Thomson MarciaKay 1972 Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)

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P. 0.

Box 117,
Chiredzi, Rhodesia.

April 4, 1972.

Dear Christian Friends,

Very soon I hope to be greeting you in person. Marilyn Wood arrived

in Salisbury, March 8th, and I am busy now teaching her my job so that she
can do it for the next few months.
I plan to leave Rhodesia the 28th of
April and my first speaking engagement in the States is May 2nd on the
Women's Clinic Program at Ozark Bible College.
From May 2nd to June 23rd, I plan to be in Missouri and Kansas. After
that time I have no confirmed dates but plan to spend time in July and
August in Illinois.
My furlough will extend to Christmas and I am trying
to plan a schedule that will permit me to see as many of you as possible.
If you would like to have me visit with you and have not written to me,

please write to 1111 North Main, Joplin, Missouri 64801, as even airmail
letters airmailed after April 19th would probably not get here before I

The ninth annual



Service in Chiredzi was held on the

lawn of the Hippo Valley Estates General Manager's Residence which is on

the hill overlooking the town of Chiredzi.
The weather was cloudy but it
did not rain during the service.
It was followed by a church breakfast
at the Sherman Pemberton residence.

John and Marjorie Pemberton traveled to Melsetter for the first Easter
service there.
The attendance was 25 which we feel was very good.
have services in the homes week by week and in a hall in Melsetter once a

month when a preacher from here goes to be with them.

A couple from England that have lived in Chiredzi 3 years were bap
tized recently by John Pemberton.
Their small daughter has been in our

Sunday School
that they had

for sometime. They attended our servcies until the church

previously been members of started to have services in

After several months

on all

our beliefs.

they came back and asked to have


After studying the scriptures with us for a

while they made their decision to be baptized.

The Christmas Cantata was so well received that we were asked to


sent it in Triangle.
When we started rehearsing "Hallelujah! What a
Saviour", by John Peterson for Easter we made arrangements for two per

Both the Chiredzi March 24th and Triangle April 2nd were



Both Sherman and John spend one week a month in Salisbury teaching in
the Bible College. They have several new students this year. One is a fam

ily man from South Africa who has been a Christian for many years.
present time all of our European churches have American preachers.

At the
We are

hoping to have Rhodesians that are able to do this important work within

few years that the work may be truly Rhodesian.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Because of Christ,

Marcia Kay Thomson.





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