An Ordinance Promoting Organic Farming and Providing Tax Incentives Thereof

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AS PROPOSED by Hon. Jafet P. Salinas, ON MOTION of the Committees on Agriculture and Aquatic
Resources, composed of Hon. Leonida C. Alison, Hon. Serafin N. Clavel II and Rodolfo Z. Alconga Jr. and
Ways and Means, composed of Hon. Juan Miguel M. Flores, Hon. Leonida C. Alison and Hon. Margarito T.
Clavel III and duly seconded by Hon. Juan Miguel M. Flores
BE IT ORDAINED by the Sangguniang Bayan of Oton, Iloilo, that:
Section 1.
Introductory Clause. Organic Farming is embodied in Republic Act No. 10068, An Act
Providing for the Development and Promotion of Organic Agriculture in the Philippines and for other
Organic farming will cumulatively condition and enrich the fertility of the soil, increase farm
productivity; reduce pollution and destruction of the environment, prevent the depletion of natural
resources, further protect the health of farmers, consumers and the general public, and save
program for the promotion of community based organic agriculture systems.
Organic farming proves to be more profitable than the age old traditional farming methods.
It has been found that organic farming reduces the production cost by about 25 30%, as it does not
involve the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, which thus makes organic farming cost
Soil is the most important component in farming and organic farming preserves soil by
reducing soil erosion up to a large extent. Organic farming also enables the farmers to use the soil
for a longer period of time to grow crops as soil fertility is maintained for a long time.
Organic farming has a positive effect on the ecosystem, as it proves vital in supporting the
survival of wildlife in the lowlands. It even provides safe pasture lands for grazing animals. This
practice is not only beneficial for farmers, but it also has proved useful for the dairy industry. Cattle
grazing on organic farmlands have been found to be less prone to diseases and yield more milk.
These are definitely good signs for a consumer of these dairy products from health perspective and
for a dairy organization from the profit perspective.
The original nutritional content of food is preserved due to the absence of synthetic
fertilizers and pesticides.
Organic products moreover are tastier than the products yielded from traditional farming.
Scientific studies have proven that organic farming foods are healthier than the inorganic ones.
Eating organic foods may in fact reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and cancer for
individuals who abstain from consuming products produced through conventional farming
methods. Thus, this Ordinance is created for purposes of promoting organic farming.
Section 2.
Definition of Terms. As used in this Ordinance, the following terms are defined as follows:
a) Organic Farming includes all agricultural systems that promote the environmentally, socially
and economically sound production of food and fibers. These systems take local soil fertility as
a key to successful production, by respecting the natural capacity of plants, animals and the
landscape. The method dramatically reduces external inputs by refraining from the use of
chemosynthetic fertilizer, pesticides and pharmaceuticals.
b) Organic Production System is a system designed to:
1) enhance biological diversity within the whole system;
2) increase solid biological diversity;
3) maintain long term solid fertility;
4) recycle wastes of plant and animal origin in order to return nutrients to the land,

thus minimizing the use of nonrenewable resources;

5) rely on renewable resources on locally organized agricultural systems;

6) promote the healthy use of soil, water and air as well as minimize all forms of

pollution thereto that may result from agricultural practices;

7) develop and promote the use of biotechnology in agriculture;
8) handle agricultural products with emphasis on careful processing methods in

order to maintain the organic integrity and vital qualities of the product at all
stages; and
9) become established on any existing farm through a period of conversion, the
appropriate length of which is determined by sitespecific factors such as the
history of land and type of crops and livestock to be produced.
c) Conventional Agriculture farming systems dependent on the input of artificial fertilizers and / or
d) Conversion Period refers to the time between the start of the organic management and the
certification of crops, animal husbandry or aquaculture products as organic.
e) Labeling any written, printed, or graphic presentation that is affixed to a product.
f) Farm Unit an agricultural area or production managed organically, which a farmer or a group
owns or in any other way responsible for.
g) Certified Organic Product (COP) a crop or livestock production that is certified by the Municipal
Agriculture and Cooperative Office (MACO) utilizing a system of organic production.
Section 3. Regulation. Every farmer in the municipality of Oton is encouraged to practice organic farming
method. It shall use purely organic fertilizers such as compost, pesticides and other farm inputs.
Section 4. Registration. Every farmer implementing the organic farming method shall register with the
MACO. The farmer shall indicate its farm produce and the date it started the conversion to organic
farming method. The MACO shall make validation as to the farming methods used.
Section 5. Accreditation. Process of Accreditation:
a) The farmer will apply at the MACO for COP.
b) The MACO shall inspect the farm unit and will issue COP if it passes the standard of

organic farming.
c) If the items are ready for the market, the farmers or dealers will label the products as

witnessed by the MACO representative.

Section 6. Labeling of Farm Products. False or Misleading Marks and Labels.
a) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell products which claim or

labeled as organic without the approval of the MACO.

b) No article shall be sold or offered for sale to any person, natural or juridical, under any

name or other making or labeling which is false or misleading.

Section 7. Creation of Organic Display Center. The Municipality shall provide space for the farmers or
producers producing organic products. The following shall be given priority in the display center:
a) production of vermi-compost and its pricing;
b) production of organic traditional rice such as: white, red and black rice;
c) preparation of concoction for natural farming system.
Section 8. Incentives. The farmer or dealer using the organic farming method shall avail the incentives of:
a) discount on the vermi-compost purchased at the vermi-compost facility of the

b) shall be exempted from the payment of taxes and other miscellaneous fees charged by

the Municipality but not to exceed five (5) years from the start of the operation.
Section 9. Penalty Clause.
a) Any person violating the preceding sections shall be meted a fine of P1,000 or

imprisonment of not more than ten (10) days at the discretion of the court and in
addition thereto, forfeit the benefits granted by this Ordinance.

Section 10.
Repealing Clause. All municipal ordinances or parts of any municipal ordinance
inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 11.
Separability Clause. If any provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the other provisions
not affected thereby shall continue in operation.
Section 12. Effectivity Clause. Based on Section 511 of the Local Government Code, this Ordinance with penal
sanctions shall take effect either on the day following its publication, or at the end of three (3) consecutive
weeks period of posting, whichever occurs later.
Section 13.
Copies. This Ordinance shall be furnished to the Office of the Mayor; MACO; MPDO;
Farmers Associations; MTO; MBO; Actg. Office and the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Iloilo for
information, guidance and review respectively.
I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoing Ordinance.


Chair, Committee on Rules and Privileges





Vice Mayor
Presiding Officer

Municipal Mayor
Date Approved: May 16, 2011


Date Posted: May 16, 2011


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