Formulation and Sensory Evaluation of Nutritionally Adequate Saba Banana

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BANANA (Musa paradisiaca L.) BASED BABY FOOD


Under 5 years old death cases in the Philippines have been halved for the past twenty years
making MDG 4 targetable. However, reaching this target is threatened by the very slow decrease in
neonatal or newborn deaths (UNICEF, 2008). This is highly evident in rural areas particularly to low
income families. Various factors have caused this problem and one of which is malnutrition. Parents are in
the best position to decide the right food to prepare for their child. However, due to lack of knowledge
about nutritional needs, their children tend to suffer. The effect of damage of malnutrition on the mental
and physical health of one person is irreversible and in severe cases, results to death. Therefore, proper
nutrition must begin at the period of infancy.
Musa paradisiaca L. or commonly known as Saba or plantain is a naturally grown crop in
tropical countries like Philippines where it is considered as its origin. Locally, this plant is actually
considered as a primary crop and globally it is ranked as the fourth most important staple crop after rice,
wheat and maize (Haslinda et al., 2009). As a practical application, saba is usually used as a cooking
banana in preparing popular Filipino meriendas such as turon, maruya, and banana que. However, due to
its perishable nature, it is now processed into dehydrated form such as flour. Realizing its potential,
various products have already been developed using saba powder.
In terms of its nutritional property, Musa species typically contain carbohydrates (32%), protein
(1%), fat (0.02%) , water (60%), and some vitamins and minerals (Kumar et al., 2012). More than that,

various studies have reported the presence of phytochemicals (Flavonoids, Phenolics, Tannins, etc) which
are said to exhibit protective and preventive effect in the body (Imam et al., 2011). This phytochemicals
can act as anti-oxidant which can prevent chronic and degenerative diseases. Due to the fiber content of
this crop, it can actually promote proper bowel movement and so prevent gastric related disorders.
However, one of the problem of this commodity is that, it has very low protein and fat content, thus it is
usually complemented with other crops to fill in lacking nutrients (Adegunwa et al., 2014). Preparing
saba flour with legume based product will make it as a perfect snack and baby foods where adequate and
balanced nutrient is desired.
Utilizing staple or indigenous crop to prepare baby foods is very common in other countries.
Taro, Tapioca and Egusi are simply dried and combined with milk, water, and honey to make baby foods.
Several studies were conducted to compare the nutritional quality of commercial baby foods from those
prepared using indigenous crop. Results showed that the latter have improved essential nutrients. Various
reports have shown that most of the commercially available baby foods are simply added with starch
fillers as extenders in order to increase bulk density resulting to less nutrient density product. Therefore,
more and more parents are discouraged to purchase commercial baby food and instead prepare their own
at home. However, without thorough knowledge about proper child nutritional needs, building a proper
good health foundation to a child would not be feasible.

Preparing a nutritionally adequate baby food product using saba and legume based crop will serve
as one of the solution to malnutrition. Moreover, utilizing a staple crop will also make baby food product
closer and affordable for lower income families in the Philippines. However, one of the problems in this
product development is the final product distribution and low demand. Baby foods are usually patronised
by middle to upper class families (, 2013). There could be a possibility that lower
income families will not be interested in purchasing baby food product knowing that it is more practical
for them to just feed their child with what the whole family usually eats.

The main objective of this study is to develop a nutritionally adequate Saba (Musa paradisiaca
L.) based baby food product. Also, it specifically aims to:
1. To utilize mungbean as a supplementary crop
2. To formulate a saba based baby food product
3. To determine the nutritional composition (macromolecules) of the formulated product by
Proximate Analysis; and
4. To determine the acceptability of the product.


Description of Musa Paradisiaca L.

Musa Paradisiaca L., commonly known as plantain, is a monoherbacious plant belonging to

family Musacae. The name plantain simply means that it requires to be cooked first before getting eaten
unless it is ripe already. This Plantain variety is a hybrid between Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana.
The greatest diversity of Musa germplasm is in Southeast Asia, particularly in the Philippines, the
recognized origin of Musa paradisiaca L. but nowadays it is cultivated in other tropical and subtropical
countries. Musa is considered as the fourth most important commodity and a staple crop in most areas
where it is cultivated.
Musa paradisiaca L, grows best in warm (27-30C) and very wet conditions (200-220 mm per
month). The Musa cultivars can withstand warmer and drier climates. However, long warm and dry
season as in the Philippines poses a problem in production for the dessert Musa (, n.d.)
Musa paradisiaca grows up to around 30 feet high with a robust tree like a pseudostem. It has a
crown of large elongated oval deep-green leaves (up to 365 cm in lenth and 61 cm in width) and with a
prominent midrib. Furthermore, each plant produces a single inflorescence like drooping spike and large
bracts opening in succession, ovate, 15-20cm long, concave, dark red color and in somewhat fleshy
(Kumar et al., 2012). Lastly, it produces green or greenish-yellow seedless fruits. Thus, fruits develop
parthenocarpically (in the absence of seed development) (Ngo et al., 2014).

Healthful Attributes

Musa species can definitely bring nutritional benefits to every individual at all ages. Starting to
infants, traditionally, its cooked and mashed form is the best solid food to introduce since they are easy to
digest and rarely cause allergic reactions. Musa species are excellent source energy, niacin, folate
minerals (Iron, Potassium, Magnesium etc.) and vitamins (A,B,C and D) which are required to support
proper development. In fact such fruit is a part of BRAT (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast) diet, a
diet many physicians recommend for children recovering from gastro intestinal problems. Recent study
showed that consuming bananas may protect wheezing against children (Kumar et al., 2012).
For higher aged individuals, being dense offers a sense of satisfaction and thus helpful for people
who wants to lose weight. It is known to be rich in iron which stimulates hemoglobin production and so
prevents anemia. Furthermore, its high potassium and low sodium levels aids in hypoglycemic activity in
the body due to higher insulin uptake and glucose utilization. Also, potassium contained in bananas helps
regulating heartbeats, brings oxygen to the brain and maintains the water quantity in the body at a
constant level. Its high fiber content, promotes normal intestinal activity.
Nowadays, Musa paradisiaca was reported to contain the active ingredients in them and such
were reported to bring medicinal benefits. An example is the Plantains anti-ulcerogenic activity, which is
due to the protective effect of flavonoid, leucocyanidin, in gastric mucosa (Imam and Akter, 2011).
Furthermore, eating Musa species was reported to have an antihypertensive effect which lowers arterial
pressure. Studies have said that this is caused by serotonin production due to high levels of tryptophan
and carbohydrates. Also, several studies have shown that consuming this plant leads to increased diuretic
activity which is attributed to the presence of certain phytochemicals like flavonoids, saponins, and
terpenoids. Plantains were found to possess anti-oxidative property which is attributed to its dopamine,
ascorbic acid, monosaccharide, flavonoids, phenols, glycosides and other phytochemical contents.
Research has shown that consuming one banana significantly reduces plasma oxidative stress. However,
anti-oxidative property of Musa species decreases during ripening (Ibukun et al., 2012). Other
pharmacological qualities of plantain are: Antimicrobial, Wound healing effect, mutagenic, analgesic,

hepatoprotective, and anti-cancer activities (Kumar et al., 2012). Despite of these healthful discoveries in
Musa paradisiaca, studies about its pharmacological properties are still in its infancy. With that, more
scientific evidences are still needed to further prove the stated health claims.
Nutritional Property
The edible portion of Musa paradisiaca L. contains carbohydrates, amino acids (arginine,
aspartic acid, glutamic acid, methionine and tryptophan), sugar and starch. Other chemical compounds
found in Musa paradisiaca L. were folic acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and mineral
salts (Iron, potassium, etc.). Other essential nutritents like fat and protein are however low in this fruit
crop (Adegunwa et al., 2014). Nevertheless, due to its chemical properties, processed banana when
accompanied with some legume based products, can serve as an excellent baby food and snack food
(Mohapatra et al., 2010).
Phytochemicals have also been found in Musa such as Phenolic compounds (Haslinda et al.,
2009). Phenolic compounds (Polyphenol or Phenols as sometimes called), as secondary plant metabolites,
are the most abundant anti-oxidant in the human diet. Several flavonoids and related compounds
(Leucocyanidin, quercetin and its 3-O- galactoside, 3-O-glucoside, and 3-O-rhamnosyl glucoside),
tannins and indoles have also been found in the fruit pulp (Imam and Akter, 2011). Some of the members
of the subclasses of flavonoids have anti-oxidative property such as catechol, tyrosol and hydrotyrosol
compounds (Choe et al., 2009). Phytochemicals are not essential nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fat
and vitamins and minerals but they can perform specific function in order to protect and prevent some
diseases due to their anti-oxidative property.

Nutritional Need of Infants

The period of infancy (1 month to 12 months of age) is characterized by a rapid growth and
development. With that, the nutritional needs of an infant are different from those of other stages. The
rapid brain development means a greater need of certain nutrients but their small size requires that
nutrients must be supplied in smaller quantities (Coila, 2011).
For the first six months of life, the nutritional needs of a baby can be fully sufficed by breastmilk
alone. However, as they go beyond 6 months, their nutrient requirements increases and thus breastfeeding
alone would not be enough. At this point, complementary feeding must began.
Calories refer to energy needed in order to sustain and support body development and activities.
According to Food Research and Nutrition Institute, infants of 6 to 12 months of require 720 kilocalories
as daily recommended energy intake. Calories can be obtained from carbohydrate, protein and fat
containing foods.
Macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fat are biomolecules or nutrients needed in
high quantities. As stated, calories can be derived from them. However, it must be taken into account that
there must be a balance intake among these macromolecules in order to ensure proper health.
A gram of carbohydrate provides 4Kcal of energy. 6 to 12 month babies require 95g of
carbohydrates per day resistance (Food and Nutrition Service, 1994). Carbohydrates can be classified
according their number of monosaccharide units or based on their digestibility. Digestible carbohydrates
are the ones absorbed by the body such as glucose, maltose, lactose, etc. while indigestible carbohydrates
refers the opposite or the ones that are just released by the body. Indigestible carbohydrates, although not
absorbed by the body, are still beneficial for infants in terms of promoting gastric health and good bowel

movement. Example includes dietary fibers like celluloses and hemicelluloses. The main function of
carbohydrate in the body is to provide energy, allow protein to be used efficiently by the body for
building new tissue, allow normal fat utilization, and provide blocks for some essential compounds.
Infants can derive carbohydrates from mothers milk, cereals and grains.
Proteins are made up of amino acids units. Proteins when taken into the body are hydrolysed into
its simpler units and then absorbed by the body. Amino acids can be classified as essential or nonessential which pertains to those that are not synthesized by the body (thus requires supplementation) and
those that are not, respectively. Infants (6 to 12 months) require a total of 11g of proteins per day.
Mothers milk, legume based products, eggs and meat are the common source of proteins which can be
fed to infants. Proteins are very essential as they play help build, maintain, and repair new body tissues,
manufacture important enzymes, hormones and antibodies, and also they perform specialized functions in
certain body processes resistance (Food and Nutrition Service, 1994). Just like carbohydrates, a gram of
protein gives 4Kcal of energy.
Lipids are substances that include fat, oils and cholesterol. Among the macronutrients it provides
the highest amount of energy (9 Kcal/g lipid). And as recommended, infants of 6 to 12 months of age
must consume 30g fat/day. Fatty acids as a form of lipid, can be classified as essential and non- essential.
Essential fatty acids like linoleic and alpha linoleic are needed by the body in order to promote health.
Infants require lipid in their diet because it supplies a major source of energy, promote stored fat
accumulation in the body which serves as an insulation to reduce heat loss, allows absorption of fat
soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K), and provides essential fatty acids necessary for brain development,
healthy skin and hair, normal eye development, and disease resistance (Food and Nutrition Service,

Micronutrients are substances needed by the body in small quantity to promote health. This
includes vitamins (A, D, E, K, B derivatives, C) and minerals (Calcium, iron, zinc). Excessive amounts of
certain vitamins and minerals, in the form of drops or pills, can be toxic or even fatal to infants. Unlike
macromolecules, no energy can be derived from them but they play an important role in certain body
metabolic processes.
Nutritional status of Infants in the Philippines
Malnutrition is one of the leading health problems among infants in the Philippines. The number
of under -5 deaths reduced by 50% in the past twenty years making millennium development goal 4
attainable (UNICEF, 2008). However, this seemed to be threatened by the very slow decline in neonatal
or newborn deaths. This death cases usually boils down to malnutrition which is further caused by various
interrelated factors health, physical, social, economic, etc.
Malnutrition can manifest itself in two kinds: undernourishment and overnourishment.
Undernourishment occurs when essential nutrients (macromolecules and micromolecules) are
insufficiently absorbed by the body. Children who suffer from this will have poor body development and
weak immunity against diseased. For under nourishment, Protein energy malnutrition and micronutrient
deficiency are the leading problems in the Philippines. In protein energy malnutrition, body utilizes
protein as energy source (instead of carbohydrates and lipids) in order to compensate for the inadequate
energy intake. This usually happens if there is no enough food to eat or nutrient intake imbalance.
Previous data (before 50% reduction) show that a large number of Filipino children are undernourished:
3.6 million of children 0-59 months are underweight; and 4 million are stunted (UNICEF, 2013).
The damaging effect of malnutrition to health, physical growth, and brain development of
children is often irreversible, impairing them for life and leaving them with lower chances of finishing
school and becoming highly-productive individuals (, 2012). Through this situation, it can be

inferred that proper nutrition must began at the early years of life. By proper information dissemination
among parents regarding their child nutrition is vital in building a healthy population. The current
situation of infant nutrition in the Philippines calls out the need for lower cost and nutritionally adequate
and balanced baby food product.

Duration and Place of the Study

The study will be conducted on August until December 2014 in Food Science Cluster, College of
Agriculture, University of the Philippines Los Banos, College, Los Banos, Laguna.
Sample Collection and Preparation
Unripe Musa paradisiaca L. samples will be collected from the local market. They will be peeled
and sliced into pieces. Then, they will be immediately soaked in 0.1% (w/v) sodium metabisulfite solution
for 30 minutes before rinsing under running tap water. The samples will be dried at 40 50C in a cabinet
dryer for 15 hours. After that, the samples will be ground using a hammer mill and sieved through a 30mesh size sieve.

The dried and powdered samples will be stored in polyethylene bags at room

temperature for further use.

The mungbean will be also obtained from the local market. To make flour, mungbean will be
placed in a pre-heated oven (400F) and will be roasted for 20 minutes until golden. The beans will be
stirred occasionally to prevent burning. The mungbean will be removed and then cooled completely.
Using a food processor, the roasted mungbean will be grinded for approximately 30 seconds. The grinded
mungbean will be passed through a 30-mesh size sieve. The sample will be collected and placed in a
polyethylene bags for further use.
Formulation of the Baby Food Product
Five treatments will be prepared for the formulation of Saba based baby food powder. The first
treatment or the control treatment corresponds to the 100% Saba Flour. While the other treatments have
varying ratio of saba to mungbean powder as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Different Saba to Mungbean Powder Ratio for Baby Food Powder Formulation

% Composition (w/w)
Saba Powder
Mungbean Powder




The powders will be thoroughly blended using a shaker. Then, 50% slurry will be prepared by
dissolving 50g of powder mix to 100 ml distilled water. This will be cooked for 15-20 minutes at 90C
with constant stirring or until the maximum thickness is achieved.

Sensory Evaluation
The samples will be evaluated for color, aroma, texture, flavour, and general acceptability using
quality scoring. 10 grams of each sample will be served in approximately 25C on uniform sample
containers. The samples will be evaluated by experienced panellist in UPLB faculty and students.

Statistical Analysis
The results of the sensory evaluation for the developed baby food will be subjected to ANOVA.
Also, to determine if significant difference among the samples exists, DNMRT will be performed. The
statistical analysis will be conducted at 5% level of significance.

Proximate Composition
All treatments will be subjected to proximate analysis which will be done in triplicates.

In a tared crucible, one gram of sample will be added. Then, it will be placed in an oven at
1005C for at least 5 hours. After that, the crucible will be removed from the oven and placed in the
dessicator for 30 minutes to cool down at room temperature before weighing. The sample will be oven
dried again for 30 minutes, cooled in the desiccator and reweighed. This procedure will be repeated until
two previous readings do not differ by more than 0.001g. The moisture content will be computed using
the equation below.


x 100
weight of sample

Dry Ashing
Using the dried sample in moisture content analysis, the crucible with sample will be placed in
the furnace and then be ignited at 550C for 2 hours. The furnace will be turned off until its temperature
lowers for at most 250C. Then, the samples will be removed from the oven and will be transferred in an
oven set at 1005C for 30 minutes. The samples will be placed in the dessicator for 30 minutes before its
final weight is determined. The sample will be reignited until there will be no more weight loss.


weigh of residue
x 100
weigh of sample

Crude Fat
A One gram of sample will be placed in pre-weighed filter paper. Then, it will be dried an oven at
1005C for 2 hours. The sample will be cool down in the desiccator for 30 minutes before weighing.
The sample will then be placed in the extraction thimble which will positioned into glass holding tube and
then up into condenser apparatus. The flask will be added with petroleum ether or anhydrous ethyl ether.
After that, the sample will be extracted for 16 hours.

After extraction, the sample will be removed from the extraction thimble and will be air dried for
15 minutes under the fumehood. Then the samples will be dried in the oven for 15 minutes at 1005C ,
placed in the dessicator, and weighed. Crude fat will be calculated as the following:

%Crude Fat =

W 1W 2
x 100
weigh of fresh sample

Where: W1 weigh of filter paper + sample after drying

W2 weigh of filter paper + sample after extraction
Crude Fiber
Using the sample from crude fat analysis, obtain 0.5 g and place it in a 600 ml beaker. Then, 200
ml recently boiled or hot 1.25% Sulfuric Acid will be added. The sample will be refluxed for 30 minutes.
The reflux will be turned off and the sample will be allowed to settle and the liquid will be decanted
through a stemless funnel lined with filter cloth. The digested sample will be washed thrice with 300 ml
hot distilled water to neutralize. The residue will be brought back to the beaker using 200ml 1.25%
Sosium Hydroxide solution. The sample will be refluxed again for 30 minutes. Then, the sample will be
filtered using a linen cloth and will be washed thrice with 300 ml distilled hot water. The residue will be
brought back to the beaker with 50 ml distilled water and will be filtered through pre weighed gooch
crucible lined with asbestos. The crucible will be dried in an oven to a constant weight. After that, it will
be ignited in muffle furnace at 600C for 2 hours. The smple will be removed from the furnace, cooled in
furnace and weighed. Crude fiber will be calculated as follows:

Crude Fiber =

Crude Protein

lossweight before nd after ignition

x 100
weight of fat free sample

A 0.1 g of dried sample and 0.5 g of selenium mixture catalyst will be added in a digestion flask.
Under the fumehood, 4 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid will be added. The sample will digested and the
flask will be rotated occasionally to prevent overheating and drying up. Once the sample turned colorless
it will be further heated for 15 minutes. It will then be cooled and will be transferred into distillation flsk
containing 50 ml distilled water. The Kjeldahl flask will be washed thrice with a total of 20 ml water. The
washings will be combined to the distillation flask (with a total of 70 ml water washings).
For the distillation process 125 ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 10ml 4% Boric Acid and 1 drop
of mixed indicator will be placed on the tip of the condenser. Then, 20 ml of 40% NaOH solution will be
added to the flask and the sample will now be distilled. Distillation will continue until the amount of
distillate is about 75 ml. The tip of the condenser will be washed and the sample will be distilled for
another 1 minute. The distillate will be titrated with standard HCl solution to the first appearance of
orange color (faint). Blank titration will also be conducted. Crude protein will be calculated as follows:

%Crude Protein= Nitrogen x Protein Factor


( SampleBlank ) x ml HCl x N HCl x 1.4

weight of sample

Nitrogen Free Extract

Nitrogen free extract will be determined as the following:
% NFE = 100 (% MC + % Ash + % Crude Fibre +% Crude Fat +% Crude protein)


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