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I. Introduction
Dear family, friends, ladies and gentlemen, we have gathered here together to rejoice and
celebrate with Michael and Joan. We are witnesses to this covenant of marriage. This decision is
made public so that we can affirm them the gift of love from the life itself. Michael and Joan are
ready to face a new stage in life. They have come before this congregation to promise to one
another of love for each other as husband and wife.
By your presence here, we all accept responsibility helping Michael and Joan in their new
relationship. We are here today to celebrate love; love that unites tow individuals, pledging love
for each other and now will vow a lifelong commitment.

II. Opening Prayer

Ladies and Gentlemen, Gods presence is our best guidance above all things. So let us
feel His presence in our midst through prayer, to be led by Ptr. Arthur Carig. Let us all stand and

III. Scripture Reading

IV. Processional
And now friends, guests, ladies and gentlemen, we are about to witness the Processional,
spearheaded by the Officiating Minister, Pastor Josue Sardenia.
To light their path, let us witness the entrance of Mr. Jimreel V. Agpaoa and Ms. Jamella
C. Barrozo.
And now the Grooms best man, Mr. Felix T. Estoesta Jr. (Pause) followed by the Junior
Bestman Daniel P. Loyola.
Grooms Entrance with the Parents
As Genesis 2:24 says: For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be
united to his wife and they become one flesh.
Two lives, two hearts, bonded together in prayer; united forever in love.
And now ladies and gentleman, the man of the hour, the groom: Mr. Michael E. Loyola
with his parents Mr. Federico Loyola and Mrs. Nora Carig as they walk down the aisle. A round
of applause please.
Principal Sponsors

There is a moment in each of our lives when life gains a richer meaning because it is
shared. The story of your life together is still yours to write. For Michael and Joan this moment
has come. All those present have come to witness and celebrate your love and commitment this
day eager to be a part of a story not yet told.
United together as a community, with Jesus in our midst, we welcome them as they come
to live out this love creatively. Ladies and Gentlemen, our Principal Sponsors. (Read the names
from the invitation)
Secondary Sponsors
Ladies and Gentleman, our Secondary Sponsors.
For the veil: To clothe them as one ___________
For the cord: to bind them as one _____________
The carry the covenant _______________
The Groomsmen and the bridesmaids _________________________
To carry their symbol of love, the ring bearer _____________
To carry their symbol of treasure and prosperity, the coin bearer and escort
To carry the symbol of faith, the bible bearer ________________
The flower girls and their escorts __________________________
The Usher and the Usherettes ____________________________
And now the Maid of Honor, Ms. Joahna B. Salom (Pause) followed by the Junior Maid
of Honor, Mar Thesalonica R. Carig.

Special Presentation
Dancer with Bouquet

Bridal March
Ladies and gentlemen, May I request everyone to please stand as we witness the entrance
of a woman of beauty in and out, the bride: Ms. Joan P. Carig accompanying her is her proud
parents Mr. Pepito Carig and Mrs. Nora Carig as they walk down the aisle. A big round of
applause ladies and gentleman.

Before we proceed to the solemnizing ceremony, let us remain standing for the worship
song to be led by the CNCF Music Ministry.

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