Dongeng Inggris

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There live a very beautiful girl with her mother in a remote village in

West Kalimantan. Her name was Darmi. Life was getting hard since Darmis
father passed away. For a living, her mother worked at a field.
Unfortunately, despite her beautiful face, her manners were terrible.
Instead of helping her mother, Darmi stayed at home, spending her time
admiring her own reflection on the mirror. Everytime her mother asked her to
work at the field to earn more money, Darmi always refused.
Mother, youre an old woman. No one have any interest on you
anymore. If I go to work at the field, the heat and mud will ruin my skin. I
cant imagine what will happen. Darmi said everytime. Her words broke her
mothers heart. How rude Darmi was to her mother.
Darmis mother could only shook her head hopelessly. What hurt her
even more was when Darmi insisted on spending her mothers wage on
cosmetics. Darmi did not even care how exhausted her mother was. All she
did was lazing at home, dressing up and going around the village showing off
her beauty.
Once, when her mother was going to the market, Darmi asked her
mother to buy her some makeup. But her mother did not know what she
wanted and asked Darmi to come with her to avoid her buying the wrong
I dont want to go the market with you. Said Darmi.
But I dont know what it is that you want me to buy. Her mother said
All right then. I will go as long as you walk behind me. Darmi said

Why should it be like that?, her mother asked wonderingly.

I dont want to walk beside you, mother. Youre all wrinkled and
rumpled. Darmi said contemptuously
Deeply hurt, her mother agreed to Darmis condition. So off they went
to the market. Darmi walked in her fancy clothes, while her wrinkled mother
walked behind her in rumpled clothes, carrying a basket.
On the way, Darmi met her friend from another village.
Where are you going, Darmi? her friend asked.
Im going to the market, Darmi replied.
Who was that walked behind you? Is she your mother? asked her
friend again.
No way, shes not my mother! Obviously shes my maid! Darmi
Overhearing the conversation, her mother was thunderstruck. But she
said nothing, hiding her grief. Then they continued to walk to the market.
It was not long before they met another person on the way.
Hey Darmi! Where are you heading?
the market. Darmi replied
Is that your maid? that person asked.
Yes, she is. Shell help me bring the groceries, replied Darmi, starting
to get annoyed with all the questions. What Darmis said brought more pain
to her mothers heart. But she stayed quiet. This went on during the rest of
their way to the market, until finally her mother stopped and sat down on the
side of the road.

The absence of the sound of her mothers footstep made Darmi turn her
head. mother, why did you stop? Darmi barked.
Her di not reply. Her lips were mumbling something. Many times
Darmi asked, but her mother ignored her. Then Darmi saw her mother raised
her hands, looking like she was going to pray.
My Lord! Forgive this weak servant of yours. I can no longer care for
my disobedient doughter. She belongs to you. Give her the punishment she
deserve! her mother pleaded to God several times.
Not long after that, the roar of thunder shook the ground. The sky
turned dark. It was raining heavly. Darmi tried to run for shelter but her feet
would not move. She looked down and in horror realized that her feet had
turn into rock.
Noticingher mother in the praying position, Darmi suddenly realized.
She had been disobeyingher mother, and now her mother was praying to God
asking him to punish her.
Mother Im Sorry! Im Sorry! I wont do that again! Darmi
called out remorsefully.
But it was too late for regrets. The punishment could not be undone.
Slowly Darmis whole body was turning into rock. At the last moment before
Darmis head turned completely into rock, her tears were still dripping down
her face. Soon, the weather cleared up. Her mother propped Darmis body
wich had changed into rock against the cliff on the side of the road. The local
people named the rock Batu Menangis, or the weeping rock. To this day, the
rock still where it used to be, as a reminder for anyone to respect their

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