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Program Qt 4 (#9 for the semester): Qt Program, Your Design and Implementation

Due Wednesday, 12/11/2013 by 12:00 noon

A team project, if you choose
If you choose to, this program can be created as a team project, with up to two team members. Of course, with the
extra effort allocated to the task, and especially with the open-endedness of the assignment, the final program should
reflect the extra effort available for the task with a second person working on it.
In this fourth and final Qt program you will implement a program of your own design. As noted in last weeks
assignment, the program can be about just about anything: an airline reservation system, an airline check in system,
an airline flight status system, an airline baggage weigh in and check system, an airline volcano ash rerouting
system, and so on. Surely, developing any complete program would require things such as databases and internet
connectivity, and for your design you can just assume that any significant functionality such as this can be done, so
just simulate it for the program, e.g., instead of a database, just a small matrix of values.
Also as noted last week, likely, your brief work with Qt Designer was pleasant, straightforward, and productive.
Absolutely, it is a fine tool for design, allowing the mock up of displays with lightning speed limited only by your
abilities to drag and drop. After creating program elements with Designer the next step would be integration with
other code for actions, slots and signals, etc. Things are no longer visual, and there is a tradeoff of time saved in
design with time to integrate with other programming system elements, e.g., actions. Being reasonably experienced
with the programming system elements helps a lot. Estimating software development time is notoriously difficult,
especially for new systems and tools. For this assignment, Id suggest a fairly conservative approach at least starting
with the coding of all elements, and perhaps moving toward using Designer as the project progresses. Of course, this
is backwards, as Designer would be of most use in early Design stages. An approach in which Designer is used to
take a look at possible designs, then implementing stand alone code, might make sense. On the other hand, if you
feel comfortable with Designer as the basis for your programs, you are encouraged to take this approach. It is where
one would ultimately want to be.
Grading will consider design, as well as implementation of the following: two levels for at least one of the drop
down menus, a context menu, several menu status tips, a status tip for at least one non-menu thing, and an About
dialog. Implementation by either subclassing of QWidget or combination of functionalities in code is fine.
Finally, I do look forward to seeing and executing your program and hope that it will be interesting to you. Please try
to have some fun with it.
What to hand in:
Recall, assignments are not accepted late. In the event the assignment is not completed by the due date/time, simply
hand in what you have at the due date/time. If you have made a genuine effort at performing the assignment, it is
highly likely that you will receive 50% credit or more, which is far better than 0% credit.
Because of the size of the executable and required libraries, etc. necessary for Qt programs, you will submit all
components required for a recompilation of your code and program, e.g., c++ code, project (.pro) file, images, for
this assignment. We will make every attempt to perform the recompilation if need be on the Thursday and Friday
following the assignment due date. If any element is not available for recompilation, we will contact you by email
on those days to request any required element(s), so please be looking for that possible contact.
Again, please send the entire project, so that we can be sure to execute your program, even if by recompiling.
Please put in a single compressed (zipped) file:
1) A two page synopsis of the program, For this final program, note not only elements of function, e.g., status
tips, two level menu, but also elements of design considered, e.g., simplicity, helpful error messages.

2) Everything required to compile and execute your program, i.e., c++ code, project (.pro) file, images, and
anything else you may have used that will be required for compilation and execution
3) Screen captures (at most 10) of the programs execution, illustrating its design elements and function
Then, upload to Blackboard.

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