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18th Senate Meeting Minutes: December 5th, 2008

1. Called to Order – 9:14am

2. Roll Call – Everyone present

3. Additions – Bill 18.015 added under Old Business

Corrections - The numbers move accordingly, #8 – Bill 18.015, #9 – Election Calendar

4. Agenda approved

5. Minutes approved
6a. President Sterr’s Report –
Received report about the results of the Recreation Center Survey
Have drawn names for prizes and will announce winners in upcoming week
Attended FacUse Committee meeting, may change free speech zone
Spoke with students about Bookie dividend money
- $5000 of the total amount will go towards a ASWSUV Leadership
- $4100 will go towards bringing a performer to campus
Went to the Chancellor’s Student Advisory Board
Heard about how the economic situation will affect our campus and students,
free speech zone, academic issues, and scheduling.
Met with the Elections Board Committee

6b. Vice President Wooster’s Report –

Started One on One meetings with Senators, discussed goals for next semester
Attended Chancellor’s Student Advisory Board
Heard about the continuation of growth on the WSUV campus such as the
construction of the Applied Technology Building, money is owed to the state
but it is only 1% of the WSUV budget and new degree programs.
Discussed the use of the money received from the Bookie Board
Has been in constant communication with the members of the Senate

6c. 1) Eric Davidson’s Report –

Met with Neil to discuss Zoo Lights tickets
Rumble at the Roseland tickets were put up for sale
Purchased Craft Night supplies
Set up and monitored Craft Night
Contacted Activities Board members
Set up Regal ticket sales
Conceptualized gift bags with Nicole Mousleh to give out during Finals week
In negotiation with Massage Envy
Finalized the Holiday Concert with Hannah

2) Nicole Mousleh’s report –

Advertising for upcoming events
Preparing for monthly newsletter after winter break

3) Michael Hatch’s report – was not in attendance at meeting but is going to revamp
the ASWSUV website over Winter break.
4) Sommer Knight’s report –
Was not in attendance at meeting because of Assembly Days in Olympia
Assembly Days with WA Student Lobby - short Meet n Greets with legislators
Working on letter to legislators, congratulating their success on their campaigns and
asking if they would be willing to visit our campus
Preparing for groups of students to bring to Olympia next semester

5) Blake Hunter’s report –

Working on another Club Fair
Got volunteers for Holiday Open House on Wed. Dec 3rd
Updated Club account information
Attended Chancellor’s Student Advisory Board

6) Interviews for a new Event Assistant to be conducted next week

7. Committee reports
a. External Affairs – We received the new printers and are working on banners
Computer Lab Hours may be advertised by VIT
Volunteer Fair on December 1st or 3rd
Faculty Food Drive

b. Programming – Locker project continues to be discussed

Meeting with Michelle on 11/12 about trophy case
Spoke with Neil G. about hair dryers in fitness center (Bill 18.010)

c. Finance - $2605.00 spent last meeting

d. Rules and Regulations has not met

e. Budget Committee won’t meet until next semester

f. Diversity Committee – put on a Diversity Film Festival, discussed the hate crimes that
occurred in Pullman which may lead to Safe Zone signs, and may bring guest
speaker to campus.

Old Business
8. Bill 18.015
Will created a new bill by the 2nd senate meeting of next semester
Senator Atkinson moved to postpone indefinitely. Senator Harman seconded.
Bill postponed.

New Business
9. Election Calendar Confirmation
Senator Chu moved to confirm calendar. Senator Aday seconded.
Election Calendar confirmed.

10. Elections Board Member Confirmation

Shelly Vincent now a member of the Elections Board.

11. Elections Board Discussion moved to next meeting when all members are present

12. Bill 18.016

The RC Airplane Club hopes to get more members in order to help build plane
Four people will attend the event
The club is in the process of designing the plane

Senator Chu moved to amend the statement of fact from “RC Club” to “RC Airplane
Club.” Senator Kleinschmidt seconded. Bill amended.

Questions: Has WSU participated in this event before? This is the only event that
WSU Pullman does not attend.
Where is this event? In California
How will you get to the event? Driving in a truck in order to bring the airplane to the

Senator Chu called to question. Senator Harman seconded. Bill passed.

13. Bill 18.017

Question: How do you plan on advertising? Posters

Club is using club funds to fund the remainder of the money needed for the event
The event is going to be on January 21st from 5:30 – 8pm in Admin 110

Senator Kleinschmidt called to question. Senator Chu seconded. Bill passed.

14. Recognition to Jackie Cruz and to the rest of the Senators for successful One on One

15. Funding request withdrawn

16. Senator Chu moved to change the senate meeting time to Fridays at 1:30 to 3:30pm
starting January 16th. Senator Sanders seconded. Senate meeting time changed.

17. For the Good of the Order

Michelle McIlvoy: IT is hoping to better communication with students by looking into
mandating email accounts to be seen in Microsoft Outlook and not just a
forwarding service.

There has been a spam issue with WSU email and is being taken care of.

Adjourned at 10:51am

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