Test 1 Rev

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Review Question Lecture 8: Glass and Ceramic

1. Disc brake as shown in Figure 1 can be produced by using metal powder or ceramics
processing. Compare the differences and similarities in producing the disc brakes by
using the mentioned processes.
(8 marks)

Figure 1: Disc Brake

2. Propose structure sequences in producing the ceramic disc in a large volume. Use
sketches to elaborate in detail the propose sequence.
(8 marks)
3. One of the process in producing the ceramic part is drying. The defect found is distort
or warp. Explain why ceramic parts may distort or warp during drying and propose
would be done to avoid this defect?
(5 marks)
4. One of the phenomenon in ceramic component particularly in a long term service life
is static fatigue. Discuss how static fatigue affect the disc brake service life.
(5 marks)
5. Compare any variances from the design considerations for ceramics disc brakes from
those made from other materials.
(5 marks)

Review Question Lecture 9: Composite Processing

1. One of the product that can be produced using composite material is a bicycle frame as
shown in Figure 1. Whisker generally been used as the reinforcing material for the
frame. Discuss the significant gains in using whiskers as a reinforcing material?
(6 marks)

Figure 1: Composite bicycle frame

2. Identify and discuss the processes that are capable of producing parts with the following
fiber orientations:
(a) uniaxial
(b) cross-ply
(c) in-plane random
(d) three-dimensional random
(8 marks)

3. Compare and discuss from the perspective of product design and volume in adopting
the manual tape laying and machine the tape laying machine in producing composite
(6 marks)

4. Honeycomb structures are structures that have the geometry of a honeycomb to allow
the minimization of the amount of used material to reach minimal weight and minimal
material cost refer figure 2. . Suggest and justify how a consumer product can utilized
the honeycomb structures in making a better product from various perspective.
(8 marks)

Figure 2: Honeycomb structure

5. Most of sports equipment such as bicycles, tennis racquets, golf club and baseball bats
are generally made from composite material. Discuss and give justification of using
composites for these particular equipment and application.
(8 marks)

Review Question Lecture 10: Polymer Processing

1. Figure 1 shows a plastic part that been made using an injection moulding process. The
main components of the injection moulding process would be the mound and screw
extruder. You are one of the process engineer that in designing the plastic part, you
have been assigned to clarify some matters arising in manufacturing the plastic part.
The following are the questions that been raised.

Figure 1: Plastic injection moulding part

a. One of the issues concern is difficulties in understanding of the process
especially the screw extruder, therefore you are assigned to describe the
function of the screw extruder to the designer. Your description should be
aid with a sketches.
(8 marks)
b. A question been raised is how does the injection moulding is capable of
producing parts with complex shapes and fine detail. Discuss.
(4 marks)
c. As it is now the plastic part is produce using thermoplastic. Distinguish
whether the part can be produce using thermosetting plastics, if possible
what changes that need to be made on the processing method.
(5 marks)

d. A small pores is identified as one of the defect occurring on the plastic

injection molded part. The solutions identified is to dry the material before
injection. Justify how does drying can solved the defect.
(5 marks)
e. In producing high volume plastic parts, cycle time is one of the crucial
factors that need to consider in the injection moulding process. List and
distinguish the factors that will have an effect on the injection moulding
cycle time.
(5 marks)
2. In injection-molding operations, runner as shown in Figure 2 is shredded , The runner
then transform into a recycle pallets to be used in the injection moulding process.
Discuss the issues that may be arising in using recycled pellets for manufacturing
products compare to virgin pellets.
(6 marks)

Figure 2: Runner form plastic injection moulding part

3. Discuss with the aid of sketches a film bag making process. Justify why this process
are perform vertically.
(8 marks)
4. Cycle time is one of the crucial factors that need to consider in the thermoforming
process. List and distinguish the factors that will have an effect on the thermoforming
cycle time.
(5 marks)
5. Cycle time is one of the crucial factors that need to consider in the t compression
molding process. List and distinguish the factors that will have an effect on the
compression molding cycle time.
(5 marks)

Review Question Lecture 11: Surface Finish and Surface


1. Compare and discuss on the surface roughness of various products shown in the
Figure 1. Justify why the component exhibit the surface roughness that you indicate.
(8 marks)

(a) Aluminum foils

(c) Ball-bearings

(b) Stainless-steel pots and pans

(d) Plastic housings for socket

Figure 1: Example of various products

2. In designing parts or components for engineering application the requirement of

surface-roughness would vary in relating to their application. Interpret why the
variation occurring and discuss with one specific parts or components as an
(6 marks)
3. In certain processes such as machining the high surface roughness is desirable and
on the other hand it is not acceptable that can cause friction. Justify with an example
of machining that higher surface roughness (high friction) and lower surface
roughness (no friction) is desirable and acceptable.
(6 marks)
4. Propose applicable steps to follow for reducing friction in a manufacturing process.

(8 marks)
5. Discuss with examples the impact of wear on molds, tools, and dies and how it
affects the manufacturing operation.
(6 marks)
6. One of the solution to reduce wear on molds, tools, and dies is to use lubricants.
List and evaluate the optimal requirements of a lubricant before it is use to reduce
the wear.
(6 marks)
7. Discuss the tribological differences between ordinary machine elements (such as
gears, cams, and bearings) and metalworking processes using tools, molds, and dies.
Consider such factors as load, speed, and temperature.
(8 marks)
8. Many parts in various appliances and automobiles have to be replaced because they
were worn. Describe the methodology you would follow in determining the type(s)
of wear these components have undergone.
(8 marks)

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