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Professional Services - WDALAW


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Professional Services
We offer a wide range of legal services are offered to our clients to fulfill its needs. Our practice includes:

Intelectual Property Services

* Trademark Registration

* Opposition and cancellation actions

* PCT and Convention-based patent applications

* Renewals and ownership updates

* Surveillance

More Info about Intelectual Property Services

International Commerce

Incorporation of companies under the laws of Dominican Republic, Panama,

BVI, free zones, fixation of domicile, subsidiaries and branches, franchises,

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Professional Services - WDALAW

license of use, distribution agreements, hiring of pharmaceutical regents for

foreign companies representation in Dominican Republic; sanitary
permissions for eatable, pharmaceutical, household animal and personal care
products; obtaining permits and licenses for establishing successful
businesses or running commercial activities.

Trademarks and Patents

Effectively proctected IPR in the Americas. Leading intellectual property law

firm specializing in docketing maintenance of tradermarks and patents and
also exclusive litigators to high profile counterfeiting cases in The Americas
for spirtits and pharmaceutical products; representative to major European,
Asian an US corporations, with main offices in Santo Domingo, Dominican
Republic and since mid 2005 in the center of financial district of Miami,
Florida, USA to better serve U.S. – based clients in all the jurisdictions we
proudly serve in the Americas and the Caribbean such as:



More Info about Trademarks and Patents

Corporate Law

We handle cases for establishing business in Dominican Republic, Panama,

BVI, and in some of the West Indies Islands, including incorporation of
companies; fixation of domicile; branches and subsidiaries. The governance
documents of corporations are carefully drafted to fully protect our clients
rights and taxes liability with the assistance of our experts CPA`s and IRS

More Info about Corporate Law

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Professional Services - WDALAW

Immigration Law

We assist our clients on obtaining residence and citizenship in Dominican

Republic based on investment.

Labor Law

Advisory and assistance on the drafting of labor contracts and registration

with the Labor Ministry; labor litigation.

More Info about Labor Law

Real Estate

We assist our clients on the search and purchase of commercial real estate
related to foreign investment in Dominican Republic, review of titles and
property documents with the Court of Land, verification of seller or buyer
background and advisory on financial intermediaries; drafting of purchasing
contracts and review of the financial and loan conditions.

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Professional Services - WDALAW

Foreigners are allowed to purchase real estate properties in Dominican

Republic under same circumstances than Dominican citizens. We assist our
clients on purchase and sales of real estate for commercial, familiar or vacation
purposes in Dominican Republic.

See Investment Opportunities from WDA REAL ESTATE.

Family Law

International Adoptions: We provide assistance to our clients on international

adoption in Dominican Republic. Legal assistance is provided for reviewing
all documents to be in order for starting the procedure, obtaining first
authorization from corresponding Central Adoption Authorities in Dominican
Republic, actively participating on the process of social worker’s evaluation,
providing legal assistance in court, providing the court-certified translation
into Spanish language of all required documents and legalizations for
validating the process abroad and assisting our clients throughout the
adoption procedure including the final immigration process for the adopted
child before Consular authorities present in our country.

More info about International Adoptions

Special 24-Hour Divorce

We provide legal assistance for obtaining special divorces under the laws of
Dominican Republic.

More Info about Quick Divorce

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