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Since 1997
There is no one is this industry who knows more about
more marketing subjects than me. That doesn’t make me the
best. That makes me different. My program is knowledge, I
am a knowledge bank. A jack-hammer of know-how. A
factory of ideas and usable proven techniques.

If You Read All 16 Pages, You Will Never

Look at Networking The Same Way
And Probably Add 15% to 29%
to Whatever You Currently Earn
Numerous “big names” with lists of 100,000 or more are
aggressively promoting Schroeder Publishing Products.
By page # 7 you will see why they are:

You don’t need another course on search

engines or some digital Ebook on how to out-
smart Google. What you need is a legitimate
and proven system.

Level I: Chaos to Cash $14.95

Level II: Speed Enrollers Home Study Course $197
Level III: List Dragon $497

Written by Joe Schroeder

Copyrights 2006
The Labor Plant and Schroeder Industries

When You Mention Your “Join Me” Opportunity..

You’re Giving Your Prospects The Objection!

Avon and Mary-Kay are Billion dollar companies. Their independent

distributors do not (ever) ask people to join. There’s a logical reason
that they do not say, “Join my biz-opp, please join.”

It’s Called Real-World. Not MLM.

First they create loyal fans by retailing and creating cash into the
distributors hands. From there, the loyal and excited “buyers” convert
themselves to distributors. No stress. Just cash flow that leads to
people deciding to get into the cash flow business.

Herbal-Life and McDonalds are pretty serious Billion dollar

companies. Both of these Billion dollar companies retail what they
sell and their customers raise their hand and ask, “can I join? I just
bought some of what you sell and I’d like to make extra cash selling
what you sold me.”

The reason they “retail to recruit” is because it’s a proven fact that
you attract more members if people can earn weekly cash while they
are building a subscriber base.

When You Tell People It’s MLM

You Give Them The Objection
Here is Why
The only people buying McDonalds franchises are excited
customers who then decided to become distributors. If you erase
the retail you limit your business to [only] franchise owners and
cancel out the customers. Nuts. I know.

Now you know why most people struggle in

Networking who sell the “business” and never
gather excited fans of the products first.

Is This What You Are Expecting People To Do?

MLM’ers and “biz opp” people argue with each other, hound each
other until Midnight playing phone-tag and the only time they make
income is when they convince a stranger to “join” something. How
fun does that sound? No wonder middle America winces and says,
“uh, I’ll pass, thanks anyway.”

The More You Have To Explain

The Less You Know
Not only that, but how do you become a Microsoft, an Apple, an
Avon, a Mary-Kay or even a Joe Schroeder, if what you promote can
not FIRST-FIRST-FIRST stand on it’s own two legs as something
that people will buy-----without an “opportunity” attached to it.

Yeah, I’ll wait. You can read that last paragraph again. Go for it.

Would Buy Your Product if Their Was No Commission Plan?

It must be hard to have a business whereas the ONLY time people use
your products is if someone PAYS to use them. Because that is what
98% of what this industry is. People only use the products as an
excuse to exchange the compensation plan. Wow. Sounds like
something I can retire on. [Not.]

Pop-Quiz: Is what you promote so ripped with value that people will
buy it without the lure of fast money? (oops)

Does Sampling Work?
How do people buy books, any books?
I. They locate the book.
II. They sample the first 1-6 pages.
III. Their buying decision came after the sampling.

Here is how I built Army after Army

I. I would advertise where Networkers are.

II. I gave them samples of wanted to sell them.
III. They would get “stuck” inside of my system.
IV. They would EXPERIENCE the system for free.
V. Samples. Palmolive soap and America on-line did this.
VI. “Hey Joe, can you fax me an application please!”

I explained nothing.
I explained nothing.
I explained nothing.
The system speaks, sorts, sponsors, samples and sells FOR you.

“Joe, did you ever call people?”

My monthly phone bills averaged $500 per month. Yeah, I was on the
phone constantly. However, I only spoke to people who called me
first; that plus I am always on the phone loving, encouraging and
banging the heads of my leaders. Lots of phone work.

“Wake Me Up When The Nonsense is Over!”

So the top guy in your program earns $100,000 per month. So what?
In the real world, when did what the OWNER make have any
relevance---even a little---on what you were paid? Has the fact that
some guy in your program earns a Million per day helped put money
into your pocket? No it hasn’t. Just for a second, lets play all grown
up and play like this is the real world. Lets have a business

I am More Valuable To You Than Your Upline Guru

How come? Because I am not paid by you to be nice to you and tell
you what you want to hear. I am unbiased and could give a rip if you
stay, leave or quit BECAUSE I never asked you to join anything.

Does that make me smarter than your “Guru” upline who makes
$100,000 a minute?

Hey, do I sound like I was born yesterday?

Do I sound “new” to this or even stupid?

The reason I am equity and “bank” to you is because I can say things
your upline can’t. I can shoot it straight where your upline is paid to
tow the corporate line. Therefore you are not getting the whole truth.
Is anyone lying? Not even close.

I have no MLM company compliance attorney breathing down my

back. That is why I can let it fly. My hands aren’t tied.

You Can Double Your Current Sales

I have nothing for you to join or quit. Instead, stay where you are and
use what we teach you at UNITED MASTER-MIND to change how
you sell what you currently struggle to sell. Take it to the next level.

Market like a professional marketer. Not an “MLM”er.

I Will Load Your Lips. I Wrote The Book.

I love this industry. I have fought for you. Fought for us all. I will
give you the words, I will teach you how to share what you do with
people you know and they will think you’re a Genius. Which you are
anyway for stepping onto the side of FREE American enterprise.

I am Joe Schroeder.
I am a Soldier of Prosperity.
I am about to help you.

Put your money away. What I can mumble out-loud off the cuff on
live conference calls is worth----forget it. You’ll see.

Most Programs Do Not Offer a Free Sample

of What They Sell To Drive Sales
Through The Roof. Why Not?
Free To Keep it Real
There is no one is this industry who knows more about more
marketing subjects than me. That doesn’t make me the best. That
makes me different. My program is knowledge, I am a knowledge
bank. A jack-hammer of know-how. A factory of ideas and usable
proven techniques.

What’s more, because I am not dependant on you or anyone else

“joining” anything with me, I have the freedom to call it like it is. I
can tell it straight and that and that alone, is what Master-Mind is. An
independent THINK TANK of over achievers and Coarser doers. Go
find a dictionary, “coarser” is the biggest-strongest horse on the

I Taunt People. I Dare Them.

I sell something so spectacular that people ask for more. They come
back. No one sells a 3.2 marketing course for $197 and pays out two
levels $100 and $20. Then to top it off, I am so hell-bent that I have
the most comprehensive and the most undeniably best all around
Marketing DoJoe (again, see Websters) that I dare people to sample
what I sell for----surprise!----for on-the-house. Yup. Free.

10,000,000 Million will see this. Thank you Jesus.

What do you want? Want to learn how to hypnotize people? Make
them hang on your every word? What do you sell? Ever have people
ask you to buy? Ever have people so zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-----
hypnotized by your spoken words that they fall over themselves
trying to get closer to you? It’s MIND-SPEAK and it will cost you a
pretty penny to learn what I know.

This is Second Nature to Me. Like a Sport. It’s Easy For Me.
Question. Have you ever twisted people in a knot in your e-mails and
the ONLY way they can relieve the tension that you created in their
inner-intuitive subconscious was to BUY what you sell? I do that as a

Glutton For Punishment

As I said, I am a sporting guy and I feel obliged and oh well, I don’t
know, I feel almost obligated, to leak SOME of what I use on this
industry. Call me a glutton for punishment. I hate working18 hour
days and who ever said, “you can get rich in part-time hours” was a
liar. Anyone can earn $5,000 to $10,000 monthly in part-time hours.

But I am not that guy.

Join The Army. Pick up Your Sword.

I teach dominion, increase and leadership and in my neck of the
woods, you don’t create, manage, lead, mingle and pamper an Army
in P/T hours. What I do is a lifestyle to me, more than it’s a business.

The distinction is this. People like you and me work for a loving
while everyone else works for a living. Here is the drill.

Fight with me. Pick up your sword.

You and me will fight for freedom together.

Stand with me.

Now it’s me and you.


Lets rock-enroll.

Welcome to my world.

One Million+ Dollars

The Below Ad Copy Made me
One Million+ Dollars

“Dear Joe, I do not need to read any further or justify why I am

investing $197 into myself, by ordering your six (6) CD program . I
also want the training manual. You call this course The Speed
Enrollers Home Study Course. Joe, I call this my ticket to the big-
time. I have listened to your free CD, I have spent days here
dissecting your every word and my only question is why isn’t your six
CD program two thousand dollars! Joe, count me in”

The sales letter continues:

You heard it first from Joe Schroeder:

“It’s easier to earn $500 every seven (7) days
retailing something Networkers already buy
than trying to earn $1,000 in MLM every 30
You don’t need another course on search engines or some digital
Ebook on how to out-smart Google. What you need is a legitimate
and proven system.

Top of The Food Chain. “Hello Down There!”

You don’t need to join another downline club or to buy another batch
of leads. You may want them. But you don’t need them. What you
need is to start using the #1 mechanic behind 98% of all monster-
huge Mega Hitters who are on top of the MLM food chain.

Not only can I share the “hidden order” behind great MLM riches
with you, but I basically invented this concept for our industry.

It’s Easier To Turn a Buying Customer into a

New Enrollee Than To Try To Convince
a Stranger to Join Your Opportunity!

Wait, there’s an interruption.


“Hey Schroeder, my mother says people who can’t do teach. Have

you ever done what you teach?”

Tell your old lady she only dreams about my life.

Can we continue?

“Sorry Joe, yes please.”

Schroederism # 301
The more you have to explain anything the less you know.

Schroederism # 12
If you have to explain it to anyone, they aren’t your friends because
your friends will never ask you to explain anything.

Oh heck, one more just because I can.

Schroederism # 71
Humility is for people who are in second place. Nike didn’t become
Nike pretending they were Reebok.

Elvis was Elvis because when you know you know, you then start to
lead, instead of following. Try it. You can be [just] like me. Just
decide to.

Try this. Put on your party face after work. From 9-5 pick up your
sword and fight the fight. The world will make room for you if you
ask it to. People will follow you. See it bigger and be bigger.

People Who Easily “Fit in”

Work For Guys Like Me Who
Build The Boxes They Work In
Do you walk around and always try to “fit in?”
Did Donald Trump?
How well did Martha Stewart fit in?

People Who Easily “Fit in”

Work For Guys Like Me Who

Build The Boxes They Work In

Billion dollar Network Marketing programs RETAIL to recruit.
Everyone else pretends they have the BEST products, the BEST
compensation plan and the best….kinda silly when you actually see
that kind of nonsense on “paper” isn’t it?

Etch This in Schroeder Gold

Companies like Avon, Herbal-Life, Mary-Kay and Lord knows how
many other ten plus year old programs----don’t teach their members
to build downlines. Only because the common person doesn’t have
the social or leadership qualities to mount such a mountain.

I Build Armies. You Will Too.

It’s hard to argue with documentation. Especially considering I have
been publicly heralded on the covers of Small Business Opportunity
(1992), Upline (1995) Profit Now (1998), Cutting Edge Media (98
and 2000) and Six Figure Income magazine (2001).

James E. Tollison Was My Guru

Nonetheless, I created the Funded Proposal theory in MLM and as
such and as the Grandfather of it, I take great pride in sharing one of
the “secrets” of turning MLM for you from a P/T hobby into a F/T
$10,000 to $25,000 monthly check.

What you need is the UNDERLYING formula that the creators of

Funded Proposals use.

The reason big-name Networkers are SELLING information and/or

leads is for one fundamental reason: TO CREATE MOUNTAINS of
cash flow and to trap new customers into their sales process.

If whatever you are re-selling doesn’t have a dominant income

potential, you are playing distributor rather than owner. And the joke
is on you.

How A Desperate MLM Nerd From New Jersey....

Woke Up From An 8 Year “Marketing Coma”....

And Created Two $1,000,000 Dollar Downlines

By Doing What You’re Probably Not!
The MLM Company will teach you to lead with their products. Pure
propaganda. The money earners ARE NOT leading with the products.
Are they!

♦ Do you pay $29.95 per month to use your uplines web-site?

♦ Did your upline ever sell you on a “team co-op?”
♦ Does your big name UPLINE sell his/her information product?
♦ Does your upline have tools and “systems” to sell you?
♦ Do they have web-sites and/or a “system” you pay for?
♦ Your upline is not “doing” MLM.
♦ They are doing CAPITALISM!

Cap-i-tal-ist (kap-i-tl-ist) N. 1. A person who invests capital in

business and one with a major interest in it. 2. A very wealthy person.

Make this MIND-SHIFT or forever be searching in vein for a mega

downline that can feed your family for the rest of your life. Here is the
Million Dollar mind-shift:

♦ If the action doesn’t bring back an immediate sale or lead, stop the

♦ Stop promoting your MLM. Almost no one is interested in buying

that from you. They are already losing money in one.

♦ Lead with a hot product that people want. Sell and trade. Buy low
and sell high.

♦ HIDE your MLM inside of what you are selling and back-end 5-
20% of the CUSTOMERS into your MLM.

That is the #1 undisputed formula for Dale Calvert, Big Al, Robert
Blackman, Gerry Carson, Linda Bruton, Kim Klaver, Randy Gage,
Dexter Yeager and any other BIG name you can think of.

It’s easier to convert happy

CUSTOMERS into enrollee’s than it
is trying to convince total strangers to
quit their MLM and join yours.
It’s Easier To Create Cash Than a Downline.
That’s Why The MLM Elite Do Not Lead With MLM!

PROFIT NOW Magazine Votes Speed Enrollers #1

Chuck Huckaby, Publisher/Editor of PROFIT NOW Magazine
“Richard Poe’s book “WAVE III” started the Wave III revolution by
explaining this phenomenon so others could duplicate it.
Joe Schroeder’s “system” has simply poured gasoline on the fire”!

UPLINE Magazine Reviews The System

John Milton Fogg is also the
contributing editor for SUCCESS magazine
“Networkers are adept at adapting new
technologies for dollar wise purposes. Joe
Schroeder’s Quick Link system is one of the
best examples of this we’ve ever seen. The
implications of Joe’s system is as important
to everyone’s individual businesses as
it is to the entire industry!”

How To Earn $100’s Per Day

Before Your Downline Shows Up
The Hidden Golden Thread Behind
Most Meg-a-Successful Downlines
For eight years, I ran myself dogged in MLM and I ate up over $10,000 in
“mis-marketing” blunders. To be candid, I felt like a dunce, a nimrod and a
total loser. Meanwhile, the “answer” was right under my nose all along.

Before I learned the secret: I spent 1989 to 1994 in disgust. I never

surpassed $3,000 per month in MLM sales. And I almost gave up.

After I uncovered the formula: From 1995 to 1996, just a year after I
uncovered the “answer,” I had over $50,000 in monthly MLM downline
sales. By 1998 I was doing over $200,000 per month. Since that time, I have
earned over $1,000,000 dollars.

Cash Flow Even Excites Your Neighbors

Who Despise Network Marketing
The Uniformed Play Push-n-Grunt MLM.
Pro‘s Trade. They Retail. They Create
Customers That Back-Door Into Their
Perpetual Purchase System.
What is a FUNDED PROPOSAL? It’s any time you lead with something
for retail that pays an immediate profit and the MLM is hidden inside of the
item, out of public view. Hence, regardless if whether or not the prospect
JOINS or not, you still FUNDED the recruiting exercise with the CASH that
was made on the front end.

You front-end to back-end. Otherwise known as “retail to recruit.”

You earn money and cash REGARDLESS of who joins your MLM.

100% Cost-Free Advertising

In essence, you get to advertise and market for FREE using the profits from
the sale of whatever you are retailing. THAT is a “Funded Proposal.”

The Biggest Names and Biggest Earners Use

This Equation To Create Deliberate Downlines

DELIBERATE Downlines are downlines fueled, almost without fault,

with a cash happy front-end customers that breed enough cash flow to
capture a guaranteed high volume of people to back-end the MLM

Speed Enrollers Home Study Course

$197 and Earn $100 Per Sale
 “Speed Enrollers” is the only MLM affiliate re-sellers course
on the internet with a better than seven year history.

♦ It’s over 4.2 Lbs. of books and CDs.

♦ You earn $100 per sale .

♦ You can also re-sell the $14.95 “Chaos to Cash” course.

♦ You collect the money from your customer instantly. No waiting.

♦ No inventory. All packages you re-sell are shipped for you.

Most Programs Do Not Offer a Free Sample

of What They Sell To Drive Sales
Through The Roof. Why Not?

Commissions Must Be XXL

Earn $1,000 to $5,000 Per Month

Regardless if Any one Joins
Your Business or Not
 Earn $80 per $97 course sold.

 Earn $5 when you sell the $14.95 course.

Do you realize that if you are a re-seller of our $497 “List Dragon”
You earn $400 when you sell one!

No Free Lunch
Letting uncommitted people participate in the program is a mistake.
At Schroeder Publishing you can only use our 100% generic system
if you have purchased the $197 course. Why would we purposely
allow people who DID NOT make that commitment to compete
against the affiliates who have?

Why water the market down with uncommitted

people competing against themselves?
Yes we sell a low cost $14.95 “Chaos to Cash” introductory course.

We started this in 1997.

Your Advertising Needs to Be Zero Cost

The key to any successful direct response venture is that it needs to
virtually erase your ad costs. It needs to have enough RETAIL
PROFITS to keep the sales force in promotion and cash flow.

♦ It takes months to recruit 10 front line. Yet in contrast, only days

to sell enough information products and earn $100 to $500 dollars.

♦ You can use your profits to place more ads and to fund higher
levels of exposure through targeted media. Sure beats waiting for
your friends to join and get excited!

The Nature of Network Marketing

Doesn’t Drive Huge Downlines.
Cash Flow and Customers Do!

It’s Easier To Turn a Buying Customer into a

New Enrollee Than To Try To Convince
a Stranger to Join Your Opportunity!

Heavy hitters sell generic information and/or a “lead program” to the
competition which is NOT perceived as an infringement of territory,
but actually a welcomed relief.

♦ Leads never go out of style in MLM

♦ Books, CDs and training courses never go out of style in MLM.
♦ 99.9% of all Heavy-Hitters lead with a hot-sizzling retail product.

“Oh My God, Read This One!”

Fine-Point: Those who are naïve lead with their MLM pay plan.
Which is certain suicide. Simply because it puts to much pressure on
the program to perform than on the distributors own ability to
influence and to retail.

Sell a “pay plan” and you sabotage the very thing you are trying to
create. A Downline.

Done effectively, front-ending (leading with) how-to courses and/or a

lead program ERASES distributor anxiety about cash flow and also
perpetuates an endless thread of money to re-invest into more
expanding media and lucrative marketing campaigns.

Enter “Closing”
Either way, Funded Proposals don’t cost you a dime! The answer
then, to break any competitive barriers, is to approach the
competition with 100% generic training information and/or a solid
“lead” program which supplies names on labels and e-mail address
that you can load into your auto-responder.

Social Science
Fine Point: Ask any social scientist about the value of “commitment
and consistency.” The law says this, anytime a person has made a
commitment to anything, a job, a club, buying a care, anything, they
immediately look for similar actions (and purchases) to validate their
decision of commitment.

What happens in MLM that destroys it, is uneducated uplines expect

their new recruits to wait too long for any sort of pay-off. Thus,
defusing the commitment the new recruit just made.

Study any EXPLODING organization and you see this exact formula.

Step #1: Get the new enrollee into the market almost immediately.

Step #2: Give the new enrollee ONE central focus, on retailing.

Step #3: Make the biz about CASH through retailing, not “MLM.”


Non-MLM Types Join To Make Cash

(Hide Your MLM inside as the Back-End)

All three steps satisfies the MIND of the new enrollee. Each action of
those three validates their original decision to join you. This breeds
immediate results.

Not only that, but the new enrollee is ACTUALLY LOOKING for
an action TO DO which will prove to themselves that they made the
right decision to join you.

After people buy, join or commit to

something, they instinctually begin to have
internal pressure mentally to behave
consistent with what they just decided to
align to.
The human mind is looking for ACTIONS they can perform that will
be consistent with their decision to buy.

With the $197 Speed Enrollers program people are up and promoting
and can be capturing leads THE SAME DAY they buy the $197
Speed course. You are vested to start earning commissions the
SECOND you order.

Here is what is included with your $197 CD Program.

 FREE “Chaos to Cash” Normally sells for $14.95. (can be

ordered alone) This has two CD’s, a booklet and report.

 ONLY “Speed” $197 buyers have the rights to re-sell both of

these courses.

 The $197 program also has 112 page manual.

 Receive your commission instantly and watch your income grow!
♦ All courses dropped shipped for you.


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