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* 10-13 3

'^ie Wagener Family of Philadelphia County, Pa,

(1) CHRISTOPHER WEIGNER - as he signed his name on the Ship's lists - • -

Case to America in the Ship "St,Andrew", Galley
33. prob in Silesia John Stedman, Master,
D. prob. before 1759 arriving at Philadelphia, IS Sept. 1754.
He subscribed to the Oath of Allegiance, same date.
ANNA ,. - called "Widow - of Norriton, Phila. Co.,Pa." - Dec. 1743

B. ( 1695 | ? Note; these dates given in published record of

D. ( 1749 ) Judge David Wagner's line - but other dates in
that record are decidedly incorrect. F.M.Z.

Children - who came with them on same ship .

(This is one of the few lists, which include women and children.)
(~) Christopher - over 16 years old in 1754, as he signed the Oath of Allegiance
"" with his mark " C7/ "
probably born about 1715-18

He married, after arriving in this country,

Anna, daughter of Baltzer Jakel, who, with her father
and mother, came in same ship,1754. :

lelchior - under 16 years of age in 1754

Maria (
( children in 1754
Regina - who married before coming to America - probably about 1729/50 -
George Jakel, son of Baltzer Jakel.
They came in same ship with their parents,
with two children: Maria and Rosina Jakel
George Jakel died before Dec. 1745 - when his estate
was administered by Abraham Weigper of
Norriton Tp. Phila Co. (apparently a brother
of Christopher(1) Weigner), and Caspar Krieble
of Towamensing Tp., his Executors.
His "Mother, Regina Jackel" ana "His Mother-in-law Anna Wagner
of'Norriton, Widow" were named as Residuary Legatees.

Note; The Kriebles - four families of them - also came in

the same ship, 1754.

David - "B. 1758" must have been born in Pennsylvania - not in Silesia, as
stated bj his gres.t-great-great-grandson.
He died in 1798 at Faston, Northampton County, Pa,
Will dated: 18 Feb. 1796; proved: 7 June 1796.
He wa.s axt Associate Judge of Northampton County.
\0 ^ i 3 ij

The Ship "St.Andrew", John Stedrnan, Master, brought 89 Palatines,

•with their families, in all 261 persons - from Rotterdam, last from Plymouth, Eng.

Christopher Wiegner headed the list of signers of the Oath of Allegiance

"at Philadelphia, 12 Sept. 1734.
He signed his name in a distinct and well educated German script.

The majority of passengers-were Weigners (or Wiegners - Jakels - Kriebles - Dresners -

and they all more or less intermarried.

The whole colony, apparently, settled in and around Norriton Tp.,Phila. Co., Pa.

Abraham Wagener (apparently a brother of the eldest Christopher Weigner)

sent his wife and children on this ship with Christopher and Anna. He,' himself,
came on the same ship in Sept. 1757. (The only Wagener on that trip.)

This Abraham Wagener and his wife Susanna were living in Norriton,Phila.Co.
in 1745 - he a "yeoman". They were living there in 1749.

Susanna, with children: Melchior - over 16 in 1754

* Abraham -under 16 in 1754
George - " 16 " "
Susanna - who later m. Christopher Dresner
Maria - who later m. Christopher Kriebel
Rdsina - who later m. George Kriebel
came with Christopher Weigner and his wife Anna, in Sept. 1754.

Note: The Will of"Abraham:Wagener of Worcester in the Co. of Phila.,
Medic: Prat icus."
dated: 6 March 1762; proved: 16 May 1765 -
named: his brother Melchior Wagener
" brother in Lav/ Christopher Dresher
Brothers in law George & Christopher Krible
Nephew David Wagener

(There was only one David Wagner of that date, who was his cousin.
But Cousin and Nephew were interchangeable terms, at that period)

# # # # -* * * * * * * *

Apparently Christopher(1) Weigner and Baltzer(l)ffakelreceived early

grants of land from Caspar Wistar who was one of the early grantees of the State -.
(or an early grant) - for in December 1745 - both of them having died - and the land
having descended to George Jackel (son of Baltzer(l)) who had married Regina, daughter
of Christopher(1) Weigner before coming to America - said George Jackel having also
died before Dec. 1745 - his (George's) Executors (one of whom was Abraham Weigner,
apparently brother of Christopher(1))j end his "Mother, Regina Jackel" and "his
Mother in Law Anna Wagener of Norriton, Widow" - confirmed this land to Christopher(2)
Y^eigner - 106 acres in Sslford Township (which adjoined Norriton) in Phila. co., by
a Deed dated 25 Dec. 1745 - the said land "in his actual possession now being".

The above land was part of 170 acres granted to Baltzer Jackel in
March 175b - six months after he arrived in Pennsylvania. He died before
Feb. 17-59.

.tad it might well be that the first Christopher Wiegner had died very
shortly after arriving in Pennsylvania which would account for the descendant
of Judge David Wagnerwho traced his line, stating that "The 'Widow Anne ?/agner with
two sons, Christopher and David, came to Pennsylvania from Silesia". The ships'
lists where not available when he wrote his account of Judge David's line - or
else he did not know about them.

Christopher(1) Wiegner must have had some interest in that land, or his
Widow Anna would not have had to confirm the transfer of it.

The next transfer of this land was made, 29 April 1769 - from
Christopher(2) Wagner, weaver, and his wife Anna(Jackel) to their son Christopher(5),
yeoman - both Christophers then being "of Lower Salford in the c ounty of Philadelphia"
This deed was acknowledged by Christopher(2) and tana his wife, 19 Dec. 1771.
The deed was for the full 106 acres.

Next: 24 June 1776,"Christopher Weegner Jr., of Springfield Township

Bucks County, Miller" and "Catharine his Wife" - sell to William Yocum of Lower
Salford, Phila. Co. - 50 acres in Lower Salford Tp. Go. of Phila - "it being part
of 106 acres of land which Christopher Weegner Sr. of Tp. of Lower Salford - weaver -
ma tana his V/ife under date of 29 April 1769 and intended to be recorded - did grant
unto their son Christopher Weegner Jr. party hereunto in fee" - with all Buildings
etc. "Said Catharine consenting, she being of full age"

Same date: "Christopher Weegner Jr. of Springfield Tp. Bucks Co, Miller and Catharine
his wife" - for £320. - sells to YJilliam Teunis of Towamensing Tp., Phila. Co.,
Gordwainer - 59_ acres (part of the 106 acres he received from his father Christopher- Sr, )

Brief of Title to above land - recited in both deeds:

Patent Book A. Vol.7, p.2 - Released (by the State) march 9th 1755, to Caspar Wister.
1073 acres.
Said Caspar Wistar to Baltzer Jekill - 170 acres - March 1734 ;
" Baltzer Jekill died intestate, leaving widow, one son George and 4 daughters;
" George Jekill became entitled to 2/6 parts thereof;
Widow Regina released released Dower - 15 Feb. 1759;
Said Widow and daughters released to son George;?
» Widow - mother of George ( release to said
and Anna Wagner of Norriton, widow, Mother in Law of said George( Christopher Wagner Sr.
23 Dec. 1743;
"And the said BaJ.tzer Jekill being at the time of his making the said
purchase from the said Gaspar Wistar - and also the said tana Wagner, also being
at the time of their making and executing their several deeds - aliens and not
Naturalized, the said Christopher^fekBis^ogbjar Weegener besought and requested the
Honorable the Proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania to coroberate his Title
to the said 106 acre Tract, they the said Proprieataries by their Patent dayed the
28th Feby 1745 granted the said 106 acres to the said Christopher^tfeegener in fee -
quit rent l/« Sterling pr 100 acres thereof. And the said Christopher'r/eegener granted
the said 106 acres to the said within named Christopher3weegener Jr. in fee, as by
the Deed within recited may appear".

Bo-h Deeds acknowledged by "Christopher Wagoner Jr" - 50 July 1776

(Phila. Co. Deeds - recorded at Phiiadel&ia)

John Jacob

Pttwae\ptea> - Cousins of

Sept. 12, 1945.

Mr. P.. V. Chamberlain,

052(0 U . of Utah,
Salt Lake City, Utah.

Dear sir;-

Your l e t t e r of the 7th received and noted and in reply I wish

t o say t h a t the name Waggoner i s not, as far as I know a Berks county
name, and I have no data concerning any of these folks even though my
cousin, Mrs. William (Alma Trivelpiece) Waggoner, of 1503 Avenue "A",
of Kearney, Nebraska i s married in t h a t family.
I was wondering where and how you got the data t h a t a Christopher
Waggoner lived at Bern, Penna. in 1783, for as I s t a t e d before a l l of
the folks around t h a t neighborhood go by the name of Wagner, and I p e r -
sonally knew many of them as i t was in t h a t neighborhood that I was
born and r a i s e d .
Concerning Buffalo township of Northumberland county, Pennsylvania,
I want to say t h a t I feel t h a t you are in error even though there may
be a township by that name in Northumberland county, yet I never heard
of i t ; I think t h a t you have reference t o the Buffalo Valley, which i s
a valley between two mountain ranges running from Sundbury, Penna., i n a
southwesterly d i r e c t i o n clean down t o the Maryland s t a t e l i n e i n Bed-
ford county, Pennsylvania; here many of the Berks, Lancaster and P h i l a -
delphia county folks came in those e a r l ^ days, and John Blair Linn had
compiled a book of the doing of these folks from 1755 t o 1855, but I
f a i l t o find any Waggoners i n those records, but as you w i l l note from
my notes enclosed herewith there were some Wagners.
The section t h a t was then known as the Buffalo Valley takes in part
of Union county and a l l of Snyder county, Pennsylvania, and as you w i l l
n o t i c e , in my notes, there was one Jacob Waggoner who died at Rapid Pain,
(now Cowan) Snyder county, Pennsylvania, on January 1 1 , 1828, and t h e r e
also i s a note i n Mr. Linn's book about t h i s man's house and Mill burn-
ing t h a t same year, (9/11/1828)
After receiving your l e t t e r I took a quick look over t h e l i s t of
immigrants covered by Rupp's l i s t of 30,000 names of immigrants t h a t
landed a t the Port of Philadelphia, and as you w i l l again notice in my
p e n c i l memos there was no Waggoner amongst those l i s t s .
I suppose the name Waggoner came about in a similar manner as what
did the name "Trivelpiece" for Dreibelbis, folks spelled as i t was
pronounced by the Pennsylvania Dutch f o l k s , as also was the case in the
name DeVilbiss, which also i s of the o r i g i n a l Dreibelbis family.
I make t h i s statement due to the fact that when you check the census
l i s t of 1790 of the s t a t e of Pennsylvania, you w i l l find many Waggoners,
or i/agoners, some of which I have l i s t e d on the enclosed l i s t of names.

And that seems to be the last of Christopher(5) Wagener in Philadelphia

la July 1776, he was "of Springfield Tp., Bucks County, Pa."

Did he go from Bucks County to Berks County? - or was he the

Christopher Waggoner who died in Philadelphia in 1805 - whose widow Catharine
died there in 1812? The Christopher of Philadelphia was a "Grocer" - he was
in the Philadelphia Directories from 1785 to 1805; there is no land deed in his
name, but his widow Catharine bought the house where they had been living, after his
death. Note; I rather doubt this Christopher Waggoner's connection, but it is
a possibility GO be considered.

There was no Christopher in Bucks County, in 1790 - but there was one right next
door in Northampton Co.

However, the Christopher Waggoner of Northampton County in 1790 -

with a John Tfeiggoner and a Philip Waggoner living close by, was probably the
"Jn° Christof6 Wagner, aged 40" who came in the Ship "Winter Gaily", Edward Painter,
Coroander. who arrived at Philadelphia and Qualified (signed Oath of Allegiance)
5 Sept. 1738. With him came a Philip Wagener, aged 20, a Johan Wagener aged 16 and
a Peter Wagener aged 16.

To off-set that; the 1790 Census of Bern Tp., Berks County, showss

"Christ1" Wagner Senr"

Cathn Wagner"(apparently a widow, as she is listed with a family of
1 male over 16
3 males under 16
(who coulo. have been widow of Christopher (,3) Wagner and so
mother of your Christopher who went to Horthumberland Co.)
"Philip Wagner"
"John Waggoner"

Note: Only by examining the records of Berks and Northampton counties can the
above be proven or disproven. F.M.Z.

An Abraham Wagener did go out to Berks Co. from Phila. Co. about that time.
I am very much interested in this work and would be only too glad
to help you in whatever way I can. but"I feel that you have quite a big
job on your hands when you consider the many Wagners that landed in
this country. Have you contacted any of the folks now living in Snyder
county, Pennsylvania? I find that at times one can do more in that way
as some of the older folks still have some of those old family bibles
in their possession.
Dr. Charles A". Fisher, F.I.A.G., of Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania,
would be the party who you should get in touch with, (that is if he is
still alive for I myself have not been in touch iclth him since 1942)
it was he who compiled many records of Wills, etc., of Snyder county
and I have several of his books and the names written in ink on my
slips enclosed was taken from some of his books.
If you have any plan of proceedure and feel that this matter can
be worked up I will be pleased to work with you in any way that I can i
but as I have stated before, you have a big job, one which will require
considerable travel to some of the court houses and there search the
records, for only in that way do I feel that you will get authentic
Trusting that I may again at some future date hear from you, I

Yours very truly,

Charles B. Dreibelbis,

1632 H, 59th S t r e e t ,

Philadelphia, (31) Pe

P. S. I suppose t h a t you have access t o t h e records of Morton L. Ifont-

gomery of Berks county, as well as of t h e other county h i s t o r i e s , i f
not and would l i k e t o have a {record of some of the work I w i l l be pleased
to copy same, same a l s o of the 1790 census r e c o r d s .

1 6 32 N. 59th St.

Philadelphia, Pa.
Phone 4083
/o- 3S

WILLIAM J. DIETRICH Lb^s t /$ / ^ ^ ^

OO \ T _ . . . L T -1f-1. O* * >^*/ " *
32 N o r t h Twelfth S t r e e t

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B O S T O N 8, M A S S A C H U S E T T S

January 25th 1946.

Dear Mr, Chamberlin:

It seems a long time since your letter of

October 19th - but it has been a busy time. And I have solved
your Christopher Waggoner problem. '•-.

It was November before I could get away on

my Pennsylvania trip - and I did not get back until three weeks
ago. Too much snow; delayed by it everywhere.

I spent a day at Montgomery County Court

House; another day at Northampton County Court House and half a
day at Bucks County Court House; proving and eliminating the
Christopher Waggoners I had picked up in Philadelphia last year,
to be quite sure that none of them had gone to Berks County.

I spent three days at Reading (Berks Co.)

going through all available Waggoner records (however spelled)
and there were many, both in Snglish and German.

In Berks County I found two Christopher

Waggoners who turned out to be uncle and nephew.

Your summary of the land deeds at Sunbury

quoted (with your letter of 5 Aug. 1945):-

"Michael Bright to Christopher Wagoner. Deed dated 2 Aug.1785,

recorded, 29 Aug.,1789.
"Michael Bright of Reading. County of Berks
Chr. Wagoner of Bern Township, county of Berks
100 acres of land on north branch of Middle Creek in
Cumberland Co., but now in Northumberland."

This land, by the way, was in the present Snyder County - originally
Penn's Township, Northumberland Co.

If only you had caught the "Christopher Junr"

in the acknowledgment of that deed at Sunbury, I would not have
had to do so much digging. Michael Bright was a land speculator
who bought up and sold much acreage in the early Northumberland Co.
His acknowledgment of the above deed states that he received the
purchase money from "Peter Fisher and Christopher Waggoner T un r of
Bern Tp. Berks Co". Which identified your man. Tho I had to
go to Sunbury to do it.

August 13, 1762

On. p e t i t i o n of Elizabeth Kramer, l a t e Elizabeth Wagner, adm. of Matthias
Waggoner, deceased, the Court appointed Christian Gruber, guardian for George
Waggoner, Frederick Reiser for Matthias Waggoner, and P h i l i p Adam Schersan for
P h i l i p Waggoner, children of Matthias Waggoner, deceased, above the age of 14
years, and said Frederick Weiser guardian of Maria Catharine Waggoner under
14 years.

P e t i t i o n of Jacob Waggoner, oldest son and h e i r a t law of Matthias Waggoner,

deceased. That said Matthias died 2 years and three months ago, leaving a t r a c t
of Tulpehocken Township, t h a t the widow i s s t i l l l i v i n g but married t o
George Kramer — t h a t the said I n t e s t a t e l e f t 8 childred — a l l now l i v i n g — v i z :
Jacob, George, Matthias, P h i l i p , Anna Eunnegunt wife of Michael Sauser, Catharine
Margaret (wife of Christopher Kern), Anna Madlena (wife of Michael Munch) and
Catharine aged 4 years prays p e t i t i o n on valuation, e t c . So ordered by t h e

October l b , 1773
Catharine Waggoner, abo%re 14 years — daughter of Matthias Waggoner, de-
ceased, l a t e of Tulpehocker Township, yeoman, chooses John Kicholas Kook of
Tulpehocker for guardian, instead of Frederick Weiser who through sickness i s
incapable t o f u l f i l l t h e t r u s t .
August 13, I783
3efore peter Spycher, Henry Christ, Gideon Meyer and Daniel Rathermel'Esgrs.

Petition of Catharine Waggoner — late widow of George William Waggoner of

Bern, deceased, that he lately died intestate, seized of considerable real and
personal estate, leaving the said widow, Catharine and 6 children, to wit. Eli-
zabeth, Catharine, Anna Maria, John, Michael and John Adam. Prays for guardians.
Court appointed Jacob and John Dundore, both of Tulpehocker.

Orphaus Court, November %, 1790

Petition of John Waggoner, second son of Jacob Waggoner, late of Tulpe-
hocker, yeoman, deceased, that petitioners father lately died intestate leaving
a widow to wit: Appolonia ana 2 children to wit: Jacob (since deceased) leaving
(2 children - John and Jacob) yet in their minority. The petitioners - Matthias
and Susanna (wife of Jacob Hook) -which said Susanna has since died, leaving
by her said husband 3 children as follows - Susanna, Anna Maria-and Catharine -
all in their minority. Elizabeth (wife of Jacob Smith), Catharine and Magdalena.

to think that Administration on this John Jacob's estate may-

have been taken in Lancaster Co. in 1760. It is not in Berks.
And there is a notation of an Administration of a Jacob Wagoner
in Lancaster in 1760 - with, apparently, no record of anything
but name and date.

There is no list of women ana children who

came on that Oct. 1758 arrival of the "St. Andrew" at phila. -
and John Jacob Wagoner is listed as heing among those "sick"
upon arrival -- but his wife and children were very likely with
him, for four or five of the children must have been born before
1758. The deeds of 1765 name seven children - all grown, married,
and with children of their o?*n by then.

The enclosed chart will show you more clearly

the family connections. This all reconstructed from Wills and
Deeds at Reading in Berks Co. Copied of Wills and Deeds also

You will note that Jacob"*- Waggoner bought

land in Northumberland Co. and that his sons Jacob, Christopher,
Jost and Michael later went to Northumberland Co.

You will also note, on the chart, that

Philip5, a younger brother of your Christopher, had a son Samuel;
which,is probably where the "kinsman Samuel" comes in. The
Samuel of the 1850 census of Tiffin, Ohio, could have been his

Would you care to have a copy of the German

Will of JacobS Wagoner? I think probably the original will
could be photostated, if you care to have it done.

By the way, the Catharine Wagoner of the 1790

census of Berks Go. - whom I thought might possibly be the widow
of the Christopher6 Wagoner of Springfield Tp., Bucks Co. (son
of Christopher^ and Anna(Jackel)) turned out to be widow of a
Jacob Wagoner of Berks Co. - but not, apparently, of your fa mily.
It looks as tho the Christopher^ of Bucks Co. with wife Catharine
was the one who bought land in Philadelphia and died there in 1305.
This Christopher's widow Catharine 8,pparently also died in Phila.
in 181?..

I had planned to stop at Lancaster on my way

back from the western part of the State - having gone out by way
of Reading and on to Sunbury from there, hoping to get my work done
in the far northwestern and far southwestern corners of the State
before heavy snow - knowing that part of the country of old and

Your Christopher Waggoner (b.1759jd.1841)

was a son of Jacob '-Waggoner of Bern Tp. Berks Go. and a nephew
of Christ opher%aggoner (b.1735jd.1789) a&so of Bern Tp - brother
of Jacob^. - therefor the n Jun r ". Any man of the same name in
the same town was "Junr" an those days - it did not have to be
father and son. These two Christophers were apparently the only
ones of the name in Bern Tp. at that period - and Michael Bright
would have known them as Senior and Junior. Lucky for us that
he called your Christopher "Jun1*1.' in his acknowledgment of that
deed - which was a very logical thing for him to do for the deed
was made out in Bern Tp,. - for it is the one thing that proves
his identity.

I examined every pertinent record of Bern Tp.

both at the Court House and at the Berks Co. Historical Society
at Reading; and all early Wagner-Wagoner probate records - but
they did not fall into place until I found that"Christopher Jun^"
at Sunbury. See enclosed chart.

Also, you give your Christopher a wife

Elizabeth when said Christopher and Peter Fisher sold their land
-to Henry Nearhood Jr., 20 July 1787. But I found no wife
Elizabeth mentioned in the d§ed;.as recorded at Sunbury. I doubt
if Christopher and Maria Elizabeth Rockey were married before
late 1783 or early 1790. The "Stoffelffegner" of Buffaloe Tp.
Northumberland Co. in the 1790 census - listed as "2 males over
16 and 1 female" would have been Christopher and Elizabeth ?fe.ggoner
and quite probably Peter Fisher. The census would not have been
taken until summer.

Have you any note of an earlier Shild than

Henry R. ha\ring been born to Christopher and Elizabeth Waggoner
between 1790 and 1794? There probably was one.

Jacob*- Waggoner, father of your Christopher'"',

was son of a John Jacob Waggoner who came to America in 1758 - in
the ship "St. Andrew", John Stedman, Master, arriving at Philadelphia
27 Oct. 1758. He took the Oath of Allegiance to America the same
day. (This was the same ship and Master who brought Christopher
and Anna Wagoner four years earlier, in 1734.)

John Jacob-*- Waggoner was a resident of

Richmond Tp., Berks Co. in 1746 (Berks then being part of Lancaster
Co. and not set off as Berks Co. until 1752). He was of Bern Tp.,
Berks Co. when he deeded lands to his sons Jacob^and Christopher"~
in fey? 1760; which lands were confirmed to said Jacob and Christopher
by their brothers and sisters in June 1765 - the father having died
in the meantime, before the deeds were recorded. I am inclined

and not liking to drive in snow as I used tot - but there was
more to be done than I had expected, and I was delayed all the
way back by storms. So I did not stop at Lancaster, knowing
that we had transcripts of all Lancaster Co. Wills in Philadelphia.

Of your Hockeys:- Maria Elizabeth Rockey

(1766-1845), wife of Christopher^ Waggoner(JacobS, John Jacobl)
was, according to your records, daughter of a Henry Rockey.

I found that a Henry Rockey of Bart Tp.,

Lancaster Co. (Will dated: 19 Nov. 1789; proved: 1 Feb. 1720)
left a wife Elizabeth; sons: Jacob, George, Henry£» William,
Frederick, John and Philip - and one daughter, Barbara who had
married .... Lotman. Executors: sons Philip and Henry.

Of these - sons Jacob, George, William and

John apparently went to Northumberland Co. If Philip went, be
retuened to Lancaster Co. where he died in 1809.

HenryS t son of the above Henry Rockey, was

in all likelihood the father of your Maria Elizabeth Rockey who
married Christopher Waggoner. This Henry£ apparently died in
Lancaster Co. in 1796. An Administration of a Henry Rockey of
Lancaster Co. is noted in 1796, with no details. I have written
to see what can be done by mail. But your Maria Elizabeth's
father would pretty nearly have to be this Henrv§ He is the
only one there is, apparently, who could be. And the connection
with Northumberland Co. is there; Elizabeth could have been
visiting relatives in Northumberland Co. when she met Christopher
Waggoner. I am sorry I could not stop to do Deeds when I came
through Lancaster, but snow was too heavy and only the main
highway - blocks north of the Court House - was open. One kept
on it - and kept going.

The first Henry Rockey, who died 1789/90,

was probably the pioneer of the family. I found in Philadelphia,
in "Pennsylvania Statutes at Large"; Vol.7, p.l54:i-

"An Act for Raising by way of Lottery the Sum of

£495.19. to be applied to the payment of the Arrears of
Debt Due for the Building and Finishing the German
Lutheran Church in Earl Tp. in Lancaster County, and
Towards the Erecting and Building A School House to the
same Church that Henry Rockey (and seven others) of
Lancaster Co. Gentlemen, shall be and they are hereby
appointed managers & directors of the lottery hereby
instituted." passed 20 fey 1767.

O.K. now, tho, if I am careful, so I hope to get over there

the first of the week.

Sincerely yours,

Mrs. John Irwin Zerbe.

Earl and Bart Townships adjoined, in the early days of the county -
before they were cut up into smaller sections.

On your Parkesz- I stopped at Elemington,

New Jersey, on my way out, to see what I could pick up on the
Parks; and stopped at Trenton on the way back, for the same

There was nothing at Fiemington of any value.

Too much of that part of New Jersey was burned during the Revo-
lutionary War period - and all of the older records still in
existence have been deposited at Trenton.

As you say, the probate records at Trenton

did not look promising - but some early Parke land deeds are
there. I copied for you the first deed of purchase by Rogeri
Parke - made while he was still in England, before coming to
this country. This is dated 1682 and proves just where, in
England, he came from. He arrived in this country sometime
before Nov. 1686 - shown by the deed of sale of the above land -
and bought what is ordinarily known as the "Parke Tract" in
Burlington Co. in 1697, fifteen years after his first purchase.

Would you care to have a photostat of that

first deed - or rather, the record of it in the old 1st Book ofi
Deeds - to include in your life of John R. Parke? It is small;
quaint but clear Old English script; and would be an interesting
note to prove the origin of your American Parkes. A photostat
cam be made, if you like. I asked about it while I was there r
They will photostat any of the early deed- entries for fifty cents;
and when the writing is very small will "blow-up" a readable
copy f or j^i^-ty cents extra. The blown-up copies can be read
without a magnifying glasj, which many of the early entries cannot.

You asked about Zebulon%»arke, brother of

John^ who married Charity Stout. He settled in Westmoreland
County, Pa. - out in the southwest part of the State. Went out
there after the Revolutionary War, in which he served for four
years; is shown there in the 1790 census; and died there in 1846,
on the farm in Donegal Tp. where he had lived for over fifty years.
Both he and his wife (Jane Burris) are buried in the Pleasant •
Grove Churchyard, in the present Cook Tp. formerly part of Donegal.

I enclose the Waggoner chart and transcripts

of pertinent Berks and Northumberland County Deeds, and Berks Co.
Wills; also early Roger Parke land deeds: and will try to forward
further Parke and Stout data the first of next Tfeek. There is
one thing I want to check by records we have at the Library, and
I have been laid up with a bit of "flu" ever since my return so
have not yet been able to get in to so any work. Doctor says

Berks County, Pa. - probate Records (Vol.1, p.35)

George Wagoner of Winsor in County of Berks - yeoman

dated: 17 Aug. 1760

proved: 2£ Sept.1760

Executors to sell "my Improvement on 'which I now Live in said Winsor Tp. -
with all or as much of my Moveables as shall be sufficient"

My wife - shall have 1/3 of Moveables -

likewise the Provides of my Land and part of Crist Miil in
the Township of Bern in said county until my youngest
Child has arrived to IS years -

Children to have estate in equal shares.

Executors: my beloved wife Anna Maria

and my two Brothers Jost Wagoner and Jacob Wagoner.

Witnesses: Jacob Wagoner

Bernhart Fohr
Conrath Adam
Berks County, Pa. - Probate Records. (A:417) ana (3:296)

Original ?*!ill written in German.

From Saglish translation filed with it:-

Jacob Wagner in Bern Town ship - farmer

dated: 10 June 17S9

proved: 18 June 1800
Beloved wife Magdalena - whole use and benefit of house where I now live, etc.
Son Michael - plantation on which he now lives - 200 acres.
Son John George - land I gave him a deed of this day - 150 acres
Son Philip - land I gave him a deed of this day - 200 acres
(3 above sons - all the Smith's tools etc.)
Sons: Jacob (
Christopher ( each £20Q,
John (
Jost (
Daughters: Anna Maria wife of William Deinwent
Margareta wife of George Reachler
Magdalena wife of Godfrey Leikel

"Residue in equal shares to my ten children"

"Should I not sell my Land in Northumberland County in my Life Time,
then my Executors shall sell same."

Executorst my two sons: Michael and John George.

Witnesses: Henry Gottel
Conrad Walter

Berks Count y, Pa. - Probate Records

Philip Wagner - of Bern Tp.

dated: 18 Dec. 1799

proveS:' 10 Men. 1800

To wife Christina - maintenance etc.

5 sons; Valentine ( Plantation I now live on -

Samuel ( also 1000 acres of upland over the mountains-
Thomas ( in 5 equal shares.

daughter Elizabeth - £500. - etc. - when youngest son comes of age.

Executors: "I appoint as Executors of this my Testament and Will

my friend Jacob Himmelberger and my two Brothers
Christopher Wagner and Michael Y/agner".

Johannes geeman
Heinrick Gottel

Note: (F.M.Z.) "Over the mountains", in those days, meant land in Northumberland Co.
Schuylkill County was part of Berks, to 1811, and from Bern Tp.
there were three mountain ranges to cross to get to Northumberland,
The term was a general one, for Northumberland was largely settled
from Berks County.

Pennsylvania - Berks County: land deeds.

Vol. B 5, p.50. - 8 June 1765.

Jost Wagner of Ruseombmanor in the County of Berks in the Province of Pennsylvania -

yeoman - and Anna Maria his wife,
Jacob Wagner of Bern Tp. - yeoman - and Magdalena his wife

Herman Hessinger of Tulpehocken Tp. in said county - s.nd Maria his wife

George Lechner of Tulpehocken Tp - yeoman - and Maria Elisabeth his wife

Johannes Shuck of Bern Tp. aforesaid - joiner - and Margaret his wife


Anna Maria Wagner, Margaret Wagner, Mary Elisabeth Wagner and Catharine Wagner
spinsters and Daughters of George Wagner late of said Bern Tp. -
Miller - deceased -
Whereas JOHN JACOB WAGNER late of Bern Tp. aforesaid - in his Life Time, was -
seized in his Demesne as of fee of and in Certain Messuages and Tenements, Mi 11
and Tract of Land - in Bern Township aforesaid - and among them a piece or parcel
of Land - in the Township of Bern - Beginning at a Corner of other Land Late of the
said JACOB "WASHER - thence by vacant land - to a Spanish Oak - to a stone a corner
of Land late of George Wagner deceased - to a post thence by the Land late of said
JACOB WAGNER - to a stone standing on the Northerly bank of Kaufmans Creek thence
up said Creek on the several courses and Distances thereof - to another stone on
saif Northerly Bank of said Creek - etcS. - to place -of beginning - 140 acres and
part of a grist mill thereon erected with appurtenances etc. And being so seized
by an Article of Agreement and settlement dated 26 May 1760 - &e the said JOHN JACOB
WAGNER did covenant and agree to convey the same to his son Christopher Wagner of
said Township of Bern, yeoman, and to our certain knowledge fully intended to
convey: the same But before Deed was executed the said JOHN JACOB WAGNER died.

SO - the above - for 5 shillings to them paid by said Christopher Wagner - hereby
convey - "(they the said Jost Wagner, Jacob Wagner, Christopher Wagner, Maria the
wife of Herman Hessinger, Maria Elisabeth the t?ife of George Lechner, Margaret the
wife of Johannes Schuck, and the above named George Wagner deceased being the children
of the said JOHN JACOB WAGNER Deceased)" - have granted - released etc. unto the
said Christopher Wagner (in his Actual Possession now being) - all of the above -
together with all Houses, outhouses, Buildings, Barns, Stables and Gardens, orchards,
meadows, pastures - etc. - etc. Subject to Proprietary Quit Rent.

(signed by all of above)

Acknowledged: 5 Oct. 1773
Recorded; 22 May 1777

(B 3:p.52) - 14 June 1775 - Wolff Lindermuth of Bern Tp. - yeoman - and Anna Maria
his wife, late Anna Maria Wagner - one of the daughters of the within
named George Wagner deceased - said Anna Maria since making of"above deed hath
attained 21 years - for five shillings - quitclaims to Christopher Wagner.
Acknowledged: 14 June 1773
Recorded; 22 May 1777
Berks County - Probate records

(Vol. 5; p. 273)- 14 May 1799 - Letters Testamentary in common for© - on the Will
of Christofel Wagner late of Bern Township in Berks County yeoman
deceased were granted to Philip Wagner and Michael..Wagner (Sons
of S°- decead) the Executors therein named they being first duly
sworn thereto. Inventory to be exhibited on or before the 14th
day of June next, and an Accompt of their Administrationwhen thereto
legally required which Will was on the 6th day of May last duly
proved by John Conrad Walter & Kenrgf Gottel, on their oaths
respectively, 'Witnesses to said Will.

Original Will written in German.

From English translation filed with it:-

Christoph Wagner - of Bern Tp.

dated; 1 April 17S9
proved: 6 May 1799

5for beloved wife Elisabetha - 1 acre of land where she pleases to have him p
food for 2.Blows and 3 sheeps.-
15 bushal Rye, 5 Bu. wheat, §. Bu. Indian Corn,
5 Bu. Buckwheat, 1 Bu. Salt,swith Flax. -
2 barrels Syder, 1 barrel Syder oil, if it gives apples-
5 Gallon whisky every year.
150 pound Meat -beef and pork as she desires it.
So much Kitchen furniture as is necessary to her -
and the Kitchen dresser.
A seat in the house, to live in which room she pleaseth,
herbed, her chest, a right to put her things in the
cellar, and in the Garret -
Every year 1 pr. shoes & one pair soles, 7 lbs. tallow.
2 years after my Death she shall have in Cash £100.
When she can no more work herself on account of old Age
or weakness, then the one who lives on the
Plantation shall do her work,
the wood must be brought for her tp the door & splitted -
The half of the under Garden is to her use -
She shall have 5 Barrels, the 3 d part of the Chickens & Egg
This hierbeforementioned is bequeathed to my wife Elisabetha yearly for
her sustenance and when she dies she can give the before mentioned Goods
and Money also the Cloathings to who she pleases. But if she could not
dwell with my son Philip Wagener then he shall give to her yearly £18. in
Money: she shall have also before the praisement 2 pigs.

My son Philip Wagner - the Mill, the saw mill, with all the buildings belonging to it,
also 250 Acres Land, for this he shall pay £1000. and this
by paying every year £50. till the whole is paid -
I also bequeath to him that land which I had in Companie
with him and wiiii Henry Gottel, for £25. g these 25* found
shall he pay in 9 years to Conrad Walther; so as I have given
to him today the right to it.

}£y son Daniel - shall have £200. more as one of my Daughters - the Portion for
the Daughters may be as it will, Daniel shall have £200. more.
| D - W+

Berks Comity - Deeds (5)

(BS:57) - 8 June 1765 -

Jost Wagner of Ruscombmanor, co. of Berks - yeoman - and Anna Maria his wife
Christopher Wagner of Bern Tp., Miller - and Elizabeth his wife
Herman Hassinger of Tulpehocken Tp. - Tanner - and Maria his wife
George Lechner of Tulpehocken Tp. - yeoman - and Maria Elisabeth his wife
Johannes Schuck of Bern Tp. - yeoman and Joiner - and Margaret his wife
and Anna Maria Wagner (
Margaret Wagner ( of 3ern Tp. - Spinsters - and daughters of
Maria Elisabeth Wagner ( George Wagner late of the same Bern Tp. -
Catharine Wagner ( Miller, deceased - -

Whereas JOHN JACOB WAGHER the Father of said Jost Wagner, Christopher Wagner,
Maria wife of Herman Hassinger, Maria Elisabeth wife of George Lechner,
Margaret wife of Johannes Schuck, and George Wagner late of Bern Tp., deceased,
and Jacob Wagner hereinafter named - was seized in his Demesne as of fee -
in Certain Messuages and Tenements, Mills and Land - in Bern Township -
Beginning at a post in a Line of Land late of George Wagner and a corner of
land of Christopher Wagner - by said Christopher Wagoner, S. 250.ft. etc. -
on the bank of Kauffman Creek - 140 acres - which hhe said John Jacob Wagner
intended to grant to his son Jacob ?vagner (by an Article of Agreement dated
26 May 1760) - but before Deed was executed the said John Jacob Wagner died.

Now - on above date - the said Agreement is confirmed to the said Jacob Wagner
by the other Heirs - as above named.

(signed) Jost Wagoner

Anna Maria Wagoner
Christophel Wagoner
Elizabetha Waggoner
Herman Hessinger
Maria (x) Hassinger
Geo. Lechner
Maria Elisabeth (x) Lechner
Johannes Schuk
Margaret (x) Schuck
Anna Maria Waggoner
Margareta Wagner
Maria Elizabeth (x) Wagner
Catharine (&) Wagner
Acknowledged: 5 Oct. 1775
Recorded: 22 May 1777
\ 0 ' (W

Berks Comity - Deeds. (2)

(BS:5S) - 28 Apr. 1777 - Frederick Gottshal of the Township of Greenwich, County

of Berks - yeoman - and Mary Elizabeth his wife - late Maria Elizabeth
Wagner - one of the daughters of George Wagner deceased - now 21 -
for 5 shillings - quitclaims to Christopher Wagner.
Ack.: 28 Apr. 1777
R e c : 22 May 1777

(B3:54) - 16 May 1777 - Simon Clauser of Carlisle, county of Cumnerland -

skindresser - and Margaret his wife - late Margaret Wagner - pne of
the daughters of George Wagner late jf Winsor Tp. - now 21 years -
for 5 shillings - quitclaims to Christopher VSagner.
Ack: 15 May 1777
Rec. 22 May 1777

(B5:54) - lb May 1777 - .Simon Clauser of Carlisle and Margaret his wife -
Fredrick Gottshall of Tp. of Greenwich and Co. of Berks
and Mary Elizabeth his wife -
(Said Margaret and Mary Elizabeth - daughters of
George Wagner deceased)

"Whereas the Hon. Thomas penn and Richard Penn by Patent (recorded at Philadelphia;
Patent Book A, Vol.14, p.126) dated 12 Dec. 1748 - confirmed Tract of Land in Tp.
of Bern, Co. of Berks - &58 acres and allowances of '6% for roads etc. to a certain
Conrod Beever in Fee - who, with Catharine his wife - 14th day of the 12th month,1752 -
conveyed to said George Wagner in his lifetime in fee. Said George Wagner and wife
Anna Maria - 10 Nov. 1755 - granted to John Shook in fee - 77f acres of saifl tract;
and - 12 Nov. 1755, said George and Anna Maria granted to Jacob1 Wagner in fee - 152
acres and 28 perches of said tract - with Messuage, Grist Hill, Saw Mill, Houses etc.
on the Plantation - the Tract of George Wagner adjoining.

And Whereas the said George Wagner possessed lands in Bern Tp. - one of j
them adjoining Michal Platner and Lucas Meyer - 46 acres & 121 perches (surveyed
19 Jan. 1750) one other of them adjoining lands of Conrad Reiff and Stophel Waggoner
containing 70 acres and 125 perches (surveyed 28 Mch. 1751) , and the other adjoining
land of said Conrad Reiff and land of Isaac Kauffman, Stephen Kauffman and vacant land -"• v
85 acres and 127 perches (surveyed to Jost Wagner in Trust for heirs of George W^iW^'.cMS^
5 Aug. 1765) -
And Whereas said George ??agner (alias Waggoner) being so surveyed of Residue
of said Tract of 258 acres - with Messuage, Mill and Houses aforesaid, and also the said
5 Last Mentioned Tracts of land - in his lifetime - his last Will (Berks Co. 17 Aug.1760)
conveyed (amongst other things) his wife should have profits of same until youngest
child reached age of 18 years - then Executors to sell or put his children in possession
of estate. Issue - 4 daughters: Anna Maria (Late wife of Woll Lindermuth); Catharine
the wife of Philip Faust; and said Margaret and Maria Elizabeth; his only children .
and coheirs -
So now - the said Margaret Rife of Simon Clauser, and Maria Elizabeth
wife of Frederick Gottshall - for £175. to each of them - quit claim to Christopher
Wagner of the Township of Bern aforesaid - Miller - the whole tract of land of 258
acres - with buildings etc.
Acknowledged: 15 May 1777
Recorded: 22 May 1777.

and Deeds at Trenton, N.J.

25 May 1682
B:114) -Indenture of Lease from Edward lulling unto Roger parke of Hoxham
in ye County of Nor thumb erland ±n ye Klngdome of England yoeman -
for goodwill and kindnesse which for the truth sake hee beareth
unto ye said Roger Parke - 800 Acres of Land (every Acre to be
admeasuard and computed according to the admeasuard demension of
Acres - in & by ye statute made in the S and 50th year of ye
Raigne on King Edward the ffirst) situate within ye Province or
Tract of Land called West New Jersey in America to be allotted
and set out in such place and places or parts of the said Province
as doo properly belong and appertaine and are reserved to and for
ye proper use and behoofe of ye said Edward Bylling his heirs &
Assignes A M all and singular the Royalties mines minerals
ffishings ffowling huntings hawkings ffranchises yt fitts - unto
ye said Edward two Hundreds Acres belonging.

(signed) Edward Bylling

Witnesses: John Brewster
Herb* Springett
Ben Griffith

And ordered to be Recorded by Will32 Biddle - Justice.

:114) - By Indenture bearing date 11 of ye Nyneth Moneth called November

1686 - made from Roger parke formerly of Hoxham in Z£ County of
.Northumberland in y_e Kingdom of England, now of Crosgwicks Greek
in. ye Province of West Jersey - yeoman - to John Watkins of
Middlebrooke in ye fourth tenth in ye Province aforesaid - yeoman -
for £91. current money within sd Province - sells 200 acres in
Province of West Jersey - granted by Edward Bylling.

:117): 13th of 11 mo. 1686. - Roger Parke of Crosswicks Creeke in ye Province

of,West Jersey - yeoman - for £6.16. buys of Anthony Woodhouse of the
I s tenth in ye Province of West Jersey - yeoman - one g and 50 t h of
a property - 150 acres - taken up by the said Anthony for his first
settlement (except the town lott in Burlington purchased by said
Anthony in 1681).
/<? - f t &

Land Deeds a t Trenton, R.J. (£)"

(B:59£) - IS June 1697 - Roger park of ye Township of Ghesterfield in ye.

Province of West Jersey - yeoman - for £40. of s i l v e r money -
hflggg, of Thomas Revell of ye Town and County of Burlington -
pr©v4s&e of West New Jersey - 400 acres - above ye f f a l l s of
Delaware River within said West New Jersey province.

(B:627) - 9 Aug. 1698 - Thomas Revell of Burlington in ye Province of

West Jersey - Gent. - for £10. s e l l s t o Anne Park - p a r t of
Tract of 50,000 a c r e s , adjoining to land of Roger Park (father
of sd Anne) - a t a certain place called Wissaraenson - also
adjoining land of John and Roger Park (Brothers of sd Anne) -
above the f f a l l s of Delaware -

(B:648) - 16 June 1691 - John Park bought 500 a c r e s from Thomas Revell.
jv- it%

Summary of Northumberland Co. Deeds (2)

to farming when he bought his land outside of town "on

the road to Jenkins Mills" - around 1802-5.

April 1798 - Christopher Waggoner of Mifflinburg buys part of Lot 9 in the

Town of Mifflinburg.

Dec. 1798 - Christopher Y/aggoner of Buffaloe Tp. sold 50 acres in Buffaloe Tp.
to John Bailey - one-half of a Warrant granted to said Christopher
Waggoner by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 14 Sept. 1792.
(wife Elizabeth also signed)
June 1799 - Christopher Waggoner of the Town of Mifflinburg - joiner - sells
to Peter Frederick of same - Warrant for 50 acres on Rapid Run in
Tp. of East Buffaloe - granted to said Christopher Waggoner by the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 13 March 1791.
(Peter Fisher? ~ F.M.Z.)

May 1800 - Christopher Waggoner of Buffaloe Tp. - sells to John Caufman of

same - 50 acres and 55 perches - one-half of Warrant granted
to Christopher Waggoner by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
14 Sep. 1792.
wife Elizabeth also signs.

April 1802 - Christopher Waggoner of Buffaloe Tp. - House Carpenter - buys -

fir £200. - 2 tracts of land in West Buffaloe Tp - adj. to the
## Great Lane
1 - 4 acres and 50 perches
2 - 4 acres and 40 perches

(NOTE;- probably the £200. which he received from his father's estate.)

Feb. 1803 - Christopher Waggoner of West Buffaloe Tp. - House Carpenter - buys
part of 'land and house in West Buffaloe Tp.

Jan. 1805 - Christopher Waggoner of West Buffaloe Tp. - one of the Executors
of the Will of Jacob Rockey.

Nov. 1811 - Christopher Waggoner on West Buffaloe Tp. - yeoman - sells to

Nicholas Kilhousen of same - 4 acres and 40 perches of land in
** West Buffaloe Tp.
wife Elizabeth also signs.

** These two deeds prove that all of the above transactions refer to
Christopher Waggoner Jun^ of Bern Tp. Berks Co. - who ceased to be »Junr"
when he settled in Northumberland Go.

Penn's Tp. and Buffaloe Tp., Northumberland Co., joined - and the
early Penn's Tp. took in all of the land in what is not Snyder Co. and included
that part of the present Union Co. below Perm Creek; Penn Creek being within
three to five miles east and southeast of Mifflinburg.

So it would look as tho your Christopher Waggoner did very little

10- ilfl.

Summary of li or thumb erland County Deeds "(3)

moving about; he probably always lived in the vicinity of Kifflinburg; you

will note that his first deed of sale in 1787 was witnessed by Samuel Maclay
and his wife Elizabeth Maclay - and that the tract of land granted to him by
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1792 (which he sold in 1798) adjoined the
land of Samuel "Jlaclay.

Deeds after 1815 would be at Miffiinburg in the present Union Go.

You note some of ;these. At your leisure, I would be very glad to have full
transcripts of the following:-

Christopher Waggoner and wife Elizabeth to John & Martin Dreisbach -

dated 1793 - recorded 1819.

Elias Youngman to Christopher Waggoner, both of Youngmanstown - 5 Apr. 1815

Fredk. Bartly & wife toflhxistopherWaggoner of White Deer - 5 Sept. 1817

John Wecht to Christopher Waggoner &SjEghn Montelius - 18 June 1818.

Christopher Waggoner & wife Elizabeth of White Deer to Geo, weeker - 5 Flay 1319
Did you find anything that would show when Christopher and Elizabeth
moved on to Mew York State?

I dicta ».t stop at Miffiinburg because you covered that ground - and
I had already identified your Christopher Waggoner by Northumberland:^ Berks:'0o.
records - but I should like very much to see how the above five deeds fit into
the earlier deeds of Northumberland Co.
Northumberland County Deeds - recorded at Sunbury.

(D:560) - 2 Aug. 1785. Michael Bright Senr of the town of Reading, county of
Berks - on or about 12 Sept. 1755 obtained a proprietary Warrant from
the land office to take up 100 acres of land, on the North Branch of
Middle Creek in Cumberland County - now in county of Northumberland,
since the division of said county - then paid the sua of £5. as part
of the purchase money - Now, for £12. of real specie paid to said
Michael Bright by Peter Fisher of Mahanoy Tp. and Christopher Waggoner
of Bern Tp., both of Berks county - yeomen - said Michael Bright
releases all right in the same - subject nevertheless to the remainder
of the purchase money, interest and quit-rent.

(signed) Michael Bright S1*.

Witnesses: John Tressbauch
Henry Tressbauch

" Received on the day of the date hereof of Peter fischer and
Christopher Waggoner Junr the sum of twelve pounds in real specie
it being in full for the consideration money within mentioned.
pr me Michael 3right "

24 Aug. 178S - signature sworn to by Henry Dressbaugh "original witneSsa

Recorded: 29 Aug. 1789

(D:561) - 20 July 1787. Peter Fisher and Christopher Waggoner both of Buffaloe Tp.
in the County of Northumberland - yeomen - for £10. - sell to Henry
Nearhood Jun^ of Penn's Tp. in said County - yeoman - all right, title
etc. to a certain Warrant situate in Penn's Tp. - 100 acres - It being
the same Warrant which was granted by the late proprietors to a certain
Michael Bright, an the year 1755^ and by the said Michael Bright, by
release of the 2d day of Aug. 1785 for the consideration therein mentioned,
granted - to the said Peter Fisher and Christopher Waggoner.

(signed) Peter Fisher

Christopher Waggoner
witnesses: Elizabeth Maclay
Samuel Maclay

acknowledged: 24 Aug. 1789

recorded: 29 Aug. 1789

NOTE: (F.M.Z.) - The above tract of land was in the Present Snyder County - the
original Penn's Township.
From 1750 to 1772, this section was part of Cumberland County.
From 1772 to 1815, it was Penn's Tp., Northumberland County.

Middle Creek runs clear across the center of the present Snyder County,
from the mountains on the western border to the Susquehanna River on the east.
The "North Branch of Middle Creek" reaches up close to the border of the present
Union County - which was the Buffaloe Tp. of Northumberland Co. in those days (later
divided into East and West Buffaloe and White Deer Tps.)
From 1815 to 1855, Snyder was part of Union Co. Did you find any interesting
land deeds at Mifflinburg?
/o -n1
Northumberland County Deeds - (?,)

(S:150) - 8 April 1791. Christopher Wagner of Buffaloe Tp., Northumberland Co. -

yeoman - for £45. - buys of Daniel Bernhard of Heidelberg Tfi,,Berks Co.,
yeoman, and Christina his wife - land in the Township of Buftfaloe -
(called "Lions") - &9 and 1/8 acres and allowances for roads - "It being
the same tract of Land which the Executive Council of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania by their patent dated 8 June 1787 - granted to said
Daniel Bernhard - recorded in City of Phila. in Patent Book No.8, p.481 -
10 July 1787" - with houses, buildings etc.

Acknowledged: 8 April 17S1

Recorded: 22 April 1791

(E:3SS) - 27 Jan. 1792. 500 acres - situate in Upper Bald Eagle Tp.,Northumberland Co.
"said to b& the property now or late of Christopher 'Waggoner or as such
returned to the board of Commissioners for sd. Co." - sold for taxes -
to Hugh Patton of Cumberland County - he being the highest bidder. (£16.)

Note: (F.M.Z.) Bald Eagle Tp is in the present Clinton Co - just west of

Lockhaven and Mill Hall.
Before 1795 this was part of Northumberland Co.
From 1795 to 1800 - part of Center Co.

Hugh Patton bought up a lot of other land around there, for taxes,
at the same time.

(G:575) - 15 Waj 1792. Christ1- Wagoner of Buffaloe Tp.. Northumberland Co. - yeoman -
for £15.10. - buys of Martin Sromart of Bethel Tp., Berks Co.. - clockmaker -
a "Lot of Ground in Town of Louisburgh in Co. of Northumberland, marked
in the general Plan of said Town No. 18" - fronting on Market St. - 66 ft. -
by 155 ft. deep.

Ack.: 15 May 1792

Rec. 28 Feb.1795

(G:376) - 9 Oct. 1792. Christ1* Wagoner and wife Elizabeth of Buffaloe Tp.,Northumberland
Co. - for £16.16 - sell to John Rockey of same Tp. and Co. - "a certain Lot -
la the Town of Lewisburgh in Co. of Northumberland, marked on General Plan
of said Toirai No. 18". - on North side of Marker St. - 56 by 155 ft.

(signed) Christ Waggoner

Witnessed: William Gray Elizabeth Waggoner
Jn° Hayes

Ack: 9 Oct. 1792

Rec. 28 Feb. 17S5
Northumberland County Deeds (3)

(G:577) - 11 Sept. 1794. John Rockey and wife Christina - of Buffaloe Tp. Co. of
Northumberland - for £26. - sell to John Metzger of Town of Lewisburg -
Lott No.18 in the Town of Lewisburg.

(signed) John Rockey

Christina Rokey
Ack.: 22 Sept. 1794
R e c : 28 Feb. 1795

(M:277) - 28 Oct. 1792. Samuel Cox of West Buffaloe Tp.. Northumberland Co. -
farmer - "constitute and appoint my trusty friend Christopher Waggoner
of the Tp. and Co. aforesaid - House Joiner - my true and lawful Attorney
to sell my land - in West Buffaloe Tp.\

R e c : 7 June 1804.

(G:410) - 1 Hov. 1792. Christopher Waggoner of West Buffaloe Tp-.tNorthumberland Co.

^ for £10. - buys of Elias Youngman and wife Catharina - Lot No, 185 in

corner l o t , and a l s o bounded on Cherry Ally". - .-.iuU Jonn S t . i t being

126 f t . front 60 f t . and lengt

of Elias Youngman and

I f e Catharine, of same - Lot No* 68 in Tovrn of
i side of Gsorge S t r e e t and John S t r e e t - & corner Mifflinsbure - on Nort:
iherry Ally. Front 60 f e e t and length 126 f t . lot - also bounded on

2 April 1795. Both of above recorded

.ter - and wire Catharina - of West Buffaloe Tp. - of Elias Youngasan - na

i - bounded East on Buffaloe Lane, South by land oi Lots Ho.2, 4, 17 and 1
i West Lane, Elias Youngman, West o

R e c : 2 April 1795.

(H:l) - 7 Men. 1795. Christop

# of Elias Youngman and'
•ife Catharina - for £74.19.6 - 9 acres & 135 perches
of land on the North s
.de of Buffaloe Creek ana on the West side of
Buffaloe Lane.

R e c : 4 July 1795.

ur lots of land being part of land granted to * Note; - The above fa

in fee - 1 July 1774 - who, with wife Rebecca, (F.M.Z.) George Nagel
» Youngman - S Oct. 1779. sold to KLia
Northumberland County Deeds (4)

(M:558) - 6 Apr. 1798. Christopher Waggoner of the Town of Mlfflinburgh - buys -

for £14.7. - from James Benn and wife Rhoda of Tp. of West Buffaloe -
part of Lot No.9 - 1 acre and 146 perches - by lands of James Black
and Elias Youngman.

R e c : 26 Apr. 1805.

(K:525) - 25 Deo. 1798. Christopher Waggoner of Buffaloe Tp. Northumberland Co.

and Elizabeth his wife - for £40. - sell to John Bailey of same place -
one-half of a tract in Buffaloe Tp - the whole tract containing 101 acres
and 6 perches and usual allowances - Warrant granted to said Christopher
Waggoner by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 14 Sept. 1782and surveyed
to him - said land adjoining lands of Samuel Maelay, Andrew Kennedy
and others - 50 acres and 53 perches.

(signed) Christopher Waggoner

Witnesses: John Webb Elizabeth Waggoner
G. Youngman

Ack.: 25 Dec. 1798

R e c : 9 Jan. 1799

(L:653) - 14 June 1799. Stophel• Waggoner of the Town of Mifflinburgh in Tp_. of

West Buffaloe in Co, of Northumberland - ^ojner - for £15. - sells to
Peter Frederick of same place - a Warrant bearing date IS Mch. 1791
for 50 acres of land on the Rapia Run in Tp. of East Buffaloe

(signed) Christopher Waggoner

Witnesses: G. Youngman
Adam Hearing
Ack.: 14 June 1799
R e c : 7 June 1802

(0:298) - 12 -May 1800. Christopher Waggoner of Tp. of Buffaloe in County of

Northumberland, and Elizabeth his wife - to John Caufman of same -
Whereas: Warrant granted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania unto the
said Christopher Waggoner - dated 14 Sept. 1792 - was Surveyed unto him
the said Christopher Waggoner - land in Buffaloe Tp. adjoining lands of
Samuel Maelay, Andrew Kennedy and others - 100 acres and 106 pei?ehesndnd
usual allowances of 6% for roads Now the said Christopher Waggoner
and Elizabeth his wife - for £30. paid by John Caufman - release to the
said John Caufman - one equal moiety or half part of above mentioned
Tract of 101 acres and 106 perches - Beginning as a white oak a corner
of Samuel Maclays land - etc - etc. - 50 acres and 53 perches.

(signed) Christopher Waggoner

Elizabeth Waggoner
Witnesses: Robert Holmes
G. Youngman
Ack.: 12 May 1800
R e c : 18 Mch. 1308
P' I'7''

Northumberland County Deeds (5)

(lff:55St>- - 15 Apr. 1802. Christopher ?|aggoner of Buffaloe Tp.., Northumberland Co. -

House Carpenter - for £2SS. - buys of Martin Imhoff and wife Rosina of
same place - farmer - two tracts of land in West.Buffaloe Tp. adjoining
to the Great Lane - by land of George Rote, Elias Youngman, James Black
and George Youngman - 1st tract; 4 acres and 50 perches - 2nd tract;
4 acres and 40 perches.

R e c : 26 Apr. 1805.

(M:561) - 7 Feb. 1805. Christopher Waggoner of Tp. of West Buffaloe - Northumberland

Co. - House Carpenter - for £100. - buys from John Focks of same place -
House Carpenter - his share in land and tenement late of Andrew Focks
deceased - in West Bussaflo Tp.

R e c : 26 Apr. 1805.

(M:543) - 5 Jan. 1805. Indenture between William Rockey and Christopher Waggoner,
both of West Buffaloe Tp. in Co. of Northumberland - yeomen - Executors
of last Will and Testament of Jacob Rockey of said West Buffaloe Tp.
deceased (7?ill dated 23 Feb. 1803; gx rs Widow, Wm. Rockey and Christopher
Waggoner) - to Christopher Eilert of same
Whereas Michael Shirt and
wife Elizabeth - 1 May 1788 - confirmed to said Jacob Roekey a certain
tract of land in West Buffaloe Tp (whereof the said William Roakey and
Christopher ?/aggoner, Executors, hare sold part to said Christopher Eilert)
on road leading from Mifflinburgh to Jenkins Mills - by lot og Elias
Youngman and lots of Widow Rockey and Jacob Smalger.

(signed) William Raekey

Christopher Waggoner
Witness: Richd V. Boskirk Exrs.
Ack.: 4 Jan. 1805
R e c : 23 Apr. 1805

(R:41) - 2 Nov. 1811. Christopher Waggoner of Tp. of West Buffaloe - yeoman f and
Elizabeth his wife - for £52.10. - sell to Nicholas Milhousen of same place -
tanner - - land in Wes'o Buffaloe tp. - containing 4 acres and 40 perches -
Bounded: N. - green lane
E. - lots of said Nicholas Milhousen and Michael Shock
S. - the Great Road leading from Jenkins Mills to Mifflinburg
W« - lots of said Christopher Waggoner, Richert Von Buskirk and
John Duiesbach,
part of* land which Abraham Rote - 7 Apr. 1798 - sold to William Collier -
and said Wm. Collier and wife Eleonora, 29 Apr. 1800, sold to Martin Imhoff -
and said Martin Imhoff and wife Rosina, 15 Apr. 1802, sold to Christopher
Waggoner, party hereto.
(signed) Christopher Waggoner
Witnesses: Eenry Yearick Elizabeth r/aggoner
Frederick Quteluis
Ack.; 2 Nov. 1811
R e c : 15 Apr. 1812.
- - nt
Horthuaberland County Deeds

(H:2) - 4 Nov. 1785. Jacob Waggoner of Bern Township, Berks County - for £90. -
buys - of George Smith and wife Ann Margaret, of Buffaloe Township in
Northumberland County - 201 acres and allowance of 6% for roads and
Highways - in Penn's Township, Northumberland. Co. - bounded by lands
ofMichael Schneider - Vacant land - William Green in r i g h t of Joseph Gross
Christian Long - and Herman Haussinger. I t being same t r a c t which
John Aurand and Mary Elizabeth his wife sold, 4 Sept. 1791, to-said
George Smith.
(signed) George Smith
Witnesses: Ann Margaret Smith
Michael Smith
Henry Gillraan
Ack.: 24 Apr. 1794
R e c : 4 July 1795

(H:4). - 25 May 1795. Christopher Waggoner and Jost Waggoner - both of Penn's Tp.
in county of Northumberland - buy of John Shock of Penn's Tp, c o . of
Northumberland, and Margaret h i s wife - for £106.15.7 - 71 acres and
50 perches "Neat Measure" - p a r t of two t r a c t s granted t o said John Shock
by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - 21 June 1792 (Patent Book 17, p . 2 0 6 ) .
"to said Christ 1 " Waggoner and J o s t Waggoner as Tenants in Common and not
as Joint Tenants".
(signed) Johannefi Shuck
Margareth (x) Shuck
Ack.: 25 May 1795
R e c : 4 July 1795

(L:47) - 26 Sept. 1799. Jacob Wagner of Bern Township, county of Berks - yeoman -
for £140. in gold and s i l v e r money - s e l l s t o Yost Wagner of said Bern Tp.
yeoman - a l l t h a t certain t r a c t of land in Penn's T p . , Northumberland Co.
201 acres - which said Jacob Wagner bought of George Smith, 4 Nov. 1793.
(Recorded in Patent Book 28, p.171)

(signed) Jacob Wagoner

Witnesses: Christian Bordig
Peter Orwig
Ack.: 26 Sept. 1799
R e c : 28 Sept. 1799

N0TS - (F.M.Z.) The above Jacob Waggoner of Bern Tp., Berkss Co. - who bought land
in Northumberland Co. in 1793 and sold i t in 1799.- was undoubtedly
the father of Christopher who married. Elizabeth Rockey.

I"e -jvas a l s o t h e f a t h e r of t h e above J o s t or Yost Waggoner who s e t t l e d

in Penn's Tp. The jiSQO census record shows t h i s J o s t to have been
born between 1760-17CC•- with 5 c h i l d r e n ; 1 over 10 and 4 under 10, 1800.
The above Christopher must have been your Christopher, too; there was
absolutely nothing t o i n d i c a t e t h a t h i s uncle Christopher^of Berks Co.
ever had anything t o do with Northumberland Co.
Herman"Haussinger» (Hessinger) married Maria, s i s t e r of your Jacob 2 Waggoner
Johannes Shuck (also writted Shock) """ Margaret, " " » « «
2 -j J5 r s -
* •» ? §
. - 3-| *"
* .
- i TJ *
v.Wfffl •*
tfi*5 %0-.rj*?$£.
, / v > 1/-
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aJ o h n KiQ-Cob Wei<?-ii.§o, W«#»ie'A,'W'^orfer-



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5?¥ *<£*<H!^^^ /1/W/ ^J.,.:*Y <%jL
O^H^- t ^*-t. T-gj
4 4-D-iqi

F. Johnston of Northumberland Co. sells to Thomas Parke, a physician

of Philadelphia. 4 July,1794.
Dr. Thomas Parke also bought land in Northumberland Co. from
Daniel Broadhead,5 July,1794 and from Richard Peters in
Loyalstoek Tp/ 1 Aug.,1794.
Goodman and wife sell lots 59 and 60 in Danville to Samuel Park and
Charles Carpenter, merchants of Philadelphia. 18 Septo, 1617.
Adm. of estate of Wm.R.Park,late of Madison Tp., to Caleb Thomas
26 May,1836.
Letters of adm. of estate of Samuel Park 19 Aug.,1865, to Andrew
Laubaoh. Late of Sugarloaf Tp.
Letters adm. on estate of James Park 19 Apr.,1806, to Elizabeth Park
and Robt. M.Lucas.
Will of John Park of Chillisquaque Tp, 31 Dec.,1859 gives children and
relatives as follows:
Wife Anna
Sisters ;Susan,widow of Hy. Ruber, and Mary "intermarried
with Alexander Park.*
Brother James and his widow Mary Ann.
Daughter Elsie "who has remained at home and assisted
her mother."
Daughter Mary,intermarried with James Park,aha her
following six children: Emma,John Wesley,Anna,
Frances,Judson and Catharine.
Son James and his children John and Emma.
Son Jeremiah
Son Eezekiah
Daughter Sarah, intermarried with Wm. Painter*
Eezekiah S.Park of Chillisq.uaq.ue leaves residue of lais estate to
his sister Elsie Park who is made executrix of will dates 28 May,
Estate of Elsie ^'ark, late of Chillisquaque,. Inventory 25 Mar.,1890.
Account by J.M.Park mentions payments made from estate to Jeremiah .
Park,Mary Park, James Park, John and Mary Park,S.B.Park and
LoR.Park. Payments are made to James,Mary and S.B. "as part
settlement of estate." Settled 8 Aug.,1896.
Charles Park, late of Point Tp. Adm, of estate granted 27 Jan., 1857,
to James Park, son of C^harles, and James Park, son of John Park.
Bondsmen: C.O.Bachman and John Park. Appraisal by Thos. Johnson,
Daniel Gust and John Park. Among purchasers of goods sold, Jacob
Park and John Park.
Joseph Prie2tly apsinted guardian of Emily C.^ark, a minor child of
Charles Park, Dec. 15,1865.
James Park, late of Chillisquaque .Adm. to Charles M. Fark 22 Dec.,1890
Purchasers of goods sold: L.H.Park,Mrs. John Park, widow Park,
Jerry Park,James Park. Payment made to C.M.Park for money advanced.
Thomas Parks and Elizabeth(Miller) Parks of Chlllisouaque sell land to
•/'• John Cumings(?) 51 May,179S, reeorded 16 Jan.,1809 .
( Elisabeth, late Elizabeth Miller, widow of Alexander Miller.
There are many later records of persons under names Parks and Park
given as resident in Cbillisquaque. The Thomas above probably the.,
Thomas of the 18G0 census
There were so many Parks in these farts, with names wllllam,John»ete*
so often repeated, that I haven*t been able as yet to digest the/data.
I am sending the notes on for such use as. you can make of theau

Charles Sexton or Saxton,unele of Charity,wife' of John ^ark, and noted
by; Sge as having emigrated to Penn. with the latter ,Col. f.Chamberlin
and others from Hunterdon Co,, evidently located un the Sbimokin region
There he bought land of Philip Snook,£0 Feb.,1796.
Also Charles Saxton bought in Shimokin T?. from Thomas Lightfoot
7 April, 1797. (recorded 31 Jan.,1801.)
Also Charles Saxton boughtV:&t Wm.laters in sunbury,l9 Kar.1610-
• (Recorded 22 Sept.,1817) . -:

In reply to your question, X do not have any evidenes astowhen and
where Christopher Wagoner married Maria S.Hoekey, but incline to the
feeling that it Sas in Sorthumberlan Co. after the Boekeys arrived there.
Henry R*Wagoner, son of Christopher, was born there in 1794 .This son
lived for some time in Tiffin but ended his days in Illinois. The mother,
born in 1776,would have been rather young for marriage before N6rt.days,>
% working hypothesis is that Maria SliEabeth Hockey was the;sister*"*>
of William .Jacob , John and George Hockey , The family story is>ihat
Anna.dau. of Mary Elizabeth, was prevented from marrying Abraham
Roekey, son of John, becauje of eousin/relationship. They seem all to
have eome to Horthumberlaiid at about the same time as a family group.

There was a Christopher Waggoner in Penns Tp. probably different

from our Christopher. •
On S5 May, 1795 John Shoek and wife Margareth sell land in ;
Penn';Tp* to Christopher and Jost Waggoner
loners were early in and about Tiffin. Thus,-:"
James Seward selis 20 acres there toFrederick faggoner Sept.1,1823>
-George Keck sells to Jaeob faggoner Sept. 3,1828.
David Bishop and wife Eliza sell to Samuel faggoner of the county of
William Marr and Wife s e l l to Robert Park of,Blo©m;££ Apr. ,1811..
S&:£ert Xttrita. s e l l s ' to $oha .^ark. -of' Bloo® fw* 90 ?«a .* 1801.
Daaiet Montgomery s e l l s .to. tm> B-.Parks-of flshlngvGfreek- if.. land .
In BantiHe. Montgomery and wife Ghristiaaa of Danville. 7 May.lSp.O*
William Park of... Bloom 3 ^ , eocYeys to. Suseeli and foka Park as .
trugt^es for f i l l i a ® Dualap Park,, a "minor o£.'Philadelphia, aged 9 5/4
years'*,' *£or #1.00 and affection for said itiaor^, -a "tjraet. of laad. :
••oa'M.s1iiag^Cre^k^k:;^v-v •-•";---V--v^'v- "'""'.•:•:••''' t^^^/:^-'-"a'^^l%" ;.'-V;''-v&^'S|
'^i^^j&jii^ Park; i^.^.i : :^^?.^>Jf;'^i^i^6ftft/';^
fitnesses! William Park and Lawrence Marr.

James Barb©? end wife to ia. %rks- .Land im Greenwood; % / * *ay 1834^ -:
.. reeorded 18 Apr.,1837.
Melieh-and.wife: eell to Da,• ^afks . 'lead on -Fishing-:%*: -6 fan., 1838/; .
. -•• •.
Peter "fehag to. -(^orge .Parks of'Bloom ^*Viiaad' in Williamsburg.15 June,
George W.Parkw.. sad wife to .im. Parks' #£ f i # i a g 0*. -.1??/ Lot J,a; *
Williamwburg.18 June ,1849
Johnson s e l l s to George if .Park#,-/,#f .SIOSHR, a l o t -in- Williamsburg.
| Apr.,1854. •
Letters of adia. issued to George I . and William L. ?arke oa estate ;/••:,
of William Parks of Fishing Creek $$. 4 Oet.,1850.
fill:fOf;George-:W.Parks of Seott ff ..»Columbiaveo*>:V5e-'ittgiii8^yMeuii'6a's,
<• wife Phebe, son-fid lags and brother James'.. \:~.'•'*." ' • '"••••;./• V'X.:

isdrew'i.;- Parks,late,of Fishing Or, ,%^./<a.,~w--W$*t§M&*!.-Lettera of f->..

adm. to A.T.Chapln. .^^ff^A-W^-^i^L:?4%%ty*&^fjX:.]:£--^\^&?:^£ . .; _
.iliehael • Howes .and-'Wife a s e l l to. Russel Park. :Derry, :ff. -23 ...Aug* ,1813. •
Witness: William Park. '
% • '•-
' '•'•- '•

Other Records.
- ......
•Im.H.Freed a n i :ISairgarite, his wife, s e l l to Jeae Park,.-widow of Wm,Park,
of 'Hiitoa,; a house aad"lot in MiXtoa t o t 86. Jaa £9,1881. v^:;f?/hv:"-V
Lawreh®e Huff , and wife • s e l l to .Margaret. Alcorn •' a&d•/111za :Ann s Park•;
land in Milton. June £1,1873. .':-':'

./iliza .'.Ana. -Park to: John • C.Kennedy;,- of-Milton frust'^aadvSf. ;a;e^.:;'0o,^'-:;:.'.'>:

executors of her estate. 31 May, 1904. fc^k^s^HS^aid^-^
Lawrenee-'iliiler-and-wife, of Mahoaing, •T*., «ell to Dr. Russell Park,
of Philadelphia. 19 KOy.,1800.
'-•'•: • ' <;'':: •'"•': "i -"' :"''\i:?-- y- X' -*^r. ;:."•:". •\ •• :\"V ."•"•• •':•'•!'.•:• }:SX.. • 'k-V^r-J: S /.:••'•• *•':•/ • ••"? .. V'-:"-t-- ••:
John isitehell sells to Robti Gray and James Parks (Park in body of deed)
laad adjaeeat to new Berlin. All jarties givea as of Sast Buffalo.
£ A?r.,1796
2 M-!
\; I think i t evident t h a t Jok^ Park was youngest of the t h r e e b r o t h e r s .
All t h r e e remained i n Sfcfcfi$lt-^l!JM^$1w$ &t6i$$£::

Parks-"of •'•Fishing Creek,Bloom T f . , e t e . . .

fkis. feraaek evidently had Philadelphia, eonaeetions,
. f i l l l a m Park and Sarah, M s wife, of B r i e r Or. *Tp. sonvey land t o fiear^-.
Jgeiiek. Deed dated 26 Aug.,1797; reeorded/25.Aug.,180.1-,"
Margaret Duneaa of Philadelphia • eohveyg t o J i l l i a a - P a r k e of Horthumb.
Co. n 4 c e r t a i n t r a c t of land e a l i e d * S t e w a r t ' s town, * on F i s h i n g
rCreek-..''.«,.in -.making Creek fp" Tract contained 255 acres*: Seed- dated '
SO May, 1795 and reeorded 11 Aug.,1795.
William Bark and %&?& hig ^f& q$%£ t¥&@$_§f lm& on Fi&klug JQ%&&k
s a i l e d Stewartstown to Samuel Park of .bity of Pfiiiadeigk.ia, yeomaa.' V 7
Billiam i s given as of Bloom Tp. 14 Apr.,1799, recorded Way 21,1799.
William Park ^ ^ - e e i l s '-part .:0f -tract Stweartston tov'Hokert:-Park-••'•
for 1/3 of produce from land during l i f e t i m e of William Park," i f
demanded." 1© Dee.,1600. Reeorded 29 J a n . , 1 8 0 1 .
Samuel Park and Christiana k i s wife s e l l to Robert Patton land i n
Bloom Tjp. All p a r t i e s noted as of P h i l a d e l p h i a . 24 Sept. 1605. •
•#illiam Park (Parks) deceased 9 Oet»»lS05, i e t t e r e -eg adm. granted to
kis:,widow Sara^. : :; . S u r e t i e s , Kathaa'>Fsgy: and P e t e r ..Soekafeller*-'-
In sale of b i s property among purchasers of items ?-ere Anna Parke
and John Parke.
im.iaarr and Mary: h i s wife: eonvey to.... William. Park J r . of Bloom Tp. •
:w .a t r a c t of land called ATonsmore s i t u a t e adjoining% lands of Robert
Parfc,Peter ;White-:ahd o t h e r s . " £9 Apr. 16XX ' "£v/ ~^)iV-^
iudwig -Oyer of Blbomskurg/Bloom'"Tp„+ deeds t o J f i l l i a m f a r k e l o t of
land in Bloomsburg :H0. •&,* M May, 1810.
Ludwig Ajer: s e l l s -to Aleataader J . Park a "lot "ad j o i n: i n g Bloomsburg". '• <:'
V;.; .'Recorded 26 June,1809. 'fitnesses:: John Park, and John .Ckamberlin. '•>
P e t e r and Henry Milliek -sel&^to William Park and keonara Lilly'';»•:;.:•'':'
- p i e c e of land * along t h e great road leading from Bloomsburg unto
Fishing Creek." 2 J a n . , 1 8 0 9 . Witnesses: S i i s a Meliek and Sleanor
• - Park.-;..-//• ' / • • - : • ; % • ' • " ; J ; ' : ^ £ S 3^i>^^Kii>v--:-'S^.-^'-; ? : ^M:i:M
:L.Oyer,atty. of John A.Oyer of Hamilton 5 ^ . , schoolmaster, t o JOhn'
^ark: ; of .Bloom; fp . . - l o t in Bloomsburg .Ho. 1 4 . -Deed: dated :i4K0v. S i p ? , •••.:.'•>•:•
anor'r©corded ,27 Aug., 1814. Witness: Joka Ckamberlla*
Sleanor Park' buys land i n Bloomsburg 10 Aug*Jfffif^ recorded;:28::.Kov., 1814.
Henry Meliek s e l l s land in Bioom $ p . t o John Park.of ::town of .Blodmsburg.
•-5;'Mayi'1819;';recorded ; • 3/ Jaa."i-I8gp'^v;v.- ^^"^^^r^".::-. ;-:r^
.'.,':/-: : : : " '•••'-.••'.••• • •.,•'•• :•''.'•'•:'••,••'•.:•
: ; l-'"''*^--- " '•••'•' " .-• - .:S^.»".\"'.- .,;».:. ";-••'••' '• '•'.••''•'.' v "• :':'*'\~"c;~.'' "'•••••.''..' ''v •'•'.'.•:' '-'~-/''•''
Alexander Parkley, w* veoaseat -Of.'father- William Park-ley-, In same ia- ..:-;-
strument, dates 28 Jan\# 1812 and recorded; 30 July 1818, the name is ,
also written Park. \ •; • -

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2 March 1784 - Administration on the Estate of William^ Park of Hopewell,

Hunterdon Co., N.J. (intestate) was granted to Sarah Park
his widow.
Bondsmen: John Hart and Joab Houghton, ox Hopewell.

16 Feb. 1764 - Inventory: £204.7.6 - taken by David Stout and Joab Houghton.

William^ Parke married Sarah Jewell (William^, Richardl)

Will of Richard Jewell Sr. of "Crambery1", Middlesex Co., N.J. (Vol.P, p.457)
dated: 12 Dec. 1756$ proved: 24 March 1757.

names only his children:. William

Jeaja s
to whom real and personal estate equally divided.
. Executors: Johanes van der Ver of Raritan
Lewcus Scanck of Crambery

•Witnesses: James Patton

Stephen V.Vdorhes

5 Feb. 1757 - Inventory: £124.11.6

10 Mch.1757 - Bond of William Jewell of Crambery, Middlesex Co. -

promising to abide by his father's Will.

Trenton Deeds - (Vol. D, p. 68)

4 Jan. 1687 - Richard Stout Sr of Middletown
i n county of Monmouth i n parish of East New Jersey - yeoman -
"for n a t u r a l love and affection unto my loveing Son Jonathan
S t o u t t of Middletown aforesaid - farmer" - grants land in
the l i b e r t y of Middletown commonly "known and c a l l e d by name
of Wanaraaness - on the bank of hope River upon a small point
of land now the south west p a r t of the aforesaid county" .

(signed by a cross)
Witnesses? John Bowne
James Bowne.

Jonathan2 Stout married Anna Bollen - daughter of James Bollen who was Secretary
of the province.

Jonathan Stout's Will - dated? 24 Nov. 1722; proved; 25 March 1723 (Vol.2, p.219,
at Trenton)
divides his property both Real and personal between
his nine children - of which Zebulon" was one.

Inventory of Estate of "Capt. James Bollen - (Secretary of the Province)"

was taken 27 March 1682.

28 Sept. 1682 - Sale of Personal Effects.

12 May 1683 - Administration on the Estate of Capt. James 3ollen

granted to Samuel Moore and Nath^ Fitzrandolph,
both of Woodbridge.

May 1685 - "James Bollen of Woodbridge late Secretary of

East Jersey" -*-

James and Anna Bollen, children of above, choose

Samuel Moore and Nathaniel Fitzrandolph as their -

(Showing they were then over 14 years of age - F.M.Z.)

Zebulen5 Stout married Charity Burrows "daughter of Thomas of Hopewell" (stillwell)

Will of Thomas Burrowes Jr. of Hopewellf Hunterdon Co. (Vol. 8, p.468)

dated; 12 Mch. 1756; proved: 26 April 1756
names: wife Mary
Children: Forster
Rachel, wife of Jonathan Stout
Executors: brother Stephen, and Jeremiah Woolsey.
'fy \F*.
Stout - 2 -
NOTB (P.H.Z.) I do not believe that Charity, wife of Zebulon stout
was daughter of Thomas Burrows of Hopewell. She was
more likely daughter of Thomas Burrows of Salem County,
N.J., who died intestate in Oct. 1752 - and sister of
Thomas Burrows of Hopewell.

John4 Stout married jjfebelfSaxbon, or Sexton, sometime before 4 Jan. 1751.

She was daughter of Charles Sexton of Hopewell;

grand-daughter of William Saxton of Freehold, W.J.

Will of Charles Sexton of Hopewell - yeoman - "stricken in years" (Vol.7, p.224)

— dated: 24 Jan. 1750/1 j proved: 15 Apr. 1752,

names: Wife Sarah

Children: Charles
Esther Rogers
Elizabeth Adams
Keziah Brush
Bathsheba Kill
Mabel Stout
Sarah, wife of William Babcock
Gr.-Ch.: Charles and Nathaniel, sons of son Charles
Child of dau. Hannah and Zephaniah P i a t t

He had a "home farm" of 160 a c r e s ;

land in Huntington Tp., Suffolk Co., N.Y,;
and other r e a l and personal e s t a t e .
Inventory: £228.1.4

f i l l of William Saxton S r . of Freehold, Monmouth Co., M.J. - yeoman. / v o l . 5 , p.219

dated: 12 Sept. 1752; proved: 11 Nov. 1752
Fames: Vi'ite Anne
Children: William "eldest son"
Executors: wife Anne Anne
brother-in-law Stringam Charity
son William Jemima
friend John Steward Elizabeth
Inventory: 28 Oct. 1752 - £215.8.5
included cooper's t o o l s
ana a weaver's- loom.

r',7 August 19-5 5.

Dear Mr. Chamberlin:

I have been off on a trip, digging into

records in various parts' of New Hampshire, ana found your
letter here awaiting ay return, the ens. of last week.

vrnat a nice time y;.-u mist have had at Sunbury

and the other County Seats; T am so glad you could pet there;
and you certainly gathered in a lot of information - but,
by having your Christopher Wagoner born in 1769, according to
his gravestone at Tiffin, Ohio, and by bavins him come from
Berks instead of Bucks County, Pa,, I am afraid you may have
separated him from the old Philadelphia County family of ?/agoner
which had the three Christophers in a row (father, son and
grandson). Maybe not, tho.

This 3rd Christopher, who received land from

his father in 17£o that had been granted to his grandfather in
1755. was living in Springfield Township, Bucks County in 177.1
and 1778 when he sold the land - and then he seems to disappear.
The 1780 Census of Bucks County shows no Christopher Wagoner
(of any spelling) in Bucks co.

The first, earliest Christopher(1) Fagoner

came to Pennsylvania in the Ship "St.Andrew", John Stedr?an,Master,
arriving at Philadelphia, 1?. Sept. 1754; and be brought with him
a wife Anna, a son Christopher(?•) asred Ifi years or over, a younger
son Melchlor, and several daughters.

C'riristopher(2) Wagoner married after coming

to this country and had a son Christopher(o) who sold the ancestral
land in Philadelphia County, after he had removed to Rucks Co.

It is quite possible, even probable, that

your Christopher VJaeoner of Berks Co who went on to Northumberland
Co. and then to Ohio, could have been a son of Qhristopper(5^,
but it lioes crowd aees a bit.

Christopher(2) WagoneB, if his mother were

born in 1395 (see enclosed notes), and he had an elder married
sister, which he did, could not have been born much before 1715.
He married, apparently about 1757/8. If his son Christopher(5)
were born in 1758/9, he could have been the father of your
Christopher born 17J59.

Ouite possibly the Christopher Wagoner Sr.

of the 1790 Berks Go. census, was the above Christopher (?.);
the Catharine Waenerof the same census could have been the
; V - a a /•

widow of Christopher(5) .and mother of the Christopher who went

to Northumberland county. We need some more work on that
Wagner family, to prove it.

Your transcripts of deeds in Northumberland

co. show that your Christopher Wagner was of Bern Tp., Berks co.
in 1783, when he bought that 100 acres of land on the North Branch
of Middlecreek "no?/ in Northumberland co.", and that he must
have been in Northumberland co. in 1789 when he recorded it.
Also, the second deed shows that he was living there in 1791.

The Northumberland census of 1790 shows a

"Stophel Waggoner" -(Christophel) - with Z males over 16 and
1 female in his family - ana living in the section I know to be
Buffalo and White Deer Ups.from other familiar names in the list;
so this must be your Christopher who went there from Bern Tp.
Berks co. 3ut all of the above "could be" will have to be
proved by Berks county records.

I have been doing a whale of a lot of digging

on your possible Wagener families in the past three days, since
I received your letter - going through all the ships' lists again,
and all of my Philadelphia notes with a fine-toothed comb - and
some old German newspaper^ records which I have just come across -
and there are too many Christophers around. •

There was a Jh" Christofe V/agener, aged 40,

with a Philip Wagener aged 20, and a Johan Yagner and a Peter
Watoener both aged 16, who came in the ship "Winter Gaily",
Edward Painter, Commander, 5 April 1738.

There was another Christof Wagener who came

in the Ship "Restoration", Capt. James Hall, 9 Oct. 1747.

One of these two, apparently, settled in

Lower Saueon Tp., Northampton Co., and married, before 1766, a
daughter of Andrew Filtzinger (who came in 1733) of the same
town. This particular Christopher, son-in-law of Andrew
Filtzinger, was an Innkeeper of Lower Saueon Tp. in 1755. (Found
this in the old German newspapers.) Andrew Filtzinger's will,
which I picked up in Philadelphia, names his son-in-law Christopher
Wagener of Lower Saueon Tp/ And the Northampton co. census of
1790 shows a Christopher, a John and a Philip Waggoner.

The other one of the two may turn ouc to be

the Christopher Wagoner Sr. of the Northumberland co. census.

There were also Vvagoners in Lancaster county.

,, And due to the fact that your Rockeys came frpm Lancaster county,


y'u '!
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it is quite possible that your Christopher Wagoner came from

there also. I still lean toward the Philadelphia County family,
but a doubt or two is creeping in.

The Germans from phila. 60. mostly moved

up into Bucks and Northampton, and many of their descendants
are there to this day.

The Germans from Lancaster Co. were the ones

who moved up into Berks (which then included the present Schuylkill)
Co.) and Northumberland, ana then fanned out westward.

Yes, more work roust be done on your Wagoner

line before I can give it the green light.

My suggestion would be to let me pick up

the trail from Berks County ana work back fi-ora there. By doing
that, we should be able to prove it, one way or the other,
I take it you did not stop at Reading? Records there are pretty
good, if one takes time to dig far enough - and there are many
early church records of Berks County to be found.

Have you any idea of the date and place of

marriage of your Christopher Wagoner to Sarah E. Rocky? ?;as
hor name Sarah Elizabeth? It as an unusual combination for
that period.

There were quite a number of early Wagoner-

Waggoners in Lancaster County: - an Andre?/ (probably the one
who came in 1753, aged 45y.) died there in 1758 j a Jacob died
there in 1760. And .an Adam Waginer was "of Derry Township,
Lancaster County" in 1757 (old German newspapers). He died ._/"
there in 1777. His will, at Lancaster, would be worth looking
up, for the Derry Tp. of Lancaster Co. of those days is the
present Derry Tp. of Dauphin Co. today - just east of Harrisburg
and only one jump from Middle' Creek in Northumberland Co.

There was also a Christian Wagener living

in Lancaster Co., 1748 - which is interesting, in view of the
fact that a Christian Waggoner was one of the purchasers, with
your Christopher fJaggoner, of articles from John Rockey's estate.

I happen to own a copy of the Index of Wills

and Administrations of Lancaster County, and in that I find
eight Waginer-Wagoner-Waggoner probate records before 1795;
eight more between 1795 and 1848i
. /\
Of the Rockeys, there are the following: _^.
William Rock - Adm. 1784 _.
Henry Rockey - Will. 17S0
Henry Rockey - Adm, 1796 ~~~~
/o -a-vj

Hockeys (continned)
Leonard - Adm. 1810 """"'
Peter - Will, 1824
Jacob - Will,183?
John - MID. 13 4 2
George Sr.- Adm. 1845
Mary E. - Adm. 1844
Jacob - Will, 1846

It is possible that you may find earlier Hockeys in Philadelphia.

The 1790 census of Lancaster County shows

that Henry and Jacob Hockey were then in Bart Township and that
a Philip Hockey was in Sadsbury Township. William Hockey was
in Northumberlandj a Windle Rocky in York Co.; and a Peter Rockle
in Northampton Co.

I have been working like a beaver ever since

you were here - and I am very sorry I was not at home when you
returned my notes , so that I might have had the pleasure of
talking with you again - and next week I sfcart off on a short
vacation up into the lake region of New Hampshire. I need it.
In October I plan to go to Pennsylvania - and now that the gas
ban is off, I am apt to stay over there for a while and do a lot
of real searching that could not be accomplished before. There
is always work for me to do over there, tho the majority of
this spring and summer's work has kept me in New England - and
northwestern Pennsylvania was "home" for a good many years.

In your work, I can pick up the badk trail

of your Hockeys in Lancaster County - where the records are also
good if one. digs far enough; go on to Reading, to pick up the
back trail of your Waggoners of Berks County; and then, if it
seems necessary, Sunbury is only a. short drive away. I shall
probably be going up into that country anyway, on other possible
work - tho most of what I need to do right now is out through
the lower tier of Pennsylvania counties.

Did you visit the little Genealogical Library

at Sim bury? I have picked up quite a few clues there, at various
times. We wont give up the possibility of the Phila. Co. Wageners,
yet; but in the face of those other Christophers, we just naturally
do have to search the records at Lancaster and Reading. So I
hope you will tell me to go ahead. The separate notes I am
enclosing aro all of the Phila. Co. family - ana it may turn out
to be the one your Christopher belongs to, yet. The Jakel end
of that family will bear more searching, And the records of
Montgomery Co - which was set off from Phila. in 1784 and in which
the Wagner and Jakel grants were situated. BUT - lat's pick up the
trail in Berks Co. and work back; then we can be sure and will not
waste time. <•
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v^<CCo^A5 , T o l/^a,ta UL*J<-AJ>- ?

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