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7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

The 7 Day Chakra Overhaul

Bringing clarity, focus, & relaxation to your life & business

Carrie Hensley

The 7 Day Chakra Overhaul is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Table of Contents
Brief Overview of Chakra System
Day One: Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra: Grounding)
Day Two: Svadhistana Chakra (Sacral Chakra: Creativity)
Day Three: Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra: Personal Power/Purpose)
Day Four: Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra: Art of Relationships)
Day Five: Vishuddha Chakra (Throat Chakra: Speaking our Truth)
Day Six: Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra: Wisdom & Intuition)
Day Seven: Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Chakra: Connection to Source)

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

It is an honor for me that our paths have crossed. I believe you are here because
you know it is time to
Stop Playing Small

I believe you are here because you are ready to share your gifts, your wisdom, your
passion, and your creativity with the world, not just with your family and close
friends. You know you have

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

My intention with the 7 Day Chakra Overhaul is to provide you with practical
tools to jumpstart this process and create a solid foundation to build upon. There
are several components to each day of the overhaul.

List of characteristics
Each chakra has a list of characteristics particular to that chakra. Here we define
each chakra, its related element, sense, particular function, and greatest obstacle to
overcome when working with this chakra.

Questions to Ask Yourself

Thought provoking questions to stir your soul, make you aware of limiting beliefs,
and possibilities for growth and release.

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Chakra Overhaul Challenge

Each day will present a new chakra challenge to help you connect with that
particular chakra.

It is my belief that each of us comes to this earth with a particular purpose. This
purpose becomes buried under the stress and tension of everyday living. I believe
we can uncover this purpose, access our gifts and talents and share them with the
Are you ready to stop playing small?

I believe in you. I believe this is just the beginning for you. I believe you are a gift
to this world. I believe the world needs you and your talents.
February 2012

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Chakra System Overview

According to yoga philosophy, the chakras are wheel-like energy centers. There
are seven main chakras located along the spine and twenty one minor chakras
located throughout the body. By working with the chakras you can remove
blocked energy and uncover old limiting belief patterns that prevent you from
living the life you deserve.
When a chakra is deficient it is blocked in a closed state. It is unable to generate
or receive energy on that particular plane. A chakra is excessive when it is stuck
in an open state. It receives all energies through that particular plane.
Throughout the upcoming week of the 7 Day Chakra Overhaul, you will begin to
uncover areas that feel deficient or overworked and gain techniques to recalibrate
your system for optimal health, wellbeing, focus, and clarity.

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Day One: Muladhara Chakra

Muladhara Chakra~ Root Chakra
Meaning: Root Support
Location: Perineum
Element: Earth
Sense: Smell
Color Association: Red
Function: Survival; Grounding
Greatest Obstacle: Fear
Basic Right: To have

The Muladhara chakra, or root chakra, is the foundation for all other chakras. The
first chakra explores our relationship to our tribal family and seeks to make sure
our basic needs are met. These needs include food, shelter, financial stability, and
physical health. In order to work our way up through the other chakras, we must
first ground or root down and create stability.

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Chakra Deficiency or Excess

This act of grounding down provides the

stability, security, and the support we need to
explore, extend, and grow.
Grounding will prevent an overload of the
stress and tension we encounter on a daily

When there is not enough support or

stability, the first chakra will become
deficient and/or closed. We may
experience this as an excessive
amount of fear, over reactivity, or
The first chakra is stuck open when
there is an abnormal amount of
clinging, such as hoarding or fear of

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Questions to Ask Yourself:

Did I have a safe upbringing? Was money an issue in my family? Was there food on the table or
was it scarce?
Do I experience a sense of overall belonging to my family, culture, nationality?
How is my physical health?
Do I make time to move daily?
Are my food choices healthy?
Do I consider my home a safe haven?
Is my home clean and clutter free?
How much time do I spend on my business?
Am I overwhelmed with my business?
Am I able to support myself/family financially?
Do I know my debt to income ratio?
What are my greatest fears?


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

First Chakra Overhaul Challenge

Practice one of the following grounding techniques today:

Grounding Meditation:
Spend time in nature walking or hiking
Any time of activity that brings your attention to the present
moment and home in the body.


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Day Two: Svadhistana Chakra

Svadhisthana Chakra~ Sacral Chakra
Meaning: Sweetness
Location: Sacrum
Element: Water
Sense: Taste
Color Association: Orange
Function: Desire; Sexuality
Greatest Obstacle: Guilt
Basic Right: To feel

Whereas we worked to ground and stabilize our energy through our first chakra,
with the second chakra we are now ready to explore our emotions, movement, and
the possibility of change. With our basic needs met through the first chakra, we
can now turn our attention to realize our deepest desires.


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Chakra Deficiency or Excess

As we come home to our deepest desires, the

life we each deserve to live becomes a reality.
It is here, in the womb of the second chakra,
that our greatest dreams incubate, the seed of
potential planted, nurtured, realized.


The greatest source of deficiency in

the second chakra is fear of change
and an inability to feel emotions.
When the chakra is stuck open, we
are ruled by our emotions. There is a
tendency to overreact and move from
one extreme emotion to the next.

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Questions to Ask Yourself:

Do you make sure everyone elses needs are met before your own?
Do you know what makes you happy?
Do you believe you deserve to achieve your greatest desires?
Do you give yourself time to relax and decompress on a daily/weekly basis?
Do you rest when your body needs it?
Do you feel guilty when you want to do something for yourself?
What do you do to release stress and tension?
Is your life balanced between work and pleasure?
Are you able to process your emotions in a healthy capacity?
Are you in touch with your own sexuality?
Do you need to control everything in your environment?
Do you adapt to change easily?
Is gratitude an essential component in your life?
Do you see your life as half full or half empty?

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Second Chakra Overhaul Challenge

Today do something nice for yourself:
Take the day off
Receive a massage
Receive a manicure/pedicure (for extra credit, do both!)
Take yourself out to lunch
Go for a hike in nature
Clean out your closets and donate unwanted items to a local charity
Write your business plan for your next business venture
Insert your plan here ________________________________________


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Day Three: Manipura Chakra

Manipura Chakra~ Solar Plexus Chakra
Meaning: Lustrous Gem
Location: Solar Plexus
Element: Fire
Sense: Sight
Color Association: Yellow
Function: Will/Power
Greatest Obstacle: Shame
Basic Right: To act

When we are grounded, we do not react to our emotions as they arise, we simply
move through them. This creates the space for us to own our personal power.
The third chakra focuses on transformation. When we learn to observe versus
react, we start to understand our habitual patterns that produce negativity.

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Chakra Deficiency or Excess

As we release all that prevents us from

experiencing these qualities, we ultimately
come to know our true authentic self. From
this place, our self-esteem and confidence
grows. Our inner guidance and trust builds.
We begin to live our lives authentically,
making choices that nurture and honor


Lack of self-worth and a deep rooted

sense of shame are at the heart of
both a deficient and excessive third
A deficient third chakra can be
manifested through digestive and
metabolic problems.
An excessive third chakra is usually
displayed by pride and the need to
appear larger than one is.

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Questions to Ask Yourself:

Do you consider yourself a confident person?
Do you know your worth at your core?
Do you recognize that place within you that is perfect, whole, and complete?
Do you believe you have gifts to offer the world?
What are your greatest strengths?
What are you most proud of yourself for accomplishing?
Are you confident in your abilities to create the life and business you want?
Do you stand up for yourself on a regular basis?
Do you trust your gut?
Do you get paralyzed by lifes disappointments or are you able to overcome these obstacles?
Do you believe you have choices?
Do you give your power away by allowing someone else to make choices for you?


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Third Chakra Overhaul Challenge

Take a risk today:
Create a list of the negative beliefs you hold about yourself; Now go
burn it
Balance your checkbook: The reality can be painful but it is
empowering to know where we stand in order to recognize where
we want to go
Write out 5 Personal/Professional goals you want to accomplish
this year and write out three action steps for each
Ask for a raise
Write a list of all of the accomplishments you are proud of;
Laminate it and stick it on your wall where you can see it
What other risk could you take?

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Day Four: Anahata Chakra

Anahata Chakra~ Heart
Meaning: Unstruck
Location: Heart
Element: Air
Sense: Touch
Color Association: Green
Function: Survival; Love
Greatest Obstacle: Grief
Basic Right: To love

The fourth chakra works to generate balance. We learn to integrate all aspects of
our self, making us whole. We begin to create this wholeness by working through
the first three chakras, (securing our fundamental needs; exploring our deepest
desires and emotions without attaching to them; and owning our own power by
shedding negative habit patterns).


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Chakra Deficiency or Excess

It is then that we are ready to extend and

receive the gift of love. We do this through the
art of relationships. As we work to connect,
explore and grow through relationships, true
healing begins.


When the heart chakra is deficient,

one experiences depression, extreme
isolation, and fear of intimate
When the heart chakra is stuck open,
one is unable to establish healthy
boundaries and gives without

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Questions to Ask Yourself

Do you believe it is your birthright to love and be loved?
What do you love about yourself?
Is it easy or difficult to connect to others for you?
Have you experienced unconditional love from someone?
Who do you love unconditionally?
Do you feel love for all beings?
How do you express your love to those around you?
Is it easy or difficult to forgive others who have hurt you?
Do you still hold onto old resentments and past anger?
How do you create balance in your life between work and pleasure?
Do you experience peace on a daily basis?
What would you need to do to create more peace in your life?


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Fourth Chakra Overhaul Challenge

Nurture a relationship today:
Write yourself a love letter
Write someone you know a love letter
Make a new personal/professional relationship
Grow your twitter/facebook account by making new friends
What else can you do today to nurture a relationship?


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Day Five: VissudhaChakra

Vishuddha Chakra~ Throat Chakra
Meaning: Purification
Location: Throat
Element: Sound/Ether
Sense: Hearing
Color Association: Bright Blue
Function: Communication/Creativity
Greatest Obstacle: Lie
Basic Right: To speak & be heard

In the fifth chakra, we learn to speak our truth. It is here that we learn about true
communication through sound, vibration, self-expression, and creativity. In
learning to honor our own truth, we begin to cultivate intuition.


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Chakra Deficiency or Excess

As we learn to trust ourselves, we begin to

follow our own path (dharma), what is best for
us, not what we were taught or what we think
is expected of us. There is an undeniable
freedom and authentic power born from being
able to choose ourselves.


With a deficient fifth chakra, there is

difficulty or no communication. One
may experience tightness in the
throat and/ or shoulders.
A person tends to over talk without
saying much when the fifth chakra is
stuck open.

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Questions to Ask Yourself

Do you believe you can express yourself openly and honestly?
Can you express your feelings?
Do you feel you have a right to express yourself truthfully?
Do you surround yourself with people who honor your personal truth?
Do you have to hide your truth from certain people in your life?
Is creativity a daily part of your life?
What do you do to express yourself creatively?
Can you express your creativity in your business?
Do you experience moments of silence throughout your day or are you constantly busy?
Do your actions match your words?
Do you set goals for yourself weekly, monthly, yearly?
How strong is your willpower when it comes to accomplishing these goals?


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Chakra Five Overhaul Challenge

Do something creative today:
Make a painting
Make jewlery
Take a pottery class
Take a camera and go take photos in nature
Download some yoga chants from Itunes & sing
Spend the day in silence
What other creative endeavor could you do today?


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Six: VissudhaChakra
Ajna Chakra~ Third Eye Chakra
Meaning: Command Center
Location: Brow
Element: Light
Color Association: Indigo
Function: Intuition/Imagination
Greatest Obstacle: Illusion
Basic Right: To see

We are continuing up through the chakras. We have worked to create stability,

express our emotions, access our personal power, cultivate relationships with
others, and begin to speak our truth. As we move into the sixth chakra, we begin
to see reality as it is, not as we previously thought it was.


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Chakra Deficiency or Excess

Through constant self-observation, we begin to

access more frequently that place within us that
is non-changing and perfect. As we witness it in
ourselves we are more capable of recognizing it
in others. We truly begin to feel the
interconnection between all things at the sixth


While it is more difficult to discern

deficiencies and excesses in the upper
two chakras, one sixth chakra
deficiency comes through as
With an excessive sixth chakra, ones
intuition can manifest through
hallucinations and an inability to
decipher ones intuitive capabilities.

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Questions to Ask Yourself

Do you believe your life has meaning?
Do you see your life struggles as having a greater purpose to teach?
Do you believe you are responsible for your life or is someone calling the shots?
Do you believe you are a human being having a spiritual experience or a spiritual being having a
human experience?
Do you consider yourself an intuitive person?
What wisdom do you tap into regarding your life, your business, your finances, your happiness?
Do you like to learn?
What books do you read to access lifes wisdom?
Do you use visualization techniques to grow your life and business? Where do you see your life
and business in one year, five years, twenty years?
Are you limited or expanded by your imagination?
What would be different in your life if you realized all of your dreams?


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Chakra Six Overhaul Challenge

Extracting wisdom:
Write down 5-10 difficult life/business experiences (relationships
that have dissolved, business transactions that failed)
On a separate piece of paper, write down everything you learned
from these experiences
How have these life experiences shaped you?
From these experiences, have you been able to tap into your
intuition and trust yourself when making current life and business
What else would you add here?


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Day Seven: Sahasrara Chakra

Sahasrara Chakra~ Crown Chakra
Meaning: Thousand Fold
Location: Top of Head
Element: Thought
Color Association: Violet/White
Function: Understanding/Bliss
Greatest Obstacle: Attachment
Basic Right: To know

Through the seventh chakra, we ultimately come to understand that we are all
one. It is here that we achieve ultimate liberation and connect to our concept of
Source, God, Spirit. Through right understanding we experience bliss, as all
illusions dissolve.


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Chakra Deficiency or Excess

You are one with all.


A deficient seventh chakra occurs

when one has the inability to think
for themselves and constantly seek
validation from others.
When the seventh chakra is stuck
open, there is a holier than though
know it all attitude. Another
tendency with an overactive seventh
chakra is to dissociate with reality.

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Questions to Ask Yourself

Do you feel you have a particular path/purpose in this lifetime?
Do you believe in a higher power, Source, Spirit, God?
Do you tend to get caught up in the details of your life or can you see the bigger picture?
Do you acknowledge the beauty, sacredness, grace, and joy that exist around you?
How often do you experience the beauty of the arts?
Do you participate in any rituals, like connecting to the equinox or solstice, or participate in regular
activities that access your connection to Source?
Do you meditate?
What are your truths about life, death, hardships, and change?
What are your greatest attachments in this life?
What do you need to let go of in order to experience bliss?
Is gratitude an essential value in your life?


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Chakra Seven Overhaul Challenge

Connect to the Sacred Around You:

Spend time in a museum

Attend the symphony/concert
Spend time out in nature
Spend time in a church, temple, mosque
Spend time gardening
Create art
What other ways can you connect to the Sacred?


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Were there any big surprises this past week?
What was your greatest lesson?
Were you able to commit to the daily challenges?

As we begin to work up through the chakras, we come to understand that our

past does not need to define us. Working through some of the questions and
exercises helps us appreciate where we are stuck in limiting beliefs. The next step
is finding the courage to let go of what no longer serves us in order to become
who we are meant to be, already are at our core.

I believe you are already on your way or our paths would

not have crossed.

7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Wheels of Life~ Anodea Judith Ph.d
Eastern Body, Western Mind~ Anodea Judith, Ph.d
The Seven Fold Journey~ Anodea Judith, Ph.d & Selene Vega
Healing with the Chakras~ Ambika Wauters
The Book of Chakras~ Ambika Wauters


7 Day Chakra Overhaul~ Carrie Hensley

Meet Carrie
Carrie Hensley is a yoga teacher and entrepreneur.
Carrie began teaching yoga in 1998. Over the years,
Carrie has had training in various yoga traditions
including Astanga, Healthy Backs, Anusara, and Forrest
In 2005, Carrie opened her first successful brick and
mortar company, Inside The Bungalow, a yoga studio,
caf, and event venue. She now works to coach passionate entrepreneurs ready to
uncover their own lifes purpose.
To work with Carrie one on one, or to learn more about her, please visit her
website at


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