Danny Boyle: Contact Work Experience

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Danny Boyle


Flat 1/2 60 Roystonhill

07871634 259

Santander plc

Jul 2014 Dec 2014

Admin Assistant
Performed administrative and office support activities for multiple supervisors.Using Rightfax platform
to communicate with brokers.
Vetting documents in compliance with company policy.
Using Word Processing, Spreadsheets and Database packages.
Using electronic filing system to deal with mortgage case files.

SiMY Community Development

Aug 2012 July 2014

Assistant Youth Worker

Working with young people within the Townhead community collective, engaging with them in different ways
and organizing ways for them to meet new people and explore their potential.
Using eDofE to help young people complete their Duke of Edinburgh programme.
Using Spreadsheet, Word Processing and Excel packages to assist with record and data keeping.

Bright Ideas CIC

Feb 2015 June 2015

Musical Director
Meet with Director to formulate a show concept and rehearsal schedule that works for all concerned
artists.Attend all subsequent production meetings with director when called.
Audition show band/orchestra.
Schedule and lead music (musicians only) rehearsals.
Order and/or purchase all needed music materials (with director's/producer's approval) for
production.Supervise musicians when called for respective rehearsals.
Consult with director in the event of any changes in music due to unforeseen circumstances.
Conduct at music rehearsals. Evaluate rehearsal, and give notes to director.

S t an d ard G rad e s : Music: 1
Drama: 2
English: 2
Maths: 3
Physics: 3
Art & Design: 3
Computing: 2
Administration: 2
Religious Education: 1
Hig h e rs :
Drama: B
Danny Bo yle

Music: A
Administration: C
Nat io n al Qu alific at io n - NQ Performing Arts
Hig h e r Nat io n al C e rt ific at e - Acting & Performance

High school studies

Aug 2008 June 2013

St Rochs Secondary School

Standard grades & highers

NQ Performing Arts & HNC Acting and


Aug 2013 Jun 2015

New College Lanarkshire - Coatbridge

NQ and HNC

P lay five -a-s id e fo o t b all wit h frie n d s . Man ag e d rama c lu b s wit h in yo u t h c o mmu n it y. I s in g an d
p lay p ian o , g u it ar, t u n e d p e rc u s s io n an d ac t as mu s ic al d ire c t o r in p ro fe s s io n al p ro d u c t io n s .
P art ic u larly k e e n o n mu s ic al t h e at re , wh ic h I e n g ag e in wit h ac t in g . K e e n re ad e r o f p lays b y
S c o t t is h P laywrig h t s s u c h as David G re ig an d Do u g las Maxwe ll.

S t e p h an ie F le min g
Santander plc301 St Vincent Street
G2 5HN
C at rio n a P rat t
1 Elizabeth Avenue
Milton of Campsie
G66 8HT
Tel: 07889907217

Danny Bo yle

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