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Services / Anil Kumar

7 October 2003

How multiuser works

The multiuser model consists of a single master model. Each user can access this model and open their
own local view of the model. This local view is called a plan model.
Any changes a user makes to his plan model are local and are not visible to other users until he saves the
plan model to the master model.
The multiuser system can contain several client computers, where users work on their plan models. The
master model can be located anywhere on the network, including on any of the client computers.
When you open a multiuser model on a client computer, Xsteel makes a copy of the master model and
saves it locally on the client computer (a plan model).
When you click Save to save your plan model back to the master model, Xsteel:
1.Takes a new copy of the master model and compares your plan model with it.
2.Saves the changes in your plan model to the copy of the master model (locally).
3.Saves this copy back to the master model. (Other users can now see your changes.)
4.Takes a new copy of the master model and saves it locally as your plan model. (You can see your own
changes and those uploaded by other users.)
To preserve the integrity of the multiuser model, Xsteel locks the master model when a user:
Opens the multiuser model
Saves a plan model to the master model
Runs numbering
Xsteel preserves the integrity of the model, even if more than one user edits the same model objects. If
two users modify the same object, then save to the master model, the master model will only contain the
changes of the user who most recently saved their plan model to the master model.
To avoid potential save conflicts, have users work on different areas of the model.
Xsteel creates connections to the right parts, even if the part is moved by another user.
Autosave only saves to your computer, and does not reload the master model. Other users do not see the
modifications you make after an Autosave. In multiuser mode, this makes Autosave much faster than the
Save command. Save updates the master model.
To save quickly during an Xsteel session:
1.Set Autosave to save to a local drive. set XS_AUTOSAVE_DIRECTORY=%XS_RUNPATH%\autosave
2.Set the autosave interval to 2.
3.Periodically double-click the Interrupt icon to autosave manually.
Remember to save regularly to the master model by clicking Save.
Tekla Middle East
202, Canon Building No. 9
Dubai Internet City
P.O. Box 500103 Dubai
United Arab Emirates

Tel 971 4 3915640

Fax 971 4 3916799

2 (2)
Services / Anil Kumar

7 October 2003

Save as
To avoid losing information, never use Save as in the model while in multiuser mode.
+You should never do "Save As" in multiuser. Id's are then not handled correctly.
The warning about maximum id being bigger than current id is more or less "natural" in this case. It is
normally not very good position to be in, since the new objects will have the same id as some of the
existing objects and there fore overrirde them. What correct database does is it increases current id
number to model maximum, so these conflicts won't happen anymore.
To copy a multiuser model:
1.Have all users quit the master model.
2.Open Xsteel in single-user mode.
3.Open the model and use Save as to make a copy of the multiuser model.
4.Exit Xsteel and re-open the model in multiuser mode to continue working on it
A view is an object in the database like a beam, open for all users. And just like any other objects, also
views can be modified and the modifications are translated onto other users. Keeping certain view
properties can be important E.g. when working in large models where users have applied a lot of view
filters so that they can only see the part of the job they are working on. To keep the personal view
properties it is good idea for users to use their own personally named views. However since those views
are translated to other users as well it is possible that certain view could have different properties on
every other machine using the same model. Since the last save always wins it is possible that user looses
his latest modifications to his view properties in case he is not the last one to exit the model.
When it is important to keep certain view properties (E.g filtering) you should give the view properties a
name and save them so that they can be reloaded later as required.
Working with Drawings
When working with drawings in a multi-user mode there should not be two users simultaneously editing
or changing the same drawing. Otherwise some modifications can be lost
Note: Locking, freezing, issuing, revising, numbering and updating are also considered changes to a
drawing. This means that when the drawing gets/loses a flag in the drawing list, it is also considered as
being modified. It is a good idea in multi user that all the users working with the same model save their
plans before using commands: lock, freeze, issue, revision or update in the drawing list.
It also is recommended that only one user creates all General Arrangement drawings in a multi-user
mode, otherwise they might not become visible for every user. This relates only to the creation of the GA
drawings, not the modifications.
Tekla Middle East
202, Canon Building No. 9
Dubai Internet City
P.O. Box 500103 Dubai
United Arab Emirates

Tel 971 4 3915640

Fax 971 4 3916799

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Services / Anil Kumar

7 October 2003

Note: In Multi User mode there are restrictions in numbering.
Numbering should be done only on the Master Model. The reason for this is to avoid the situation
where one user makes numbering to his Plan and the another user makes numbering to his Plan and
both of them has created identical objects. The identical objects in different Plans get different
numbers if numbering is performed in several Plans at the same time.
Numbering on the master model can be done in the following way:
User who numbers model:

Saves his plan (with save command), This updates his plan with the master model
Does numbering, Now his plan (which is up to date with the master model) is numbered
Saves his plan again.(The numbering is updated to master model)

During sessions 1,2 and 3 the model is locked. However between sessions 1-2 or 2-3.the master model is
not locked. To avoid problem that other users might save between sessions 1-2 or 2-3 there is an option
Synchronize with master model (savenumbering-save) in the Numbering setup.
When this option is checked the numbering includes all the three sessions mentioned above and master
model will be automatically locked also between sessions 1-2 and 2-3.
This way all the other users can continue working normally during the operation and numbering can be
carried out more freely
Note: When it is necessary to take all the changes from all the plants into account in numbering (E.g.
when creating material list of the model) all the users working with the same model should first save their
Plans and after that one user should run the numbering.
Problem situations
While a user is opening or saving his plan to master model or doing numbering the model will be locked.
meaning that if any of these operations is being done by any of the users, the other users can not make
any of these operations at that time.
If a user has failed to exit from the model properly and left a "lock" behind, this user should go back into
the model and save it. This removes the "lock".

Tekla Middle East

202, Canon Building No. 9
Dubai Internet City
P.O. Box 500103 Dubai
United Arab Emirates

Tel 971 4 3915640

Fax 971 4 3916799

4 (4)
Services / Anil Kumar

7 October 2003

If the server machine, where the xs-server.exe is running, is shut down while somebody is working at the
clients, you do not have to save and close the remote clients plan copies. All you have to do is just start
the server and xs_server.exe again and Xsteel will search the network and reconnect to any opened Multi
User models automatically.
Warning message "Database write conflicts detected" appears when 2 users have modified the same
objects. The write conflicts are written to the conflict.log file, which can be automatically viewed.

Tekla Middle East

202, Canon Building No. 9
Dubai Internet City
P.O. Box 500103 Dubai
United Arab Emirates

Tel 971 4 3915640

Fax 971 4 3916799

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