2024 Detailed Procedures List

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What to Do
(If applicable)

Steps/What It Looks Like


Scholars come to school with at

least 2 sharpened pencils (checked
in the morning)
Scholars do not sharpen pencils at
Teacher has extra pencils presharpened if scholars are
If scholar needs a pencil, scholar
holds up 1 finger in the air to
Teacher give scholar a pencil,
takes money, marks on clipboard.
In the morning, scholars can ask
another scholar at a level 1 for a
Scholar that lent a pencil holds up
a SSH to inform the teacher.
Teacher adds +$2 to student that
lent, takes -$2 from student that


Strong Start

Scholars grab a breakfast, shake

the teachers hand, and silently
find their seat.
Scholars get all materials they
need for the day, and puts book
sack on the back of their chair.
Scholars take out homework and
open it to previous nights
Scholars silently works on morning
work and eats breakfast until told
to put up book sack.

1) Silently grab a
breakfast, shake
teachers hand,
and find your seat.
2) Take out all
materials for the
3) Open homework to
last nights
4) Work on morning
work and eat
breakfast at a 0.

(If applicable)
-$2 If teacher has
to give scholar a
-$2 if scholar
borrows from
another scholar
+$2 if scholar
lends pencil to
another scholar


Book sacks

Scholars put book sacks on back of

chair in morning.
Scholars remove everything out of
book sack they need for day.
When called, scholars put book
sack in assigned cubby.
Scholars DO NOT go back into
book sacks during the school day.
If scholars need to get item from
book sack after putting it up during
morning work, charge $1 from


Homeroom teacher distributes

dollar tracker for week.
Each class is responsible for own
homeroom packets for week (1
math packet, 1 ELA packet, 1
science/SS packet)
Scholars get 30 min HW in each
subject per night
ELA: Response to literature
(highlights) + 15 min independent
reading + 1 sheet grammar
Math: 1-2 sheets aligned to daily
lesson (can be 1 spiral + 1 aligned
or just 1 aligned)
Sci/SS: 1 aligned sheet
Homeroom teacher checks
homework and marks on sheet.
Teacher that assigns HW can
collect if desired.
If homework is complete, +$1 on
If homework is incomplete, -$1 on
tracker, and student has automatic
loss of recess to complete
Homeroom teacher writes list of
scholars that will be at recess
detention on homework slip.
Teachers rotate during the week
holding recess detention.
Teacher on duty responsible for
ensuring pencils and homework
copies at lunch for make-up
Scholars complete as much as
possible during recess and lunch (if

Passing Out

-$1 If need to go
into book sack
after putting up
in homeroom
If found going
into book sack
during school
day, automatic
office referral.


-$1 no homework
-$1 incomplete
Automatic no
recess to
complete work

Missing Homework

for classroom
based off of
seating chart
Turning in
for classroom
based off of
seating chart


Each teacher has a scheduled

bathroom time for each block of
the day.
During that scheduled time, hold
up the signal for bathroom
(clenched fist with thumb in
between index/middle fingers)
Scholar has 15 seconds to sign out
(name, time)
Scholar takes pass, walks to
bathroom on floor.
Scholar uses the bathroom,
washes hands, and throws paper
towels in the trash.
Scholar walks back to class, gets
water, then signs back in.
Total time: 3 minutes
Each minute after 3 minutes is a
loss of a $1 for wasting learning
Teacher makes mark on clipboard
to indicate student went to
bathroom to minimize scholars
overusing during the day.
If a bathroom is closed,
scholars have to wait until the
next available bathroom time.


-$1 for use of

restroom outside
of restroom block
-$1 for each
minute over 3
minutes student
uses the

Scholars get water when they use

the bathroom
Scholars may bring water bottles
to class hard Nalgene-like bottles
only, as the regular plastic ones
get noisy!
Scholars put water bottles under
their desks and use during work


-$1 playing with

water bottle
Water bottle
taken away if
incorrect kind or
used as a toy

Scholars may get up to get a tissue during class.
Scholars get 1 tissue, blow their nose, return to their seats.
If scholars are sick and/or will likely need tissues multiple times during class, they are to take a
few back to their seats.

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