Power Plant Operations Assignment

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Procedure for Coal mill changeover

ted by:

The coal pulverizer is the most important equipment to

govern the operability and reliability of coal burning
boilers. Therefore, an optimum mill type must be selected
from the comprehensive view point according to the coal
properties and the operation conditions.

Operation and maintenance

The operation of mill is simple and start/stop operation can
be completely automated. Also, the wide range of the mill
operation load adjustment is important for coal boiler
operability. The upright mill is available for 40-50%
turndown, but recently some types of upright mills have
become available for high-turndown operation up to 30%
or less. For mills operation, the maintenance of abrasive
parts is also extremely important. So, studies have been
conducted to develop abrasion-resistant materials and to
simplify the replacement of roll rings, liners, etc. As for the
material of rolls, in addition to conventional abrasionresistant cast iron, curing cladding-welding material with
several times abrasion-resistance of cast iron has also
been used. Because the life of the grinding section varies
with the coal properties and the operation conditions etc.,
it is necessary to measure periodically the abrasion depth

of the rolls or segments of each plant and to schedule the

intervals of replacement. Generally, rolls/rings/liners
replacement is conducted in such a manner that one unit
of extra mill per boiler is installed, and maintenance
intervals are set, and each mill is maintained sequentially.
In case of emergencies, mill changeover operation is done
in which the faulty mill is shut down and the load is
transferred to the standby mill.

Mill tripping might take place due to one of the following

Mill discharge valves are closed
Loss of elevation D.C. supply for more than 2 secs.
Support ignition energy is removed Within 3 minutes of
feeder starting.
Motor protection operates.
One P.A. Fan trips (mill in excess of 3 will trip starting
from bottom).
In such a case the changeover to the other mill takes
place. Procedure for the changeover is:
Steps prior to putting the mill in service:
1.Measure and record internal clearances, tolerances,
and spring preloads.
2.Check and calibrate the coal feeders.
3.Functionally check the full movement and position
indication of all dampers.
4.Review primary airflow curves to ensure safe operation
throughout the operating range, ensuring adequate
minimum airflow as well as proper air-to-fuel ratios
when operating above minimum airflow.
5.After thoroughly checking mechanical tolerances and
clearances, close the mill and start primary airflows.
Warm the mill to normal operating temperature of 150F

mill outlet temperature (bituminous coal) and airflow at

minimum (normal minimum primary air [PA] flow).
6.Conduct a PA airflow measurement traverse by manual
pitot tube to verify that the indicated PA is correct
across the boiler operating range.
7.Conduct "clean air" 24-point traverses of all of the fuel
lines to measure and compare the balanced airflows
through each pipe. All coal pipes (and flows to all of the
burners from each respective pulverizer) should be
balanced and within 2% of the mean flow.
8.Perform a seal air check.
9.Begin the normal pulverizer start sequence.
10. Once normal coal flow is applied to the mill, a full
mill test should be conducted. This test should include
isokinetic coal sampling and dirty airflow
measurements through each fuel line to determine
air/fuel balance and coal fineness. Primary airflow "HotK" calibrations of the primary airflow measuring
element should also be conducted

Other pre start checks:

LOCAL (to be made by local operator)
Ensure R.C. Bunker level Satisfactory.
R.C feeder and mill properly boxed up and no
maintenance staff working.
Gear box oil level normal.

Lub. oil coolers charged.

Tramp Iron Gate open.
Cold air gate open. Hot air gate closed.
Mill outlet valve open.
Seal air valve open.
Mill firefighting system ready.

Take out emergency push button and give clearance

to UCB for starting.
U.C.B: (to be made by desk operator)
Ensure no PTW pending.
Ensure at least one P.A fan and a seal air fan is in
service. Check the header pressure for both primary
and seal air is normal.
Check that mill ignition energy is O.K.
Check that mill start permissive as per FSSS are
satisfied (for the help of operator these permissive are
written on FSSS panel and when the condition is
satisfied it is indicated by a glowing bulb).
Ensure E.P zones have been charged (for first mill ).
Ensure attemperation valves are ready for operation.
Inform turbine operator of mill start up.
Get the electrical supply for the mill.
Inform the local operator to be near mill for start up.
Start the mill.


Check no abnormal sound from mill.
Check return oil flow from upper bearing is satisfactory.
Check all the rollers are rotating and the rate of reject
is normal (after the mill is loaded).

Check mill starting time and current. Ensure that they
are normal.
Open hot air gate.
Warm up the mill.
Start the R.C feeder and load the mill gradually.
Keep the air flow through mill-54 T/hr.
Keep watch on mill differential to avoid mill chocking.
Maintain mill outlet temperature between 75 degree
Celsius to 80 degree Celsius.
As the pressure, temperature of main steam shoots up
with coal firing proper check should be kept on these
parameters. (Especially for first mill).

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