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The WSN Restoring Our Waterways

CROAKER Newsletter


Issue # 39

to this June/July issue of the WSN Croaker about what is going on, in and

around our local waterways. May slowed down for me a bit thank goodness with just a few major projects
keeping me busy. WSN-ROW Carp Report, WHS-CLC students working each Wednesday around our
waterways, Volunteers Appreciation Day celebrations (which I couldnt make ), the WSN-ROW nomination
into the Keep Australia Beautiful Victoria Awards judges visit. Also the 25 years celebration of OAK FM
Community Radio Station being on air on Saturday 23rd May throw in there SES Flood Safe Week Monday
25th May and that just about covers my Mays interesting month of volunteering. June and the first two
weeks in July were to be my recharge the batteries and keep warm time, but unfortunately the first week in
June I took ill and for 21 days my life came to a dead halt. That is why you are reading a June/July issue of
the Croaker as there was no one else to write all the articles and put it together,
the good news is I didnt lose my memory of what had happened (I know some
of you may wish I had forgotten, but to bad I remembered most things).
The North East Victorian 2015 Carp Conference
is on Tuesday 21st July and at the conference
Wangaratta Sustainability Network will be
releasing the report on their four year program
removing Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio, from
waterways in and around Wangaratta. Kelvin
Berry WSN/ROWs Fishing and Carp Removal
Coordinator will be a speaker at the conference
about the different methods used to remove the Carp and how to humanely
kill and dispose of them, information about the Carp Conference is in the
Events Section. You will be able to view the Carp Report on WSN website after the 20th July and
the report will also be published in the North East
Anglers August edition.
National Tree Planting Sunday 26th July is coming up and Remembering Tree Day is in
Oh such nice rain for all the farmers and to water all our parks and gardens as well as
giving our creeks and rivers a good flush out ( but a bit of bad news with the flushing
out of Councils stormwater system into our waterways, Around the traps is where you will read more
about that problem).
Some great events in July, North East Victorian Carp Conference 2015, launch of WSN-ROW Carp
Removal Program Report, National Tree Planting Day and in August Remembering Tree Day, you can
read all the information about these activities in the Events section.
Lets get on with the articles and some great photos
Pg. 2. KABV Judges visit
Enjoy your read.
Pg. 3. SES Flood Safe
Regards Di Farmer
Pg. 4. Around the Traps
go with it, fulfil your Destiney
Diane Farmer
Pg. 5, 6 & 7. Events - NE
Victorian Carp
WSN Restoring Our Waterways
Conference, National
PO Box 772
Tree Day &
Wangaratta Vic 3677
Remembering Tree Day
Pg. 8. Sponsors

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Thursday 14th May 2015
Busy day and my first mistake was miss reading the days program and I arrived one hour late for the
Community Pride Committee presentation in the foyer at the Council building (well it just goes to show
anyone can be done without). Then it was off to Batchelors Green for morning tea and the Liberty Swing
This is such a great project in such a great area. The swing
is for disabled members of the community to enjoy the
playground which makes them feel free to do what other
able people have the pleasure of, enjoying the freedom of
swinging on play equipment. Too see the little boy with a
smile on his face was very heart warming. Lots of chatting
and enjoying a very nice morning tea. Robbie Rae the
judge was very interested in this Community Government Partnership project.

GALEN BILLABONG PROJECT (now called Mullinmur Billabong)

Gayle South was the presenter and Ian
Minns (from Galen College) and Tony
Lane (from Wangaratta Sustainability
Network) were there to explain their
involvement. Lots of walking around the
area so Robbie Rae could have a good
look at this large project that still has a
lot more to be done to it. I got the chance to talk to Robbie about
the WHS-CLC students project down there which was building the
Turtle Track and setting up a global tracking system that is being well used by people visiting the area.
Although this project is in opposition to WSNs entry it is a great place in our own backyard so lets hope the
community keeps up working down there and making it one of Wangaratta Hidden Treasures.
Friday 15th May 2015

I spent a lot of time putting together a power point for the presentation setting up a display
and posters around the wall with Kate Coles help at The Centre. We had a great support crowd there.
Several teachers and students from Cathedral College, along with Tony Lane Chairperson of WSN, Kerry
Strauch Community Project Manager at The Centre did the Acknowledgment to Country, Glen Johnson
from DELWP and Andrew Briggs NECMA explaining all about the project and their involvement. I did my
presentation about WSNs Carp removal program starting with WHS-CLC students fishing for Carp, our
Carp Musters and the Electro fishing removal of Carp over the last Summer. By removing Carp from our
waterways, gives the Native fish a better chance to survive. After the presentation we all enjoyed a very
nice finger food lunch that Marg Pullen Wangaratta Community Pride Committee had organized.

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Gill Bakers thoughts on the day.

Robbie Rae, a judge from Keep Australia Beautiful, Victoria, came to The Centre for a presentation in the
Clean Beaches/Waterways category of the Awards, which is called Maccas Back from Extinction, the
Maccas being our once seriously endangered Macquarie Perch. Glen Johnson Senior Officer from the
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning spoke about the re-establishing of Macquarie Perch
back into the Ovens River and showed a 5 minute video that had just recently been produced about the
combined efforts of all those connected with this project, which included Government Agencies, Community
Groups and both secondary and primary schools.
Andrew Briggs from North East Catchment Management Authority explained how the works that have
taken place to improve the habitat for our native fish, such as Fish Motels and Fish ways are already having
positive affects on native fish populations.
Diane Farmer Wangaratta Sustainability Networks Restoring Our
Waterways Coordinator, who nominated the Macquarie Perch release
program in the awards on behalf of WSN and was the presenter on the
day, described all the Carp Removal Programs WSN-ROW have put in
place to start to rid Carp from our local waterways so our native fish
species have a clean waterway to survive. The Judge, Robbie Rae was
impressed with the combined efforts of Government Agencies, schools and
community volunteers working together to achieve a mutual goal.


Monday 25th May 2015
On Sunday 24th at 4pm some members of Wangaratta SES went to place some
sandbags around Yogi (the local flood marker and personality) in Apex Park ready
for the media release on the Monday afternoon. This was fun with competition on
how it should be done, circle or square (you had to be there to see the funny side of
it) but in the end Yogi would be safe if it flooded.
Monday 25th 1pm.
It was great to see so many people there local residents,
members of Apex Club, several of Council Management
team and a few of Councils staff and also Wangaratta
SES unit members. Sue Sheldrick SES Community
Resilience Coordinator displayed the new flood markers
one will be placed near the Sydney Hotel and more flood
markers are being planned for other parts of Wangaratta.
The new local Flood Guide for the Wangaratta area was
officially launched by SES Regional Officer Steve Schneider and will be
available on the SES website. The flood guide was put together with
the assistance from Council and North East Catchment Management
Authority and local residents. The final version will be delivered in
the coming months. It might take a while because weve got a lot of
homes and farms to visit, but its an important part of emergency
planning in Victoria , Sue Sheldrick said. Brendan McGrath, said
Council also has a flood emergency plan, containing the same
information as the new flood plan.

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Well I did a little walking along One Mile Creek near the White Street Bridge, Perry Street Bridge, Rowan
Street Bridge and Wareena Wetlands ponds and litter trap.
In March this year around Clean Up Australia Day One Mile Creek was cleaned up
and heaps of litter was removed by members of the community and the local Scout
groups and here it is only just over 3 months later and One Mile Creek is full of litter
mainly from Councils stormwater system just empting into the creek with nothing to
stop it polluting the waterways. Also when some members of the community have
empty cans of drink or take a way food containers in their hand when walking or
driving cross a bridge they cant help themselves and toss it over the side of the bridge. The lack of rubbish
bins along the walk/bike path doesnt help, but there is enough people complaining about that and have
been for years but it seems to fall on deaf ears.
White Street Bridge on the downstream site
bottles and cans caught up in the reeds and
lots of litter from the large stormwater drain,
which empties out into One Mile Creek on
the Yarrunga Primary School side. The litter
is spread all over the place down to the creek
and in the creek the pile of dead phragmities
litter has collected litter and is blocking the
Perry Street Bridge both sides of the bridge has litter everywhere but on the downstream side of the
bridge and all over the rock walls more large amounts of cans, bottles, take away food containers and a
couple of Coles trolleys So disappointing and gets me quite frustrated 5 years of requesting that Council
tries to do something to fix the
problem of so much pollution
entering our waterways. I am
thinking strongly of doing next
years Clean Up Australia Day
event somewhere other than
One Mile Creek so we will see
how much litter will collect in the
creek if it is not cleaned out for
a few years
Rowan Street Bridge Under the bridge there is
a large tree branch which has been catching
and collecting rubbish for several months (which
I have reported). After the last flush of the
stormwater system it is really piling up and I
think there is a wire cloths drying rack in the pile
(my mind boggles with how that got there). So
with 8 months to go till Clean Up Australia Day
(One Mile Creeks annual clean out by members
of the community) under the bridge will be
completely blocked
As for Wareena Wetlands it had a nice facelift last year,
walking path around it and some information signs to
read about flora and fauna as you walk around also a lot
of shrubs and different grasses have been planted but
as for the two ponds that are suppose to filter the water

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and rubbish that comes through the litter trap are not working. There is so much built up slit in the ponds
that they only hold minimal water and the reeds cant do what they are meant to do, the smell of the water
is horrendous and the first pond is full of all sorts of nasties, syringes and things like that. Why there is a
plastic drain pipe floating in the first pond fascinates me!
The Wetlands were a fantastic thing and it was great that it was constructed and built there but it only goes
to show you if you dont maintain something it will become ineffective and cause more trouble that it is
worth. So it is now time for Council and NECMA to have a real good think about what can be done to get
Wareena Wetlands working again as it should be or do they block the drain and detour the water elsewhere
and turn Wareena Wetlands into a safe bird aviary or a native fish nursery or something useful.


JULY Events:
The North East Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is hosting
the 2015 North East Victorian Carp Conference on Tuesday 21
July at La Trobe University, Wodonga.
Carp are a problem in local waterways because their feeding
technique muddies the water, making it difficult for native fish
species to breed and survive, said Lachlan Campbell from the North East CMA.
Were bringing some of Australias leading carp researchers and practitioners to our region because we
want to support local people who are motivated to control these underwater rabbits.
Speakers at the 2015 North East Victorian Carp Conference will offer updates about carp population
modelling, discuss the impacts of the biological control Herpesvirus, and share different approaches for
removing and disposing of carp. The Wangaratta Sustainability Network will also release the results of a
four year program to remove the Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio, from waterways in and around
Thanks to funding support from the Australian Governments National Landcare Programme and the State
Government of Victoria the North East CMA is offering free registration for the conference. .
This event offers people the chance to learn about carp life cycles and hear how groups within our region
and beyond are approaching carp control, said Kelly Behrens, Regional Landcare Facilitator.Were hoping
that farmers, community and Landcare groups and fishing clubs will attend. But places are limited so
people need to register by 15 July to secure a spot!
People can register at: or contact Kelly Behrens at the North East CMA
on (02) 6043 7627 for more information.
The full conference program is available at

Speakers Include: Dr John Koehn: Arthur Rylah Institute- Paul Brown: The Murray-Darling Freshwater
Research Centre- Dr Ken McColl: Invasive Animals CRC- Scott Raymond: Arthur Rylah Institute- Stephen Ryan:
Glenelg Hopkins CMA- Kelvin Berry: Undertaking local Carp control (Wangaratta Sustainability Network) Rachelle Armstrong: NutriSoil

To knock a fish on the head, use a wooden club or 'priest' with

sufficient weight to render the fish immediately unconscious.

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WHS Students Work Experience at the Centre

The Centre had a student doing work experience on the 11th to 15th May Holly
Wright. She worked in many areas from reception to assisting Jo Maples in
promotion and publicity. Both Jo and Holly came out to Oak FM Wangarattas local
community radio station while I was on air to find out what is involved in doing your
own program. It took me a while to entice young Holly to say hallo over air but she
did and when I spoke to her later in the week she said it was the highlight of her
week being on air at Oak FM. As another part of her learning she came down to
the Billabong project when the KABV judge was there and to find out what the
project is all about as The Centre supports this project in many ways through
WSNs involvement.

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There is always something happening to control feral fish locally and you can learn about current
programs and how you can get involved by checking out the Wangaratta Sustainability Networks
website: WSN - ROW are always looking for new members and
volunteers to help with our programs.
Diane Farmer on 0439020448 or
Kelvin Berry on 0407805670 or

So you know what these acronyms mean:Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
(DELWP) - North East Catchment Management Authority (NECMA) - Invasive Animal Corporate Research
Centre (IACRC). Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research (ARI). Wangaratta Sustainability
Network (WSN ) Restoring Our Waterways (ROW). - Keep Australia Beautiful Victoria (KABV).
Thank you to Gayle South, Diane Farmer, Tim McCurdys office and our sponsors

Family/Household/Organisation $10 per year

Single $5 per year

Student $2 per year

For more information contact:

Dr Rowan OHagan Secretary
PO Box 772
Wangaratta Vic 3676
12 Deakin Court
Wangaratta VIC 3677
Phone (03) 5721 8231

This Newsletter designed by the Volunteers at Community Skillsbank, Wangaratta.

Under the umbrella of

the Wangaratta Urban
Landcare Group

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