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<< Summer Internship Report on >>

Font size : 20 , Times New Roman , Bold

Font size: 20 , Times Roman , Bold

Submitted By :
<<Student Name >>
<<Roll no:/Enroll no.>>
Font size : 14 , Times New Roman

Under the Guidance of :

<<Internal Guide Name>>


Delhi Technological University
Font size : 16 Times New Roman , Bold
Bawana Road Delhi 110042
June -July 2013


The content of the Project report should be arranged as per the order given below. The report
should have about 50-70 pages.

Title page

Certificate from the Institute

Certificate from the Organisation



Abstract/Executive summary

Table of contents (including page number)

1. Introduction

(10-20 Pages)

1.1 Industry Profile

1.2 Organisation profile
1.3 Objective of the study
2. Project Work undertaken ( Theoretical background of the project)

(05-10 Pages)

Supported by Literature Review

3. Research methodology

(05-10 Pages)

Need / Significance of the Study.

Scope of the Study
Data Collection Primary/Secondary and Sample Design
Tools of Analysis
Limitations of the Study.

4. Data analysis, Interpretations & Findings

(10-20 Pages)

5. Recommendations & Conclusions

(05-10 Pages)

6. Limitations & Future scope of the Study

7. Bibliography/References
8. Annexure
Executive Summary
Executive Summary is a brief and condensed statement by the student of the essentials ideas of the
students work. It must include a brief overview of the training, Objectives of the project, an
explanation of type methods and procedures used in gathering data and a summary of the findings.

References in the following style

1. Savaskan R.C., Bhattacharya S., Van Wassenhove L.N., 2004, Closed-Loop Supply Chain
Models with Product Remanufacturing, Management Science, 50(2), pp234-251.
2. Shukla A C. Deshmukh S. G. and Kanda A., 2010. Flexibility and sustainability of supply
chains: Are they together? Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 11(1-2), 25-38.
3. Colvin, G. 2008, Information worth billions. Fortune, 158(2), 73-79. Retrieved from
Business Source Complete, EBSCO. Retrieved from
4. Frank, R. H., and Bernanke, B. (2007). Principles of macro-economics (3rd ed.). Boston:
5. Congressional Budget Office. (2008). Effects of gasoline prices on driving behavior and
vehicle markets: A CBO study (CBO Publication No. 2883). Washington, DC:
U.S.Government Printing Office. Retrieved from
6. For Internet source the complete link should be mentioned
(The report must be typed in MS-Word as per the following format specification)
Paper size

Good quality white size A4 size paper ( Bond Paper)


Running text in Times Roman or Ariel

Chapter heading

Boldface capitals

Section headings

Boldface lower case

Sub section headings

Underlined lower case (no boldface)

Font size


Left Margin

3.5 cms

Right Margin

3.0 cms

Line spacing

One and half


1 on top bottom

Page numbering


Start numbering in roman styles for pages from certificate to last page
of list of tables (I , ii , iii , etc)
Then start numbering in Arabic numerals from chapter 1 as page 1
(number every page) till the end of the report including appendices.
Page number must be given at the bottom centre of every page.
Start each chapter on a fresh page
Number tables sequentially within each Chapter starting with table 1.1,
Each Table should have an appropriate caption. It should not run on
two pages.

Page limit

Number figures sequentially within each Chapter starting with Figure

1.1,1.2 etc ( as given in any text book)
Figures may be placed in the text at appropriate places (Close to the
citation).Figures comprise drawings , sketches , photographs and
Each Figure should have an appropriate caption.
Each photograph is to referenced as a figure . Number each photograph
sequentially within each chapter along with the other figures.
50-70 Pages


Hard bound ( Dark Green Colour)


Third person , simple past or past perfect tense

Discussions of tables, graphs, figures that are in the text should be in
present tense.



Specimen of the certificates:

Specimen A: (Certificate from the Institute)

This is to certify that the Project Report titled __________________________________

____________________________________________, is a bonafide work carried out by
____________________________________ of MBA 2012-14 and submitted to Delhi
School of Management, Delhi Technological University, Bawana Road, Delhi-42 in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of Masters of Business

Signature of Guide

Signature of Head (DSM)

Seal of Head


Specimen B: (Format of certificate from company/organization)

This is to certify that Mr/Ms. _____________________(name of the student), student of

MBA 2012-14 of Delhi School of Management, Delhi Technological University, Bawana
Road, Delhi-42 has completed Summer Project Report titled_____________________
___________________________________________ with us from ______________ to
______________ (date).
He/She has completed the Project Work to our satisfaction.

Signature of Official

Name & Designation of Official

Seal of Company

Note: (This certificate is to be obtained on original letter head of the company and should clearly
mention the dates of Project Duration and must be attached to the project report)

Specimen C: (Declaration)

I _____________________(name of the student), student of MBA 2012-14 of Delhi

School of Management, Delhi Technological University, Bawana Road, Delhi-42 declare
that Summer Internship Report on ________________________(Topic) submitted in
partial fulfillment of Degree of Masters of Business Administration is the original work
conducted by me.
The information and data given in the report is authentic to the best of my knowledge.
This Report is not being submitted to any other University for award of any other Degree,
Diploma and Fellowship

Name of the student


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