Centennial Review: Eight Myths of Wealth and Poverty

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Colorado Christian University
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Centennial Review Principled ideas from the Centennial Institute Volume 2, Number 2 • March 2010
March 2010

Eight Myths of
Wealth and Poverty
EIGHT MYTHS OF 1. The Nirvana Myth
By Jay W. Richards WEALTH AND POVERTY The first fallacy is that of comparing capitalism with an
unrealizable ideal. It’s not simply the belief that good will
What Aquinas and Hayek By Jay W. Richards triumph in the end or that the kingdom of God is already
Understood present—though not yet fully realized—in history. It’s the
by Ryan Patrick Murphy In the 20th-century battle between com- delusion that we can build utopia on our own if we try hard
munism and capitalism, capitalism won. enough. It makes every real society look intolerably wicked,
www.CentennialCCU.org is your on-
line resource for this and previous issues Biblical truth and biblical believers since no real society can measure up to utopia. Without this
of Centennial Review, news of Institute helped it win. Except for preachers of the myth, the popular but deadly communist experiments of the
events, and daily updates on faith, fam- misguided “prosperity gospel,” however, past century could never have gotten off the ground.
ily, and freedom at our '76 Blog.
many of us who follow Christ still worry
about capitalism. Some of our qualms When we ask whether we can build a just society, we need to
Tax-deductible contributions from
friends make possible the Institute’s stem from our everyday experience of keep the question nailed to solid ground: Just, compared to
outreach and all of Colorado Christian greedy bosses and the rampant consumer- what? It doesn’t do anyone any good to tear down a society
University’s educational work. We in- that is “unjust” compared to the kingdom of God, if that
vite your support via our web site at ism we see around us, or from our frustration that poverty
www.CentennialCCU.org or at the above continues to exist even in the United States. Some of our society is more just than any of the ones that will replace it.
mailing address. concern comes from fraud in companies like Enron. And And when we do compare capitalism with the live alterna-
some comes from the biases of media and academia, where tives, capitalism wins hands down.
encourage inventors and entrepreneurs to seek out new forms So these are the eight myths there is still deep hostility toward free-market ideas.
of energy to replace oil. This is what has happened histori- we need to see through for a 2. The Piety Myth
But in my experience, most of the problems Americans these
cally with every resource. We will always need energy, of clear picture of wealth and days (including Christians) have with capitalism derive from Spiritually, you’re better off a little mixed up about eco-
course, but we won’t always use the same source of energy. poverty. The fallacies un- nomics than indifferent to human suffering. Economically,
believing eight myths about this remarkable though imper-
Also, we should remember that few resources are resources derlying each of them, along though, only what you do is important, whatever your
fect system. Explaining them fully requires a book-length
without human input. Oil was just an irritating pollutant with the correctives for each, reason. As the French philosopher Etienne Gilson famously
treatment like the one I’ve written, Money, Greed, and God:
are easy to get. But they’re said, “Piety is no substitute for technique.” In the piety
until we realized it contained lots of energy, figured out how Why Capitalism Is the Solution and Not the Problem. But it’s
easy to forget. myth, we mistakenly focus on our good intentions rather
to refine and store it, and invented machines that could use possible to summarize and refute the myths quite succinctly,
than on the real and often unintended consequences of an act
it. We don’t just use resources; using the raw materials God Learn and hold onto them, which this essay will do.
or policy. Well-meaning people have supported all manner
has created, we create new resources. however, and you’ll not only Every morally reflective person has probably asked himself, of bad policy—price and rent controls that create shortages,
In fact, over time, the matter in a material resource matters avoid policies that do more harm than good. You’ll also or been asked, such worrisome questions as these: high minimum wage laws that harm the poorest of the poor,
less than the mind that transforms it—manure into fertilizer, understand why a good Christian can be a good capitalist.
● Can’t we build a just society? foreign aid that funds dictators—for noble motives. The mo-
oil into gasoline and kerosene, sand into computer chips It’s an oft-neglected truth that the creation of wealth has as tives didn’t change the results.
and fiber-optic cables, light into lasers. As economist Julian much to do with spirit as with matter. You can’t find eco- ● What does God require of those seeking to follow Him?
“The art of economics,” said economic journalist Henry
Simon once said, man is the “ultimate resource.” This is nomic freedom or cultural mores on a map or put them in ● Doesn’t capitalism foster unfair competition? Hazlitt, “consists in looking not merely at the immediate but
perhaps the greatest truth of economics, resulting in an ever- a safe. They’re intangible, immaterial, spiritual. That’s not ● If I become rich, won’t someone else become poor? at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing
expanding fair share for the whole human family, so long as to suggest that the wealthy are spiritual and the poor are un- the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but
freedom is allowed to flourish. spiritual. It simply points to what Christians should know if ● Isn’t capitalism based on greed?
for all.”1 If we want not just a heart for the poor, but also a
anyone does: Things spiritual are the great drivers of wealth ● Aren’t money-lending and interest contrary to Scripture? mind for the poor, we first have to learn the art of economics.
You’re Invited: March 19 in Denver creation in human society. ● Doesn’t capitalism lead to an ugly consumerist culture? God requires more of us than simply meaning well.
Shouldn’t Christians champion the one economic system that
“Reviving Democratic Capitalism” allows abundant wealth to be created: capitalism? ■
● Isn’t our modern lifestyle causing us to take more than
our fair share and use up all the natural resources? Jay W. Richards, Ph.D., is a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a contributing
A breakfast briefing presented by the
editor of The American at the American Enterprise Institute, and the author of Money,
Centennial Institute and the American Enterprise Institute 1
Henry Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson (New York: Three Rivers Press, 1979), p. 17. These are eight good questions. To get the right answers, Greed, and God: Why Capitalism is the Solution and Not the Problem (HarperOne, 2009).
E-mail: Centennial@ccu.edu for ticket information 2
Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Part IV, chapter 1.
you have to see through the myths surrounding each one. This essay is based on his lecture at Colorado Christian University’s all-campus
Jim Wallis, God’s Politics (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 2005), p. 355. symposium on faith, family, and freedom on October 21, 2009.
So here goes:
Centennial Review, March 2010 ▪ 4
the same size. Under capitalism, someone can get wealthy exact interest from them.” So for centuries Christians, along
not merely by having someone else’s wealth transferred to with pretty much every traditional culture, forbade charging Vo i c e s o f C C U
their account, but by creating new wealth, not only for them- interest on money loans.
selves, but also for others. This person’s betterment needn’t But the West eventually developed banking systems that
come at the price of that one’s impoverishment; rather, the UNDERSTOOD
allowed banks to lend money that had been deposited. They
rising tide can lift all boats. charged interest because the loans were risky and prevented By Ryan Patrick Murphy
the bank from using the money for other purposes. The
5. The Greed Myth Great thinkers have wrestled with ethics and
banks also paid interest to the depositors for the risk they economics for centuries. The 13th-century
Foes of capitalism, and even some of its friends, often claim assumed. This system allowed wealth to be created much theologian St. Thomas Aquinas gave much
that it is based on greed. Author and philosopher Ayn Rand more quickly than it had been before. Christians eventu- consideration to the just use of money. In his
even claimed that selfishness is a virtue. But greed, according ally realized that such loans were different from an ancient Summa Theologica Aquinas notes the influence
to the Christian tradition, is one of the seven deadly sins. If of supply and demand on prices, whereby the
Hebrew charging interest to his poor kinsman on money that abundance of something leads directly to a de-
capitalism is based on it, then Christians can’t be capitalists. wasn’t doing anything anyway. The sin of usury involves crease in its price, and vice versa. He therefore
In truth, Adam Smith and other capitalist thinkers did not exploiting someone in their poverty, like loan sharks do, and offers a positive evaluation of merchants who make profits by
doesn’t describe modern business loans. purchasing goods where they are abundant, and transporting
3. The Zero-Sum Myth believe this greed myth. Rather, Smith argued that capital-
and selling them where they are scarce. In one letter he refers
ism, unlike static and command economies, can channel Still, some Christians continue to treat banking, and any to the common market price as the just price.
There are three kinds of games: win-lose, lose-lose, and win- even greedy motives into socially beneficial outcomes. “In work with money, as if it were inherently evil. That’s the Capitalism is based on this recognition of Aquinas: States of
win. Win-lose games, like basketball, are sometimes called spite of their natural selfishness and rapacity,” Smith wrote, usury myth. The love of money may be the root of all evil, affairs in the world are constantly changing, and resources,
zero-sum games. When the Celtics and the Bulls compete, if business people “are led by an invisible hand...and thus characterized by scarcity, are in flux. Prices seeking their
as we read in I Timothy 6:10, but money itself is not evil.
the Celtics are up, then the Bulls are down, and vice versa. without intending it, own level in a free market give us precise and accurate infor-
The scales balance. It’s a zero-sum. mation about scarcity—the relative demand and availability
“Competition and choice without knowing it, 7. The Artsy Myth of a commodity. This is equally true for labor markets or the
Besides lose-lose games, which most of us avoid, advance the interest of price of bread. We might wish bread—or jobs—were more
there are positive-sum or win-win games. In these enhance fairness. The rising the society...” 2
Many Christians hear “capitalism” and they think “ugly.”
They assume that capitalism leads to the “commodification plentiful. But wishing, and manipulating prices to reflect our
games, some players may end up better off than
others, but everyone ends up at least the same if not
tide can lift all boats.” Rather than inspire of everything,” as social critic Jim Wallis puts it—which
desires, does not make it so.
Attempts to manipulate the market represent what F. A. Hayek
miserliness, capital- turns “all values into market values, gutting the world of called “the fatal conceit,” the idea that some bureaucrat can
better off than they were at the beginning. ism encourages enterprise. Entrepreneurs, even greedy ones, genuine love, caring, compassion, connection, and commit- have up-to-the minute information about scarcity and demand
Millions of people think that the free trade in capitalism succeed by delaying their own gratification, by investing ment for what will sell, for example, on a television show.”3 for a commodity. Command economies litter human history
is a dog-eat-dog competition, where winners always cre- their wealth in creative but risky ventures that may or may with their failed attempts to control prices. In my years of
The problem here is not with capitalism per se but with doing relief work in developing countries, I witnessed the
ate losers. This is the zero-sum myth, which leads many not pan out. Before they profit, they must first create. consumerism. To equate the two is to fall for what I call consequences of such failures—poverty rooted in confusion,
to think that the government should somehow redistribute In a fallen world, we should want an economic system that the artsy myth, confusing aesthetic judgments with eco- corruption, and misallocation of resources.
wealth. While some competition is a part of any economy, not only channels greed into productive purposes, but un- nomic arguments. Consumerism is a form of gluttony, even Why did Aquinas support a ban on usury? Perhaps because it
of course, an exchange that is free on both sides, in which leashes human ingenuity, creativity, and willingness to risk idolatry, in which we make indulgence and possessions our was unclear to him, as to other early economic thinkers, what
no one is forced or tricked into participating, is a win-win as well. Capitalism does that. highest loyalty. But the sorry symptoms of consumerism
precisely was taking place in the loan of money. There seemed
game. When I pay my barber $18 for a haircut, I value the an injustice in giving ostensibly two values to the same sum
aren’t unique to capitalism. Rather, they derive mostly from of money: one now, and a higher value later. As subsequent
haircut more than that amount of money. My barber values 6. The Usury Myth the materialist worldview that seems to be everywhere. economists have seen, the difference justifying that increase
the money more than the time and effort it took her to cut (paid as interest) is time preference.
my hair. We’re both better off. Competition and choice have In several places, the Bible condemns charging interest on Thinkers as diverse as Karl Marx and Max Weber have un-
money. In Exodus 22:25, for instance, God tells the Hebrews: It’s simple. People will pay more to have something sooner.
enhanced fairness. Win-win. derstood that what sets capitalism apart is not consumption This is why I am content to hold student loans. I prefer to
“If you lend money to my people, to the poor among you, but deferred gratification. Consumption is part of every hu- borrow money at interest and get my Ph.D. now, rather than
4. The Materialist Myth you shall not deal with them as a creditor; you shall not man life and economic system. However capitalism requires wait until I’m 60 and pay cash for it. This is a fair exchange,
that not all wealth be consumed, but that some be saved, a win-win as Jay Richards says, and all parties feel they are
A similar myth leads people to think of the economy as some benefiting.
CENTENNIAL REVIEW is published monthly by the Centennial Institute at risked, and invested. So mindless consumerism is, in the
fixed amount of material stuff—money in safes or gold bars Colorado Christian University. Publisher, William L. Armstrong. Editor, John Andrews. Capitalism, rightly understood and ethically practiced, is the
long run, contrary to genuine capitalism.
in a vault. Since two firms competing for one customer can’t Designer, Danielle Hull. Illustrator, Benjamin Hummel. most efficient means of allocating scarce resources. The best
both get the customer’s money, we might think the whole source of information about present states of affairs in par-
Subscriptions free upon request. Write to: Centennial Institute, 8. The Freeze-Frame Myth ticular places is not some government technocrat, but rather
economy looks that way—that wealth itself isn’t created, but freely choosing individuals engaging in voluntary exchange.
8787 W. Alameda Ave., Lakewood, CO 80226. Call 800.44.FAITH. Or visit us online This myth involves believing that things will always stay
merely transferred from one party to another. at www.CentennialCCU.org. The just price is the market price. ■
the same. For instance, many of us worry that since there’s a
A common image of this materialist myth is a pie. If one finite amount of oil, at some point we will run out if we keep
Centennial Institute sponsors research, events, and publications to enhance public
person gets too big a slice, someone else will get just a understanding of the most important issues facing our state and nation. By pro- consuming it at current rates.
sliver. To serve it fairly, you have to slice equal pieces. But claiming Truth, we aim to foster faith, family, and freedom, teach citizenship, and Ryan Patrick Murphy teaches in the School
this isn’t how a free economy works. Over the long run, the renew the spirit of 1776. That’s true, but it still won’t happen. Supply, demand, and of Theology at Colorado Christian University Centennial
total amount of wealth in free economies grows. We can cre- human creativity will see to that. Long before oil becomes and is a doctoral candidate at King’s College Institute
Join the Centennial Institute today. As a Centennial donor, you can help us restore
ate wealth that wasn’t there before. The “pie” doesn’t stay really scarce, oil prices will rise so high that it will no lon- London. He previously taught at Westmont Colorado Christian University
America’s moral core. Your gift is tax-deductible. Please use the envelope provided. College and Azusa Pacific University.
ger be an economical form of energy. That high price will
Centennial Review, March 2010 ▪ 2 Centennial Review, March 2010 ▪ 3
the same size. Under capitalism, someone can get wealthy exact interest from them.” So for centuries Christians, along
not merely by having someone else’s wealth transferred to with pretty much every traditional culture, forbade charging Vo i c e s o f C C U
their account, but by creating new wealth, not only for them- interest on money loans.
selves, but also for others. This person’s betterment needn’t But the West eventually developed banking systems that
come at the price of that one’s impoverishment; rather, the UNDERSTOOD
allowed banks to lend money that had been deposited. They
rising tide can lift all boats. charged interest because the loans were risky and prevented By Ryan Patrick Murphy
the bank from using the money for other purposes. The
5. The Greed Myth Great thinkers have wrestled with ethics and
banks also paid interest to the depositors for the risk they economics for centuries. The 13th-century
Foes of capitalism, and even some of its friends, often claim assumed. This system allowed wealth to be created much theologian St. Thomas Aquinas gave much
that it is based on greed. Author and philosopher Ayn Rand more quickly than it had been before. Christians eventu- consideration to the just use of money. In his
even claimed that selfishness is a virtue. But greed, according ally realized that such loans were different from an ancient Summa Theologica Aquinas notes the influence
to the Christian tradition, is one of the seven deadly sins. If of supply and demand on prices, whereby the
Hebrew charging interest to his poor kinsman on money that abundance of something leads directly to a de-
capitalism is based on it, then Christians can’t be capitalists. wasn’t doing anything anyway. The sin of usury involves crease in its price, and vice versa. He therefore
In truth, Adam Smith and other capitalist thinkers did not exploiting someone in their poverty, like loan sharks do, and offers a positive evaluation of merchants who make profits by
doesn’t describe modern business loans. purchasing goods where they are abundant, and transporting
3. The Zero-Sum Myth believe this greed myth. Rather, Smith argued that capital-
and selling them where they are scarce. In one letter he refers
ism, unlike static and command economies, can channel Still, some Christians continue to treat banking, and any to the common market price as the just price.
There are three kinds of games: win-lose, lose-lose, and win- even greedy motives into socially beneficial outcomes. “In work with money, as if it were inherently evil. That’s the Capitalism is based on this recognition of Aquinas: States of
win. Win-lose games, like basketball, are sometimes called spite of their natural selfishness and rapacity,” Smith wrote, usury myth. The love of money may be the root of all evil, affairs in the world are constantly changing, and resources,
zero-sum games. When the Celtics and the Bulls compete, if business people “are led by an invisible hand...and thus characterized by scarcity, are in flux. Prices seeking their
as we read in I Timothy 6:10, but money itself is not evil.
the Celtics are up, then the Bulls are down, and vice versa. without intending it, own level in a free market give us precise and accurate infor-
The scales balance. It’s a zero-sum. mation about scarcity—the relative demand and availability
“Competition and choice without knowing it, 7. The Artsy Myth of a commodity. This is equally true for labor markets or the
Besides lose-lose games, which most of us avoid, advance the interest of price of bread. We might wish bread—or jobs—were more
there are positive-sum or win-win games. In these enhance fairness. The rising the society...” 2
Many Christians hear “capitalism” and they think “ugly.”
They assume that capitalism leads to the “commodification plentiful. But wishing, and manipulating prices to reflect our
games, some players may end up better off than
others, but everyone ends up at least the same if not
tide can lift all boats.” Rather than inspire of everything,” as social critic Jim Wallis puts it—which
desires, does not make it so.
Attempts to manipulate the market represent what F. A. Hayek
miserliness, capital- turns “all values into market values, gutting the world of called “the fatal conceit,” the idea that some bureaucrat can
better off than they were at the beginning. ism encourages enterprise. Entrepreneurs, even greedy ones, genuine love, caring, compassion, connection, and commit- have up-to-the minute information about scarcity and demand
Millions of people think that the free trade in capitalism succeed by delaying their own gratification, by investing ment for what will sell, for example, on a television show.”3 for a commodity. Command economies litter human history
is a dog-eat-dog competition, where winners always cre- their wealth in creative but risky ventures that may or may with their failed attempts to control prices. In my years of
The problem here is not with capitalism per se but with doing relief work in developing countries, I witnessed the
ate losers. This is the zero-sum myth, which leads many not pan out. Before they profit, they must first create. consumerism. To equate the two is to fall for what I call consequences of such failures—poverty rooted in confusion,
to think that the government should somehow redistribute In a fallen world, we should want an economic system that the artsy myth, confusing aesthetic judgments with eco- corruption, and misallocation of resources.
wealth. While some competition is a part of any economy, not only channels greed into productive purposes, but un- nomic arguments. Consumerism is a form of gluttony, even Why did Aquinas support a ban on usury? Perhaps because it
of course, an exchange that is free on both sides, in which leashes human ingenuity, creativity, and willingness to risk idolatry, in which we make indulgence and possessions our was unclear to him, as to other early economic thinkers, what
no one is forced or tricked into participating, is a win-win as well. Capitalism does that. highest loyalty. But the sorry symptoms of consumerism
precisely was taking place in the loan of money. There seemed
game. When I pay my barber $18 for a haircut, I value the an injustice in giving ostensibly two values to the same sum
aren’t unique to capitalism. Rather, they derive mostly from of money: one now, and a higher value later. As subsequent
haircut more than that amount of money. My barber values 6. The Usury Myth the materialist worldview that seems to be everywhere. economists have seen, the difference justifying that increase
the money more than the time and effort it took her to cut (paid as interest) is time preference.
my hair. We’re both better off. Competition and choice have In several places, the Bible condemns charging interest on Thinkers as diverse as Karl Marx and Max Weber have un-
money. In Exodus 22:25, for instance, God tells the Hebrews: It’s simple. People will pay more to have something sooner.
enhanced fairness. Win-win. derstood that what sets capitalism apart is not consumption This is why I am content to hold student loans. I prefer to
“If you lend money to my people, to the poor among you, but deferred gratification. Consumption is part of every hu- borrow money at interest and get my Ph.D. now, rather than
4. The Materialist Myth you shall not deal with them as a creditor; you shall not man life and economic system. However capitalism requires wait until I’m 60 and pay cash for it. This is a fair exchange,
that not all wealth be consumed, but that some be saved, a win-win as Jay Richards says, and all parties feel they are
A similar myth leads people to think of the economy as some benefiting.
CENTENNIAL REVIEW is published monthly by the Centennial Institute at risked, and invested. So mindless consumerism is, in the
fixed amount of material stuff—money in safes or gold bars Colorado Christian University. Publisher, William L. Armstrong. Editor, John Andrews. Capitalism, rightly understood and ethically practiced, is the
long run, contrary to genuine capitalism.
in a vault. Since two firms competing for one customer can’t Designer, Danielle Hull. Illustrator, Benjamin Hummel. most efficient means of allocating scarce resources. The best
both get the customer’s money, we might think the whole source of information about present states of affairs in par-
Subscriptions free upon request. Write to: Centennial Institute, 8. The Freeze-Frame Myth ticular places is not some government technocrat, but rather
economy looks that way—that wealth itself isn’t created, but freely choosing individuals engaging in voluntary exchange.
8787 W. Alameda Ave., Lakewood, CO 80226. Call 800.44.FAITH. Or visit us online This myth involves believing that things will always stay
merely transferred from one party to another. at www.CentennialCCU.org. The just price is the market price. ■
the same. For instance, many of us worry that since there’s a
A common image of this materialist myth is a pie. If one finite amount of oil, at some point we will run out if we keep
Centennial Institute sponsors research, events, and publications to enhance public
person gets too big a slice, someone else will get just a understanding of the most important issues facing our state and nation. By pro- consuming it at current rates.
sliver. To serve it fairly, you have to slice equal pieces. But claiming Truth, we aim to foster faith, family, and freedom, teach citizenship, and Ryan Patrick Murphy teaches in the School
this isn’t how a free economy works. Over the long run, the renew the spirit of 1776. That’s true, but it still won’t happen. Supply, demand, and of Theology at Colorado Christian University Centennial
total amount of wealth in free economies grows. We can cre- human creativity will see to that. Long before oil becomes and is a doctoral candidate at King’s College Institute
Join the Centennial Institute today. As a Centennial donor, you can help us restore
ate wealth that wasn’t there before. The “pie” doesn’t stay really scarce, oil prices will rise so high that it will no lon- London. He previously taught at Westmont Colorado Christian University
America’s moral core. Your gift is tax-deductible. Please use the envelope provided. College and Azusa Pacific University.
ger be an economical form of energy. That high price will
Centennial Review, March 2010 ▪ 2 Centennial Review, March 2010 ▪ 3
Centennial Institute

Centennial Review
Colorado Christian University
8787 W. Alameda Ave.
Lakewood, CO 80226

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Centennial Review Principled ideas from the Centennial Institute Volume 2, Number 2 • March 2010
March 2010

Eight Myths of
Wealth and Poverty
EIGHT MYTHS OF 1. The Nirvana Myth
By Jay W. Richards WEALTH AND POVERTY The first fallacy is that of comparing capitalism with an
unrealizable ideal. It’s not simply the belief that good will
What Aquinas and Hayek By Jay W. Richards triumph in the end or that the kingdom of God is already
Understood present—though not yet fully realized—in history. It’s the
by Ryan Patrick Murphy In the 20th-century battle between com- delusion that we can build utopia on our own if we try hard
munism and capitalism, capitalism won. enough. It makes every real society look intolerably wicked,
www.CentennialCCU.org is your on-
line resource for this and previous issues Biblical truth and biblical believers since no real society can measure up to utopia. Without this
of Centennial Review, news of Institute helped it win. Except for preachers of the myth, the popular but deadly communist experiments of the
events, and daily updates on faith, fam- misguided “prosperity gospel,” however, past century could never have gotten off the ground.
ily, and freedom at our '76 Blog.
many of us who follow Christ still worry
about capitalism. Some of our qualms When we ask whether we can build a just society, we need to
Tax-deductible contributions from
friends make possible the Institute’s stem from our everyday experience of keep the question nailed to solid ground: Just, compared to
outreach and all of Colorado Christian greedy bosses and the rampant consumer- what? It doesn’t do anyone any good to tear down a society
University’s educational work. We in- that is “unjust” compared to the kingdom of God, if that
vite your support via our web site at ism we see around us, or from our frustration that poverty
www.CentennialCCU.org or at the above continues to exist even in the United States. Some of our society is more just than any of the ones that will replace it.
mailing address. concern comes from fraud in companies like Enron. And And when we do compare capitalism with the live alterna-
some comes from the biases of media and academia, where tives, capitalism wins hands down.
encourage inventors and entrepreneurs to seek out new forms So these are the eight myths there is still deep hostility toward free-market ideas.
of energy to replace oil. This is what has happened histori- we need to see through for a 2. The Piety Myth
But in my experience, most of the problems Americans these
cally with every resource. We will always need energy, of clear picture of wealth and days (including Christians) have with capitalism derive from Spiritually, you’re better off a little mixed up about eco-
course, but we won’t always use the same source of energy. poverty. The fallacies un- nomics than indifferent to human suffering. Economically,
believing eight myths about this remarkable though imper-
Also, we should remember that few resources are resources derlying each of them, along though, only what you do is important, whatever your
fect system. Explaining them fully requires a book-length
without human input. Oil was just an irritating pollutant with the correctives for each, reason. As the French philosopher Etienne Gilson famously
treatment like the one I’ve written, Money, Greed, and God:
are easy to get. But they’re said, “Piety is no substitute for technique.” In the piety
until we realized it contained lots of energy, figured out how Why Capitalism Is the Solution and Not the Problem. But it’s
easy to forget. myth, we mistakenly focus on our good intentions rather
to refine and store it, and invented machines that could use possible to summarize and refute the myths quite succinctly,
than on the real and often unintended consequences of an act
it. We don’t just use resources; using the raw materials God Learn and hold onto them, which this essay will do.
or policy. Well-meaning people have supported all manner
has created, we create new resources. however, and you’ll not only Every morally reflective person has probably asked himself, of bad policy—price and rent controls that create shortages,
In fact, over time, the matter in a material resource matters avoid policies that do more harm than good. You’ll also or been asked, such worrisome questions as these: high minimum wage laws that harm the poorest of the poor,
less than the mind that transforms it—manure into fertilizer, understand why a good Christian can be a good capitalist.
● Can’t we build a just society? foreign aid that funds dictators—for noble motives. The mo-
oil into gasoline and kerosene, sand into computer chips It’s an oft-neglected truth that the creation of wealth has as tives didn’t change the results.
and fiber-optic cables, light into lasers. As economist Julian much to do with spirit as with matter. You can’t find eco- ● What does God require of those seeking to follow Him?
“The art of economics,” said economic journalist Henry
Simon once said, man is the “ultimate resource.” This is nomic freedom or cultural mores on a map or put them in ● Doesn’t capitalism foster unfair competition? Hazlitt, “consists in looking not merely at the immediate but
perhaps the greatest truth of economics, resulting in an ever- a safe. They’re intangible, immaterial, spiritual. That’s not ● If I become rich, won’t someone else become poor? at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing
expanding fair share for the whole human family, so long as to suggest that the wealthy are spiritual and the poor are un- the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but
freedom is allowed to flourish. spiritual. It simply points to what Christians should know if ● Isn’t capitalism based on greed?
for all.”1 If we want not just a heart for the poor, but also a
anyone does: Things spiritual are the great drivers of wealth ● Aren’t money-lending and interest contrary to Scripture? mind for the poor, we first have to learn the art of economics.
You’re Invited: March 19 in Denver creation in human society. ● Doesn’t capitalism lead to an ugly consumerist culture? God requires more of us than simply meaning well.
Shouldn’t Christians champion the one economic system that
“Reviving Democratic Capitalism” allows abundant wealth to be created: capitalism? ■
● Isn’t our modern lifestyle causing us to take more than
our fair share and use up all the natural resources? Jay W. Richards, Ph.D., is a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a contributing
A breakfast briefing presented by the
editor of The American at the American Enterprise Institute, and the author of Money,
Centennial Institute and the American Enterprise Institute 1
Henry Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson (New York: Three Rivers Press, 1979), p. 17. These are eight good questions. To get the right answers, Greed, and God: Why Capitalism is the Solution and Not the Problem (HarperOne, 2009).
E-mail: Centennial@ccu.edu for ticket information 2
Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Part IV, chapter 1.
you have to see through the myths surrounding each one. This essay is based on his lecture at Colorado Christian University’s all-campus
Jim Wallis, God’s Politics (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 2005), p. 355. symposium on faith, family, and freedom on October 21, 2009.
So here goes:
Centennial Review, March 2010 ▪ 4

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