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Wildlife Health

April 2012

We investigate reports of sick & dead wildlife from free ranging populations in Victoria to understand baseline health,
detect changes & identify risk factors. This is important because wildlife health can affect biodiversity conservation,
biosecurity, & the health of people, domestic and wild animals, and ecosystems are interconnected (One Health.)

Following deaths of hobby & feral pigeons ( Columba livia n Victoria

from avian paramyxovirus 1: Be alert to any signs of disease that
are unusual or clusters of deaths in wild birds. Report to the DPI 136
186 during business hours or 1800 675 888 afterhours or weekends
(see photo of sick pigeon)

Sick and dead Rainbow Lorikeets in Melbourne (see map)

were investigated during March, April & May 2012.
A bowel infection, necrotic enteritis, has been diagnosed and
Clostridia-like bacteria seen.
Infections can easily spread from sick birds, via droppings, so feeding birds can
spread diseases. See
Tests for Avian influenza, the pigeon virus (above), Salmonella and Yersinia bacteria at the
Department of Primary Industry (DPI) were negative. Disease signs were NOT suggestive
of Chlamydia infection.
Dead birds can be double bagged for disposal in domestic rubbish (wrap around a
plastic bag to collect). Wash hands with soapy water & use alcohol wipe if you wish.

If you see sick or dead wildlife from

free ranging populations, please contact us.
Please contact Pam Whiteley 0400 119 301 or
Dr Bacci or Dr Chamings 97312000 Faculty of Veterinary Science,
The University of Melbourne, Werribee, 3030 Wildlife Health Surveillance Victoria
Tax deductable donations can be made to The University of Melbourne to support
Wildlife Health Surveillance Victoria. Please contact Pam Whiteley

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