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Phrasal Verbs and Idiomatic Expressions

Believe in break into call in care for carry on carry out cheer up chill out come back come from come on
come out come round come up with cross out deal with depend on figure out fill in find out get away get into
get off get on (with) get out get together get up x2 give out give up go back go out go up go with grow up
hand over hang up hear from hurry up invest in keep out laugh at let in light up log off log on look after
look for look forward to look up meet up (with) pick up put on put up refer to return to run away run out (of)
scroll down scroll up sell out set up stand up stay in stay up sum up switch off switch on take away take off
take out throw away throw out try on try out turn down turn off wake up work on work out

1. Private Property

! (nie wchodzi)

2. A cold shower will soon


24. I couldnt

. (obudzi)

coming from. (zdecydowa)

I remembered what Id wanted

3. After I

25. I dont feel like going out anywhere, so Ill just

to say. (odoy suchawk)

and watch some films. (zosta w domu)

what weve agreed so far?

4. Can I just

26. I dont need that you can


5. Can I

27. I havent

to the restaurant

sometime? (zabra)


28. I

co robi)

her for


in the dictionary.


ghosts? (wierzy w)

7. Do you

29. I

my wet boots and sat by the fire.


this skirt? (pasowa)

8. Does this jacket

30. I tried to say I love you, but the words wouldnt

9. Dont you think its about time you

. (wyj)

a new coat? (zainwestowa w)

31. I was given some pills to

my accent. (mia si z)

10. Everybody
11. Extensive test had been

me, that hurts! (odczepi si)


13. Give Mary a call; she needs

the kettle

to this weekend. (oczekiwa z

a business,

36. It was eight oclock and she decided it was time to

. (wsta)


our country, our real home. (wrci)

from home at the age of thirteen.

you know that isnt

38. Oh,


18. He was the sort of person you could

true! (da spokj)

(polega na)

his car. (pracowa nad)

20. His eyes

when she walked into

my book

40. Please

the lights

as you

the television


41. Please
this thing

me. (zwrci)

39. Please

leave. (wyczy)

the room. (rozpromieni)

21. How do you

some day its

37. Of course we want to

elderly parents. (opiekowa si)

19. Hes

for tea. (wczy)

youre going to need a good business plan. (zaoy)

off the floor. (wstawa)

17. He

33. Ill

at five. (odebra kogo)

35. If you want to

(zajmowa si)

16. He moved back home to



these letters yet?

15. He

32. Ill
34. Im


14. Have you

the pain.

(zabra / odebra)

on the

patient. (przeprowadza)

you go to bed. (wyczy)


23. I cant

months. (mie wiadomoci od)

with your work while Im away. (nadal






where the music was

42. Please

! Were going to be late. (pospieszy si)

loud. (przyciszy)

how to do this. (zrozumie)


the volume

, its too

Phrasal Verbs and Idiomatic Expressions

43. Please, do

and see us some

63. They

time. (przyj w odwiedziny)

44. Please,

garden. (postawi)
, its cold outside.


64. Theyre


with a new idea for

Manchester. (pochodzi z)

65. Tom

increasing sales. (wymyli)

66. Tom has been

46. She simply cant


47. Shed been seeing the boy for a while, but didnt
want her parents to

with Lucy for six weeks.

(umawia si z)

brothers. (by w dobrych stosunkach z)

the shoes

before you buy them.


of the car. (wysi)

68. We

69. We must

(dowiedzie si)

for a coffee sometime.

(spotka si)

48. She screamed at me to

. (wyj)

49. Shes just

her make-up.

of fuel. (wyczerpa / zuy)

70. We

71. We sometimes meet up to


50. Someone


watch a movie. (relaksowa si)

our house while we were

gone and stole our TV. (wama si)

72. We were able to

51. That old chair should be

the BBC World

Service. (zapa zasig)

73. What are you doing? // Im


52. The bank manager had to


53. The murderer


keys, but Im afraid I lost them. (szuka)

police after the robbery. (wezwa pomoc)

74. Whats the best way to

from the prison

journalism? (dosta si gdzie)

last night. (ucieka)

75. When you finish, please

54. The phone rang and rang and nobody

before you turn

off the computer. (wylogowa)


76. When you surrender, you

55. The teacher

the exam papers.

77. Whos going to

56. The temperature has

white flag.



from 16

the children while

youre away? (opiekowa si)

to 22 degrees. (pj w gr)

78. You

57. The term Arts usually

very late last night.


humanities and social sciences. (odnosi si do)

58. The tickets for the concert

79. You can


my name

of the list, I

wont come. (skreli)

hours. (wyprzeda)

80. You may use the arrow keys to

59. Their children have all

and left


home now. (dorasta)

the page. (przewija w gr i w d)

81. You need a password to

60. There were no seats left so I had to

82. You ought to

the weapons



to the


(zrezygnowa z)

83. Youve got school tomorrow. I dont want you

police. (przekazywa)
62. They

the new UAV

(unmanned aerial vehicle). (wyprbowa)

45. She

61. They

a fence around their

late. (siedzie po nocy)

again later for a drink.

(spotka si)

Phrasal Verbs and Idiomatic Expressions

a red-letter day (in) black and white (x2) every cloud has a silver lining once in a blue moon to be
blacklisted to be green to be green with envy to be in the black to be in the red to be the black sheep to
be tickled pink to come out of the blue (to do sth) with flying colors to feel blue to give sb the green light
to have green fingers to paint the town red to see through rose-colored glasses use ones grey matter

1. Bill told a joke that really

us all

. (to entertain sb very much)

2. Im afraid I dont

. Ive killed every plant Ive ever owned. (to be good at keeping plants

3. Im sorry your business is going badly, but dont despair.

(every difficult situation has a positive side)

4. Its a complex issue, but he only see it in

. (completely bad or good)

5. Its an entertaining film but it doesnt exactly force us to


. (to think)

6. Jack finished his exams today so hes gone out to

. (to go out and enjoy oneself

in the evening)
7. Many of the students

at the end of their first year. (to owe money to a bank)

8. Mel Gibson

by all the major Hollywood studios because of what he said

about the Jews. (considered undesirable)

he ran away at 16 to become a rock star and his parents never

9. My father

forgave him. (sb who is considered to a bad person by the rest of their family)

, I buy a fashion magazine, just to see what people are

wearing. (very seldom)

11. Sarahs going off to the south of France for three weeks and were all

. (very

12. She passed the exam
13. She


. (very well)
when she started working here, but now she is a manger. (unexperienced)

14. Shes nostalgic for a past that she

. (sth perceived as more

pleasant than it really is)

15. The day our daughter was born was a real

for us. (a very important and special day)

16. The decision

. (unexpectedly)

17. The government has decided

to the plan. (to give permission)

18. The terms of our arrangement were spelled out

, so there should be no

question about it. (written down in print)

19. Were still
20. You look like you

after our holiday. (to have money)

. Whats wrong? (to feel sad)

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