Can I Request A DNR Order?

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We believed that DNR orders should reflect patients global expectations and desires relating to immediate life

saving measures.

The doctor writes the order only after talking about it with the patient (if possible), the proxy, or family.
If you decide you want a DNR order, tell your doctor what you want. Your doctor must follow your
Due to illness you may not be able to state your wishes about CPR.

If your doctor has written a DNR order already at your request, your family cannot override it.

You may have named someone to speak for you, such as a health care agent. If so, this
person or a legal guardian can agree to a DNR order for you.

Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine


Can I request a DNR order?

Yes. Under New York law, all adult patients can request a DNR order. If you are sick and incapable of deciding
about resuscitation, a family member or others close to you can decide on your behalf.

Are DNR orders ethically acceptable?

It is widely recognized by healthcare professionals, clergy, lawyers and others that DNR orders are medically and
ethically appropriate under certain circumstances. For some patients, CPR offers more burdens than benefits and
may be contrary to the patient's wishes

What happens if I do not have the capacity to decide for

You are presumed by law to be mentally capable of deciding about CPR unless two physicians, or a court,
determines that you no longer have the capacity to make the decision. You will be informed of this determination
if you are able to understand it, and no DNR order will be written if you object. --> Bagus

Although DNRs can be regarded as a form of passive euthanasia, they are not
controversial unless they are abused, since they are intended to prevent patients
suffering pointlessly from the bad effects that resuscitation can cause: broken ribs, other
fractures, ruptured spleen, brain damage.
Guidelines issued by the British Medical Association and the Royal College of Nursing say
that DNR orders should only be issued after discussion with patients or their family.
Dr Robin Loveday, a consultant says, "that is the situation where you really need a lot of
discussion with the patient and their relatives to help them make a decision as to
whether, if they do suffer a cardiac arrest, it is appropriate to have another go to give
them a few more months of life."
The UK medical profession has quite wide guidelines for circumstances in which a DNR
may be issued:

if a patient's condition is such that resuscitation is unlikely to succeed

if a mentally competent patient has consistently stated or recorded the fact that
he or she does not want to be resuscitated

if there is advanced notice or a living will which says the patient does not want to
be resuscitated

if successful resuscitation would not be in the patient's best interest because it

would lead to a poor quality of life

In the UK, NHS Trusts must ensure:

an agreed resuscitation policy that respects patients' rights is in place

a non-executive director is identified to oversee implementation of policy

the policy is readily available to patients, families and carers

the policy is put under audit and regularly monitored ( aq banyakan ambil dari

sini. Paling keren)

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