring of electric circuit boards.

The pattern was archieved on the inside of the glass via a particular processing
method, maintaining the surface smooth and untouched.
extra-clear crystal glass
side table:
L55 W40 H52cm
coffee table: L90 W90 H30cm
L130 W50 H38cm
home office: L145 W65 H76cm
L140 W45 H80cm
registered copyright: ADI n R.P. 2698

pag. 21

side table
transistor - barberini & gunnell

b a n g l e s

Table with structure in stainless steel AISI 316 and top in solid wood.
Every single bangle is welded by hand.
The various finishings of the steel, mirror polished or micro shot-peened, create different
perceptions of this precious material, forms and volumes and interesting games of
light and shade.
solid wood top - stainless steel rings polish and satin
bangles 4: L350 W105 H76cm
bangles 3: L310 W100 H76cm
registered copyright: ADI n R.P. 2793

pag. 23

bangles 4
bangles - barberini & gunnell

pag. 24

bangles - barberini & gunnell

pag. 25

bangles - barberini & gunnell

pag. 26

bangles 3

bangles - barberini & gunnell

pag. 27

bangles - barberini & gunnell

a p p a r e l l o

Apparello arises from the nostalgic memory of a childhoods toy.

With a sheer swish it hypnotized the children who, once grown up, have lost this
antique memory.
We gave it a new life maintaining its lightness replacing the paper with thin sheets of carbon.
A lamp which starts to spin slowly when being touched slightly by who wants to play with it;
a continuous and light movement like a childs carefree state of mind.
carbon fiber / alutex
source of illumination: POWER LED - dimmerabile
diameter: 70cm
height: 220-260cm
Registered copyright: ADI n R.P. 2729

pag. 29

apparello - barberini & gunnell

apparello - barberini & gunnell

apparello - barberini & gunnell

pag. 30


pag. 31

apparello - barberini & gunnell

g o t

e v e r y t h i n g ?

Leaving the house in a hurry:

on the dining table, the library in the hallway, the console in the living room, maybe
in the kitchen
Where are the keys, the telephone, the sunglasses?
The always same question before leaving the house became the inspiration for
A shelf big enough to hold all the little objects one has in his pockets or in
hands when coming home.
It is our daily little helper reminding us if we took everything when leaving the
house asking GOT EVERYTHING?
extra-clear crystal glass
L100 W25 H15cm
registered copyright: ADI n R.P. 2686

pag. 33

got everything? - barberini & gunnell

s t e p s & s t a i r s

Joint shelf system.

solid wood
L350 W27 H115cm
registered copyright: ADI n R.P. 2727

pag. 35

steps & stairs - barberini & gunnell

t r a n s i s t o r

A flash drive does not want to work, it refuses to show all data inserted;
Those who are not all too keen on computers and the attached technology
dont go along with this anymore and break the flash drive squashing it.
Amongst the many tiny pieces you can find its electronic heart, a pattern of thin silver stripes
which we vulgarly call transistor.
So much stuff fits into this alien brain yet being so small; incomprehensible for us.
But one can try, we think, to reproduce this magic shape of lines and circles in order to obtain
a modular library which can contain the impossible or nearly.
Transistor is the modular library with infinite possibilities. As in its principal electronic function,
where it takes inspiration from, transistor gathers data and multiplies its contents magnifying
them, thus the library is able to compose and multiply itself, without end.
The modular shelfsystem TRANSISTOR is produced and distributed by TONELLI DESIGN.
clear or extra-clear glass - joints in anodized aluminium.

pag. 37

transistor - barberini & gunnell

l i v e l l i

The idea for this mirror origins from the observation of

architectonical landscape models used for representing
three dimensions on paper. We borrowed these levels
and gave life to a three dimensional mirror which is able
to create a distorted reality.
80 x H185cm
90 x H175cm
75 x H145cm
95 x H100cm
65 x H75cm
customizable to all shapes and sizes
registered copyright: ADI n R.P. 2728

t r a n s i s t o r

Inspiration fueled by the intricate wiring of electric circuit boards.

registered copyright: ADI n R.P. 2693

pag. 39

wool and silk

L340 W160 cm

pag. 40

transistor - barberini & gunnell

pag. 41

transistor - barberini & gunnell

t h o u s a n d b o x e s

Move, shift, swap, change, replace, color, tidy up, hide...

Childrens desk in solid wood gifted with numerous boxes disposed all across
the table and closed by colored panels.
The idea behind is that the child can interact with the table.
Simple drawers become secret hiding places for toys, paper, pens, pencils...
The child associates certain objects with different colored covers,
stimulating its visual memory and the copability to affiliate shapes with colors.
The child can personalize its desk by choosing different colored panels.
The boxes are easy to remove and clean.
L74 W74 H50/74cm
registered copyright: ADI n R.P. 2692

pag. 43

thousand boxes - barberini & gunnell

pag. 44

thousand boxes - barberini & gunnell

pag. 45

thousand boxes - barberini & gunnell

pag. 46

thousand boxes - barberini & gunnell

pag. 47

thousand boxes - barberini & gunnell

Studio Leon
Riccardo Mei
Paolo Monina
graphic design
Riccardo Mei

copyright studio barberini & gunnell - all rights reserved

All projects are the property of barberini & gunnell. The use, sale, reproduction and public presentation of the projects, photos and texts need a written permission of barberini & gunnell.

barberini & gunnell

architecture + design studio
viale della vittoria 7
60123 ancona - italy
tel. +39 071 2117760
fax +39 071 3580257

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