Student's Name: Mario Albarracín Bonilla Cumbre de Río: Where Did This Event Happen?

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Students name: Mario Albarracn Bonilla

Cumbre de ro
Where did this event happen?
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the
'Earth Summit', held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 3 to 14 June 1992. This global conference, held
during the twentieth anniversary of the first International Conference on the Human Environment
(Stockholm, 1972), brought together politicians, diplomats, scientists, journalists and
representatives of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in 179 countries in a massive effort to
reconcile the impact of human socio-economic activities on the environment and vice versa.
Simultaneously it was held in Rio de Janeiro the 'Global Forum of NGOs, attended by a large
number of NGO representatives to explain their own vision of the future environmental state and
Most of important outcomes
One of the most important achievements of UNCED was Agenda 21, a program of thorough and
comprehensive actions demanding new ways of investing in our future to achieve sustainable
development in the XXI century. Its recommendations ranged from new educational methods, to
new ways of preserving natural resources, and new ways to participate in the design of a
sustainable economy. The overall aim of Agenda 21 was breathtaking, and his goal was nothing
less than to create a safe and just world in which all existence is a matter of dignity and fulfillment.
In Rio de Janeiro, 172 governments, including 108 Heads of State and Government, adopted three
major agreements to guide future work: "Agenda 21", a global plan of action to promote sustainable
development; the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, a set of principles on which
the civil rights yobligaciones States were defined, and a statement of principles on forests, set of
guidelines for the sustainable management of forests in the world.

Why this meeting took place?

The Conference was an opportunity to adopt a programme of action for the 21st century, called
Agenda 21 (Agenda 21 in English) detailing some of the 2500 recommendations concerning the
application of the principles of the Declaration. It takes into account issues related to health,
housing, air pollution, the management of oceans, forests and mountains, desertification, water
resources management and sanitation, agricultural management, waste management. Even today,
Agenda 21 is the reference for the implementation of sustainable development in the territories.
Topics discused
Todays urgent problems were addressed. Agenda 21 aims to prepare the world for the challenges
of the next century and includes specific proposals on social and economic issues such as the fight
against poverty, the evolution of production and consumption patterns, demographic dynamics,
conservation and management of our natural resources, the protection of the atmosphere, oceans
and biodiversity the prevention of deforestation and promoting sustainable agriculture. Agenda 21
recommends ways to strengthen the role of major groups - women, unions, farmers, children and
youth, indigenous people, the scientific community, local authorities, trade, industry and nongovernmental organizations - with a view to sustainable development.

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