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1. What are the techniques involved in using SAP supplied programs?

Do you prefer to write your own

programs to load master data? Why?
2. What are logical databases? What are the advantages/disadvantages of logical databases?
3. What specific statements do you using when writing a drill down report?
4. What are different tools to report data in SAP? What all have you used?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ABAP query tool?
6. What are the functional areas? User groups? How does ABAP query work in relation to these?
7. Is a logical database a requirement/must to write an ABAP query?
8. What is the structure of a BDC sessions.
9. What are Change header/detail tables? Have you used them?
10. What do you do when the system crashes in the middle of a BDC batch session?
11. What do you do with errors in BDC batch sessions?
12. How do you set up background jobs in SAP? What are the steps? What is an event driven batch jobs?
13. Is it possible to run host command from SAP environment? How do you run?
14. What kind of financial periods exist in SAP? What is the relevant table for
15. Does SAP handle multiple currencies? Multiple languages?
16. What is a currency factoring technique?
17. How do you document ABAP programs? Do you use program documentation menu option?
18. What is SAPscript and layout set?
19. What are the ABAP commands that link to a layout set?
20. What is output determination?

Question Set 2
1. Without using Tcode SE11, How can we enter the values in to the table???
2. What is the difference between Collect statement and Append Statement???
3. What do you mean by correction and Transportation system???
4. What is the difference between User Exits and BADI????

5. How can we identify User exits in our screen???

6. What do you mean by Inbound and Outbound interface???
7. In real time do we configure ALE systems or Administrator will take care of that??
8. How to release an object???
9. What is the flow of a Sales document???
10. What is the flow of Purchase order???
12. What is the flow of Invoice???
13. What are the standard IDOC's used???
14. What do you mean by table control???Where will we use this???
15. What are field symbols? Where will we use these symbols???
Questions faced in SAP interview:
1) What is runtime analysis? Have you used this?
2) What is meant by performance analysis? Have done anything to improve the Performance?
3) How to transfer the objects? Have to transferred any objects?
4) How did you test the developed objects?
5) What is the difference between SAP Memory and ABAP Memory?
6) In order to upload Purchase order details, how you handle multiple values for a single field?
E.g.: Item field may contain no. of values for a record
7) What is the procedure you followed to upload the data?
8) How did you handle errors in Call Transaction?
9) Among the Call Transaction and Session Method, which is faster?
10) What are the difference between Interactive and Drill Down Reports?
11) How to pass the variables to forms?
12) How to create a link between modified form and modified print program?
13) What is the table, which contain the details of all the name of the programs and forms?
14) How did you test the form u developed? How did you taken print?

15) What are Standard Texts?

16) What is the difference between Clustered Tables and Pooled Tables?
17) What is pf-status?
18) Among "Move" and "Move Corresponding", which is efficient one?
19) What are the output type and Tcodes?
20) Where we use Chain and Endchain?
21) Do you use select statement in loop endloop, how will be the performance? To improve the performance?
22) In select-options, how to get the default values as current month first date and last date by default?
E.g.: 1/12/2004 and 31/12/2004
SAP ABAP Interview Questions asked in IBM.
1. How do you call SAP script in reports & reports in SAP script?
2. What is different between SAP script & reports?
3. What is stack?
4. What is the definition of ALE RFC?
5. Why is BAPI required? How about BDC?
6. What happens if I use control break statement in between select & end select?
7. What is lock Object
8. SAP Versions
9. SAP Platforms
10. SAP Processes
11. SAP Modules
12. SAP Table Name Standard
13. SAP Vendors
14. SAP Certification
15. What is SQL Trace, how would you carry out performance analysis of ABAP code using SQL Trace? Give
the steps?

16. What are the transactions we should use in BDC? How do we use it?
17. How would you use BDC program to transfer material master record using MM01 transaction? Give me
18. Could we use ME21N transaction, and XK01 transaction, either which one of the transaction, or could we
use both the transactions for creating purchase information.
19. What is the name of the standard report that gives the details of Customer and sales amount?
20. How can we use XD02 transaction to change the customer data for updating KNA1 table? Give the steps.
21. How the transaction ME21N is used for to upload the purchase order in BDC?
22. How many transaction we can used in BDC at a time?
23. How the data get updated in BDC using transaction.
24. Why BAPI need then BDC?
25. What happen if I use control break statement in between select & endselect?
26. What is lock Object?
27. Select option works like _____________ on Selection Screen?
28. Which system variable have current value during execution?
29. What is the main point while using control break in internal table?
30. What is field symbols?
31. Smartform uses wisely then selection screen, why?
32. Which one is not an exit command? (Exit, cancel, stop, back)
33. Which component gives you better visibility? (pritty Printer)
34. Explain about roll area, Dispatcher, ABAP-Processor.
35. What is the final entry in BDC Table?
36. How can I get output on same page?
37. Why is Transaction Variant needed?
38. If I have table control, what is the same code in PBO and PAI?
39. Who takes care of passing the data to the application server?

1. When a program is created and need to be transported to production does selection texts always go with it? if
not how do you make sure?
2. What is the client concept in SAP? What is the meaning of client independent?
3. Are programs client dependent?
4. Name a few system global variables you can use in ABAP programs?
5. What are internal tables? How do you get the number of lines in an internal table? How to use a specific
number occurs statement?
6. How do you take care of performance issues in your ABAP programs?
7. What are datasets?
8. How to find the return code of a stmt in ABAP programs?
9. What are interface/conversion programs in SAP?
10. Have you used SAP supplied programs to load master data?
11. What are the techniques involved in using SAP supplied programs? Do you prefer to write your own
programs to load master data? Why?
12. What are logical databases? What are the advantages/disadvantages of logical databases?
13. What specific statements do you using when writing a drill down report?
14. What are different tools to report data in SAP? What all have you used?
15. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ABAP query tool?
16. What are the functional areas? User groups? And how does ABAP query work in relation to these?
17. Is a logical database a requirement/must to write an ABAP query?
18. What is the structure of a BDC sessions.
19. What are Change header/detail tables? Have you used them?
20. What do you do when the system crashes in the middle of a BDC batch session?
21. What do you do with errors in BDC batch sessions?
22. How do you set up background jobs in SAP? What are the steps? What are the events driven batch jobs?
23. Is it possible to run host command from SAP environment? How do you
24. What kind of financial periods exist in SAP? What is the relevant table for that?
25. Does SAP handle multiple currencies? Multiple languages?

26. What is a currency factoring technique?

27. How do you document ABAP programs? Do you use program documentation menu
28. What is SAPScripts and layout set?
29. What are the ABAP commands that link to a layout set?
30. What is output determination?
31. What are Idocs?
32. What is screen painter? Menu painter? Gui status?
33. What is screen flow logic? What are the sections in it? Explain PAI and PBO.
34. Overall how do you write transaction programs in SAP?
35. Does SAP have a GUI screen painter or not? If yes what operating systems is it available on? What is the
other type of screen painter called?
36. What are step loops? How do you program page down page up in step loops?
37. Is ABAP a GUI language?
38. Normally how many and what files get created when a transaction program is written? What is the
XXXXXTOP program?
39. What are the include programs?
40. Can you call a subroutine of one program from another program?
41. What are user exits? What is involved in writing them? What precautions are needed?
42. What are RFCs? How do you write RFCs on SAP side?
43. What are the general naming conventions of ABAP programs?
44. How do you find if a logical database exists for your program requirements?
45. How do you find the tables to report from when the user just tells you the transaction he uses? And all the
underlying data is from SAP structures?
46. How do you find the menu path for a given transaction in SAP?
47. What are the different modules of SAP?
48. What is IMG in SAP?

49. How do you get help in ABAP?

50. What are different ABAP editors? What are the differences?
51. What are the different elements in layout sets?
52. Can you use if then else, perform etc statements in sap script?
53. What type of variables normally used in sap script to output data?
54. How do you number pages in SAPScripts layout outputs?
55. What takes most time in SAP script programming?
56. How do you use tab sets in layout sets?
57. How do you backup SAPScripts layout sets? Can you download and upload? How?
58. What are presentation and application servers in SAP?
59. In an ABAP program how do you access data that exists on a presentation server v/s on an application
60. What are different data types in ABAP?
61. What is difference between BDC and Call Transaction?
62. Setting up a BDC program where you find information?
63. What has to be done to the packed fields before submitting to a BDC session?
1. Can we write the code/program inside sap script?
2. How will u create sapscripts & smartforms in multiple language?
3.How to execute sap script & smart forms in Background?
4.How to do total & subtotal in scripts & forms?
1.Apart from .include & .append how will u do table enhancement?
2.what r the events of table maintainence generator?
3.what will happen if i use projection view and maintainence view together?
4. I created ZEMP table now i want to add more data but prev. data should not disturb how can i do this?

1.How will u print footers in alv report?
2.How will u edit fields from output list of alv?
1.what r the fields u took during recording for mmo1,me21n?
2.If u want to do bdc for xd01 explain me how will be the flow?
user exits
1.what r enhancement points?
2.How to write customer exits?
3.what is routine? how it is different from user exits?
1. What is the meaning of ABAP editor integrated with ABAP data dictionary?
2. What are the events in ABAP language?
3. What is an interactive report? What is the obvious diff of such report compared with classical type reports?
4. What is a drill down report?
5. How do you write a function module in SAP? Describe.
6. What are the exceptions in function module?
7. What is a function group?
8. How are the date and time field values stored in SAP?
9. What are the fields in a BDC_Tab Table?
10. Name a few data dictionary objects?
11. What happens when a table is activated in DD?

12. What is a check table and what is a value table?

13. What are match codes? Describe?
14. What transactions do you use for data analysis?
15. What is table maintenance generator?
16. What are ranges? What are number ranges?
17. What are select options and what is the diff from parameters?
18. How do you validate the selection criteria of a report? And how do you display initial values in a selection
19. What are selection texts?
20. What is CTS and what do you know about it?
1. What is the typical structure of an ABAP program?
2. What are field symbols and field groups? Have you used "component idx of structure"
clause with field groups?
3. What should be the approach for writing a BDC program?
4. What is a batch input session?
5. What is the alternative to batch input session?
6. A situation: An ABAP program creates a batch input session. We need to submit the
program and the batch session in background. How to do it?
7. What is the difference between a pool table and a transparent table and how they are
stored at the database level?
8. What are the problems in processing batch input sessions? How is batch input
process different from processing on line?
9. What do you define in the domain and dataelement?
10. What are the different types of data dictionary objects?
11. How many types of tables exist and what are they in data dictionary?
12. What is the step-by-step process to create a table in data dictionary?

13. Can a transparent table exist in data dictionary but not in the database physically?
14. What are the domains and data elements?
15. Can you create a table with fields not referring to data elements?
16. What is the advantage of structures? How do you use them in the ABAP programs?
17. What does an extract statement do in the ABAP program?
18. What is a collect statement? How is it different from append?
19. What is open sql v/s native sql?
20. What does an EXEC SQL stmt do in ABAP? What is the disadvantage of using it?

1.Difference between Local Class and Global Class?
2.What are the Advantages of OOABAP in SAP Development environment?
3.Difference between OOABAP and other Programming Languages?
4.What is the Transaction code for Global and Global Interfaces?
5.Difference between Implicit Objects and Explicit Objects?
6.What are the Examples of Implicit objects?
7.What is Final Class?
8.What is Final Method?
9.What is the use of Creating Final Class?
10.What is the use of Creating Final Method?
11.What is Friend Class? When we use Friend Class?
12.How to Stop/Restrict Inheritance in OOABAP?
13.How to Stop/Restrict Polymorphism in OOABAP?
14.What is Inheritance?
15.What are the types of Inheritance?
16.What is single Inheritance and Multi-Level Inheritance in OOABAP?
17.Can we have Multiple Inheritance in OOABAP?
18.can we have Multiple Super Classes for one SubClass in OOABAP?
19.What is Inheritance Hierarchy?
20.Difference between Abstract Class and Interface?
21.What is the similarity between Abstract class and Interface?
22.What is the use of Abstract Class?
23.What is the use of an Interface?
24.What is the purpose of creating Aliases?
25.What is Abstract method? When we create Abstract Method?
26.What should be the visibility of Abstract Methods in Abstract class?
27.What should be the visibility of methods in an Interface?
28.What is the use of Constructor?
29.What are the types of Constructors?
30.Difference between Static Constructor and Instance Constructor?
31.What is the purpose of Destructor?

32.What is the Use of "REDEFINITION" keyword?

33.What is the use of "SUPER" keyword?
34.In Which situation we use "REDEFINITION" keyword?
35.In Which situation we use "SUPER" keyword?
36.Can we make Sub class as Super Class or not ?
37.What is the Difference between "Method" and "Constructor"?
38.What are the various parameters we use for Method in OOABAP?
39.Can we create method to have multiple return type Parameters? How?
40.can we restrict a method to have only single return type parameter? How?
41.In how many ways we can call "Instance method" in OOABAP?
42.In how many ways we can call "static method" in OOABAP?
43.Can we access instance attributes from Static constructor?
44.What is Type Casting?
45.How many types of TYpe Casting Exists in OOABAP?
46.Difference between Narrow Casting And Wide Casting in OOABAP?
47.Difference between UPCasting and Downcasting in OOABAP?
48.Can we Implement Multiple Interfaces in single Class?
49.How to achieve Multiple Inheritance in OOABAP?
50.What is PolyMorphism?
51.What are the Various techniques used to Achieve Polymorphism?
52.WHat is Method Overloading and Method Overriding ?
53.Can we use Method Overloading in OOAABAP?
54.How to Achieve Polymorhism in OOABAP?
55.What is the difference between CLASS , OBJECT and INTERFACE?
56.Can we create an Object for Abstract Class? if no, Why?
57.can we create an Object for Interface? if no, Why?
58.What are Concrete methods in OOABAP?
59.What are Non-Concrete methods in OOABAP?
60.For What type of Classes we create an Object in OOABAP?
61.Can we create an Object for Final Class?
62.can we Override the Final Method in OOABAP?
63.What are Exceptions?
64.How to Handle Exceptions in OOABAP?
65.Difference between Design Time errors and Runtime Errors in OOABAP?
66.What is the use of TRY-CATCH Blocks in OOABAP?
67.Can we have Multiple Catch Blocks in OOABAP?
68.Can we define Abstract Methods in Private section? If No, Why?
69.Can we define Interface Methods in Private section or Protected section? If No, Why?
70.Difference between "Returning Parameter" and "Exporting Parameter"?
71.How to call method if method contains Importing parameters and Exporting parameters"?
72.How to call method if method contains Importing parameters and Returning parameters"?.
73.In which situation we use "Receiving Parameter" in method call?
74.can we have Exporting Parameters in Constructor definition ?
75.can we have Importing Parameters in Constructor definition ?
76.What are CLASS Attributes or CLASS Variables? Static attributes are also called as Class
77.What are CLASS Methods ? Static Methods are also called as CLASS Methods.
78.What is singleton Class?
79.can we access Protected section Methods of Se24 class in WebDynpro ABAP?

80.What are the various components of a Class?

81.Can we Design ABAP Interactive Reports using OOABAP ?How?
82.can we access Static methods of class without creating Object or not? if yes , How?
83.If subClass doesnot implement all abstract methods, then THis class should be considered as
______ Class?
84.Interface is pure _________ Class?
85.What are factory Methods?
Static Methods are also called as Factory Methods.
86.Can Contructor return values?
87.In which Class , SUPER keyword is Used? and Why it is used?
a) Super class.
b) Sub Class.
88.What are the main features of OOABAP?
89.What is the Use Of "ME" keyword ? It's a Self Reference.
90.What is the use of ?= ( Type cast operator ) in OOABAP?
91.Can we Inherit Final class in Sub class or not?
92.Can we Call Constructor explictly? NO
93.What is the difference between "Public section" , "Protected Section" & "Private Section"?
94.How to Enhance the standard Class in OOABAP?

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