Cad/ P&Id: Muhammad Abdullah Shakeel

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Muhammad Abdullah Shakeel

The following report is to show the materials learned and
experience gained by the intern in the one month spent with
Engineering Department; Dragon Oil.
It goes through the companys electric structure, general
instrumentation principles and piping; design, manufacture and

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Ali Al Matar,
Engineering Manager for providing me an opportunity to do my
internship in Dragon Oil L.L.C
I sincerely thank Mr. John Kottappuram, Mr. Biju Menon & Mr.
Abdullah Ghauri for their knowledge, guidance and support in
carrying out this report.

Electrical Engineering........................................................................................................6
Off Shore.........................................................................................................................6
On Shore.........................................................................................................................6
Rating is as shown in figure 1;.....................................................................................8
Explanatory Example; (fig 2).......................................................................................8
Electric Pumps:.............................................................................................................10
Method 1;...................................................................................................................10
Pump 2;....................................................................................................................10
Pump 3;....................................................................................................................10
Pump 4;....................................................................................................................11
Pump 5;....................................................................................................................11
Method 2;...................................................................................................................11
Central Processing Facility (On Shore)..................................................12
Off Shore;.........................................................................................................................13
Three Phase..................................................................................................................14
Distribution Board.........................................................................................................14
AC Generator:...............................................................................................................15
DC Generator:...............................................................................................................16
Engine Generators;..........................................................................................................17
Instrumental Engineering:................................................................................................19
Instrumentation in Petrochemical Industries;..................................................................19
Temperature Indicators;................................................................................................19

Pressure Measurement;................................................................................................19
Flow Meters;..................................................................................................................19
Level Sensors;...............................................................................................................20
Analysis Instruments;....................................................................................................20
Control System;................................................................................................................21
Instrumentation diagram:................................................................................................23
Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID);...................................................................29
For processing facilities, it is a pictorial representation of;...........................................29
List of P&ID items;.........................................................................................................29
Identification and reference designation;........................................................................30
Symbols of chemical apparatus and equipment;.............................................................31
Instrumentation Symbols:................................................................................................32
Practice 1;........................................................................................................................33
Practice 2;........................................................................................................................34

The following report is diving into three parts; Electrical,
Instrumentation, CAD and Piping Engineering.
It is formatted to include an introduction, body and conclusion in
each discipline.

Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering is an important part of the petrochemical
industry ensuring safe, reliable and economic production of oil
and gas. Electrical engineers design, monitor, control and manage
the electric power system that supplies power to the hundreds of
high voltage motors and thousands of low voltage motors in the
field. It is with those motors that the oil and/or gas could be
extracted from the wells for processing at the plant. Electrical
engineers also design, supervise, run and monitor
instrumentation control consoles protecting personnel, machinery
and equipment in the plant. (Electrical Engineering, 2015)

Off Shore
Dragon Oil at present does not use pumps or motors to extract
the oil from the reservoirs as the natural pressure acts like a selfpump, flowing out oil and gas. Thus electric engineering is not
much used off shores other than lighting and other facilities for
the engineers living there. It is produced by diesel generators on

On Shore
Unlike off shore, electronics play a vital role in Dragon Oil
operations. Pumps are used to transfer crude oil to the jetty and
all other facilities. The source of the electricity is primarily the
Turkmenistan government, however there are generators installed
on site which automatically start functioning in case of blackout or
other failure.

The difference between an oil industry and any other industry for
the matter are hazards, normal equipment cannot be used as it
poses great threat to the facility and workers.
There are generally three classifications of hazard areas, Zone 0,
Zero 1 and Zone 2.
Hazardous areas are classified into zones based on an
assessment of the frequency of the occurrence and duration of an
explosive gas atmosphere, as follows:
Zone 0: An area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is present
continuously or for long periods;
Zone 1: An area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is likely to
occur in normal operation;
Zone 2: An area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is not
likely to occur in normal operation and, if it occurs, will only exist
for a short time.

Various sources have tried to place time limits on to these zones,

but none have been officially adopted. The most common values
used are:
Zone 0: Explosive atmosphere for more than 1000h/year
Zone 1: Explosive atmosphere for more than 10, but less than
1000 h/year
Zone 2: Explosive atmosphere for less than 10h/year, but still
sufficiently likely as to require controls over ignition sources.
(Hazardous Area Classification and Control of Ignition Sources,

To prevent disasters, special machines are used. Products are

coded to their certification for use in particular types of
Rating is as shown in figure 1;

(Certification Definition, 2012)

Explanatory Example; (fig 2)

Classification of Equipment for use in potentially explosive

atmospheres. (Fig 3)

Electric Pumps:
The pumps used to transfer vary depending on the properties of
crude oil, there are generally two ways of pumping.
Method 1;

Pump 1;

Settlement of wax and other substances on the inside surface is

reducing. The nominal diameter of crude oil pipelines on production side. Screw
Pumps are employed to flush the pipework with crude oil from the storage tanks on
a regular base.

Pump 2; High pressure Triple Screw pumps are installed as

pipeline start-up pumps. These pumps are required when the

main pipeline pumps cannot overcome the friction losses during
start-up of a crude oil pipeline.

Pump 3; Screw Pumps, series L4, are typically used as crude oil

transfer pumps.
Pump 4; Large crude oil transfer pumps with big port sizes are not

particularly suited to empty storage tanks completely. Smaller

Screw Pumps, either in submerged design or dry mounted, must
be used. With their excellent suction capability they remove
heavy products with high viscosity and high solids content from
the bottoms of the storage tanks. A special screw design along
with a wide range speed control reduce the NPSH R values of these
pumps to a minimum.
Pump 5; Crude oil storage tanks must be cleaned on a regular

base. Screw Pumps, handle these often high viscous residues

consisting of heavy oil sludge and solids. Special Tungsten
Carbide coating of the screws and Stellite coating on the liners
protect the pumps against excessive wear and increase the
service life considerably.
Method 2;

In some applications, a single pump is used to transfer the crude

oil from storage to jetty/trucks/etc. Instead of using a starting
pump to overcome friction, Voltage is fiddled with to create inertia
of motion. This takes a little longer to start the pump but saves a
lot of electricity.

There are many types of pumps with different mechanisms,
however the power the pump produces is given by the equation;

Where p is the change in total pressure between the inlet and

outlet (in Pa), and Q, the volume flow-rate of the fluid is given in
m3/s, is the pump efficiency. (Pumps, 2015)

Central Processing Facility (On


35 KV

35 -> 6KV

Distribution Board
6KV -> 400V


Central System
Other Facilities


Electricity is provided by the Turkmenistan government. High
voltage is received by the grid. This voltage is however too high
to run machinery; Transformers are used to cut down voltage
levels for safe use, in this case from 35Kv to 6v. The 6000 Voltage
then goes to the distribution board where it further decreases to
230 Volts to run equipment such as lightning, heaters etc. The
raw 400V is used to run pumps. (Oil Transfer). In case of power
blackout, Backup generators are present with logic gates which
monitor the voltage activity and turn on the generators

Electrical transformers are used to "transform" voltage from one
level to another, usually from a higher voltage to a lower voltage.
They do this by applying the principle of magnetic induction
between coils to convert voltage and/or current levels.
(Transformers, 2014)

Off Shore;
As of now, there is no electricity connection between offshore and
grid. Individual platforms have independent diesel-powered
generators running them.

There are multiple ways of producing electricity, for instance;
Wind turbines, Thermal turbines, geothermal energy, solar
energy, Fossil fuels. There are different types of generators as
well which come under a) Alternating current generators and b)
Direct current generators.

Dragon Oil uses diesel powered generators as it is economic,

reliable and efficient. It functions as follows;

Generator Engine
Three Phase
Distribution Board


AC Generator:
Generators have two windings components, one is the armature,
which generates the electricity through electromagnetic
induction, and the other is the field component, which creates a
static magnetic field. When the armature moves relative to the
field, a current is induced due to the flux change around it. The
current is known as the induced current and the voltage which
drives it is known as electro-motive force. The repetitive relative
motion required for this process is obtained by rotating one
component relative to the other. The rotating part is called as the
rotor, and the stationary part is called the stator. Either armature
or the field can operate as the rotor, but mostly the field
component is used in high voltage power generation, and the
other component becomes the stator.

DC Generator:
Slight change in the configuration of the contact terminals of the
armature allows an output that does not change the polarity. Such
a generator is known as a DC generator. The commutator is the
additional component added to the armature contacts.
The output voltage of the generator becomes a sinusoidal
waveform, because of the repetitive change of the polarities of
the field relative to the armature. The commutator allows the
change of the contact terminals of the armature to the external
circuit. Brushes are attached to the armature contact terminals
and slip rings are used to keep the electrical connection between
the armature and the external circuit. When the polarity of the
armature current changes, it is countered by changing the contact
with the other slip ring, which allows the current to flow in the
same direction.

Engine Generators;
Most engine generators run on either gasoline, diesel fuel or
propane. Besides the relative cost difference between the three
fuel types, the operating principles between them are the same.
The primary difference between various generators is their output
Very small portable generators are available, which would not
produce enough power to effectively support a household
electrical system but are perfect for operating single pieces of
equipment. It may be that the renewable energy system doesn't
have sufficient capacity to simultaneously power the house and a
specific piece of equipment or machinery. It wouldn't be cost
effective to expand the alternative system if the equipment in
question is rarely used, or it may be that a specific piece of
equipment needs to be operated for a short time at a remote

location. A portable generator would fit perfectly into such a

A mid-sized generator that may be too small to power a full
household electrical system operating at capacity can still provide
supplemental power to charge batteries when the alternative
system is under-performing. Such a generator could be attached
only to specific essential power circuits, allowing non-essential
loads to go without power until the batteries are recharged. This
allows for reliable back-up power with a much smaller investment
than a stand-alone capable generator would require, although the
electrical system may not be fully operational at all times.

For systems where partial-capacity operation is not a viable (or

desirable) option, engine generators are available at very high
output capacity. While the alternative system may provide
sufficient power under most conditions, with a full-capacity
backup generator there is no concern about losing power in any
situation. These large generators are also commonly found in
hospitals, where vital life-support and other medical equipment
must be operational even when grid power fails. (ABS Alaskan,

Instrumentation engineering is the
engineering specialization focused on the principle and operation
of measuring instruments that are used in design and
configuration of automated systems in electrical, pneumatic
domains etc.

Instrumentation in Petrochemical Industries;

Temperature Indicators;
The measurement of temperature is a vital part of
instrumentation in petrochemical industries. Platinum Resistance
Temperature Detectors (RTD's) are often used for their excellent
temperature response. Thermocouples are used in locations that
need a more durable sensor.

Pressure Measurement;
We use a Pressure to Current converter (P/I converter) in
petrochemical industries to measure the pressure developed by
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), crude oil, petrol, and various other
petroleum byproducts. In the P/I converter, the indicated pressure
can be a digital or an analog form. The main advantage is that it
can be directly shown on the control panel in the control room.
This is true for temperature measurement also.

Flow Meters;
Because refined oil is volatile, it is important to know the
quantity of oil being transported at numerous points along the
pipeline. This requirement also holds for natural gas. Flow meters
are generally of vortex, Positive Displacement (PD), Differential
Pressure (DP), Carioles, and ultrasonic varieties.

Level Sensors;
Petroleum and natural gas industries need very accurate
level measurement. Besides traditional technologies like
differential pressure level meters, radar, magnetostrictive, and
magnetic float are also used extensively. One of the problems
with a significant number of technologies is that they are installed
through a nozzle and are exposed to products. This can create
several problems, especially when retrofitting new equipment to
vessels that have already been stress relieved, as it may not be
possible to fit the instrument at the location required. Also, as the
measuring element is exposed to the contents within the vessel, it
may either attacked or coat the instrument causing it to fail in
service. One of the most reliable methods for measuring level is
using a nuclear gauge, as it is installed outside the vessel and
doesn't normally require a nozzle for bulk level measurement. The
measuring element is installed outside the process and can be
maintained in normal operation without taking a shutdown.
Shutdown is only required for an accurate calibration.

Analysis Instruments;
Industrial chromatographs are generally use d in olefin
processing in the petrochemical industry. Continuous gas
analyzers are also widely used.

Control System;
There are three main classifications of control systems. First being
process control which is used around the clock.
ESD; Emergency shutdown runs simultaneously to prevent
damage to the system. ESD does not completely shut down the
platform. It just turns off operations in the section where the
problem occurs.
Fire and Gas/ Complete Shutdown; this happens in high chances
of a gas or oil leak. Actuators are installed alongside the pipeline
which monitor the gas levels.

All these measuring instruments are connected to the control
center via special wires. The wires run above the pipelines to the
control center.

There are many types of valves used for controlling the flow in the
pipes. A ball valve is used for complete shut off (0 or 1). It opens
and closes at 90 degrees and is powered by hydraulic oil or
sometimes manually. For control, a globe valve is used, it can be
operated from all ranges 0 to 100% as shown in diagram;

The measurements are measured in milli amperes for

example 4 to 20mA with 4 being 0% and 20 being 100%. All these
values go to the control center first and are analyzed by the
engineers. The engineers can then further control the valves and
other equipment accordingly.
A pneumatically actuated ball valve operates automatically, it
opens and closes approximately one-half to one second
depending of actuator model / type. Pneumatic ball valves are
designed to operate using high pressures of air or hydraulic fluid.
Non compressible liquids have to be used in such applications.

Instrumentation are used the most used while separation.
Temperature in tanks, pressure, everything is monitored. This
information is connected to main servers and can be seen real
time anywhere. For instance Dragon Oil can view the pressures
and operating values of their plant in Turkmenistan.

Instrumentation diagram:
These diagrams are used to display the layout of the piping and
instruments used. Special symbols are used for different


A typical Instrumentation looks like this:

An instrumentation and control engineer is required to;
1. Design and develop control systems
2. Maintain the existing control systems
3. Manage the control systems
4. Collaborate with design engineers, purchasers and other staff
members involved in the
production processes
5. Manage projects within the given restraints including cost and
6. Troubleshoot
7. Ensure that the instruments comply with health and safety
8. Ensure that quality standards are maintained
9. Provide consultancy support
The main purpose of instrumentation engineering is ensuring
stability, reliability, safety and continuity of petroleum
It also works with the goal of improving productivity and
optimization. These engineers design, develop, maintain and
manage the instruments and instrumentation systems.
Process control may either use feedback or it may be open loop.
Control may also be continuous (automobile cruise control) or
cause a sequence of discrete events, such as a timer on a lawn
sprinkler (on/off) or controls on an elevator (logical sequence).

A thermostat on a heater is an example of control that is on or off.

A temperature sensor turns the heat source on if the temperature
falls below the set point and turns the heat source off when the
set point is reached. There is no measurement of the difference
between the set point and the measured temperature (e.g. no
error measurement) and no adjustment to the rate at which heat
is added other than all or none.
A familiar example of feedback control is cruise control on an
automobile. Here speed is the measured variable. The operator
(driver) adjusts the desired speed set point (e.g. 100 km/hr) and
the controller monitors the speed sensor and compares the
measured speed to the set point. Any deviations, such as changes
in grade, drag, wind speed or even using a different grade of fuel
(for example an ethanol blend) are corrected by the controller
making a compensating adjustment to the fuel valve open
position, which is the manipulated variable. The controller makes
adjustments having information only about the error (magnitude,
rate of change or cumulative error) although settings known as
tuning are used to achieve stable control. The operation of such
controllers is the subject of control theory.
A commonly used control device called a programmable logic
controller, or a PLC, is used to read a set of digital and analog
inputs, apply a set of logic statements, and generate a set of
analog and digital outputs.
For example, if an adjustable valve were used to hold level in a
tank the logical statements would compare the equivalent
pressure at depth set point to the pressure reading of a sensor
below the normal low liquid level and determine whether more or
less valve opening was necessary to keep the level constant. A
PLC output would then calculate an incremental amount of

change in the valve position. Larger more complex systems can

be controlled by a Distributed Control System (DCS) or SCADA

The above flow chart describes how the control system functions.
As seen, the system makes the change in the component which
cam either set to automatic or manual.


shown, the
reads the

level/temperature, these readings are in millivolts which are

preset. They are then decoded by the signal converter into

numerical values and displayed on the controller output. The

engineer in the control room makes the decision of opening or
closing the valve and hence its done. This can be automated by
software also.

Muhammad Abdullah Shakeel

Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID);

A piping and instrumentation diagram/drawing is a diagram in the
process industry which shows the piping of the process flow
together with the installed equipment and instrumentation.
P&IDs play a significant role in the maintenance and modification
of the process that it describes. It is critical to demonstrate the
physical sequence of equipment and systems, as well as how
these systems connect. During the design stage, the diagram also
provides the basis for the development of system control
schemes, allowing for further safety and operational
investigations, such as a Hazard and operability study commonly
pronounced as HAZOP.

For processing facilities, it is a pictorial representation of;

Key piping and instrument details

Control and shutdown schemes
Safety and regulatory requirements
Basic start up and operational information

List of P&ID items;

Instrumentation and designations

Mechanical equipment with names and numbers
All valves and their identifications
Process piping, sizes and identification
Miscellanea - vents, drains, special fittings, sampling lines, reducers,
increasers and swaggers
Permanent start-up and flush lines
Flow directions
Interconnections references
Control inputs and outputs, interlocks
Interfaces for class changes
Computer control system
Identification of components and subsystems delivered by

Identification and reference designation;

Based on Standard ANSI/ISA S5.1 and ISO 14617-6, the P&ID is
used for the identification of measurements within the process.
The identifications consist of up to 5 letters. The first identification
letter is for the measured value, the second is a modifier, 3rd
indicates passive/readout function, 4th - active/output function,
and the 5th is the function modifier.

Symbols of chemical apparatus and




Cooled or
heated pipe


Half pipe




pump or


Gas bottle


Axial fan

Radial fan









Plate &
frame heat

pipe heat

tubes heat

U shaped
tubes heat

Spiral heat

gas vent

Curved gas

(Air) filter


Steam trap




Instrumentation Symbols:

Practice 1;

Practice 2;

Made with Lucid Chart.

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