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April in Bloom

Dear Friends and Family,

Hello and good bye! It seems like I have been saying this a lot! Here in Kona we have just completed a
quarter and I have spent this past week saying my goodbyes to some new and old friends. And some whom
have returned I am saying goodbye to because I am leaving. This lifestyle is truly unique! Before I dive into
where and why I am going I would like to share some thoughts with you. In Acts 4:29-30 there is a response
written to some persecution and threats of further problems. When things are not going as planned, when
the world seems to be against you, when you are threatened with death or imprisonment, when you have
been asked not to speak, when you feel as if you have no voice, what will you do? Here in the midst of an
extreme situation the founders of the first church chose to speak with more boldness so that the message
would still be heard and people would be saved. If they had chose to cower in unbelief and fear, we would
not have the Bible we have today for the stories and letters written in it are due to their boldness in the face
of danger. Oh that I would respond in like manner! May we all choose to be voices of reason, speakers of
truth and walking in love during these times. It maybe challenging, but it is time for us to rise in boldness
and be voices of reason to speak the truth in love to a world that needs it most! Tomorrow I depart on my
next adventure and would covet your prayers. During this next trip I will be visiting: Seattle, Minneapolis,
Kapuna, Kikori, Fiji, Vanuatu, and Australia! Here is a breakdown for the whys: In Seattle, I will be visiting
some friends from Ukraine and hopefully making some new contacts in a lab there; Minneapolis I will be
visiting family, collecting supplies, and meeting some ministry contacts; Kapuna and Kikori are both in the
Gulf Provence of Papua New Guinea and where I am helping establish labs in jungle hospitals; Fiji is a
meeting place for the Pacific Hope, this is where I board the ship; Vanuatu is an island nation that the
Pacific Hope is serving, I have been asked to come and train lab skills in some jungle hospitals; Australia is
where the YWAM Together Conference is located, since my ministry bridges both the University of the
Nations and YWAM Ships it would be good for me to be there, also it gives me a chance to be on board the
YWAM PNG vessel and help with further lab developments there!
Next Steps
Upon my return to Kona, me and a few other amazing ladies will be embarking on a new school. To be a full
time staff member of YWAM it is required to complete a Discipleship Training School (DTS). Over the years
there have been several types but we felt it was time to have one geared to those with linguistics
(UniSkript), cartography (4K Mapping), science (Elon Research Institute) and Bible innovations all at its
core. So along with the regular DTS curriculum we will be having additional sessions on the tracks
mentioned above. This is to equip the students with a specific skill to serve with on the field. After the
lecture phase I will be leading the Science track outreach to Papua New Guinea where they will first learn
on the field how laboratory skills work then they will go out and set up a new location. I would appreciate
your prayers as things start quite quickly upon my return from this adventure and I want to be able to impart
all that the Lord desires during this time.
Prayer Requests
After the DTS is complete, I will be in a place where I will need to either stay in Kona or prepare to go
somewhere else. With the developments of the Elon Research Institute in the Pacific and the need to
formalize a nonprofit status, I may need to go to some other locations which may leave me out of Kona for a
season. All of these are maybes and possibilities which needs to be clarified by the Lord. Please pray for
wisdom for me! I want to be where I need to be not where others want me to be. So many possibilities!
Please pray for this upcoming trip as well. Traveling mercies and that all the supplies I am packing into
Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu will make it there without anything being lost, stolen or broken. I am also
still short financially for this trip so please pray I make it all the way! Thank you all for your support, love and
care. I truly could not do this without you all!
April J
Donations should be sent to YWAM Tyler, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771
My name can not appear anywhere on the check. Please attach a separate note with my full name on it.

Bank draft donations are now possible! Please contact me for further information J

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