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Dear Parent/Carer

Re: TW YFC and SPYs Residential Trip

Tunbridge Wells Youth for Christ (TW YFC, who
youth work for the Number One Community Trust, under the name Number One Youth) and
SPYs (St Philips Youth) are combining forces to run a residential trip for young people in
school years 5 to 9 this July!
During the trip we will have outdoor activities, a campfire,
games, a goodie bag and some videos and discussions
taken from Youth Alpha. Youth Alpha is a Christian
program designed to provide space for young people to
explore some of lifes biggest questions and discover more
about the Christian faith. There will be absolutely no
pushing of Christianity on any of the young people, merely
an opportunity to discuss. Rosie and Sarah (the two leading
youth workers for the trip) are both happy to be approached
about the content of sessions and any questions you may
The trip will be from Friday 17th Sunday 19th July 2015 at The Chellington Centre near
Both youth groups will be travelling up to the Centre on on the Friday afternoon and we
expect to arrive back Sunday afternoon. Once places have been confirmed you will receive
more details about timings, kit list etc.
To secure your childs place, you must return:

The completed consent form (attached)

Full payment. (15)

The cost of the trip is 15 per young person; this includes everything transport,
accommodation, food, and activities! But we are limited to 30 spaces, which will be issued on
a first come, first serve basis.
Yours sincerely,

Youth Worker
St. Philips, Birken Road
01892 531031

give permission for (childs full name):

Senior Youth Worker
Tunbridge Wells YFC (on behalf of No1)
28 Church Road, 01892 458 101

_______________________________ to attend the

TW YFC/SPYs Weekend Away from Friday 17 Sunday 19 July, 2015.



Childs Date of Birth: _____/______/_____ Childs age at time of event: ______

Contact Telephone Numbers
Parents name: _________________________________ Contact Number: _____________________________
Emergency Contact Full Name (if different from above): _____________________________________
Emergency Contact Number (If different from above): _______________________________________
Home Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

Post Code: ____________________________

Medical Information
My son/daughter is in good physical health and I consider him/her fit to participate.


Do they have ANY conditions requiring medical treatment, including medication?


If YES please give brief details:

Does your son/daughter have any know allergies? (If yes, please give details)


Doctors Name: _________________________________ Doctors Tel No:
Doctors Address:



I agree to my son/daughter receiving medication as instructed and any emergency dental,
medical or surgical treatment, including anesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary
by the qualified medical authorities present.
Consent for Photos to be taken
During childrens events, photographs and/or video recordings may be taken and used in publicity
materials or in the local press but will not include names or addresses of young people for security
reasons. If you have no objection to photographs/video recordings being used for the above
purposes, please sign below, which confirms your agreement.

Signed: ______________________________

Date: __________________

(Please note only a parent or guardian can give consent).

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