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Geological Survey of Canada, 880 Chemin Sainte-Foy, Quebec, G1S 2L2, Canada

Definition and Cassidy, 2000; Kerrich et al., 2000; Goldfarb et al.,

2001; Groves et al., 2003; Goldfarb et al., in press; and ref-
Simplified definition erences therein).
Quartz and carbonate veins with valuable amounts of They correspond to structurally controlled complex
gold and silver, in faults and shear zones located within epigenetic deposits hosted in deformed metamorphosed ter-
deformed terrains of ancient to recent orogenic greenstone ranes. They consist of simple to complex networks of gold-
belts. bearing, laminated quartz-carbonate fault-fill veins in mod-
erately to steeply dipping, compressional brittle-ductile
Scientific definition shear zones and faults with locally associated shallow-dip-
Greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein deposits ping extensional veins and hydrothermal breccias. They are
(GQC) are a sub-type of lode gold deposits (Poulsen et al., hosted by greenschist to locally amphibolite facies metamor-
2000) (Fig. 1). They are also known as mesothermal, oro- phic rocks of dominantly mafic composition and formed at
genic (mesozonal and hypozonal - the near surface orogenic intermediate depth in the crust (5-10km). They are typically
epizonal Au-Sb-Hg deposits (Groves et al., 1998) are not associated with iron-carbonate alteration. The mineralization
included in this synthesis), lode gold, shear-zone-related is syn- to late-deformation and typically post-peak green-
quartz-carbonate or gold-only deposits (Roberts, 1987; schist facies or syn-peak amphibolite facies metamorphism.
Colvine, 1989; Kerrich and Wyman, 1990; Robert, 1990; They are genetically associated with a low salinity, CO2-
Kerrich and Feng, 1992; Hodgson, 1993, Kerrich and H2O-rich hydrothermal fluid thought to also contain CH4,
Cassidy, 1994; Robert, 1995; Groves et al., 1998; Hagemann N2, K and S. Gold is largely confined to the quartz-carbon-

sea level
0 LOW SULFIDATION Rhyolite dome
(mainly after Hannington)

(mainly after Sillitoe)



Shear zone

Figure 1: Inferred crustal levels of gold deposition showing the different types of gold deposits and the inferred deposit clan (from Dubé et al., 2001c; mod-
ified from Poulsen et al., 2000).
Benoît Dubé and Patrice Gosselin

New Brittannia


Lupin Natalka
Casa Berardi Berezovkoe
Alaska-Juneau Red Lake Chibougamau Zun-Holba
Treadwell Val d'Or Stepnyak
Bralorne-Pioneer Svetlinskoe Darasun
Malartic Duolanasayi
Timmins Aksu
Homestake San Antonio Qiyiqiu No. 1
Meguma Daugyztau
Alleghany District Grass Valley District Ross Akbakay Baguamiao
Mother Lode System Kirkland Lake
Beardmore-Geraldton Larder Zarmitan Shanggong
Lake Wenyu
La Herradura Renabie Woxi
Amesmessa Erjia
El Callao Yatela Kolar
Gross Rosebel Lega Dembi
Poura Bulyanhulu Shamva
Obuasi Mazoe Tarmoola
Fazenda Brasileiro Cam & Motor Plutonic
Morro do Ouro Dalny Jundee
Morro Velho Globe and Phoenix
Golden Valley
Wiluna The GranitesBronzewing
Passagem de Mariana Meekatharra Granny Smith
Navachab Day Dawn Gympie
Blanket Wallaby
Fairview Sunrise Dam - Cleo
Morning Star / Evening Star
New Consort Stawell
Sheba Sons of Gwalia Bendigo
Golden Mile
Mount Charlotte
New Celebration

Cenozoic Archean Gold deposit types:
Mesozoic Phanerozoic Qtz-cb shear zone-related
Paleozoic Precambrian BIF-hosted
Proterozoic Proterozoic-Phanerozoic Turbidite-hosted

FIG. 2: World distribution of world class greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein deposits.

ate vein network but may also be present in significant Proterozoic and Paleozoic terranes. International examples
amounts within iron-rich sulphidized wallrock selvages or of this sub-type of gold-deposits include Mother Lode-Grass
silicified and arsenopyrite-rich replacement zones. They are Valley (U.S.A.), Mt. Charlotte, Norseman and Victory
distributed along major compressional to transtensional (Australia) (Fig. 2). The best Canadian examples are Sigma-
crustal-scale fault zones in deformed greenstone terranes of Lamaque (Quebec); Dome and Kerr Addison (Ontario);
all ages, but are more abundant and significant, in terms of Giant and Con (Northwest Territories); San Antonio
total gold content, in Archean terranes. However a signifi- (Manitoba); and Hammer Down (Newfoundland).
cant number of world-class deposits are also found in
Diagnostic features of greenstone-hosted
quartz-carbonate vein type of gold
Casa Berardi deposit
The diagnostic features of the
greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein
type gold deposits are arrays and net-
Hollinger -
McIntyre works of fault- and shear-zone-related
quartz-carbonate laminated fault-fill and
Pamour extensional veins in associated carbona-
Dome Kirkland Kerr Horne
Lake Addison tized metamorphosed greenstone rocks.
The deposits are typically associated with
Doyon largescale (crustal) compressional faults
Malartic (Fig. 3). They have a very significant ver-
Sigma-Lamaque tical extent (</= 2km), with a very limited
100 km metallic zonation.

Granitoid rock World-class orogenic gold Other gold deposits

Proterozoic cover
deposits Associated mineral deposit types
Mafic intrusion Sedimentary rock World-class gold-rich LLCF Larder Lake - Cadillac
volcanogenic massive-sulfides
Fault Zone Greenstone-hosted quartz-car-
PDF Pocupine - Destor Fault Zone
Volcanic rock Major fault Other gold-rich VMS bonate vein (GQC) deposits are thought
to represent a major component of the
FIG. 3: Simplified geological map of the Abitibi greenstone belt showing the distribution of major greenstone deposit clan (Fig 1). They can
fault zones and of gold deposits. Modified from Poulsen et al. (2000).

Greenstone Gold Synthesis

coexist regionally with iron-formation-hosted vein and dis- nents, and to the associated development of major faults and
seminated deposits as well as with turbidite-hosted quartz- large scale hydrothermal fluid flow during the super conti-
carbonate vein deposits. nent cycle and mantle plume (cf. Barley and Groves, 1992;
However, in metamorphosed terranes, different styles Condie, 1998; Kerrich et al., 2000; Goldfarb et al., 2001).
of gold deposits formed at different crustal levels, such as
Au-rich VMS or intrusion-related gold deposits, may have
been juxtaposed against greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate Grade and tonnage characteristics
vein type deposits during the different increments of strain The greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein deposits
and metamorphism that characterized Archean greenstone are one of the most significant sources of gold and account
belts (Poulsen et al., 2000). Although they were formed at for 13.1% of all the world gold content (production and
different times, they are now co-existing along major faults. reserves). They are second only to the Witwatersrand paleo-
Good examples are the Bousquet 2 - LaRonde 1 and placers of South Africa. The largest GQC deposit in terms of
LaRonde Penna Au-rich VMS deposits distributed along the total gold content is the Golden Mile complex in Kalgoorlie,
Cadillac-Larder Lake fault near the former GQC mine (Fig. Australia with 1821 tonnes Au. The Hollinger-McIntyre
3) east of Noranda. deposit in Timmins, Ontario, is the second largest deposit
ever found with 987 tonnes of gold. The average grade of the
deposits varies from 5 to 15 g/t Au, whereas the tonnage is
Economic Characteristics Of Deposit Type highly variable from a few thousand tonnes to 10 million
tonnes of ore, although more typically there are only a few
Summary of economic characteristics million tonnes of ore (Fig. 4).
The total world production and reserves of gold,
including the Witwatersrand placer depost, stands at 126,423 35
metric tonnes Au (Gosselin and Dubé, 2005). Canadian pro-
duction and reserves, at 9,276 metric tonnes Au, represent
Number of deposits
7,3% of the world total. The world production and reserves
for the greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein deposit sub- 20

type is 16 585 metric tonnes Au (Dubé and Gosselin, 2004), 15

equivalent to 13,1% of the world total production. The 10
Canadian production and reserves is 6,173 metric tonnes, 5
which constitutes 37,5% of the world production and 66,6% 0

of the Canadian production and reserves. The Superior

province contains 87,8% (5,419 metric tonnes) of Canadian Ore tonnage (Mt)
gold production and reserves for greenstone-hosted quartz-
carbonate vein deposits. The Abitibi subprovince is the main
source and represents 72,4% (4 470 metric tonnes) of the 45
total. 40
Number of deposits

There are 104 known greenstone-hosted quartz-car- 35

bonate vein deposits world-wide containing at least 30 30
tonnes (~1 M oz) of Au (production and reserves), including 25

32 Canadian deposits. There are 33 deposits in Canda, and 20

several hundreds worldwide, with more than 7,5 tonnes
(250,000 oz) but less than 30 tonnes. A select group of 41 5
world-class deposits contains more than 100 tonnes of Au, 0
including 12 giant deposits with more than 250 tonnes. In 0 -15 2
10 3
15 4
20 5
25 6
30 7
35 8
this group of world-class deposits, 7 are from the Canadian Ore grade (g/t)
Archean Superior Province, 6 from the Abitibi greenstone
belt and one from the Uchi sub-province (Campbell-Red FIG. 4: Tonnage and grade repartition for gold deposits of 30t Au or more.
Lake). The Superior Province is the largest and best pre-
served Archean craton in terms of gold endowment, fol-
lowed by the Yilgarn craton of Australia. Comparison of grade and tonnage characteristics with the
The temporal and geographical distribution of the global range
greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein deposits is shown In Canada, this type of gold deposits is widely distrib-
in Figure 2. Greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein uted from the Paleozoic greenstone terrane of the
deposits are found in greenstone terranes of all ages. Appalachian orogen on the east coast with the Hammer
Although they are present in the Paleozoic, the greenstone- Down and Deer Cove deposits in Newfoundland (Dubé et
hosted quartz-carbonate vein deposits are largely concentrat- al., 1993; Gaboury et al.,1996), to the Archean greenstone
ed in Precambrian terranes, and especially in terranes of belts of the Superior (Dome and Sigma mines) and Slave
Archean age. In Canada, all the world-class deposits but one provinces (Con and Giant mines) in central Canada to the
are of Archean age. Their concentration in the Archean is oceanic terranes of the Cordillera (Bralorne-Pioneer).
thought to be related to the continental growth and the relat- The average gold grade of world-class Canadian
ed higher number of large scale collisions between conti- deposits (over 30t Au) stands at 10,06 g/t, which is a little

Benoît Dubé and Patrice Gosselin

to the nature of the host structure (extensional vs compres-

Greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein deposits sional). Extensional veins typically display quartz and car-
Greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein deposits bonate fibres at high angle to the vein walls with multiple
100 stages of mineral growth, whereas the laminated veins are
rather composed of massive fine grained quartz (Fig. 7E).
When present the fibres are sub-parallel to the vein walls
Grass Valley Campbell-Red Lake
Kirkland Lake (Robert et al., 1994; Robert and Poulsen, 2001). In Red
Lake, the high-grade mineralization is typically related to
Kerr Addison
silicification and associated arsenopyrite, of barren to low
Grade (g/t)

Kochkar grade quartz-carbonate cavity fill vein (Dubé et al., 2001b,
2002) (Fig. 8).

Golden Mile

1 Dimensions

Individual veins vary from a few cm to 5m thick and
10 to 1000m long. Vertical extent of the orebody is com-




monly larger than 1 km and reach 2 km in a few cases (ex:


0,1 1 10 100 1000 10000
Campbell-Red Lake and Kirkland Lake deposits, Canada).
Tonnage (Mt) Morphology
The gold-bearing shear zones and faults are mainly
World 30t (70) Canada (128)
compressionnal and they commonly display a complex
FIG. 5: Tonnage vs grade chart of Canadian and world-class-size (>/=100 t geometry with anastomosing and/or conjugate arrays
Au) world deposits. (Daigneault and Archambault, 1990; Hodgson, 1993; Robert
et al., 1994; Robert and Poulsen, 2001). The individual fault-
higher than the average for this type of deposit around the fill veins are 10 to a few hundreds of meters long, although
world (7,63 g/t) (Fig. 5). In Canada, the Discovery and
Campbell-Red Lake deposits have the highest average
grades at 34 g/t and 23 g/t Au, respectively. The Goldcorp
High-grade Zone is part of the Campbell-Red lake deposit
and has an average production grade of 88 g/t Au since the
beginning of its extraction (Dubé et al., 2002). World-class
deposits in Canada have on average lower tonnage (20,91 Mt
of ore) then those the worldwide (39,91 Mt). Mining in
Canada has traditionally taken place underground, whereas
in other countries open pits are used more frequently.

Exploration Properties Of Deposit Type

Physical Properties Dubé and Gosselin, 2005

The main gangue minerals are quartz and carbonate
(calcite, dolomite, ankerite and siderite) with variable
amounts of white micas, chlorite, scheelite and tourmaline.
The sulphide minerals typically constitute less than 10% of
the ore. The main ore minerals are native gold with pyrite
pyrrhotite chalcopyrite without any significant vertical min-
eral zoning. Arsenopyrite commonly represents the main sul-
phide in terranes at amphibolite facies of metamorphism (ex:
Con, Giant and Campbell-Red Lake deposits). Trace
amounts of molybdenite and tellurides are also present in
some deposits such as those hosted by syenite in Kirkland
Lake (Thompson et al., 1950) (Fig. 6).

Moderately to steeply dipping shear-zone-hosted lam-
inated fault-fill quartz-carbonate veins in brittle-ductile Dubé and Gosselin, 2005
shear zones, with or without fringing shallow-dipping exten-
FIG. 6: A. Quartz-breccia vein, Main Break, Kirkland Lake; B. High-grade
sional veins and breccias, characterize this type of gold quartz veinlets, hosted by syenite, with visible gold, disseminated pyrite
deposit (Fig. 7). Textures of the quartz veins vary according and traces of tellurides, Main Break, Kirkland Lake.

Greenstone Gold Synthesis

San Antonio Mine, Robert et al., 1994; Robert and Poulsen,
2001). Due to the complexity of the geological and structur-
al setting and the influence of strength anisotropy and com-
petency contrasts, the geometry of the vein network varies
from simple such as the Silidor deposit, Canada, to more
commonly fairly complex with multiple orientations of anas-
tomosing and/or conjugate sets of veins, breccias, stock-
15 cm
works and associated structures (Dubé et al., 1989; Hodgson,
1989, Robert et al., 1994, Robert and Poulsen, 2001).
C D Arsenopyrite-rich auriferous silicification of low grade to
barren carbonate±quartz veins is the main host of the
Campbell-Red Lake deposit (Figs. 8) (Penczak and Mason,
1997; Tarnocai, 2000; Dubé et al., 2001b, 2002). Ore-grade
mineralization also occurs as disseminated sulphides in
15 cm 3m
altered (carbonatized) rocks along vein selvages.
Ore shoots are commonly controlled by: 1) the inter-
E F sections between different veins or host structures, or
between an auriferous structures and an especially reactive
and/or competent rock type such as iron-rich gabbro (geo-
metric ore shoot); or 2) the slip vector of the controlling
structure(s) (kinematic ore shoot). For laminated fault-fill
veins, the kinematic ore shoot will be oriented at a high angle
12 cm
to the slip vector (Robert et al., 1994; Robert and Poulsen,
FIG. 7: A. Laminated fault fill veins, Pamour mine, Timmins ; B. Closed up 2001).
laminated fault fill veins showing iron-carbonatized wall rock clasts.; C. The world-class and giant deposits commonly exhibit
Boudinaged fault-fill vein, section view, Dome mine; D. Arrays of exten- a complex geometry mainly due to multistage barren and/or
sional quartz vein , Pamour mine; E. Extensional quartz-tourmaline "flat gold-bearing hydrothermal, structural and magmatic events
vein" showing multiple stages of mineral growth perpendicular to vein
walls, Sigma mine (from Poulsen et al., 2000); F. Tourmaline-quartz vein, (e.g. Dome Mine in Timmins Ontario, Campbell-Red Lake
Clearwater deposit, James Bay area. deposit in Red Lake).

the vein network could extend to 1-2 km in its longest

dimension (vertical). The laminated quartz-carbonate veins Host rocks
are commonly infilling the central part of, and are sub-paral- The veins are hosted by a wide variety of host rock
lel to slightly oblique to, the host structures (Hodgson, 1989; types including all the lithologies present in the local envi-
Robert et al., 1994; Robert and Poulsen, 2001) (Fig. 9). The ronment, but especially mafic and ultramafic volcanic rocks
shallow-dipping extensional veins are either confined within and competent iron-rich tholeiitic gabbroic sills and grani-
the shear zones, in which case they are relatively small and toid intrusions of Archean age. However, there are common-
sigmoidal in shape, or they extend outside the shear zone and ly district-specific lithological associations acting as chemi-
are planar and laterally much more extended (Robert et al., cal and/or structural traps for the fluid (e.g. Golden mile
1994). dolerite sill in Kalgoorlie Australia, Balmer basalt in Red
Stockworks and hydrothermal breccias may represent Lake, Canada). Some deposits are also hosted by and/or cen-
the main host to the mineralization when developed in com- tered within or next to intrusive complexes (e.g. syenite por-
petent units such as granophyric facies of gabbroic sills (e.g. phyry complex in Kirkland Lake, Canada).

A Arsenopyrite B

Amphiboles alteration

Visible gold

Basalt Silica
Carbonate vein 4 cm 6 cm

FIG. 8: A. High-grade zone showing a silicified carbonate vein with visible gold and arsenopyrite-rich replacement of the host basalt, Red Lake Mine, Red
Lake; B. High-grade vein from Campbell Mine, Red Lake, showing a clast of collofrm carbonate vein within a highly silicified and arsenopyrite-rich brec-

Benoît Dubé and Patrice Gosselin

X sericitization, with sulphidation of the immediate vein sel-

vages (mainly pyrite, less commonly arsenopyrite).
Chemically, altered rocks show an enrichment in CO2, K2O
and S and leaching of Na2O. Further away from the vein the
alteration is characterized by various amounts of chlorite and
calcite and sometimes magnetite. The dimensions of the
alteration haloes vary with the composition of the host rocks
and may envelope entire deposits hosted by mafic and ultra-
STAGE II FILLING mafic rocks. Pervasive green micas (fuchsite, roscoelite) and
ankerite with quartz-carbonate stockwork is common in
sheared ultramafics (Fig. 10C, D). In amphibolite facies
Z rocks common hydrothermal alteration assemblages associ-
EXTENSIONAL ated with gold mineralization contain biotite, amphibole,
(B-AXIS) pyrite, pyrrhotite, and arsenopyrite and at higher grade,
biotite/phlogopite, diopside, garnet, pyrrhotite and/or
STAGE I FILLING arsenopyrite (cf. Mueller and Groves, 1991; Witt, 1991;
FAULT-FILL VEIN Hagemann and Cassidy, 2000; Ridley et al., 2000 and refer-
FIG. 9: Schematic diagram illustrating geometric relationships between ences therein) with variable proportions of feldspar, calcite
structural element of veins and shear zones and deposit scale strain axes and clinozoisite (Fig. 11). The variations in alteration styles
(from Robert, 1990).
have been interpreted as a direct reflection of the depth of
formation of the deposits (Groves, 1993). The mineralogy of
Chemical Properties
the amphibolite facies deposits (diopside, K-feldspar, garnet,
Ore chemistry staurolite, andalusite, actinolite) implies that they are by def-
inition skarn-like deposits. Canadian examples of such
The metallic signature of the ore is Au, Ag, As, W, B, amphibolite facies deposit include the replacement style
Mo Sb, typically with no or very low concentration of base Madsen deposit in Red Lake (Dubé et al. 2000, 2001b) and
metals (Cu, Pb, Zn). There is no vertical metallic zoning. The the quartz-tourmaline vein and replacement style Eau Claire
Au/Ag ratio typically varies from 5 to 10. deposit in the James Bay area (Cadieux, 2000).
Geological Properties
Alteration mineralogy/chemistry:
At the district scale, the greenstone-hosted quartz-car- Continental scale
bonate-vein deposits are associated with large-scale carbon- Greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate-vein deposits typ-
ate alteration commonly distributed along major fault zones ically occur in deformed greenstone terranes of all ages,
and associated subsidiary structures (Fig. 10A, B). At the especially those with commonly variolitic tholeiitic basalts
deposit scale, the nature, distribution and intensity of the (Fig. 12A) and ultramafic komatiitic flows intruded by inter-
wall-rock alteration is largely controlled by the composition mediate to felsic porphyry intrusions, and sometimes
and competence of the host rocks and their metamorphic swarms of albitite or lamprophyre dykes (ex: Timmins and
grade. Typically, the alteration haloes are zoned and charac- Red Lake districts) (Fig. 12B). The deposits are associated
terized - at greenschist facies - by iron-carbonatization and with collisional or accretionary orogenic events (cf. Kerrich


1m 10 cm 4 cm


10 cm

FIG. 10: A. Large boudinaged iron-carbonate vein, Red Lake district; B. FIG. 11: A. Diopside vein in a biotite-actinolite-microcline rich gold-bear-
Iron carbonate pervasive replacement of an iron-rich gabbroic sill, Tadd ing alteration, Madsen mine, Red Lake; B. auriferous metasomatic
prospect, Chibougamau; C. Green-carbonate rock showing fuchsite-rich hydrothermal layering with actinolite-rich and biotite-microcline rich
replacement and iron-carbonate veining in a highly deformed ultramafic bands, Madsen mine, Red lake. C. Gold-rich no. 8 vein showing visible
rock, Larder Lake; D. Green carbonate alteration showing abundant green gold in a carbonate-actinolite-diopside-rich vein, Madsen mine, Red Lake.
micas replacing chromite-rich ultramafics, Baie Verte, Newfoundland.

Greenstone Gold Synthesis

All world-class greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein
deposits are hosted by greenschist facies rocks. The only
exceptions are Campbell-Red Lake (Canada) and Kolar
(India) at amphibolite facies.
The greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein deposits
are also commonly spatially associated with Timiskaming-
15 cm 20 cm like regional unconformities (Fig. 15). Several deposits are
hosted by (e.g. Pamour and Dome deposit in Timmins) or
C D located next to such a Timiskaming-like regional unconfor-
mity (Campbell-Red Lake deposit in Red Lake) (Dubé et al.,
2003, in press), suggesting an empirical time and space rela-
tionship between large-scale greenstone quartz-carbonate
gold deposits and regional unconformities (Hodgson, 1993;
22 cm
Robert, 2000; Dubé et al., 2003).

FIG. 12: A. Variolitic basalt, Vipond Formation, Timmins; B. Lamprophyre

dyke cross-cutting ankerite vein, Campbell Mine, Red Lake; C. Mylonitic District scale:
foliation, Cadillac -Larder Lake Break, Val D'Or; D. Close-up showing In this section, some of the key geological characteris-
mylonitioc foliation within Cadillac-Larder Lake break, Val D'Or.
tics of prolific gold districts are presented. The list is far
from complete as to the definite reasons why a district like
et al., 2000 and references therein). They are typically dis-
Timmins contains such a large number of world class gold
tributed along reverse-oblique crustal-scale major fault
deposits or why the gold grade in the Red Lake district is
zones, commonly marking the convergent margins between
overall so high. Only a brief overview is presented here, the
major lithological boundaries such as volcano-plutonic and
reader is referred to key papers such as Hodgson and
sedimentary domains (ex: Cadillac-Larder Lake fault) (Figs.
MacGeehan (1982), Hodgson (1993), Robert and Poulsen
3 and 12C-D). These major structures are characterized by
(1997), Hagemann and Cassidy (2000), Poulsen et al.
different increments of strain, and consequently several gen-
(2000), and Groves et al. (2001) among others for more
erations of steeply dipping foliations and folds resulting in a
fairly complex geological collisional setting. The crustal-
scale faults are thought to represent the main hydrothermal
pathways towards higher crustal level. However, the
deposits are spatially and genetically associated with higher-
order compressional reverse-oblique to oblique brittle-duc-
tile high-angle shear zones (Fig. 13) commonly located less
than 5 km away and best developed in the hanging wall of
the major fault (Robert, 1990). Brittle faults may also be the 2m 50 cm
main host to mineralization as illustrated by the Kirkland
Lake Main Break; a brittle structure hosting the 25 M oz Au FIG. 14: A. Section view showing the 25 M oz Kirkland Lake Main Break;
Kirkland Lake deposit (Fig. 14). The deposits formed typi- B. Closed up showing the Kirkland Lake Main Break in section view, note
cally late in the tectonic-metamorphic history of the green- the brittle nature of the structure.
stone belts (Groves et al., 2000) and the mineralization is
Greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate-vein deposits are
syn- to late-deformation and typically post-peak greenschist
essentially structurally controlled epigenetic hydrothermal
facies and syn-peak amphibolite facies metamorphism (cf.
deposits. Large gold camps are typically located in green-
Kerrich and Cassidy, 1994; Hagemann and Cassidy, 2000).
schist facies Archean greenstone belts and are commonly
A B associated with curvatures, flexures and dilational jogs along
major compressionnal fault zones such as the Destor-
Porcupine fault in Timmins or the Larder Lake-Cadillac fault
in Kirkland Lake, which have created dilational zones where
the hydrothermal fluids were drained (Fig. 3). In terms of
stratigraphical settings, several gold districts such as Red
15 cm 10 cm
Lake or Timmins are characterized by presence of variolitic
tholeiitic basalts and ultramafic komatiitic flows intruded by
C intermediate to felsic porphyry intrusions, and sometimes
swarms of albitite or lamprophyre dykes. Timiskaming-like
regional unconformities distributed along major faults or
stratigraphical discontinuities are also typical characteristics.
In terms of hydrothermal alteration, the main characteristic
10 cm
is the presence of large scale iron-carbonate alteration which
gives some indication on the size of the hydrothermal sys-
FIG. 13 : A, B & C. Section view showing auriferous quartz vein hosted by tem(s). Protracted magmatic activity with syn-volcanic and
a second-order reverse shear zone, Cooke mine, Chapais, Quebec (from syn-to late tectonic intrusions emplaced along structural dis-
Dubé and Guha, 1992).

Benoît Dubé and Patrice Gosselin

categories of ore shoots are recognized: 1-geometric and 2-
kinematic (Poulsen and Robert, 1989; Robert et al., 1994).
As proposed by Poulsen and Robert (1989), geometric ore
shoots are controlled by the intersection of a given structure
(such as a fault, a shear zone, or a vein) with a favorable
lithological unit as a competent gabbroic sill, a dike, an iron-
formation or a particularly reactive rock. The ore shoot
10 cm 25 cm
defined will be parallel to the line of intersection. The kine-
matic oreshoots are syn-deformation and syn-formation of
C D the veins and are defined by the intersection between differ-
ent sets of veins or contemporaneous structures. The plunge
of kinematic ore shoots are commonly at high angle to the
slip direction.
Structural traps such as fold hinges or dilational jogs
along faults or shear zones are also key elements in locating
10 cm 10 cm
the richest part of an orebody. However, multiple parameters
are commonly involved in the formation of the richest part
FIG. 15: A. Timiskaming conglomerate, Kirkland Lake ; B. Mineralized of an orebody. For example, at the Red Lake Mine, several
quartz veins hosted by Timiskaming conglomerate, Pamour mine,
Timmins; C. Mineralized quartz vein hosted by Timiskaming conglomer-
parameters are believed to have played a key role in the for-
ate, Kirkland Lake; D. Huston assemblage conglomerate, Red Lake. mation of the extremely rich High-grade Zone (Dubé et al.,
2002), including: 1-the F2 fold hinge deforming the basalt
continuities (e.g. Timmins) or surrounding the district (e.g. and komatiitic basalt contact; 2-the carbonatized komatiitic
Red Lake district) appears to be key empirical factors. In basalt located in the F2 antiform, which acted as a low per-
many cases, the U-Pb dating of these intrusive rocks indicat- meability cap; 3-the iron-rich content of the tholeiitic basalt
ed that they are older than the mineralization. They have then that allowed precipitation of the arsenopyrite and gold by
mainly acted as competent structural trap or induced an reaction with the fluids; 4-the more competent nature of the
anisotropy in the layered stratigraphy which have influenced host basalt; 5-several increments of D2 strain; and 6-a new
and partitioned the strain. In other cases, the intrusive rocks stage of gold mineralization or gold remobilization in
are post mineralization. However, it remains possible that extremely-rich fractures that postdated the emplacement of
the thermal energy provided by these intrusions may have lamprophyre dykes.
contributed to large-scale hydrothermal fluid circulation.
Presence of other deposit types in the district such as VMS
or Ni-Cu deposits is also commonly thought to be a favor-
able factor (heritage) (cf. Hodgson, 1993).

Knowledge gaps
10 cm 15 cm
One of the main remaining knowledge gap is the tec-
tonic significance and structural evolution of the large scale
faults which control the distribution of the greenstone-host-
ed quartz-carbonate-vein deposits. As an example, despite
decades of work, the exact location and structural evolution
of the Destor-Porcupine Fault in the Timmins district, and its
relationship to gold mineralization, remain largely to be
established. As well, such a district-scale fault controlling
the distribution of the major gold deposits in the Red Lake 30 cm 10 cm

district remains to be found unless the Cochenour-Gullrock

Lake deformation zone (Red Lake Mine trend) (Andrews et E F
al., 1986; Zhang et al., 1997; Dubé et al., 2001a, 2002, 2003)
and/or the regional unconformity between the Mesoarchean
Balmer and the Neoarchean Confederation assemblages
(Sanborn-Barrie et al., 2000, 2001, 2002; Dubé et al., 2003,
in press) are marking such a crustal structure.
3 cm 30 cm

FIG. 16: A. Boudinaged ankerite vein, with late quartz veins, cross-cutting
Deposit scale the Paymaster porphyry, Dome Mine; B. Boudinaged ankerite veins with
The localization of higher grade mineralization (ore syn-deformation late extensional quartz veins, Dome mine; C. Massive
shoot) within a deposit is the subject of investigation since ankerite Kurst vein cut by late gold-bearing extensional quartz vein, Dome
mine area; D. Ankerite vein clast within Timiskaming conglomerate, Dome
the early works of Newhouse (1942) and McKinstry (1948). mine (from Dubé et al., 2003); E. Close-up of D (from Dubé et al., 2003);
Ore shoots represent a critical element to take into account to F. Deformed quartz vein hosted by folded Timiskaming argillites, Dome
define and follow the richest part of the orebody. Two broad mine.

Greenstone Gold Synthesis

Table 1 As of December 31, 2002

16A). These ankerite veins have been deformed; they are
Prod.+Reserves Resources typically boudinaged and cut by extensional en echelon
District Geological Province
(tonnes Au) (tonnes Au) auriferous quartz veins (Fig. 16B-C). As reported in Dubé et
Timmins Superior/Abitibi 2,072.9 78.5 al. (2003), the ankerite veins are also present as clasts with-
Kirkland Lake Superior/Abitibi 794.8 72.6 in the 2679 ± 4 Ma Timiskaming conglomerate (Ayer et al.,
Val d'Or Superior/Abitibi 638.9 171.6
Rouyn-Noranda Superior/Abitibi 519.6 66.5 2003) (Fig. 16 D-E) in the open pit, whereas the argillite and
Larder Lake Superior/Abitibi 378.7 14.5 sandstone above the Timiskaming conglomerate are them-
Malartic Superior/Abitibi 278.7 686.8 selves cut by folded auriferous quartz veins (Dubé et al.,
Joutel Superior/Abitibi 61.4 27.5
Matheson Superior/Abitibi 60.4 9.7
2003) (Fig. 16F). These chronological relationships clearly
Cadillac Superior/Abitibi 22.1 25.1 illustrate the superimposed hydrothermal and structural
Red Lake Superior/Uchi 834.5 153.3 events involved in the formation of the deposit with post-
Pickle Lake Superior/Uchi 90.4 8.1 magmatism carbonate veining, but pre-deposition of the
Rice Lake Superior/Uchi 51.6 25.2
Beardmore- Timiskaming conglomerate. The latter is pre-formation of
Geraldton Superior/Wabigoon 123.5 35.1 the bulk of the auriferous quartz vein mined in the open pit.
Michipicoten Superior/Wawa 41.1 2.8
Mishibishu Superior/Wawa 26.7 16.8
Lolshcach Superior/Wawa 8.8 19.6
Flin Flon Churchill 62.2 12.7 Distribution Of Canadian Metallogenetic Districts
Lynn Lake Churchill 19.5 14.6
La Ronge Churchill 3.4 5.6
Keewatin Churchill-Hearne 7.2 252.4
Yellowknife Slave 432.8 16.6 The most productive metallogenetic districts for
MacKenzie Slave 38.1 286.6 greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein deposits are cen-
Cassiar Cordillera 14.9 55.4
tered on (Late) Archean greenstone belts of the Superior,
Baie Verte Appalachian/Dunnage 10.3 8.9
Churchill and Slave provinces (Table 1). Key features of
these Canadian districts are: 1) presence of ultramafic-mafic
As mentionned by Groves et al. (2003), several
volcanic rocks (including variolitic basalts); 2) major com-
hydrothermal events are sometimes superimposed and have
pressional crustal-scale fault; 3) presence of competent intru-
probably played a key role in the formation of giant gold
sions; 4) district-wide zones of carbonate alteration; and 5)
deposit. This is especially well illustrated at the giant Dome
presence of a regional Timiskaming-like unconformity.
mine in Timmins, where low grade ankerite veins cut across
Other important features include: I) curves, bends and dila-
the 2690 Ma Paymaster porphyry (Corfu et al., 1989) (Fig.

FIG. 17: Location of Canadian greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein districts

Benoît Dubé and Patrice Gosselin

tional jogs in the major crustal-scale fault; II) metamorphism Genetic/Exploration Models
not higher than amphibolite grade; III) size of the greenstone
belt (smaller belts lost in intrusive and highly metamor- As indicated in Poulsen et al. (2000), one of the main
phosed rocks, are yet to be proven as productive as larger problem in deformed and metamorphosed terranes such as
ones); and IV) well-developed set of subsidiary faults and greenstone belts is that the primary characteristics may have
shears near the major crustal-scale fault. been largely obscured by overprinting deformation and
The Abitibi greenstone belt (Superior Province) metamorphism to an extent that they are difficult to recog-
regroups the majority of productive districts, including the nize. This is particularly the case with gold-rich VMS or
very large Timmins, Kirkland Lake, Larder Lake, Rouyn- epithermal deposits. But since quartz-carbonate greenstone-
Noranda and Val d'Or districts. Others, more recent green- hosted are syn- to late main phase of deformation, their pri-
stone belts of the Appalachian and Cordilleran orogens, are mary features are in most cases relatively well preserved.
also favorable terrains for gold deposits of the greenstone- Consequently, once a deposit is appropriately classified,
hosted quartz-carbonate vein type (figure 17). Districts list- exploration models for that type of gold deposits are rela-
ed in table 1 also include deposits of the iron formation-host- tively well defined (cf. Hodgson, 1990, 1993; Groves et al.,
ed vein and disseminated sub-type (Homestake-type). They 2000, 2003). Academic work done since the early eighties
are typically formed in similar geological settings and at have proposed several different genetic models to explain
similar crustal depths (Fig. 1). the formation of these deposits and have raised significant
Temporal distribution of world-class-size (>30t Au) controversy. A portion of this controversy was induced by
greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein deposits is illustrat- mis-classification of certain key deposits, such as Hemlo, as
ed in figure 2. The greatest concentration of deposits is found mesothermal or lode gold deposits. This is why the task of
during the Archean, and particularly during the Late Archean developing an adequate classification of gold deposits is a
period (Fig. 17). Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits are rarer key framework in developing exploration models (Poulsen
but have been known to occur in recent collisional orogenic et al., 2000). An excellent review of the various genetic mod-
belts (e.g. Mother Lode-Alleghany districts, Mesozoic, and els proposed and the pros and cons of each of them has been
Alaska-Juneau-Treadwell deposits, Cenozoic, USA). The presented by Kerrich and Cassidy (1994). Since then,
total tonnage and average grade of Canadian deposits Hagemann and Cassidy (2000), Kerrich et al. (2000), Ridley
appears significantly smaller and larger, respectively, than and Diamond (2000), Groves et al. (2003), and Goldfarb et
the total tonnage and grade of world deposits. This discrep- al. (in press), among others, have also revisited the subject.
ancy diminishes when one eliminates the giant Golden Mile Only a brief summary is presented here.
deposit (Australia) and its 914 Mtonnes of ore at an average
of 1,99 g/t. However, the average grade of Canadian Archean Several genetic models have been proposed during the
deposits still remains ~2 g/t higher than other world deposits. last two decades without a definite consensus. One of the
Proterozoic gold deposits occur in greenstone belts of Brazil, main controversy is related to the source of the fluids. The
western Africa and China, whereas deposits of this age are ore forming fluid is typically a 1.5 ± 0.5 kbars, 350° ± 50°C,
noticeably few in Canada but for the New Britannia deposit low-salinity H2O-CO2 ± CH4 ± N2 fluid which transported
in the Flin Flon district (Manitoba), and other smaller gold as a reduced sulfur complex (Groves et al., 2003).
deposits of the Churchill Province. The lone world-class Several authors have emphasized a deep source for gold and
Mesozoic Canadian deposit represented in figure 17 is the fluids related to crustal or metamorphic devolatilization and
Bralorne-Pioneer deposit (British Columbia). Other smaller deposition of gold in a continuum of crustal levels (cf.
deposits (unrepresented on this figure) were also formed in Colvine et al., 1989; Powell et al., 1991; Groves et al., 1995).
the Cordilleran during the Mesozoic, and during Paleozoic Others have proposed a magmatic source (cf. Spooner,
times in the Appalachians. 1991), a mantle-related model (Rock and Groves, 1988),
Additionally, three important unexploited deposits (as passage of a crustal plate over a mantle plume (Kontak and
of December 31, 2001) outside of represented districts are Archibald, 2002), anomalous thermal conditions associated
noted on figure 17. These are: to upwelling asthenosphere (Kerrich et al., 2000), or deep
1) Hope Bay (Hope Bay district, 134 t Au in unmined convection of meteoric fluids (Nesbitt et al., 1986).
resources) Hutchinson (1993) has proposed a multi-stage, multi-process
genetic hypothesis where gold is recycled from pre-enriched
2) Moss Lake (Shebandowan district, 66 t Au) source rocks and early formed, perhaps subeconomic gold
3) Box (Athabaska district, 29 t Au) deposits. Hodgson (1993) also proposed a multi-stage model
where gold was, at least in part, recycled from gold-rich dis-
The following deposits are located inside districts rep- trict-scale reservoirs that resulted from earlier increments of
resented on figure 15 but also contain important un-mined gold enrichment. The debate was largely alimented by stable
resources (as of December 31, 2001) : isotopes geochemistry and more than two decades later, it
1) Tundra (Mackenzie district, 185 t Au in unmined remains rather impossible (from the isotopic data) to distin-
guish between a fluid of metamorphic, magmatic or mantle
resources) origin (Goldfarb et al., in press). The major involvement of
2) Goldex (Val d'Or district, 57 t Au) meteoric waters in the formation of quartz-carbonate green-
3) Taurus (Cassiar district, 50 t Au) stone-hosted gold deposits is now viewed to be unlikely
(Goldfarb et al., in press). Largely based on spatial relation-
ships between the deposits and intrusive rocks, the magmat-
Greenstone Gold Synthesis

ic and mantle-related models are challenged by cross-cutting However, the source of the ore fluid, and hence of gold
field relationships combined with precise U-Pb zircon dating in orogenic deposits, remains unresolved (Ridley and
showing that in most cases, the proposed magmatic source Diamond, 2000). According to Ridley and Diamond (2000),
for the fluid is significantly older than the quartz-carbonates a model based on either metamorphic devolitilization or
veins. One such example is from the Timmins area where the granitoid magmatism fits best most of the geological param-
quartz-carbonate veins hosting the gold mineralization at the eters. These authors indicated that the magmatic model
Hollinger-McIntyre deposit cut across albitite dyke dated at could not be ruled out simply on the basis that no exposed
2673 +6/-2 Ma (Marmont and Corfu, 1989), themselves 15- granite in proximity of the deposit has the right age, because
20 Ma younger than the various porphyries in the regions the full sub-surface architecture of the crust is unknown.
ranging in ages from 2691 ± 33 Ma to 2688 ± 2 Ma (Corfu Ridley and Diamond (2000) also indicated that the fluid
et al., 1989; Ayer et al., 2003). These chronological relation- composition should not be expected to reflect the source.
ships rule out the possibility that the fluid responsible for the The fluid travels great distances and its measured composi-
mineralization could be related to known intrusions. An tion now reflects the fluid-rock interactions along its path-
alternate model to the magmatic source model is a model way, or a mixed signature of the source and the wall rocks
where the intrusions have provided the thermal energy (Ridley and Diamond, 2000). In terms of exploration, at the
responsible, at least in part, for fluid circulation (cf. Wall, geological province or terrane scale, geological parameters
1989). The mantle-related model was largely based on the that are common in highly fertile volcano-sedimentary belts
spatial relationship between lamprophyre dykes and gold include: 1-reactivated crustal-scale fault that focused por-
deposits (Rock and Groves, 1988). Key arguments against phyry-lamprophyre dyke swarms; 2-complex regional-scale
such a model have been presented by Wyman and Kerrich geometry of mixed lithostratigraphic packages; and 3-evi-
(1988, 1989). Recently, Dubé et al. (in press) have demon- dence for multiple mineralization or remobilization events
strated that the lamprophyre dykes spatially associated with (Groves et al., 2003). The overprinting or remobilization was
the mineralization at the Campbell-Red Lake deposit are 10 clearly a key factor in the formation of the exceptionally rich
Ma younger than the main stage of gold mineralization. Goldcorp High-Grade Zone of the Campbell-Red Lake
Each of these models have merit, and various aspects deposit (Dubé et al., 2002; in press). The empirical spatial
of all or some of them are potentially involved in the forma- and genetic (?) relationship between large gold deposits and
tion of quartz-carbonate greenstone-hosted gold deposits in Timiskaming-like regional unconformity represents a key
metamorphic terranes. first order exploration target as illustrated by districts such as
It is largely believed that the greenstone-hosted quartz- Timmins, Kirkland Lake and Red Lake (Hodgson, 1993;
carbonate vein deposits are related to metamorphic fluids Robert., 2000; Dubé et al., 2000, 2003 and in press).
from accretionary processes and generated by prograde
metamorphism and thermal re-equilibration of subducted
volcano-sedimentary terranes. The deep-seated, Au-trans- Knowledge gaps
porting metamorphic fluid has been channelled to higher Several outstanding problems remain for quartz-car-
crustal levels through major crustal faults or deformation bonate greenstone-hosted deposits. As mentioned above, the
zones (Fig. 18). Along its pathway, the fluid has dissolved sources of fluid and gold remain unresolved (Ridley and
various components - notably gold - from the volcano-sedi- Diamond, 2000). Other critical elements are listed in
mentary packages, including a potential gold-rich precursor, Hagemann and Cassidy (2000) and Groves et al. (2003). In
which will then precipitate as vein material or wallrock practical terms, the authors believe that the two most out-
replacement in second and third order structures at higher standing knowledge gaps to be addressed are: 1-better define
crustal levels through fluid-pressure cycling process and the key geological parameters controlling the formation of
temperature, pH and other physico-chemical variations. giant gold deposits; and 2-what controls the high-grade con-
tent of deposits or part of deposits. The classification of gold
deposit types remain a problem which is more than academ-
SETTING OF GREENSTONE GOLD DEPOSITS ic, as it has a major impact on exploration strategies (e.g.
what type of deposit to look for, where, and how?) (cf.
Poulsen et al., 2000). Why geological provinces such as the
WACKE-SHALE GREENSTONE-hosted Superior and Yilgarn are so richly endowed also remains
unclear. It is also believed that integrated study such as
Extech or Natmap; where various aspects of the geology of
a gold mining district or camp are addressed; remain the best
ZONE approach. The most fundamental elements to take into
VOLCANIC account to succeed in addressing these questions remain: 1)
basic chronological field relationships, combined with 2)
accurate U-Pb geochronology in order to establish the defi-
nite chronological evolution between mineralizing event(s)
GRANITOID and deformation/metamorphism phase(s).

FIG. 18: Schematic diagram illustrating the setting of greenstone-hosted

quartz-carbonate vein deposit (from Poulsen et al., 2000).

Benoît Dubé and Patrice Gosselin

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