Qotd 01 Juli 2015

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#QOTD 01 Juli 2015

1. Amber comesfrom the resins of pine trees that grew in Northern Europe millions of years ago.
(A) chiefly (B) and chiefly (C) it is chiefly (D) since it is chiefly
2. An adult human must take eight steps to goas a giraffe does in one stride.
(A) as far (B) the farther (C) how far (D) farther
3. When the focus of a pair of binoculars is adjusted, into view.
(A) bringing distant objects (B) distant objects can be brought
(C) and bring distant objects (D) to bring distant objects
4. From the Iroquois tradition of behind-the-scenes political participation by women, Alice Jemison
acquired a self-confidence that-in her later crusades.
(A) her served well (B) served well her
(C) served her well (D) her well served
5. Because of its importance in modern living, in all parts of the world.
(A) algebra is studies in schools and colleges (B) studying algebra in schools and colleges
(C) and the study of algebra in schools and colleges (D) in schools and colleges are algebra studies
6. in the diet is especially important for vegetarians.
(A) Enough protein is obtained (B) Obtaining enough protein
(C) They obtain enough protein (D) By obtaining enough protein

QOTD 01 Juli 2015

Hi semua. Berikut ini pembahasan QOTD tanggal 01 Juli 2015. Silahkan di cek dan tanya kalau
1. Amber comesfrom the resins of pine trees that grew in Northern Europe millions of years ago.
(A) chiefly (B) and chiefly (C) it is chiefly (D) since it is chiefly
Jawaban: A
Subject: Amber. Verb = comes. Connector = that (berfungsi sebagai connector dan subject). Verb
kedua untuk that = grew. Kalimat sudah lengkap berpasangan subject dan verb. Berarti tidak
dibutuhkan subject, verb, atau pun connector lagi. Maka, pilihan, B, C, dan D salah.
Note: Chiefly berfungsi sebagai adverb yang muncul setelah verb bila kalimat tidak memiliki object.

2. An adult human must take eight steps to goas a giraffe does in one stride.
(A) as far (B) the farther (C) how far (D) farther
Jawaban: A
Subject = human. Verb = take. Ada kata as, bisa jadi sbg connector atau kalimat perbandingan
yang setara. Lihat dipilihan ada yang menggunakan kata as, maka kalimat ini ingin menunjukkan
perbandingan setara yang bentuknya: as . as
3. When the focus of a pair of binoculars is adjusted, into view.
(A) bringing distant objects (B) distant objects can be brought
(C) and bring distant objects (D) to bring distant objects
Jawaban: B
Connector = when. Subject = focus. Verb = adjusted. Karena kalimat ini diawal dengan dependent
clause yang ada connector, ada independent clause setelahnya. Setelah koma tidak ada subject dan
verb, maka dibutuhkan subject dan verb. Pilihan A tidak ada verb. Pilihan C tidak ada subject.
Pilihan D tidak ada subject.
4. From the Iroquois tradition of behind-the-scenes political participation by women, Alice Jemison
acquired a self-confidence that-in her later crusades.
(A) her served well (B) served well her
(C) served her well (D) her well served
Jawaban: C
Subject = Alice Jamison. Verb = Acquired. Connector = that. Karena dipipilihan tidak ada subject,
berarti that disini berfungsi sebagai connector dan subject. Artinya dibutuhkan verb setelah that, jadi
pilihan A dan D salah. Well adalah adverb yang muncul setelah object kalau kalimat memiliki object,
jadi pilihan B salah.
5. Because of its importance in modern living, in all parts of the world.
(A) algebra is studies in schools and colleges (B) studying algebra in schools and colleges
(C) and the study of algebra in schools and colleges (D) in schools and colleges are algebra studies
Jawaban: D
Kalimat memliki connector because of yang akan diikuti oleh noun atau verb-ing. Connector =
because of. Noun = importance. Setelahnya ada independent clause yang ada subject dan verb.
Maka, kalimat butuh subject dan verb. Pilihan B tidak memiliki subject dan verb. Pilihan C tidak
memiliki verb. Pilihan A tidak sesuai artinya bila dimasukkan kedalam kalimat.
Note: ini pola kalimat inverted subject and verb. Lihat skil 16.

6. in the diet is especially important for vegetarians.

(A) Enough protein is obtained (B) Obtaining enough protein
(C) They obtain enough protein (D) By obtaining enough protein
Jawaban: B
Verb = is (to be pengganti verb). Kalimat tidak memiliki subject. Pilihan A dan C salah, karena bila
dimasukkan ke dalam kalimat akan ada dua verb, yaitu is dan obtained dan is dan obtain. Pilihan D
adalah prepositional phrase yang tidak bisa menjaid subject.
Note: obtaining disini bentuk gerund dimana verb-ing berfungsi sebagai noun.

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