Factorial Analysis of The Value of The Resident Real Estate

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Evaluation of the real estate is the estimate real estate value taking into account all factors
that influence value. Factors influencing the estimated value of real estate can be divided into
external factors and internal factors. For determinating the value is analyzed factors influence
the location and physical condition of real estate in the country.
Housing fund has increased considerably in recent years due to the number of new
construction occurring each year. The real estate in public property are less because a lot of them
was privatizate, while the number of private properties increases. At the same time increase the
number real estates in urban areas and the number of rural real estate decreases.
Old buildings are used construction requiring repairs to be further used without putting
human lives at risk. From the year of passing the external appearance of the buildings is getting
worse because there is no question of renewing facades, and not just facades. It is risky to buy an
apartment in an old building since the life of the real estate get closer to an end, the life of the
constructive elements is long since past and it was not replaced. One solution would be to adapt
the program consolidation of old buildings used in Romania.
In any research that consists in gathering information and analyzing it using a platform of
creating a database. In this case Excel software is used, it allows sorting and filtering information
gathered to perform further calculations necessary.
Based on an analysis of collected data offer prices for apartments depending on the
sectors in which they are located, but also in price dependent on the number of their rooms.
Corrections applies to calculating the value of comparative analysis method, when
evaluated property improvements are compared with other property exposed on the market, the
paper calculated correction to the heating system, floor number correction, the correction of the
physical condition, state correction roof.
The given work includes three chapters, two duntre which include analysis of current
situation, and the third evaluation of real estate, 21 figures, 19 tables, 45 bibliographical sources,
all that extend 73 pages.
In conclusion present some problems are identified and solutions proposed effective for
them, such as the deplorable physical condition the locative funds in the country for a year on
year becomes worse, reduction of green areas and the related to evaluation activity.

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