H Bridge

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MOSFET stands for Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor

means effective Transistor have metal and oxide semiconductor. Figure 11 shows
the structure of n-channel MOSFET and the symbol of type n-channel and pchannel MOSFET

MOSFET has 3 pins called Gate (G), Drain (D) and Source (S). Basically, in
N-channel MOSFET, if the voltage in G is greater than S from 3V then it is
saturated conduct MOSFET. Then the resistance between two pins D and S are
very small (called the conduct resistance DS) MOSFET is equivalent to a lock. In
contrast, in the P-channel MOSFET, the voltage in G feet less than S about 3V, the
MOSFET S conduct, the lead resistance is also very small. Because the
conductivity of the MOSFET voltage depends on G, MOSFET is known as voltage
control, ideal for digital circuits where the voltage is used as logic level (level 0 is
0V, 5V is level 1).
MOSFET is used instead of the BJT in the H-bridge circuit because the
current it can conduct is very high, suitable for high power circuit. Because of how
it works, we can imagine a similar N-channel MOSFET as BJT NPN type and Pchannel MOSFET as PNP BJT. Conventional MOSFET manufacturers typically
create a pair of MOSFET includes an N-channel component and a P-channel
components, 2 MOSFET has parameters similar to each other and are often used
together. Like the BJT, in the H-bridge circuit, each MOSFET only appropriate for
a given position, N-channel MOSFET is used for locking the lower and P-channel
MOSFET for locking the top. To explain, take for example a N-channel MOSFET
is used to control a DC motor as shown in Figure 12.

Initially MOSFET is not enabled, no circuit currents, voltage at pin S= 0.

When the MOSFET is enabled and conduct, the conduct resistance DS is
negligible compared to impedance voltage of the motor so the voltage at S is 12V.
To enable the MOSFET the voltage at G must be greater than S at least 3V, means
15V at least while we use the microcontroller to trigger MOSFET, it is difficult to
create voltage 15V. So N-channel MOSFET is not so suitable for the top locking in
the H-bridge circuit. P type MOSFET is used in this case. However, a drawback of
P-channel MOSFET is the conduct resistance DS is greater than that of N type. So,
even well-designed, P-channel MOSFET in the H-bridge circuit using two types of
MOSFET is often hotter and easy to be broken than the N type MOSFET, and the
power of circuit is reduced also. Figure 13 shows an H-bridge circuit using two
types of MOSFET

We use 2 IRF540 N-channel MOSFET and 2 P-channel IRF9540. This type

of MOSFET can endure high current (possibly up to 30A, nominal) and high
voltage, but its disadvantage is the conduct resistance is relatively large (you find
our datasheet for more). To trigger the N-channel MOSFET below it is not too
difficult, just use the microcontroller triggers directly on the line L2 or R2. For top
lock (IRF9540, P-channel) we have to use BJT 2N3904 to trigger. When BJT
2N3904 is not triggered yet, pin G of the MOSFET is connected to VS with 1K
resistors, voltage at G nearly equal to the voltage VS and is also at S of MOSFET
IRF9540, so it would not conduct. When you trigger the line L1 or R1, the BJT
2N3904 conduct and leads the voltage at G fall close to 0V .Then, the voltage at
pin G is much smaller than the voltage at pin S, MOSFET will conduct.
Microcontroller can be used to activate the lines L1, L2, R1 and R2.

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