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Shaan Haider Faruque

Grade 11

Community Service Reflection Dar Ul Sakun

I undertook a community service reflection at Dar Ul Sakun in

the summer from July till mid August. Dar Ul Sakun is a home for
special or mentally challenged people of all ages. The experience
was something completely new for me. My previous community
service was in school with poor children. I learnt many new things
but I embraced it and soon I found it very easy to cope with. I
started enjoying it by the end.
There were two 3- hour sessions, one from 9-12 AM and
another from 3-6 PM. I would go in the day usually because in the
summer I would get up late. At Dar Ul there was a field where all the
special people were. All the volunteers would come there and help
them. Activities included taking small children around in buggies,
putting small children back in their cots, playing with them and
talking to old people and giving them company. At first I admit I was
kind of scared. I had never been in close proximity to special
people before and their respective handicaps, and odd behavior was
intimidating, as I did not know how to interact with them. The first
day I just sat with the most normal person I could see. It was an old
woman. I learnt that she had been here her whole life; her parents
had dropped her off as a child. She could speak English and was


loosely educated. I could tell she was one of the more stable minded
special people. I then pushed a few children around in the
buggies. It was much easier by the end of my first day than I first
thought as soon as I saw it.
By the fourth or fifth time I had grown to become acquainted
with an old woman named Suzanna. She was extremely funny and
witty and interesting to talk to. She had short-term memory loss
and so every time she would ask my name about 10 times. This
disability is what made her special however. I would enjoy telling her
the same thing over and over again. It was not annoying at all. By
the end I had become really close to her. Now that I am not doing
Community Service anymore, I miss Suzanna, as she was the
highlight of my visits there.
There was once a talent show for charity, which took place
there. Some of the special people also took part in it. I played guitar
to a song and 10 or 15 others sang. It was a really enjoyable
experience. Moreover it was really fulfilling watching the special
people feel worthwhile by performing in front of everyone and
getting applause.
I think one main thing, which they should change, which really
affected me was the tagline for Dar Ul Sakun: Home for the
mentally and physically retarded. I think they should call it Home
for the specially challenged or something, which does not insult the
special people as much. Also I think there should be a better
observation or checking system. I found that there was not much


supervision. I would work because I knew that coming here was

more than just getting the hours- it was for the purpose of doing
something beneficial for the society and these people and feeling
good about it- but I saw that some people were not working and that
is just not on. They should be kicked out as community service
means WORKING for the community. I learned that these special
people are people just like us. They have feelings and are
compassionate and kind if you are understanding of them and dont
laugh at them or make fun of them. I look forward to working here
again in the future.

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