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Implementing FileNet

Deployment Manager to
move P8 assets across
different environments in
isolated networks

Deploying P8 Application using FileNet Deployment

Manoj K. Khilnani

Abstract: The FileNet Deployment Manager product is an essential tool for any enterprise wide P8
solution. Most organizations have at least 3-4 environments starting from development to production.
All P8 assets need to be efficiently and effectively moved across these different environments. This
article describes the steps to achieve a successful P8 application deployment. It overcomes the product
limitation of P8 asset dependency by providing a standardized pattern on how to extract the objects in
sequential manner and how to perform the deployment when the environments are in different networks.
The article provides steps for content engine, process engine, forms and workplace XT assets; it also
considers the scenario where environment specific data is different across the isolated environments.

About the author: Manoj Khilnani is a Senior Managing Consultant working with IBM Software
Services for Federal (ISSF). He is a certified IT Specialist and FileNet Consultant. He has 16 years of
software development life-cycle experience. In the last few years, he has extensively worked on ECM
products such as DB2 Content Manager and FileNet P8. Reach out to him at

Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3
FileNet Deployment Manager Concepts ............................................................................... 4
Figure 1. P8 Information Center Deployment Tasks .................................................... 4
Figure 2. Referenced list of P8 deployable objects....................................................... 5
Exporting Content Engine Configuration ............................................................................. 5
Figure 3. Add assets to the export manifest .................................................................. 6
Figure 4. Add Assets Selection List .............................................................................. 7
Figure 5. Edit Include Options ...................................................................................... 7
Figure 6. Include Options List ...................................................................................... 8
Table 1. Sequential export objects and configuration ................................................... 8
Exporting Process Engine Configuration............................................................................ 11
Figure 7. Process Engine Export Configuration ......................................................... 12
Figure 8. Select Export Components .......................................................................... 13
Retrieve Source Environment Specific Data for Mapping ................................................. 13
Copy Exported Configuration across Networks ................................................................. 14
Creating Destination Environment & Source Pair .............................................................. 14
Converting and Importing Process Engine Configuration .................................................. 15
Converting and Importing Content Engine Configuration ................................................. 16
Configuring Imported P8 Objects ....................................................................................... 17
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 17
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................. 17
Resources ............................................................................................................................ 17

Implementing FileNet Deployment Manager to move P8 assets across different environments in isolated networks:
Deploying P8 Application using FileNet Deployment Manager

Deployment plays an important role in the FileNet P8 architecture. The P8 product
consists of many different components which have their objects and configurations
defined in separate databases. The content engine and workplace XT components share
the object store database whereas process engine has its own database to store the
workflow related configurations. Different tools such as XT application, FileNet
Enterprise Manager, Process Configuration Console and Process Designer allows the user
to create and store different objects and configurations.
The File P8 application is normally developed in one environment and then copied over to
one or more environments for testing, QA and production. The FileNet Deployment
Manager is used for moving all assets from the source environment to the target
environment. This tool allows most of the objects to be exported except some, such as
cache stores, GCD markings etc. It has a limitation that if the objects have dependency on
another object, then the referenced object must exist before (or be imported when) the
object that references it is imported.
This article focuses on creating the structured sequential export files in the source
environment for content and process assets which can be imported in any remote P8
environment with different environment specific data such as object store and LDAP
principals. The scenario on which we will be focusing is performing the export/import
from development to UAT environment.
Note: This article applies to FileNet Deployment Manager Version 5.1

FileNet Deployment Manager Concepts

Figure 1. P8 Information Center Deployment Tasks

The above figure shows the high level steps to achieve the application deployment across
environments that can be accessed using single deployment manager.


Define the source P8 environment

Define the destination P8 environment
Create export manifest files for content engine objects and export them
Retrieve the source environment specific data such as object store ids, principal
user and group names
Retrieve the source environment specific data
Create a source to destination pair and map the environment specific data
Convert the environment specific attributes in the exported data set
Analyze the converted dataset files. This is an optional step but is recommended
that the step should be followed to analyze the data being imported in the
destination environment
Import the converted dataset in destination environment

These steps will change if the environments are in separate networks and cannot be
accessed by single deployment manager instance. In order to achieve the deployment
across isolated environments, the above figure needs to be separated in two different
sequential processes (Source and Destination steps).

Implementing FileNet Deployment Manager to move P8 assets across different environments in isolated networks:
Deploying P8 Application using FileNet Deployment Manager

Figure 2. Referenced list of P8 deployable objects.

The above figure shows the list of objects types that are deployable. This list does not
cover all the objects types but only those that are referenced in this article.

Exporting Content Engine Configuration

The steps below create a source deployment environment in the development P8 system.
Recommendation: P8 administrator should create all P8 objects and configuration starting
with an application name prefix. This will facilitate the export process by making it easier
to select only the application related assets.
Recommendation: P8 application team should create separate easily identified folders for
objects such as search templates, entry templates, form templates, form policies and

1. Select All Programs > IBM FileNet P8 Platform > FileNet Deployment
Manager to open the Deployment Manager
2. Click File > New Environment
3. Enter the environment name, Development in this example. Click Finish
4. Double-click and open the development environment
5. Switch to CE Connection tab and enter the CE information. Click Test
Connection to verify
6. Switch to Overview tab
7. Click Retrieve Data for Object Store Data and select the mode Merge. Click
8. On the left panel, right click Export Manifests. Click New > Export Manifest
9. Enter a name for the export manifest, such as 1_Choicelist. Click Finish
10. Double-click and open the export manifest 1_ChoiceList.xml
11. Click Add assets to the export manifest (Ctrl + Shift + A)

Figure 3. Add assets to the export manifest

12. Drill down to the Choice Lists option on the left panel
13. Select all application related choice list objects and Click Add
14. Click Close to close the selection window

Implementing FileNet Deployment Manager to move P8 assets across different environments in isolated networks:
Deploying P8 Application using FileNet Deployment Manager

Figure 4. Add Assets Selection List

15. Click Edit Include Options (Ctrl + Shift + I)

Figure 5. Edit Include Options

16. Modify the options for the choice list objects as required and Save the changes
(Ctrl + S)

Figure 6. Include Options List

17. Repeat the above steps to export the below objects and configurations

Table 1. Sequential export objects and configuration




Select all application choice lists.

Data Design > Choice Lists
Note: This is optional as the choice
list is exported as a dependent
property template object.


Implementing FileNet Deployment Manager to move P8 assets across different environments in isolated networks:
Deploying P8 Application using FileNet Deployment Manager


Select all application property

Data Design > Property
Note: This is optional as the
property template is exported as a
dependent class object.


Select all folders containing the

application related search

Uncheck Include all

document versions

Folder and Contained Objects

Root Folder ->
Note: The search templates are user
created and can be located in any

Select all applicable workflow


Uncheck Include all

document versions

Events, Actions, Processes

Workflow Definitions

Select all application event actions

and subscriptions
Events, Actions, Processes
Events Subscriptions

Uncheck Include all

document versions
Note: Verify that all
workflow subscriptions
are using the latest
workflow definitions.
Note: Associated Event
Actions and Code
Modules will
automatically be


Select all parent application classes

Data Design > Classes


Select all folders that need to be

exported. The folders are required
for the entry templates.
Folder and Contained Objects
Root Folder -> <Folder>

Uncheck Include
content of folders.
Note: Include
subfolders depending
on the data.

Note: The folders are user created.

Verify that the sub folders need to
be exported.

Select all folders containing the

application related entry templates.

Uncheck Include all

document versions

Folder and Contained Objects

Root Folder ->

Uncheck Include
immediate user defined
object value

Note: The entry templates are user

created and can be located in any

Select all folders containing the

application related form templates.

Uncheck Include all

document versions

Folder and Contained Objects

Root Folder ->

Uncheck Include
immediate user defined
object value

Note: The form templates are user

created and can be located in any

Select all folders containing the

application related form policies.

Uncheck Include all

document versions

Folder and Contained Objects

Root Folder -> <FormPolicies>

Uncheck Include
immediate user defined
object value

Note: The form policies are user

created and can be located in any

Note: Verify that all

form policies are using
the latest workflow

Implementing FileNet Deployment Manager to move P8 assets across different environments in isolated networks:
Deploying P8 Application using FileNet Deployment Manager

definitions, form
templates and entry

Select all folders containing the

application related workflow

Uncheck Include all

document versions

Folder and Contained Objects

Root Folder -> <Workflows>
Note: The workflows are user
created and can be located in any

Select access roles and site

preferences for the application

Uncheck Include all

document versions

Folder and Contained Objects

Root Folder Access Roles
Folder and Contained Objects
Root Folder Preferences
Site Preference for WorkplaceXT
18. Right click each export manifest file in sequential order and click Export.
Note: Verify that all objects are exported successfully.
Note: The above example shows 12 different export manifests for different object types.
The purpose of multiple export manifest files is to show separation of different objects but
one can select all these object types in a single export manifest.

Exporting Process Engine Configuration

The process engine configuration is exported via process configuration console.


Log-on to the Workplace XT as administrator

Click Tools > Administration > Process Configuration Console
Right click on connection point and click Connect.
Right click on connection point and click Export to XML file.
Enter below Export Configuration information and click Next.
a. Export File: C:\Backup\PEDevExport.xml

b. Check 'Include System Properties'

c. Uncheck 'Include User Information'
d. Check 'Export Selected Components'

Figure 7. Process Engine Export Configuration

2. Click Next
3. Select all applicable process engine components.
Note: If the version of P8 is similar then one can select all the process engine

Implementing FileNet Deployment Manager to move P8 assets across different environments in isolated networks:
Deploying P8 Application using FileNet Deployment Manager

Figure 8. Select Export Components

4. Click Next and Finish the export process.

Retrieve Source Environment Specific Data for Mapping

Export the security principal and service data from the source development environment
to be mapped in the target development environment. The security principal data can be
exported either from the exported content engine dataset, exported process engine objects
or from the content engine LDAP. The below steps combine the principal data from
content engine datasets and process engine export file.
1. Select All Programs > IBM FileNet P8 Platform > FileNet Deployment
Manager to open the Deployment Manager.
2. Double click and open the existing 'Development' environment
3. Retrieve data for the security principal half map.
a. Click 'Retrieve Data' for the Security Principal Data
b. Select Source as 'Deploy Dataset File' and click 'Next'.
c. Select Deploy Dataset as 1_ChoiceList, mode as Merge and click 'Finish'.
d. Repeat the above retrieve security principal data steps for all the export
manifest files

Note: One can retrieve data for all the users/groups from the content engine LDAP
source. The above procedure limits the number of users/groups to only those used
by the P8 system and not retrieves all users/groups in the LDAP system.
4. Retrieve data for the security principal half map from process engine.
a. Click 'Retrieve Data' for the Security Principal Data
b. Select Source as 'Process Engine Configuration Export File' and click 'Next'.
c. Select Deploy Dataset as 'C:\Backup\PEDevExport.xml', mode as Merge
and click 'Finish'.
5. Retrieve data for the service data
a. Click 'Retrieve Data' for the Service Data
b. Select Source as 'From CE Deploy Dataset' and click 'Next'.
c. Select Deploy Dataset as 1_ChoiceList, mode as Merge and click 'Finish'.
d. Repeat the above retrieve service data steps for all the export manifest files

Copy Exported Configuration across Networks

If the single instance of FileNet Deployment Manager is able to access different P8
environments then we can directly create destination environment and start the import
process. If the environments are isolated across different networks then we need to copy
the source development environment files to the destination UAT environment.

1. Copy the file C:\Backup\PEDevExport.xml to

2. Copy the development environment directory from source system
evelopment to the destination system directory
Note: Instead of copying the directory, the deployment manager tool allows the
creation of deploy packages. These are zip files for the deploy dataset.

Creating Destination Environment & Source Pair

The steps below create a destination deployment environment in the UAT P8 system.
1. Select All Programs > IBM FileNet P8 Platform > FileNet Deployment
Manager to open the Deployment Manager.
2. Click File > New Environment
3. Enter the environment name, for example UAT.
4. Double-click and open the UAT environment

Implementing FileNet Deployment Manager to move P8 assets across different environments in isolated networks:
Deploying P8 Application using FileNet Deployment Manager

5. Switch to CE Connection tab and enter the CE information. Click Test

Connection to verify
6. Switch to Overview tab
7. Retrieve object store data for dataset
a. Click Retrieve Data for Object Store Data
b. Select the mode Merge and click 'Finish'
8. Retrieve security principal data for dataset
a. Click 'Retrieve Data' for the Security Principal Data
b. Select Source as 'From Content Engines LDAP Provider' and click
c. Click Retrieve Realms
d. Select mode as Merge and click 'Finish'
9. Retrieve service data
a. Click 'Retrieve Data' for the Service Data
b. Select Source as 'From an Environments Service HalfMap' and click
c. Select Source Environment Development, mode as Merge and click
Note: This will create the Destination Service HalfMap. Modify the values in
the Halfmap.
10. Click File > New Source-Destination Pair
11. Enter below information and click Finish
a. Name: Development-UAT
b. Source Environment: Development
c. Destination Environment: UAT
12. Expand the Development-UAT pair
13. Double click and open the Object Store Map
a. Map the source and destination object store
14. Double click and open the Security Principal Map
a. Map the source and destination users and groups
15. Double click and open the Service Map
a. Map the source and destination data

Converting and Importing Process Engine Configuration

1. Select All Programs > IBM FileNet P8 Platform > FileNet Deployment
Manager to open the Deployment Manager.
2. Convert Assets
a. Right click on Development-UAT pair and click Convert Assets
b. Select asset type as Process Engine Configuration Export File and click
c. Select Deploy Dataset PEDevExport.xml in the folder
s\Development\Assets and click Finish
3. Import Assets

a. Log-on to the Workplace XT as administrator

Note: Verify that the connection point in the site preferences is updated
a. Click Tools > Administration > Process Configuration Console
b. Right click and connect to the connection point.
c. Right click on connection point and click Import from XML file
d. Specify the below converted process file
a. Click Import
b. Verify the Details and click Close

Converting and Importing Content Engine Configuration

The below steps create the source-destination pair, maps the source and destination
specific data, converts the source data and imports in the destination.
1. Select All Programs > IBM FileNet P8 Platform > FileNet Deployment
Manager to open the Deployment Manager
2. Convert, Analyze and Import Assets
Right click on Development-UAT pair and click Convert Assets
Select asset type as Content Engine Deploy Dataset and click Next
Select Deploy Dataset 1_ChoiceList and click Finish
Right click on Development-UAT pair and click Analyze
Select asset type as Content Engine Deploy Dataset and click Next
Select Deploy Dataset 1_ChoiceList_Converted and click Finish
Verify the analysis report before importing the data.
Right click on Development-UAT pair and click Import
Select Deploy Dataset 1_ChoiceList_Converted and click Finish
Repeat the steps from 1_ChoiceList to 12_Preferences
Note: Follow the below steps if the Use original create/update timestamps and users
option is selected
1. Logon to FEM (All Programs > IBM FileNet P8 Platform > FileNet Enterprise
2. Modify object store access to allow Modify certain system properties rights for
the admin user.
b. Right-click the object store and click Properties
c. Select the Security tab
d. Select the admin user
e. Check the right Modify certain system properties
f. Click Ok
3. Close the FEM

Implementing FileNet Deployment Manager to move P8 assets across different environments in isolated networks:
Deploying P8 Application using FileNet Deployment Manager

Configuring Imported P8 Objects

After the successful deployment of P8 assets, verify all the assets. Some of the assets may
need to be modified.

Modify the entry templates: Make sure the folder path is correct for all the entry
templates. If the form entry templates are modified then modify the form policies
referencing the entry templates.
Transfer the Workflows: The workflows are imported but not transferred. Transfer
all the application workflows. If the workflow references another workflow then
transfer the referenced workflow first.

This article described how to deploy applications using FileNet Deployment manager and
Process Configuration Console. It provided steps on how to export and import most of the
P8 assets across isolated environments. The article also discussed the conversion of
process engine asset for the environment specific data. Though the article referenced most
of the P8 objects, any additional objects can follow the similar deployment path.

Thanks to Dave Keen (Advisory Software Engineer ECM Software Development) who
spent valuable time reviewing and giving his suggestions and comments on all aspects of
this article.



Refer to IBM FileNet P8 documentation for information about FileNet

Deployment Manager and Process Configuration Console.
FileNet Deployment Manager P8 5.0 Overview Presentation

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