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Ask out

: ask someone to go on a date (mengajak) Example: Peter asked Sinta out to dinner

Bring about/on

: cause (menyebabkan/menimbulkan) Example: The crisis brings about many social

: rear children (membesarkan/mengasuh) Example: Mrs. Rina brought up her brothers child

Bring up
Call back
Call of
Call on*
Check in
Check out*
Cheer up
Come across*
Cross out
Cut out

: return a telephone call (menelpon kembali) Example: He wants you to call him back.
: cancel (membatalkan) Example: The manager called off the meeting last night
: ask/invite to speak (mempersilahkan u/ berbicara) Example: I call on the headmaster now
to deliver his speech
: register at a hotel (mendaftarkan diri masuk hotel) Example: I will check in at Surya Hotel.
: leave a hotel (meninggalkan Hotel) Example: I checked out of a hotel last night.
: make (someone) feel happier (menghibur) Example: Please, cheer me up!
: meet by chance (menemukan) Example: we come across some new information.
: draw a line through (mencoret) Example: Cross out the second sentence!
: stop an annoying activity (menghentikan)

Do over
Drop by, drop in*
Drop of
Drop out*


Figure out
Fill out
Find out

: find the answer by reasoning (memamhami, memecahkan masalah)

: write the completion of a questionnaire or official form (mengisi)
: discover information (mengetahui, mendapatkan keterangan)

Get along (with)*

Get back (from)
Get in, get into*
Get of*
Get on*
Get over*
Get through*
Get up*
Give back
Give up
Go over*
Grow up* (in)


Hand in

: submit an assignment (menyerahkan tugas)

Keep up*
Kick out

: stay at the same position or level (terus, meneruskan) Example: Keep up studying English!
: force to leave (mengeluarkan)




take care of (memelihara, menjaga, mengurus)

(mencari) Example: I am looking for my friend.
investigate (memeriksa masalah)
review or check carefully (memeriksa)
look for information in a reference book (mencari informasi)

Pass away*
Pick out
Pick up
Put of
Put on
Put out


die (meninggal)
select (memilih)
go to get someone (mengambil, menjemput)
postpone (menunda)
put clothes on ones body (memakai, mengenakan baju)
extinguish a cigarette or cigar (memadamkan)

Run into, across*

Run out of*

: meet by chance (bertemu)

: finish a supply (kehabisan)

Show up*
Shut of

: appear, come (dating, kentara/kelihatan) Example: His brilliance showed up on the exam
: stop a machine (mematikan)

Take after*
Take of
Take out
Take over
Think over
Turn down
Turn in
Turn of
Turn on
Turn out
Turn up


do again (mengulangi) Example: You have to do it over again.

visit informally (mampir) Drop in to my house!
leave something/someone at a place (menurunkan) I will drop you of at the corner
stop going to school (keluar dari sekolah sebelum lulus)

exist satisfactorily/to have friendly relationship (bergaul dengan baik dengan )

return from a place (kembali)
enter a car (masuk, naik)
leave an airplane, a bus, a car, a train, a bicycle (turun)
enter an airplane, a bus, a car, a train, a bicycle (naik)
recover from illness (sembuh dari ) Example: I get over a cold
finish (selesai) Example: When you get through, please help me!
arise from bed, a chair (bangun, berdiri) Example: Get up! Its already 7 oclock
return an item to someone (mengembalikan)
stop trying (berhenti, menghentikan) Dont give up practicing English)
review or check carefully (memeriksa, meneliti)
become adult (menjadi dewasa)

resemble (menyerupai)
remove clothing; leave on a trip (Membuka baju, berangkat)
(mengeluarkan, mengambil, membawa berpesiar)
take control (mengambil alih)
consider carefully (mempertimbangkan, memikirkan)
decrease volume or intensity (mengecilkan)
submit as assignment (memasukkan, menyerahkan)
stop a machine, light, faucet (mematikan)
begin a machine, light, faucet (menyalakan)
extinguish a light (memadamkan, mematikan)
increase volume or intensity (mengeraskan)

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