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Write Angle

Jai Mata Di


Kashmir : For 50 years, a dangerous flashpoint between two nuclear powers. Post
9/11, peace may finally have a chance with increased international pressure on the
terrorist groups.
Azhar Shehzaad Gul is the commander of the Lashkar Jihad, an hardcore extremist
group. Azhar is being forced to resort to increasingly violent acts in order to maintain
his reign of terror over the people.
He is aided by Sarfaraz Mir, his right hand man. Sarfaraz is a true psychopath who
has become blinded by the lust of murder and killings.
Azhar also has a secret mole inside the security establishment. To counter the Lashkar
and uncover the mole, the governor of kashmir appoints Major Pratap Rathore as
the head of a small select group of intelligence agents and commandos.
From the beginning, where Pratap surprises the terrorists in a remote village and
prevents a major massacre, a cat-and-mouse game is played between the two sides
with Pratap slowly narrowing down on the contacts and supporters of Azhar's group.
His major source of information becomes Zainab, a former ardent believer in
Kashmiri freedom who has become disillusioned with the cause and wishes to make
amends.After seeing the brutal way in which Sarfaraz treats an inncoent child during a
raid, she vows to see that he is brought to justice.
She feeds information to Pratap who slowly draws the ring around the Lashkar.
Inevitably, they also discuss the Kashmir issue itself - the rightness of both their
positions and the wrongs committed by both sides. Slowly they also realize their
attraction for each other is turning into love.
Sequences occur in which Pratap foils the delivery of weapons to the group, breaks
into their safe houses and captures several members in various raids. However the
work of the mole is apparent, as each time despite perfect planning, azhar always
manages to escape.
Meanwhile Azhar too is informed of a traitor in his group and forbids any outside
contact by anyone in his group. With their force dwindling, Azhar decides on a do-ordie plan to achieve glory.He has a simple enough plan take over the Vaishnodevi
shrine, hold the devotees inside captive and demand the immediate seccession of the
Kashmir Valley from the Indian Union and the removal of all Indian forces from
Kashmir. If the government fails to give in, the hostages will be executed on
worldwide TV. This would bring down the government and reestablish the force of the

By Rajat Gulati

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Write Angle

Jai Mata Di


Denied contact with Pratap, at the very last moment, Zaineb asks to send an email to
her brother in the US.The email is of course meant for Pratap under a different name.
Disguised as devotees in the padyatra, Azhar leads his men into the shrine It is the
winter of 2002 and the cold and snow will prove to be an ally to the militants.
They swiftly take positions, taking out the posted guards, bombing the helipad and
causing a controlled avalanche on Ardh Kunwari thus blocking access to the real
shrine. His men now control all possible access routes to the shrine and that means
that he owns the shrine.
The shrine is now in the control of azhar. all the devotees and locals are herded into
the large prayer halls and held captive. With the guards unwilling to fire in the holy
area and with the element of surprise with the terrorists, the capture is quick. Within
an hour, Azhar owns the shrine and holds hundreds of captives that he will hold as
shields in case of any military action. He also lays explosives inside the cave of the
shrine as a final threat against any counter action.
With no contact from Zainab, Pratap has no inkling of the attack on the shrine. It is
only at the nth hour that Pratap receives the coded email from Zainab that ends with
the words Jai Mata Di!
Realizing that the vaishnodevi shrine is threatened and that time is at a premium,
Pratap decides to try a daring move parachuting through the snow into the shrine
leading a group of highly trained Black Cat commandos.
However the terrorists are expecting them. Almost half the force is cut down as they
land and the rest are badly injured. Pratap survives but he is now alone and armed
with only a single revolver.
Through several one on one battles , ingenuity and luck, pratap manages to penetrate
the defences of the terrorists. He sets about creating confusion in the ranks by
attacking the terrorist stockpile and taking out the terrorrists one by one.
Meanwhile things have come to a flashpoint between Zainab and Sarfaraz. He is
trying to force himself on one of the hostages which Zainab tries to stop but is
overpowered by sarfaraz. Gloatingly, he informs her of the massacre of the
commandos. The identity of the mole is now revealed and Sarfaraz own plan to
desert Azhar and escape with the wealth of the shrine to another country.
Azhar, faced with this final betrayal, is forced to admit that the cause for which they
had begun fighting has now been eclipsed by greed and lust. He however dies fighting
At the end of the day, as Sarfaraz tries to make his getaway with all the gold (that is
stored in the shrine) and Zainab, Pratap proves to be the stronger man. Sarfaraz dies,
and good has triumphed over evil once again.
Pratap and Zainab are united and the mole, well, keep reading.

By Rajat Gulati

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Write Angle

Jai Mata Di


Major Pratap Rathore, Mahavir Chakra : Indian Army Commando.
Pratap is a man of rare courage. Born into the great Rajput warrior tradition, Pratap
has always upheld the values of patriotism and good winning over evil. He is a quick
thinking decisive person free of any doubts as to the rightness of his cause.
Azhar Mehmood Gul : Commander of the Lashkar jihad.
The archetypal villain, Azhar mehmood Gul is a man of little mercy. He is a man
hardened by circumstances and is deeply committed to his cause and willing to go to
any lengths to achieve it. Towards the climax, he realizes the many wrongs that his
path has caused and decides to die protecting his own hostages
Sarfaraz Khan Azhars right hand man.
A supreme psychopath, Sarfaraz is in the business of terror because he likes it.He is a
man who has fallen prey to greed and has lost any real tie with his cause. For him,
wealth and power hold all meaning and he is even willing to eliminate Azhar for
gaining it.
Zainab : terrorist,also with Azhars group
A woman of breathtaking beauty, Zainab turns to terrorism when her entire family is
killed in a BSF raid. Soon however she realizes that further violence is not the answer
to the problem and she seeks to atone by leading Pratap to azhar and his men.
The Mole or rather, the anonymous Government bureaucrat
At the end, the identity of the mole is revealed to be none other than a lowly
government bureaucrat, a man with no honour or courage, a man who has access to
secrets that are worth several lives and deaths, but with no real knowledge of the
consequences of his betrayals. He is a man who has sold his country for a few rupees.
The mole is exiled, his accounts frozen and hopefully an example set to the many
others like him.

By Rajat Gulati

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Write Angle

Jai Mata Di


The movie begins with a terrorist attack on a small remote village by Azhar and his
men. Angered by their defiance of the groups diktat Sarfaraz attempts to set an
example by a massacre. Pratap arrives in the nick of time and after a pitched battle,
prevents the slaughter. Zainab, still a novice in the terrorist world, is horrified by the
ease with which the terrorists kill and maim. Her first doubts are aroused as to the
rightness of the path she has chosen.
Pratap is given the assignation of uncovering the suspected mole and bringing to
justice the Lashkar jihad. He sets about gaining information about the group members
and tracing their origins and families etc. His search leads him to Zainab while at
first she is wary of the army man, she soon gives into his pleading and agrees to leak
out information about the group.
This begins a cat and mouse game with Pratap patiently dogging the trail of the
lashkar. Zainabs information helps him to weaken the group but at each encounter,
Azhar appears to be already informed and manages to escape scot-free. The mole is
beginning to reveal himself.
At the same time, Pratap wants to capture Azhar and Sarfaraz alive in order to find out
the true identity of the mole.He also finds himself increasingly attracted to Zainab and
perhaps it is this that stops him from making a preemptive strike on the terrorists.
Azhar now puts his most audacious plan into motion that of taking over the
Vaishnodevi shrine. His plan goes off like clockwork having already been informed
about all the security arrangements in the shrine by the mole.He does not know that
Zainab has managed to send out an email, that was vetted by his own men, that
contained the salutation jai mata di!!
Thus alerted, Pratap parachutes into the shrine alongwith his men, but once again the
mole has managed to leak out this news to Azhar. Sarfaraz alongwith the other
militants, mercilessly bitchers down the commandos.Pratap must now stop the
terrorists alone. Taking out the guards one by one, Pratap gains access to the shrine
and manages to defuse the explosives.
As things come to a close, Zainab tries to stop Sarfaraz herself. In the altercation,
Sarfaraz ulterior plan of escaping with the vast gold reserves that are held inside the
shrine and blowing up everyone else is revealed Azhar dies trying to stop Sarfaraz.
Finally, as Sarfaraz is making his escape, Pratap manages to reach in time and rescue
both the gold and Zainab . The identity of the mole is revealed it is none other than
the bureaucrat responsible for filing topsecret papers and recording minutes of
meetings. The mole is quickly captured.
Pratap and Zainab are together, at last.
By Rajat Gulati

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