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Description of Business


Justification of Location


Selection of Appropriate Labour

Sources of Fixed Capital and Working Capital


Roles of Entrepreneur


Types of Production


Level of Production


Quality Control Measures

Use of Technology


Potential for Growth




Government Regulations


Ethical Issues






This type of business will be a partnership organization, reason being because it is relatively easy
and inexpensive to start and maintain. Analains Seafood Restaurant will provide various types of
meals such as: curried lobster, fried shrimp, grilled fish, chilly grilled shrimp, steamed fish and
fried fish served with white rice or pumpkin rice with a side dish of potato salad. Appetizers will
be included in these meals. Entertainment will be provided by special guest artists while you
enjoy your delicious meal. The opening hours of this restaurant will be from 9am 11pm.
The main goal of this restaurant is to earn and profit and to provide excellent quality food,
service and cleanliness to customers. Our mission statement is to sell delicious and remarkable
food which will meet the highest standard of quality, freshness and seasonality and combines
both modern-creative and traditional styles of cooking. To consistently provide our customers
with impeccable service by demonstrating warmth, graciousness, professionalism, and integrity
in our work. To have every customer who comes through our doors leave impressed and be
excited to come back again. To provide all who work with us a friendly, co-operative and
rewarding environment which encourages long-term satisfaction and growth of business.


The location of this restaurant will be 51 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5. Our telephone
number will be (876) 960-9162. Reasons for choosing this location are the target marketing,
parking availability and closeness to raw material.
Target marketing this aids to make promotions, pricing and distribution of products and
services. Our target marketing is a much more affordable, efficient and effective way to reach
potential customers and generate our business.
Parking Availability this will appeal to a spacious area owed or rented by this restaurant that
will allow customers to gain access to parking spaces while they dine in the restaurant.
Closeness to raw material - this will minimize the cost of transportation instead of travelling a
distance to purchase the materials. Also having closeness god per unit will decrease therefore
profits increase.



The type of labour necessary is semi-skilled. Semi-skilled workers are people who are able to
work with adequate supervision. They have enough mastery of the task at hand to not have to be
supervised constantly. A large amount of workers will be employed, these will include: a head
chef, chefs, receptionists, janitors, dishwashers, and waiters.
Head Chef - The duty and responsibility of the head chef is to make sure that the food prepared
by the employees are prepared properly and on time to be distributed to the customers. He is the
head of the kitchen and in charge of all the activities that take place in it.
Chefs the duty and responsibility of the chef is to preparing the meals for the customers.
Receptionist the duty and responsibility of the receptionist is to ill be the employee take an
administrative position collecting payments from the customers through the waiting staff. The
work is usually performed in a waiting area such as an office desk. The dishwasher will be the
person who washes the dishes in the restaurant.
Dishwasher the duty and responsibility of the dishwasher is to wash the dishes in the kitchen.
Waitresses and waiters the duty and responsibility of the waitresses and waiters are to set the
table. deliver the food t the customers and ensure that they are satisfied with the food.
Janitors- duty and responsibility of ht janitors is to mop the floors and ensure that the place is
ready for the customers.



head chef







The business can obtain its purchases of fixed capital assets from the aptly named capital market,
where loans are given on a long-term basis. Funding will also be obtained from bank loans, the
selling of shares, the issuing if debentures, bonds and other promissory notes. Examples of
purchases are: buildings, equipment, vehicles etc.
The business can obtain working capital from banks, factoring or loans, also from funds from
family. Example of working capital is money that is able to be used. It can be liquid cash in a
bank account or credit that you can draw as needed.
After tabulating the purchases, the business will need a total sum of $3.3 million dollars to cover
most of its present and future expenses. We will ask for loan of 2 million dollars from the bank
of Sagicor, we will also issue out 30 shares valuing $70,000 each to potential buyers. The
remaining funds needed will be contributed from to the business from the owners account and
from family members willing to support.
The building, equipment and company vehicles, from estimation will cost at least 2.2 million
dollars and the remaining will be used as working capital.


The role of the entrepreneur in this restaurant is to undertake the risk of the investment to create
and market a good or service for financial gains. It is also the role of the entrepreneur to make
the right decisions concerning employment.
This is the first step in setting up an enterprise. The planning process involves:

Scanning for the best suitable idea

Selection of the product line

Determining the type of business organization (individual or partnership or corporate)

Estimation of capital resources

Selection of location/site

Studying the government policies and regulations

Studying the availability of labour force

Studying of the market and marketing strategy to be adopted


As a decision maker, an entrepreneur takes various decisions regarding the following

Determining the objectives of the business enterprise
Procurement of machinery, material, men, etc
Acquisition of efficient technology and new equipment
Development of a market for the product


Analains Seafood Restaurant will be both Secondary and Tertiary types of Production.
Secondary Production because we will take the raw material such as the shrimp, fish ,crabs, rice
and create a finished product (meal). It will also be tertiary because we will offer different kind
of deals and services to customers by the waiting staff.


The level of production that will be used in the restaurant is Domestic Production. Domestic
Production is the production of goods and services for the family and the country. This level does
not involve any imports from foreign countries or agencies. This means that we will use our
resources and harvest our food on our own soil and the seafood such as the shrimp, fish and
crabs are caught by fishermen on our seashores.



He quality control measures the business should adhere to are:
Producing high quality products- producing high quality products will give the business
compliments from customers and media. This will help with the development of the business
popularity and reputation. Maintaining a good reputation will encourage customers to dine at the
restaurant more often.
Resistance from false advertising- false adverting in the business will discourage customers
from purchasing the products the business has to offer. Because of this the business will get
fewer sales because of the customers lost. This would eventually lead to a loss financially which
may end up with the business being closed down.

Two types of technology that will mostly be used in this restaurant will be a Point-Of-Scale
System and The Commercial Oven.
Point-Of-Scale System- is also known as the (POS), this type of technology will help to enhance
the restaurant because it includes all the hardware and software needed to enter on and order,
display it for the kitchen staff, and even perform additional tasks such as recording inventory
counts and labor costs.
The Commercial Oven- A commercial oven is a kitchen appliance used for heating and baking
foods in a professional setting. Establishments such as restaurants, bakeries, and cafeterias often
use commercial ovens. This is because professional ovens typically have the capacity and power
to handle large amounts of different kinds of food in a timely manner. There are several types of
commercial ovens that may accommodate different needs.
They may be gas, wood or electric-powered and usually cook by convection.
Usually, a commercial oven will bake by convection rather than conventional means. The
difference is that, while both types use heating elements to radiate heat, a convection oven also
uses a fan. This fan helps food to cook evenly and quickly, two attributes that are often important
to chefs.


The type of linkage that will be used in the organization is the backward linkage. We will be
backwardly linked to the fishermens market, which will supply us with our seafood such as:
crab legs, lobster, shrimp, fish etc. the market will be located near to out restaurant, and they will
be sold to us at a reasonable price. The business will benefit from backward linkage because
there it no dependence on imported goods since local suppliers provide the raw material for the


This business will ensure that all taxes are paid to the government. This will have a positive
impact on the business because then the business cannot be closed down because of unpaid tax in
Another government regulation is advertising. Laws pertaining to marketing and advertisement
set in motion exist to protect consumers and keep my restaurant about its products. This business
will ensure that all advertisement carried out in the business name remains honest or we could
face lawsuits for violation.


One ethical issue is the overpricing of goods which Analains Seafood Restaurant will not
encounter. Our restaurant meals are offered at a reasonable and affordable price. If overpricing is
encountered this will affect the business by losing customers will result in a loss for the business.
Another ethical issue relating to production is making sure that the business encourages proper
disposal of waste products. Disposal of waste in the incorrect place would be polluting the


I am using this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone who supported me throughout
the course of this SBA project. Firstly, I would like to thank the Almighty God for keeping me
alive to complete this project. I am also thankful for the aspiring guidance, invaluably
constrictive criticism my parents gave me in completion of this project. I would also like to
express deep thanks to my Principle of Business teacher Mrs. Hanson-Myers in assisting me with
the corrections to my SBA. Last but certainly not the least I would like to wish sincere gratitude
to my friends who help turn Analains Seafood Restaurant from an idea into and innovation.


Potential for Growth is an organizations future ability to generate larger profits, expand its work
force and ramp up its production.
Potential for growth within Analains Seafood Restaurant internally is to expand our menu from
our normal seafood menu to other dishes so that our customers may also enjoy other meals. We
should also have special events occurring on the weekend such as karaoke nights to attract more
customers to the restaurant.
Potential for growth with Analains Seafood Restaurant externally is to open other branches
island wide and internationally to generate larger profit. As the owner and operator of this
restaurant is should be known all around the world for its delicious meals prepared and served to
the customers and the amazing service provided by the employees of the restaurant.


I am Ananda Boothe, presenting my business proposal for a loan from your institution. The
name is Analains Seafood Restaurant a large production business which will be producing foods
such as curried shrimp, fried fish, grilled fish and fried crab legs served with rice and potato

A production research was conducted to ascertain if the business would be favourable in the
intended location, and got some encouraging response. It is my intention to commence operation
on January 02, 2016.

1. Robinson Kaleen, Hamil Sybile, CXC: Principles of Business with SBA Study
Guides and Exercises.
2. www.
3. www.
4. www.



Pictures of Meals that will be offered by this Restaurant:

Curry Shrimp and White Rice

Grilled Shrimp

Fried Crab Legs

fried shrimp



Analains Seafood Restaurant
51 knutsford boluvard , Kingston 5
only the best food is served

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