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Not only the Greeks are big scammers

'Niet alleen de Grieken zijn oplichters'

translation in English by a translation machine

Not only the Greeks are big scammers

Wolter Buikema

According To Arnon Grunberg (Footnote, June 29) it is evident

that the Greek Government incompetent and according to Hans
Wade (comment, 30 June) will, after the 'false promises' of
Alexis and his
' head over heels '- referendum, the Greeks finally understand
that the future of their country at stake. At both, very similarthe points of view, is some nuance on her site. For this purpose,
the following recent memories.
At that time, the by and by to corruption Greece had to to the
euro are allowed even though it was It did not qualify. Only just
(as of January 1, 2001) to the euro allowed, was Goldman Sachs
popped up to with a secret and dubious construction the Greek
State balance to clean up so that to the EU standards for
further lending were met. Watch well, all players involved, also
the EU regulators, knew this unfair game and let that .
Above all, the German and French banks saw their chance to
make more money with it to Greece still selling more credits
than the country had already when it became a member of the
euro. That banks, as we now have learned, were ' too big to fail
'. The bankers knew that all too good, but saw no moral
objection in order for themselves, with future tax money, our
money so, a comprehensive ' free lunch ' to organizing,
Including sturdy bonus desserts
That the Greek elite, which on behalf of the people the
obligations contracted and so also is to blame, next to the
National also extended for itself has created, proved a long
names list of corrupt entrepreneurs and politicians who in the
long run also in the Greek Parliament and the public popped up,
which showed how much money there to tax havens is
funneled. All of this played place under conservative and socialdemocratic Governments and under the watchful eye of

European public institutions and not under the current '

incompetent ' Syriza Government of Is Alexis.
Then came the banking crisis and there were in Europe billions
in tax money needed to ' too big to fail ' banks to save the
demise. Part of that money ran through the State budgets of
the southern European countries. To 240 billion went to Greece
European taxpayers ' money and Maybe there's been a Greek
that the along saw coming, because it almost all went in a
Flash, as repayment and interest, to the ' too big to fail '-banks.
That their ' free lunch ' already long behind the molars had.
Are those bankers not just such large crooks like those corrupt
Greeks? Why we know the list of those bankers names actually
not that mean business with the corrupt Greek elite have
created? And why we are on European territory still tax
havens ?
If the current Greek Government would earn the designation '
incompetent ' then, in proportion to their share in the European
GDP, yet no more than 2 percent of the total European
incompetence, seems to me.
Wolter Buikema is tax advisor in Groningen.
de Volkskrant donderdag 02 juli 2015

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