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he following edited version of an

article that appeared in the Illawarra
Mercury and written by Tim Ayling
prompted the PT&D magazine to ask
around and investigate why so many poles
were being lost in each fire season,
(Canberra lost over 500 poles to fire this
year) and what the Electricity Supply
Industry was doing to eliminate this massive
Almost 50 power pole fires blacked out
6300 Illawarra homes and stretched
firefighting resources to the limit on Sunday
night. These power pole fires, brought on by
the first light rain in weeks, were a frustrating
climax to an exhausting weekend for the
regions firefighters.
Wollongong crews had battled fierce
bushfires at Mt Keira and Mt Kembla on
Friday before they were called in to assist
crews at Mittagong on Saturday, where five
homes were destroyed and scores evacuated.
Chief Superintendent Hans Bootsma said 11
of the citys 14 fire crews were also called to
46 pole fires from Fairy Meadow to Shell
Cove between 5.45pm and 10.40pm on
It really stretched our resources, so much
so that I called in three crews from Sydney to
help out, he said.
Integral Energy regional manager Tony
Kavaliauskas said the first rain after a long dry
spell often caused the insulators at the tops of
power poles to short circuit and spark, leading
to fire.
Over a period of time various salts and
other debris collect on the insulators and we
rely on rain to wash them away, he said.
After a long period without rain the insulators
become covered with pollution. The worst
thing that can happen is that you get a fine
mist, which mixes with the salts and creates a
great conductor. You then have a greater risk
of short circuits and fires.
Mr Kavaliauskas said no area was worse
affected than any other. Integral crews spent
yesterday replacing cross arms and doing
other repairs to scorched poles.
The following is the personal experience of
Chris Pemberton, now with Power & Water
Corporation, Darwin.
Having started my career with the SECV,
which loved creosote, I did not come across
CCA treated timber until the 70s, when I
moved to PNG. The PNG Electricity
Commission owned a 66kV line out of Lae
made from locally treated Hoop Pine.

The ESI is fully aware of the

massive ongoing problems
created by the continued
use of CCA treated poles.
Their use could be justified
only on the grounds that
their initial cost of purchase
is lower than available
alternative solutions.
During the 70s we lost about 40 poles
on this line during grass fires. Although the
local grasses are very tall, with little wind
the fires were not very hot, and no poles
were significantly charred. Failure invariably
occurred at one point, starting from a glow
point, with the pole smouldering for several
hours before collapsing.
I learned from the Forestry Department
that this phenomena was well known, with
the ability of a material to sustain a
smouldering state called afterglow. I was
informed that CCA treatment of timber
enhanced the afterglow properties of
timber, especially softwoods.
In the 90s, I was working for Peel
Cunningham CC at Tamworth, and we were
looking at replacements for both
Tallowwood crossarms and natural round
poles. We were offered laminated pine
crossarms treated with CCA. Remembering
my PNG experience, I researched the
subject of afterglow more thoroughly. Sure
enough, I found that the phenomena was
well documented.
I went so far as to ask one pole chemical
manufacturer whether it was possible to
add a fire retardant in the mixture. I was
told that this was not done because the
retardant reduced the effectiveness of the
To satisfy ourselves, we set up a treated
laminated crossarm next to a tallowwood
crossarm in the workshop, and applied a
high voltage current between insulator
pins. We used fans to ensure a wind velocity
of at least 1 m/sec. Sure enough, after
ignition, the tallowwood crossarm selfextinguished within a minute or so of
removing the current. The treated CCA
crossarm kept smouldering until it burned
through. We did not purchase treated
In the NT we use only steel arms, and we
compensate for the loss of impulse strength
by using larger post insulators. This has

been a very successful strategy in terms of

reliability. However, this is a more expensive
option, and some supply authorities may
baulk at the extra cost involved.
Although Australia continues to import a
large quantity of timber, every year 20
thousand to 30 thousand hardwood trees
are felled from Queensland forests alone to
provide poles for the electricity industry.
There are different bushfire intensities
and risk levels eg, as defined on NPWS web
site. The worst is wildfire, and is usually in
summer (hot) high wind (oxygen) with high
fuel. The CSIRO website defines the fire
hazard by the Fire Triangle.
For a fire to thrive and spread it requires
three things: 1. Fuel for the fire to burn
2. Air for the fire to breathe - enhanced by
wind velocity. 3. Heat for the fire to
continue burning Removal of any one of
the sides of the Fire Triangle will extinguish
the fire.
In a Paper presented at the last EESA
Conference in Canberra David Eccles gave
further insight into the problem.
During the dry extreme 40 degree C
plus hot dry summer bushfire periods, the
electrical network assets are at risk of
damage by bushfires. Wood poles and
crossarms are combustible given the
appropriate levels of heat and oxygen and
time to initiate combustion. The heat is
usually related initially to proximity of fuel.
(A grass fire or canopy fire burning past a
wood pole can ignite the wood causing a
sustained smoulder or wood pole fire long
after the fire front has passed by).
A modern hazard for some CCA-treated
wood power poles is a reported relatively
enhanced afterburn effect, which can
help CCA treated wood poles to continue
to burnout long after the fire front passes.
The researchers have developed various
proprietary CCA adaptions to try to reduce
the afterburn effect of CCA.
The creosote treated poles tend to have less
afterburn. This afterburn problem if its
applicable, is best remedied by prompt site
access to line patrol and to put out pole
fires after the fire passes by, or prior removal
of nearby vegetation fuel, or the use of
non-wood poles such as concrete or steel
poles or concrete/steel hybrid combinations
(e.g. Stobie pole of South Australia). Steel
Nailed wood poles or concrete/steel/wood
hybrids are still combustible in the wood

CCA treated poles after bushfire damage.


Of greater risk significance are the
conductors the loss of long aerial
conductor spans by bushfire burning-out
their pole supports, viz wood crossarm or
wood pole burn-out, can mean a long delay
to restoration of electricity supply of several
weeks if on rural radial systems without
access to distributed or mobile step-up
generation. Bare aerial conductor damage
by observation, is normally minimal unless
the aerial conductor is left close to
sustained fuel, such as fallen on/near the
ground for some time.
The issue of sustainable development needs
some investigation. Timber poles have a
variable life expectancy of approximately
20 - 30 years (some regal timbers will last
longer, but they are in short supply, and the
more common lower quality timbers need
chemical treatment to be of service). The
time period required to replace these trees
exceeds their life span as a timber pole,
which is not consistent with the theory of
sustainable development. As a direct result
of this shortage, the electricity industry is
now using timber of lesser quality than was
previously used twenty years ago and
consequently their life expectancy has been
reduced, even though chemical treatment
of timber is now widespread.
While some authorities are advocating
the use of pine as a future alternative,
research indicates that they are not a
realistic option due to its low structural
strength and lack of durability in tropical
and sub-tropical climates.
Every tree felled only supplies a straight
pole a proportion of its height. The rest is
burnt or chipped. This is an unacceptable
waste of a natural product when suitable
man-made alternatives are available.

To extend the life of timber poles they are
impregnated with a variety of chemicals,
commonly and typically copper-chromearsenic, or pigment emulsified creosote
In a report by the Murrumbidgee County
Council on the chemical treatment of
timber poles, to counteract rot and insect
attack, and the associated costs, it was
stated the chemicals which are the most
effective in their control are also the most
toxic and environmentally unacceptable.
Chemicals are used to extend the timber
poles life expectancy and resistance to
biological and termite hazards. However, in
its report the Council stated that the use
of chemicals does not prevent pole failures
in the long term, as eventually all timber
poles will fail due to their susceptibility to
weather and biological hazards (rotting,
fire, termites etc). The Council raised the
question that if the application of
chemicals is necessary and effective then
why is the industry still changing 30,000
poles per annum?
While it is commonly accepted that
ground rot is a common form of physical
failure, pole top failure in timber poles has
also been a concern as linesmen have been
seriously injured working on timber poles
that have snapped.
Unions are critical of the potential danger
their workers are being exposed to when
handling treated poles in the field and have
lobbied for alternatives to use in the future.
Difficulties with CCA poles have arisen
when the poles were not adequately
seasoned prior to impregnation. Under
these circumstances there has been
inadequate penetration of the sapwood by
the CCA salts and cracking of the pole
sapwood after erection allowing access to
fungus or termites to the unprotected
heartwood. CCA salts make the timber pole
more conductive, which makes the pole
more conducive to pole top fires. Although
considered to be non-conductive there
have been a number of cases of severe
shocks from live timber poles, when the
poles are saturated.
Electricity Companies guard against this
potential by either adopting a safety
approach procedure using a Modiewark
Tester, or by inserting a coach screw into the
timber pole and conducting a leakage test
prior to working on the pole.
Working on CCA treated poles that have
been damaged by fire presents particular
problems. The following information was
obtained from a safe working practices
document, Working With CCA Poles.
Workers are recommended to use full
protective clothing in addition to normal
safety equipment, if there is a danger of ash
being dislodged.

After removal of the burnt pole material

and re-treating of the section the ash must
be disposed of to a controlled landfill. All
equipment should be washed, and all traces
of ash removed. Any soil that is suspected
of being contaminated with CCA pole ash
is to be disposed of at an approved landfill.
Disposal of old treated poles will be a
continuing problem due to the presence of
arsenic. The pole will need to be treated as
a toxic waste. It cannot be sold for firewood
as the ash is considered a toxic material.
CCA treatment is banned in a number of
countries, most recently in Japan.
A termite nest
covers top of

Duraspun concrete poles

are unaffected by termites
and other pests and are
resistant to fire, lightning,
frost and the corrosive
effects of chemicals.
Many electrical authorities or companies
have conducted studies into cost and
alternatives based on whole of life cost
criteria and have concluded:
The use of concrete poles for
transmission feeders is the most cost
Properly costed over whole of life
concrete poles are also cost effective in
LV applications.
Concrete poles should be used in
special applications such as transformer
poles, switching structures etc where
numerous attachments are required and
high reliability is vital.
That concrete poles be adopted in
remote locations, especially if access is
difficult and/or expensive.

Studies have confirmed that while the

initial costs of purchasing concrete poles
exceeded that of timber poles, the cost
savings after erection and in the long-term
were significant. The comparisons often
conclude that, the replacement cost of, in
service, timber poles is the most significant
parameter in all cases as this is the cost
against which the initial additional capital is
compared. Therefore, the conclusion can
be drawn that if a pole has to be replaced
in the lifetime of the project, a more
permanent structure should be used.
A number of concrete poles were recently
recovered after 30 years of service and were
sectioned and examined. Results showed
that even with minimum cover of concrete
to steel on the inside of the pole there was
no evidence of corrosion.
Concrete poles have an excellent record of
resistance to lightning strikes. This has been
verified and documented in the Sydney
County Council Electrical Test Report (no:
63526 - April 88). Unlike concrete poles,
many timber poles are destroyed by
lightning strikes prior to and after
Concrete poles for transformers, switches
or meters may have a large number of
precast fittings built in, making assembly
and erection in the field a very fast,
meccano like operation.
Structurally engineered, concrete poles are
designed to meet the relevant codes
specifically developed to ensure structures
are durable and can stand up to Australias
varied environment. Records show that
poles installed in Germany in 1922 are still
in service with no signs of deterioration.
Their durability is well understood and it is
now possible for design engineers to design
concrete poles to suit any naturally
occurring environment, for any nominated
service life. Availability of a broad range of
poles is one of the most critical advantages
of concrete.


EnergyAustralia is trialling a modular
galvanised steel pole (jointly developed by
Ingal in Newcastle and BHP Steel in Port
Kembla) on its high voltage 22kV
infrastructure in the remote Putty area of
NSW. The poles have been installed to
replace a number of wooden poles carrying
high voltage electricity which had burnt in
the bushfires which devastated much of
NSW last Christmas. EnergyAustralia has
opted for lightweight, modular galvanised
steel poles with galvanised steel cross-arms,
fitted with 33kV glass/porcelain insulators
for lighting impulse compensation.

A new development in
modular galvanised steel
poles has established the
potential for steel poles as a
more durable, practical
and convenient alternative.
A key factor in choosing steel poles was the
high strength to weight ratio of steel. This,
combined with the durability and
toughness of the hot dip galvanised
coating, allowed for a tough, lightweight
solution to be delivered to site. The special
qualities of hot dip galvanising ensure that
the pole and its coating are resistant to
bushfire damage. The case for noncombustable
demonstrated by the damaged poles at
Putty: the wooden tops and cross-arms had
been burnt out, but the bolts, tie wires,
conductors and porcelain insulators
appeared visually undamaged. Perhaps
even greater, however, is the potential for
easy upgrades to the infrastructure
The main concern people have with steel at
first is conductivity, but it is not a problem.
It is simply a matter of designing the system
to suit the characteristics of a more
conductive pole. For those who remain
concerned, the South Australian poles show
that its not a problem. A more recent
example of the move away from wooden
poles is in Victoria where since Ash
Wednesday they have modified the
network to suit. Steel is half the weight of a
wooden pole. When you go for a modular
design, the pole can be transported in even
smaller and lighter pieces. Nor do you need
big cranes to erect them. That represents a
cost saving as well as a very clear practical
advantage. The modular steel poles are
light enough to even allow for human
carrying, and you can stand the lower
sections without the need for machinery.
Survival of a pole in a bushfire is crucial, not
just to avoid replacement cost, but to
maintain electricity supply for the fire
fighting effort. Power poles are more likely
to be the victim of a bushfire than the cause
of it. At the same time, a reliable power
supply is vital for operating pumps to
maximise the fire fighting effort on all fronts.
The advantage of the modular system is
that you can come back and change the top
part of the pole if you need to. Even though
the initial installation is relatively easy with
the steel poles. It is even easier to upgrade if
you can keep the existing base. You can make
them taller, shorter, whatever is needed.

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