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System Requirements Document

Project Name: SKU Management App

Business Unit: Marketing Internal App
Project Team


Saum Noursalehi
Tyler North
Jyothi Anjuri
Mike Finger

Executive Sponsor
Product Owner/Product Manager/Business Owner
Project Manager
Development Lead
QA Lead


Document History and Change Control



Description of Changes




Tyler North
Tyler North







Initial Document
Added Requirements
Added more requirements and defined Flash Deal
first phase
Added more requirements
Added Requirements and Wireframes for the SLOT
SKU portion of this app.

Executive Overview

Proposed Functionality


Current Functionality/Issues




Out of Scope



Tyler North
Tyler North
Tyler North


Stakeholders & Interests

Unit Name
Merchandise Planning
Pricing Team
Promotions Team
Promotions Dev

Project Interest
Select the Slot SKUs
Organizer of Slot SKUs and Leaders from the Merchandising side.
User of the app
User of the App
Coordinating team to put Slot Skus on the Page.
Development team for the project.

Last Saved: 6/17/2014


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Project: SKU Management App

System Requirements Document


Use Cases
Use Case Summaries
Primary Actor



Release #



Use Cases

Use Case 1
Primary Actor:
Secondary Actor:
Main Success Scenario:


Requirements should include CS, Mobile, Social, Analytics, Design, Club O, Merchandising, Reporting,
Email, Promotions and any other team that could be affected or should be included as part of the
project. Internal Application adjustments should also be documented and planned.


User Stories

Iteration #



General Requirements
As a SKU Management App user, I need the ability to search for Buyer Name, Partner
Name, Partner ID, SKU, or Product ID.
As a SKU Management App user, I need the ability to search for Buyer Name, Partner
Name, Partner ID, SKU, or Product ID.
As a SKU Management App user, I need the ability to export my search results.
As a SKU Management App user, I need a way to tell which tab (SKU Submission or
SKU Management) I am on and which sub-tab (Flash Deals, SLOT SKUs, etc. ) I am
As a SKU Management App user, I need the ability to create a new Promotion, not a
SKU to a promotion, but a bucket that future SKUs can go into for a particular sale or
As a Buyer, I should be able to submit SKUs for any Promotion and should not have
the ability to edit any information on already submitted deals, this restriction includes
dragging and dropping (moving deals), editing start time, end time, price or costs, or
deleting deals.

Phase 2

As the Promotions Team, I need full access with all permissions within the app.

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System Requirements Document



User Stories

Iteration #



SLOT SKUs Submission Page

As a Buyer, I need the ability to enter SKU, Partner ID, Promo Cost, Promo Price, Post
Promo Cost, Post Promo Cost, Desired Date Range, Hot Product Quantity, and Notes.
As a Buyer, I need a calendar icon that makes it easy to choose a start and end date
for my desired date range.
As a Buyer, when the SKU and Partner ID are entered I need the thumbnail image of
the product, Buyer Name, Product Name, and Partner Name to populate so that I can
verify I entered the correct SKU and Partner information.
As a Buyer, when the SKU and Partner ID are entered I need to populate the SKU
option #s, so that I can see the SKU options that will be included in the promotion
unless action is taken.
As a Buyer, I should see a warning that lets me know that I will need to manually
unsource SKUs on the promotion date if I dont want certain SKU options to be
As a Buyer, I need the ability to Submit my SKUs for consideration in a Promotion or
Clear the form of everything entered.


SKU Management Flash Deals Tab Requirements

As a SKU Management App user, on the SKU Management tab I need to see all 12
months listed on the page.
As a SKU Management App user, on the SKU Management tab, I need the ability to
click on a month, so that I can start managing SKUs for that month.
As a SKU Management App user, once I select a month I should see a calendar for
the month selected, with dates on the correct day of the week.
As a SKU Management App user, once I select a month the app should also bring up
all Flash deal submissions that have a Desired Date Range of that month.
As a SKU Management App user, I need to see a count of how many records are
available for submission in the month selected.
As a SKU Management App user, the Flash deals submissions should include several
columns for display, these columns are Date Range, SKU, Category, Buyer, Price,
Cost, MSRP/Compare, % Off MSRP/Compare(The deal price is what % off of the
MSRP/Compare), Reviews Star Rating Average, and Notes.
As a SKU Management App user, I need the ability to delete a Flash Deal submission
so that it will be removed from the list and not ever deploy as a Flash Deal.
As a SKU Management App user, I need at title above the Flash Deals submission
that is clear what Promotion it is being added to (Flash Deals) and what date month
this is for.
As a SKU Management App user, I need the ability to drag and drop the one record at
a time into one of the months or one of the days of the month selected.

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System Requirements Document


User Stories

Iteration #



As a SKU Management App user, if I drag and drop a submission record then it
should no longer show up in the list of SKUs waiting to be placed on a date.
As a SKU Management App user, I need the ability to sort by the date range, price,
cost and % Off MSRP/Compare.
As a SKU Management App user, the SKUs in the submission list should be order by
submission time (even though I dont care to see submission time as one of the fields).
As a SKU Management App user, if I click on a day in the month the list of SKUs
submitted should change to a list of SKUs that have been placed on that day with all
the same details as the submission SKU columns.
As a SKU Management App user, once I click on a specific day in a specific month
and I see the list of SKUs scheduled for that day I should be able to edit Start Time,
End Time, Price, Cost and Notes.
As a SKU Management App user, I need the ability to drag and drop to create a new
order/priority for the SKUs listed on a certain day.
As a SKU Management App user, I need the ability to drag a SKU out of a certain day
onto another day or month so that I can change my original decision if needed.
As a SKU Management App user, I need the app to show me clearly the month and
day I clicked on.
As a SKU Management App user, on the calendar I need to identify holidays so that I
can plan deals in advance of the holiday in a way that will attract users to purchase
items for the holiday.
As a SKU Management App user, I would like to know by looking at the calendar the
number of deals for each promotion that are already scheduled for each day.
As a SKU Management App user, I should not be able change the cost of a deal after
the partner has accepted (DD_SITE_SALE_SKUS.PART_SITE_SALE_ACCEPTED =


Change History/Email Requirements

As a SKU Management App user, I need a place where I can find a log of the edits
made within the app.
As a SKU Management App user on the change log tab, I need to see changes that
have happened today along with a list of all changes that have occurred in the app
that are paginated.
As a SKU Management App user on the change log tab, I need the change log to list
the Time and Date of the change, the actual change that happened (What columns
was edited and its edited value), was the edited value was previously before the
change, SKU, Partner ID, Buyer, and Notes.

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System Requirements Document


User Stories

Iteration #



As a SKU Management App user I should be able to sort the Time of Change column
on the change log tab.
As the Promotions and Buying groups, I should receive an email at the end of each
day with a list of changes made within the app for the last 24 hours. (Submissions and
Deletions of entire SKUs do not need to be included.)

App should email a list of changes for the day in the late afternoon.
MSRP/Compare At should be brought in (from where).
Image should show up under the line items for both buyers and promotions
Review ratings should be given with an average number of stars for the product.
Notes section that buyers and promotions can see.
A way to communicate in the app would be a good thing from promotions to buyer and
other ways. Think about this.
Ability to deny or cancel a proposed SKU by a buyer and cancel a daily deal at any
given time.
Access to a history of changes with a timestamp and what happened would be useful.
Sortability by columns with if statement or mathematical logic that floats submitted
SKUs to the top when organizing for the whole month.

% off Compare/MSRP price. Remove anything lower than a 3 star rating. Sort by
buyer so she can evenly spread similar SKUs. Brings in Photos. Ron looks at it.
20th of each month should be the cutoff date for the next months SKU submissions.
There are exceptions to that and they talk to Brooke.
Additions of who added what and how many?


SKU Submission- Flash Deals Tab Requirements

As a Buyer, I need the ability to enter SKU, Partner ID, Fixed Cost (if applicable),
Fixed Price (if applicable), % Discount (if applicable), Desired Date Range and Notes.
As a Buyer, I need a calendar icon that makes it easy to choose a start and end date
for my desired date range.
As a Buyer, when the SKU and Partner ID are entered I need the thumbnail image of
the product, Buyer Name, Product Name, and Partner Name to populate so that I can
verify I entered the correct SKU and Partner information.
As a Buyer, I need the option to select a Fixed Price/Cost Deal or a Percentage Off
deal. (Percentage off doesnt exist yet, but will.)
As a Buyer, when the SKU and Partner ID are entered I need to populate the SKU
option #s and have checkboxes for each option, so that I can select which options to
include in the promotion. (This should initially be grayed out and not useable until we
get Percentage off Flash Deals.)
As a Buyer, I need the ability to Submit my SKUs for consideration in a Promotion or
Clear the form of everything entered.

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Project: SKU Management App

System Requirements Document


User Stories

Iteration #




Technical and Performance Requirements





Planning Factors




Mitigation Strategy






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System Requirements Document




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System Requirements Document


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System Requirements Document


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Project: SKU Management App

System Requirements Document


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Project: SKU Management App

System Requirements Document



Notes for Future App Enhancements

Email spreadsheets are how they obtain SKUs and deals from buyers.
App that type in the SKU information that would validate correct SKU information. Buyer would enter the SKU and then if
SKU was accurate then it would auto-fill all other information.
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Project: SKU Management App

System Requirements Document

There is a Teradata table that this app would need to link to.
See by buyer how many are complete or not.
Any SKU level promotion that changes a cost or price. This could include Daily Deals.
Partner agrees to it through Partner Compass and this app would verify that that is accepted.
If a SKU is in the slot sku then it should be auto-removed from a site sale.
This starts with Merchandising and partners who decide what the Slot SKUs should be and negotiate them for four months.
Each buyer has a certain number of SKUs that they must fill.
Analytics, Promotions, Merchandising must have access and each one should only edit and see information pertaining to
All SKUs are going a different percent at different times.
Meeting with Scott Nelson, Earth, Jessica, and Heidi.
This app should probably include Slot SKUs, Holiday Icons, Flash Deals and it needs to talk to GA App for attribute
purposes. O trends possibly,
Single source of truth, no more spreadsheets
Timely and manageable data manipulation
Problem: problems, changes, product flows sent to Heidi through spreadsheet
This app should update a static page and then be sent to FED for styling through Web Control.
Buyers start this process and negotiate cost decrease.
Merch analytics wants to propose a list of SKUs for Black Friday etc.
1. Time based SKU event
2. Inventory based logic
a. Or number sold (ex: sell 5 of these and then change back)
b. Remove off page.
3. Partner Funded some yes others no.
4. Rule different for each SKU
a. 1-one million

They need a way to organize and collect all the SKU information from the buying teams.
Do buyers negotiate cost reductions or charge backs?
Planning team determines number of SKUs and $ it needs to make. July. Last year they did sheets 10 SKUs, watches 25.
This year they want to have womens watches 10, mens watches 10 etc.
The pass it to buyers who gather deal SKUs from partners. July-November
Buyers send them to Scott via email in a variously formatted spreadsheet.
Scott emails buyers corrections.
Buyers then email Scott back with corrections made. July Nov
Nov 1st strategy changes because of executives and SKU changes are common. Buyers try to change SKUs because of a
number of issues that may be unavoidable.
Scott then tries to perfect the spreadsheet and receives endless changes from all over the place and tries to keep one
source of truth.
Scott gives it to Pricing team who then uses exactly what that says to put it on website.
Buyers then realize that some prices or other information is wrong and then we frantically try to change it.
EUI table is used as the truth because Scotts spreadsheet is imported into it.
Pricing team scrubs the EUI table used.
Pricing team needs to know what price and cost to revert to after the Slot promotion.
Buyers input short SKU and application should bring up all the options and force the buyers to choose whether or not to
include the options.
Pricing team executes the price and cost changes on the night before the deal.
Pricing currently checks to see if there are a number of things that are wrong or look strange. This could happen at the time
of buyer submissions so that it doesnt get all the way down to pricing without.
There needs to be a daily/weekly set of changes so that if prices, costs, vendors etc. change after initial submission then it
should send alerts.
Pricing must then have a visual check for these slots and then have a way to submit these SKUs to the website.
Duplicates at SKU should be ok but different dates are so we can have the same SKU with different dates or times.
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Project: SKU Management App

System Requirements Document

Buyers should be able to sort and filter or search for buyers to look at only the SKUs that deal with them or their partners.
Pricing at the end submits a CSV to Partner Connect, and the PCES for the price changes and reversions. Rich Hoyt could
possible connect to PCES and we need those two systems or we could generate two formatted CSV files that could be
Changes in SKU swaps or Ron and Lani would say to delete a SKU or add one then this could happen the day before.
Could need approval from Ron and Lani if a buyer changes stuff. Nice to have.
Pricing must submit all the price changes at full SKU level.
Marketing must have page that ready that is not searchable and make it go live at 11 after the prices and costs were
changed by 10pm.
Ideally they just need an interface that ties to the DB that is a submission form and data validation ability.
These fields should never be auto-populated SKU, Vendor, Promotion Price, Promotion Cost, Post Promo Price, Post
Promotion cost, promo start date, promo end date.
The ability to view what the customer would see onsite would be extremely helpful in data validation.
Heidi sent Ben the spreadsheet full of SKUs and the order of the skus for the page.
Performance of the page is a huge concern.
There was an attribute that kicked on O tag into action that organized the skus and
Changing the messaging was a huge part of FED and Heidi coordination.
SEO came in last second to throw in SEO content to make sure it is searched.
Last minute changes are hard.
FED wont be helped much by an app for this, but it would help the rest of the process.
See what the page would look like before they went on site in the app or be able to have SOLR update super fast so that
FED isnt waiting around.
Talk to Jeremy about LUNR
FED couldnt load test it until the week before and then they dont have time to play with it or improve it.
SLOT SKUs cannot be in a site sale.
When a SKU is in a site sale and then goes to a SLOT then we should define logic that allows us to bring SLOT SKUs on
and then goes back to the site sale after they are out of a SLOT.
Use Daily Deal functionality just need to pull onto a different page.
Accurate Data in the Correct Format, Entering spreadsheet information for

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Project: SKU Management App

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