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March 1989

Dear Friends,
"If we love one another, God abides in us.."

I John 4:12

Love is the real answer to everyone's problems. David was out calling
with a church brother and after inviting a man to services on Sunday,
the man replied that he would come but he had no shoes.
The church
brother offered his shoes seeing that the man was sincere.
The man
accepted and the church brother walked back to his home two and a half

miles barefooted. Sunday morning found both men in service...the church

brother with an old pair of shoes and the happy visitor. Or, who was
really the happiest? Isn't love a beautiful thing!
1989 has already shown good progress for Christianville. The Eye Clinic
roof is finished, plumbing is in (thanks to Otis Palmer from Indianapolis)
electrical work in this week with Nick Johnson returning from McDermott,
Ohio, and walls are ready for plastering. Another eye team plans to come
in late May,

A two week evangelistic meeting is in progress

at "Brush", a new area where the people have asked us to come and help.
Crowds have been good and it looks like an excellent new church spot. All
of our outreaches have developed from requests from people seeking Bibl
teaching and preaching.
Isn't this great!

A recent two-day Youth Retreat had over 200 in attendance.

It was a great
gathering here at Christianville, Three more of our older school students
have become Christians and the total Sunday School attendance for all of
the Christianville outreaches is well over an average of 1000.
God has blessed us with workers.
Dick and Virginia Gibbons from Orlando,
FL. are here for 3 months while Sandy is having a furlough.
They have
reorganized the clinic and repainted.,,2 great jobs. Otis and Jean Palmer,
also here for 3 months, have made a great team. This is their 5th trip.

It is Gibbons 4th trip. Stuart Kelly continues to be a blessing on the

He has been a hard worker over the past 4 years - good meat and eggs
have continued to flow into the school kitchens.
And can you guess how
blessed we are to have Wayne Black doing a super job at mechanics on all
of our vehicles? His wife Judy supervises the school kitchens.
They are

doing very well in their first year full time with Christianville.
Sam has enjoyed as well as appreciated the work teams.

We are all thank

ful for them and will miss them when their time is up.

How glad we are

when they keep returning.

Now we look forward to" the May and June teams.

Your beautiful gifts of love, prayers and funds have all
been so needed...and they are deeply appreciated. God has blessed us

with your help and the progress is truly encouraging. Please take time
to prayerfully read the attached sheet on our work at Cite Soliel.
God bless you all.
them with us.

If you have prayer needs, please feel free to share

We will join with your prayers.

In Christian love,

The fruit of our labor is sweet!

Wlieel Cliaii-192<)s

Christianville Foundation, Inc.


P.O. Box 4157

South Daytona, FL 32121-4157



Mission Services

Bringing Christ's Love to Haiti

Knoxville TN 37901

w^ou Tout 5e iCofj^n

1989 First Annual Convention of Christianville Churches


Aff Are Otve"

2 The Christianville EVANGEL

"We All Are One
by WayneHergel

for unity.In the final moments before the cross,

while in the garden, he prayed for unity;for this,
he said, was the measure by which the world

To say that the convention was a success

doesnotadequately describe our elation. The
attendance and the spirit that built to the
climactic Saturday evening session, followed

by the admonition of Sunday morning's

celebration in worshipand praise is testimony

to the power of God working in the lives of

wouldviewChristianity. The churchesare united,

and what a testimony to the surrounding
We believe in the fellowship of the believers.
We also believe that much can be accomplished
by the fellowship of believers rather than the
independence thereot The motivation produced
by this meeting is not easily measured in the
individual congregations, but we can see it by
the refreshed zeal within them. Two to three

weeks after the event, we were still receiving

requests for copies of the supplemental song

sheet used for the convention. Again, this
shows the excitement rekindled in the churches.


theme, "We All Are One," was

concluded by the thought from Ephesians 4:6,

people in Haiti.
which was expressed to let God be all in all. It
All of the Christianville churches were
is only through God that evangelism can
well represented, including the outpost station successfully
influence the livesof individuals to
at Mareshal and the nucleus at Brache. The
make the sort of lasting commitment that will
convention opened with a main session on
Friday evening followed by workshops during not change as the minister or missionarymoves
daylight hours. Saturday evening, a on to other callings. In the faceof that frustration,
contemporary Christian music group, "Credo", we are still trying to build. Continue to pray with
us that God will use even our weaknesses to

directed by Gerard Eustache, orchestrated

the special music and the accompaniment. It strengthen His church.
was 9:30 p.m., and the people had not eaten,

yet they werenot ready for the celebration to

end. There was standing room only (outside)
crowds both Saturday night and Sunday

Rejoicewithus,not merelylor the success

of the convention, but for the greater picture

it represents. Christ's most fervent prayer was


On the Cover

The Saturday eveningsession at the '89

Convention; "Credo"performing.

Robinson and Chrisiophe, a TiCousin Church leader,

leading a song service during the main session.

The Christianville EVANGEL

Accompanimenifor the song service ai the convention - not western, but deflnitefyemitting praise!

Convention Workshops
by Jerome Prinston

The convention gathered the people not onlyfor a time of spiritual renewal and fellowship,
but also for a time of great learning through the various workshops that were organized.
Altogether we had eight workshop sessions, all lead by Christianville staff leaders:
History of the Restoration Movement
Christian Doctrine: Regeneration
The History of the Christian Church in Haiti
The Church in Action: Mission and Ministry
Ministry and Commitment Counseling with the Youth
Ministry and Commitment Counseling with the Ladies
Ministry and Commitment Counseling with the Men
Ministry Counseling with Active Leaders in the Church
All these workshop subjects were prepared and delivered around the convention theme,
"We Are All One". The people learned what it isto be a community, and how to preserve life and

occasion growth in that community. They have experienced the joy and the hope of being part
of the community that makes usone withyou and all Christians everywhere under the Lordship
of Jesus Christ.

Church Location

Quarterly Church Report

Average Attendance
Sunday Morning


LaSalle, Christianville






Petit Boucan (Mountain)






The Christianville EVANGEL





leaching Them to Read ...

by Christine Hergei

program, there is an obvious difference in the

spiritual realm. After the initial years of teaching

and witnessing, many Christianville students
have become Christians. In Christianville's first
school, located at the LaSalle location, 46% of

the students in the three highest classes have

become Christians and are active in the church.

Due to their reading and comprehension skills,

coupled with a desire to serve Christ, several
From a visitor's initial entry into the Port of the 46% are strong growing leaders in the
au Prince airport, to the overcrowded streets church. At the TiCousin school, the most
of the city of Port au Prince, and on to the recently established after LaSalle, several of
outlying areas of Haiti's countryside, the need the older students have given their lives to
for benevolent work cries out so loudly that it Christ. The process is continuing. In the past
is undeniable. How can so many people be in three months, four students from LaSalle and
need? How can they be helped? What program seven from Ticousin have been baptized at
would benefit a large part of the community? their respective churches. As the program
Often, the answers to thcvse questions are found conrinues at TiBoucan (Mountain) and Jeanin providing educational assistance and physical Jean, and the children reach an age and level
of maturity to make a decision, evidence has
Without question a large dent has been shown that chances are manywill tbllow Christ.
Teaching children in Haiti to read will
made in the area of benevolent work through
the school program at Christianville. The results afford them with opportunities that will last a
have been quite evident over the years. But, lifetime. Teaching them of Christ and His love
seen through the Christian's eyes, is this the will provide each with an opportunity thatwill
primar}' need with which we are to be endure for eternity. Thankfully, Christianville's
concerned? The spiritual indigencc is just as school program presents the opportunity to
strongly evident through the rellcciion of the do both.
Christian s eyes as the physical wx^uld he to
another. Can a school/educational assistance

program contribute towards meeting this basic


Fortunately, Haiti has not ck)sed her doors

to allowing God's Word to be taught in her
schools. Prayerisaviialpartof Christianville's
school day. and G(xi's Word Ls shared regularly.
A staff of Christian men and women serve as

role models for the school children. Sptinsors

are a witness to the children of Cjod's love

through their kindness and letters.

Just as we have seen a difference in the

physical, intelleclual and emotional welfare

of the school children as a result of the school

The ihrec Wise Men bringing ^ijls lo Jesus, as

portniyed in ihe Chrisimas pluy m TiCousin.

Picmredfrom lo hack: Wesly Colin (hv Burns, IN,

Sponsor): Frednel Thomas {Circle ofJoy, GA,
Sptmsun. Anthony S{. Lot, {nosponsor).

The Christianville EVANGEL

Toward A World View Revolution

byJ. Jerome Prinston

contrary to the Christian world view. This change

that I see as a task ol" authentic religious education
does not implya change of cultural conceptions.

Mission education should never attempt to take

a people out of its culture. However, it should
seek to promote a profound assimilation of the
Christian message, whereby the religion of
Christianity, whileemerging from a new cultural
context, will remain true to the Bible.

As part of the holiday festivities, the people

at the church at TiCousin organized what they
called a "theater party" where several skits and
one to three act plays were performed. The
party was intended to be entertaining. For me,
however, something about the reality that was
portrayed in these plays caught my attention
with such intensity that I left the party with a
certain feeling of perturbation. What! had seen
and heard made me think more resolutely of
where the people had come from and where
they were thus far in their spiritual pilgrimage.
Each play contained the most down to earth
portrayal of the fearsome reality that was still an

As we pursue this radical change of belief

system, we cannot continue to win people for
Christ with a simple message of the love ofGod,
without a thorough explanation of the existendal
significance and implications of this love, and

without seeing that their lives are adequately

filled with Christ.

Christianville is making every effort to lead

that world view revolution by continually

restructuring and implementing its Christian
education andevangelism programs to strengthen
the church of today and to prepare strong lay

leadership for the church of tomorrow.

Afirst convention held this past November
influential factor in the lives of the people and which gathered important delegations from all
of the community; a reality characterized by a our churches served as a solemn opportunity to
conflicting dualismof God and the devil, and by launchthisideaof a dynamic churchgrowth and
the most morbid controversies involving human to introduce the different facts of a world view
beings and demons, and other voodoo revolution. Also, this past semester wehadbegun
to develop a Bible curriculum for our high
Ironically, such a ruthless portrayal carried school students. Despite the closing of high
the tone of a mostserious subscription to comical schoolfor lackof funding, we continue to hope
entertainment As each playended with applause that our efforts will result in the establishment
and over excited screaming of the audience, I of a permanent ministry vocation training
wondered how there could be so muchrejoicing program. These past few months many new
in the midst of such a grim reahty.
members have been added to the various
Leaving the party, I was frustrated. But in Christianville churches by baptism. This has
my frustrations, I began to realize that we were brought about the necessity to plan and
in the midst of a world view revolution and what

coordinate a brand new training program for

we had just seen was the residue of the yet our new members starting in January, 1990.
strong reality that has long characterized the These are a few examples of strategies for a
experiences of these people.
world view revolution to bring about strongly
A world view revolution in the context of

dedicated lives to Christ, and for which we are

Christian Education is simply an emphatic way longing for your prayers and support.
to talk of a fundamental change in the existential
As we face the uncertainties of this new
belief system of a deeply religious people such decade, Christianville invites you to hold on
as the Haitians. In our situation, beliefs that are

with it to the hope and blessingsof an authentic

Christian Church and this,to the Gloryof God.

The Chrisiianville EVANGEL



/TO /rc>



"Jean-Jean girls enjoying

lunch alter class." Pictured lelt

to right (with sponsor's names):

Elizabeth Juliassaint, (Win A
Couple Class, Oak Grove
Christian); Myrland Jean-Louis,
(no sponsor); Guirlande Senatus,
(no sponsor); Flavie Dorcius,
(Elm St. Christian).


"Special music was presented by

the older girls at the Christmas party
at the LaSalle school." Pictured left

to right (with sponsor's names):

Evodite Joseph, (Richard Backketter,
IN); M. Eliana Derat, (Best years
Fellowship, E. 91st Christian); Louise
Anne Marie Paul, (Mrs. S. Waack,
OK); M. Georgette Joseph, (M/M
H. Scheewe, CAN); M. Gislene
Joseph, (Frank Temmel, Haiti); M.
Micheline Celestin, (M/M H. Long,
KY); M Venise Pierre, (Young Adult
Class, OH); Archange King, teacher.



and Marie Ange Altanny

raising the flag before
school al the mountain."


The Christianvilie EVANGEL




KQgh School News

With the coming of the New Year, due to financial difficulties, the decision to restructure the
high school program at Christianvilie was deemed necessary. Now enrolled in three major high
schools in the neighboring towns, Christianvilie students are continuing their academic studies
at different locations. Bible and vocational classes (Music,Agriculture, and PhysicalEducation)
remain intact, as part of the extra-curricular program in the afternoon. Great appreciation is
extended on behalf of the students and Christianvilie administration to the sponsors of the high
school students who havecontinued their support and enabled the program to continue through
difficult circumstances.

SergeHilaire (MIMO. Strode) and Marc Antoine Michel in the High School
Student's originalplay, "La VieNan Bouk," "Lifein the Village".

wm You Help?
Thank you to all who have sent used
instruments and helped make the school music
program a success! We are in need of several
specific instruments to make our band complete.
If you can help with a new or used instrument,
your kindness will be greatly appreciated! Listed
to the right are the instruments presently needed.
If you would like to help, simply contact Don
and Virginia Dugan at the Daytona Address.

Soprano Saxophone
Baritone Saxophone
Alto Clarinet
Bass Clarinet


The Christianville EVANGEL



Christianville Dental Clinic

The Dental clinic has been a beehive. We have already surpassed the amount of activity

experienced in the clinic last year. (With the available care being more regular, it means that

more candy bars can be consumed. The missionaries here love M&M's, plain orpeanut.)
We are thankful for the commitmem to quality care of our visiting dentists and orthodontists.

Pray that the clinic will continue to be well staffed throughout the year.

Dr. GordonBengston, his wife, Gladys, and dentalhygienisi, DavidMarcelin busy at work
on one ofthe numerouspatients seen in the month of February.

Christianville Medical Clinic

1990 started with a visit from Kay Dycus, a long time friend and former head nurse at
Christianville medical clinic. Kay spent three weeks filling in for absentee staff and helping
upgradeareasinexisting clinic programs. For twoof thoseweeks, Kay wasaccompanied byR.N.
Carolyn Vogal-Santostefano, also an "old faithful" of Christianville. They were still on the job
when Dick and Virginia Gibbons joined the task force to continue as Kay and Carolyn returned
home. Illnesses are being cared for and many lives are being touched through the medical clinic
at Christianville. However,with the high prices of medicines in Haiti, it is difficult to keep the
pharmacyshelves amply stocked lo serve the community as we would like. If you can help to
obtain or give us leads on how to gel medicines inexpensively,or free, please contact us and share
this valuable information for the benefit of the sick in Haiti

The Christianville EVANGEL



Planting Seeds That Will Last A Lifetime

A spark of desire and willingness to give of Rick and Kathy are primarily concerned with
food for the soul. Through their agricultural
serving Christ on a foreign field. Rick and Kathy work, they are strivingto builda close rapport
Land, (sent out from Cornerstone Christian with the local farmers. Even through the early
Church, Brownsburg, Indiana) came to Haiti stages of learning the Creole language, the
initially, on a short term work team. After several message of Christshines through their constant
subsequent trips, they returned this fall to serve example and desire to serve Him. In building
one's talent are often all it takes to be sold on

at Christianville for 5 1/2 months in the area of

relationships through joint efforts towards

agriculture and helping to manage the mission

better crops, the Lands hope to be disciplers

and encouragers of Christ to the people.


Rick is a graduate of Purdue School of

Agriculture, and Kathy has earned her certificate
from the Purdue Master Garden. Coming with
17 years farming experience behind them, their
first efforts to plant a garden have already
produced food for the table and extra to share.
Although food for the body is important.

The team here at Christian\alle has been

complimented by Rick and Kathy. They are

planting seeds in the soil, as well as in the
hearts of the people. Many will look forward
to the harvest that isforthcoming, as a result of
their willingness to give of themselves
wholeheartedly in service to Christ in Haiti.



Rick inspecting the garden with

Haitian fanner, Loubin, assisting.

Kathy in the kitchen preparing a special
treat for the mission family.


The Chrislianville EVANGEL


Spring Cleaning
by Franklin Whyie

In the past six years the fish pond has been

One-third of the way through, heavy rains

very usel'ul to the mission. Harvesling twice a brought a massive Hood which refilled the
year,we catch thousands of pounds of fish. We pond with more dirt.

silt had to be cleaned out. We tried cleaning the

We finally decided to resort to mechanical

equipment. God blessed us by providing help
at a fraction of the cost. A construction company
in Port au Prince isdoing the work for only the
"out of pocket" expense. The necessary
construction is in process, so that in the future
the silt will be diverted away from the pond.
Many thanks to the Kanzki Construction
Company and lo you, for your prayers and

pondby manual laborlo helpthe local economy.


have been able to feed the children in the schools

and nutrition program, boosting their protein

content,and also, helping the communities around

During the past six years, the river which

runs nearty the mission compoundhas ovtjrflowed
its banks on many occasions. In so doing, it has
carried a lot of silt,depositing it in the pond. The


Frankie and his workersusing manual labor to clean ihefish pond.


The product ofheavy equipment. Romans 8:28.

The Christianviile EVANGEL


When You Pray...

Petition God for...

Additional sponsors for school children

Strength and wisdom for Christianviilestaff
Upcoming Bible seminars for Christianviile
church members.
Volunteers scheduled to visit Christianviile

individually and on summer work teams.

Moriath Advira Morgan, better known as
"Auntie", isone of the original members of the
Christianviile family. She has served
wholeheartedly through making the
Christianviile diet more than just palatable.

Many of you have shared the kitchen duties

with Auntie and know what a joy she is to work
with. To say nothing of the monuments to her
cooking, the mealshave always been excellent!
Please pray for Auntie as her sight is not what it
used to be.

Many thanks, Auntie, as we wish God's

blessing for you!

Thank God for...

Auntie's recovery from eye surgery and

safe return to Christianviile.

Progress made after unexpected problems

with the tlsh pond.
The growth experienced in Christianviile
churches in the last three months.

Relative peace in the country during the

past six months.

Don andVirginia Dugan, FieldRepresentatives/Forwarding

Agents are available to share the work at Christianviile and


assist with VBS programs upon request. Contact them at the

South Daytona address for further information.

Sponsorship Request Form

Yes, I would like to sponsor a child.
Please send me



a girl

a boy


more information.



The Christianville EVANGEL

<1 <1


Lending a Hand
The Christianviile EVANGEL is published by

Christianville would like to extend deepest

the Christian\ille Foundation, Inc.

thanks to the church work teams and to the


many individuals for coming to help in the

ministry here in Haiti: John Spicklemire,
Indianapolis; Eric Jordan, Carmel, IN; Otis

Donald Dugan, Secretary/Treasurer, Daytona, FL

and Anna Jean Palmer, Indianapolis; Stuart

Fred Smith, Jacksonville, FL

Kelly, Hamilton, XL; Tammy McCune,

LaHarpe, IL;Dr. Marlin Hentzel, Fort Madison,
lA; Kay Dycus, Hammond, IN; Carolyn Vogal-

Elvin Gray, Tampa, FL

Russell Blowers, Indianapolis, IN

Wayne Herget, Acting Director, Haiti

Donald Wheeler, Chairman, Orlando, FL

Leon D'Orleans, Haiti

Glenn Bourne, Kissimmee, FL
Dr. Alan Handt, Indianapolis, IN

Santostefano, Northbrook, IL: Paul Carrier,

Tim and Henrietta Simmons, Fayetteville, GA;

Wayne and Nancy Gardner, Cincinnati, OH;


Elmer and Dora Redden. Morrison and

Wayne and Christine Herget

Rosemary Plumley Sr., Joyce Fei-guson-Proctor,

Jerome and Paulette Prinston

Sandy DeVinney

Lendo Walker, Beckley WV; Denise Reniger,

St. Joseph, MI; Dan Crosley, Mishawaka, IN;

Bob Sullivan and Dale Davis, Granger, IN;
Jeffrey Gritton, Elkhart, IN; John and Mary


Stuart and Barbara Kelly


Jane Northage, South Bend. IN.

Dr. Virgil UUom

Dr. David Leever

Thank You!

Field Representatives/Forwarding Agents

Don and Virginia Dugan, Daytona Beach, FL

Thank you to all who sent Christmas

greetings to various members of the mission
family during the holidayseason! We have put
all our Christmas cards in a basket, taking Dr.
Dobson's suggestion, to choosc a card each

day and pray-for the individual family who

sent the card. Thank you for thinking about
us! You will be in our thoughts and prayers
throughout the year.

Publication Agents

John and Miriam Fuller, Indianapolis, IN


Mr. and Mrs. Les Lumsden, Punta Gorda, FIMr. and Mrs. James Aberle, Williamsville, NY
Mr. and Mrs. James Wood, Decatur, GA

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hursh, Indianapolis, IN

cut here

Christianville Foundation, Inc.

P.O. Box 4157

South Daytona, FL 32121-4157

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