Home Insurance

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Home Insurance Policy Details

Key Benefits:

Comprehensive cover available, which covers both structure and / or contents of your
Coverage up to 10 years for only structure, 5 years for only contents and 5 years for
structure & content
Cover against Fire and allied perils, Burglary & Theft and Optional cover for Terrorism
and Additional expenses of rent for alternative accommodation.

Sum Insured & Coverage:

What is covered
You can choose to buy insurance for only the building (structure) of your home, or only the
contents (belongings) or both.
The policy covers the losses to the structure and contents of your home due to any natural and
man-made calamities.
The calamities covered are:


Impact Damage

Aircraft damage

Explosion / implosion

Storm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado, Flood and Inundation

Riots, Strike, Malicious and Terrorism Damage(optional)

Subsidence and Landslide including Rockslide

Bursting and/or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and pipes

Missile testing operations

Leakage from automatic sprinkler installations

Bush Fire

The contents of your home are also covered against loss due to burglary or an attempted
burglary / housebreaking including theft. It also covers loss of jewellery, silver articles
and precious stones kept under lock and key, up to 25% of the total content sum insured
or Rs. 1 Lac, whichever is lower.

Optional covers:
Terrorism Cover: Covers any damages and losses to the structure and / or contents of
your home due to acts of terrorism.
Additional expenses of rent for alternative accommodation: If you are forced to shift
into an alternative accommodation because your home is destroyed or damaged by any
insured peril, the policy will cover you against the additional rent.
The maximum coverage is up to 1 Lakh for up to 6 months. This cover is available only
if you are insuring the structure of your home
What is not covered?

Willful destruction of property.

Loss, damage and destruction caused by war, wear and tear etc.

Losses if your home has been unoccupied for more than 30 days, without prior notice to
the company.

Cash, bullion, painting, works of art and antiques.

How to calculate the Sum insured:

The home insurance policy insures the structure of your home for its reconstruction value (and
not for market value). Reconstruction value is defined as the cost incurred to reconstruct the
home if it is damaged. On the other hand, market value is a combination of cost of land, demand
& supply scenario, etc.

Home Safety Guidelines:

Safeguard your Home against Burglary
Your home is definitely one of your most prized possession. It is the place you belong... a place
you come back to... a place where you live happily with your loved ones. The most common
incident that threatens your home's security is Burglary. There is no fool proof method to prevent
it completely, but you can definitely take some steps to avoid it considerably.
Here are a few thoughts.

Make sure you have installed a peephole in the front door and instruct all members to use
it every time. If there are children who cant reach up to the peephole, keep a side table
for them near the door.

Do not open the door to any unknown person. In case of a sales person or repair man,
always ask for his identity card.

Most cases of burglaries take place through windows, especially of the ground floor.
Ensure that you lock the windows properly when you leave. In case of sliding doors,
place solid bars at the slide for best results.

The front door, too, is vulnerable to such incidents. A shielding, such as a grilled gate,
will provide the best protection.

Lock jewels and valuable articles at the bank.

Avoid discussing holiday plans in public where strangers may come to know about your

Install and set burglar alarm when you leave your home.

Mark your belongings with the postal code or the house number. Take photos of objects
which cannot be marked, like jewelry, etc. Keep the list with yourself or a give one copy
to a trusted relative.

If the garage opens to the house, make sure that it is properly locked at all times with a
proper safety lock.

Uncollected letters may easily invite a burglar giving him the hint there is nobody inside
the home. Therefore, before you leave ask your neighbors to empty the letter box on a
regular basis.

Do not leave behind important documents. Leave them with a relative or preferably at the

When away for days, ensure that your home appears occupied. Using timer switches (to
switch on lights at particular time) can be helpful.

And most importantly, do get a comprehensive Home Insurance policy that covers not just the
structure but also the content of your house. We do understand the importance of our home but
somehow tend to ignore the importance of home insurance. Most of us tend to underestimate its
importance, until we experience such incidents. Do not wait for a mishap to occur.

Claim Process:
Call us on our 24x7 Toll Free insurance helpline number 1800 2666.
Provide relevant information, which includes your policy and other details regarding your
claim. Consequently, your claim request is authenticated and is escalated to the company's
claims department.
The company's claims department validates and registers the request. The company appoints a
surveyor within 48 hours.
You will need to submit all the relevant documents to the surveyor. The surveyor submits the
Final Survey Report (FSR) along with the documents within 7 days.
On receipt of documents, the claims department processes the claim within 7 days.

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