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Putra Dosha The Flaw on the house

of children
Putra Dosha is normally associated with children. However in
reality it spills over to other areas in life. It can lead to sudden
downfall during certain dasha and bhukti
August 5, 2013

Authors Dhilip Kumar

Putra Dosha The background
Putra dosha, the flaw that pertains to children is a very popular term in Vedic Astrology. It
comprises of all types of faults that may be related to ones children as seen from the horoscope.
The main cause of Putradosha is past life deeds. Putradosha indicates that the person has be
unkind to a child or children. Depending on the range of the crime towards children in a past life,
the putradosha ranges from mild to heavy in the current birth.
Parents take care of us. In return we cannot take care of the parents in the same way. To pay
back, you need to take care of your children because you are the parents to your children. Not
taking care of your children is one of the worst crimes possible. Just think of a world where
parents do not take care of their children. So taking care of children is the most important duty of
the husband and wife.
So it follows that the atonement rituals may include as payback any of the following: either the
direct punishment, adoption of children or huge medical expense due to infertility problems.
Medical expenses is part of the punishment. By not taking care of children in a past life the
person may have saved a lot of money in a past life. That money has now to be spent on medical
treatment. So doctors will become the tax collector in this case. That is why infertility specialists
charge a lot of money.
When you throw away something soon you will be needing it. Have you noticed that? So if you
throw away or abort children you will in a future birth struggle to have a child.
It is like you do not payback the loan in a bank and soon no bank will help you with a loan in the
future. In such cases local money lenders take advantage and punish you more with huge
In short Putradosha like all other dosha is proof that Karma works.

Putradosha manifests more than one way.

No children
If children are born they will become the main cause of concern in your life
Children will be thoroughly disobedient.
Children may be separated from you. Putradosha will work in tandem with marital problems
that are already there in the horoscope trying to separate father and mother so that the child
will suffer.
Sudden downfall in career from great heights to nothing
From the above we know that within the term Putradosha there is a range starting from the
highest Putradosha to the lowest Putradosha.
In case the dosha is not severe remedies will work. If the putradosha is too much then remedies
will not work.
If you have to assess the level of Putradosha then you have to know a great deal of rules
pertaining to problems related to childlessness and serious problems with children.

The words of Maharshi Parasara

If the 5th house lord is in the 6th house or the 8th house or the 12th house there is a very high
level of putradosha. This is 100% dosha.
The good position of the 5th house lord in Kendra or Trikona, connected to Lord of Lagna
(Ascendant), connected to natural benefics and at the same time not connected to natural
malefics are indications of happiness through children Putra Bhagya meaning fortunate
through children.
PUTRA BHAGYA means being blessed with good children who make you happy. This is a gift from
your previous live. The 5th house is related to the merits of the past life. Hence the 5th house is also
the house of children.

My observation on the basic rule : 5th house lord in a dusthana

In India, many clients who had the 5th house lord in the 6th house or the 8th or 12th house were
blessed with daughters. If a son was born, I noticed many problems with the son. In most cases
the son was mentally or physically handicapped or had some major defects causing a lot of
In India, I observed that those who had this combination were blessed with daughters. My friend
who has this combination in his horoscope is blessed with 3 daughters. The dosha worked
because the 1st daughter was born to another woman (illegal). Performing the marriage of 3
daughters in India is no joke. It involves a lot of expense and after the marriage the daughters will
leave their home. So the person will lose his daughters. In one case a client was blessed with 3
sons despite having the 5th house lord in the 12th house. The 2nd son at the age of 14
committed suicide due to exam fear.

My opinion is that if birth of son happens despite the 5th house lord being in the 6th house or 8th
house or 12th house then the person should sponsor a child in an orphanage to avoid any
mishap to his or her son.
If a person is childless then the 5th house lord is usually in a dusthana (6th/8th/12th house). In
case of childless people I have found that in 90% of the cases the 5th house and its lord were
severely afflicted or the lord of the 5th house occupied a dushtana.
In case the man and the wife has the same putradosha then the problem of children is not
doubled but multiplied. Such a couple should not waste their money in infertility related medical
treatment. They should adopt a child and go ahead with life. One possibility is using a surrogate
mother. However even that is prone to problems as I have seen in most cases. The pain, mental
pressure and cost of treatment is itself a punishment for having neglected children in a past life.
Problems in marriage increase as soon as the child is born in a family where there is Putradosha.
The reason is that if the couple separate or divorce then the child is usually lost by the one
having Putradosha. That way karma finally works. So while doing the horoscope matching one
has to consider all this and take care of all this. Prevention is better than cure. After marriage
there is no use discussing all this.
To know about horoscope matching please watch this youtube video:

More rules pertaining to Putradosha:

While there are many rules pointing to putradosha and discussing all of them is beyond the
scope of this article, I wish to tell you that if you know the basis then you will understand.
Just as the 5th house going to a dushtana weakens the 5th house, the 5th house gets weak
when the lord of a dushtana occupy the 5th house.
So if the 6th house lord or the 8th house lord or the 12th house lord occupies the 5th house it
creates putradosha.
If the lord of the 5th house is combust then also due to heat in the body chidlessness may
happen. Reduce the heat in the body. If there is heat in putradosha reduce it by praying to Lord
Shiva by doing Abhishegam pouring coolants on Shiva Linga milk is preferred.
There are 2 dozen main rules for putradosha. There about 40 rules for adding and subtracting
from the putradosha before we finally can conclude on putradosha.
The navamsa and saptamsa reveal a lot about children directly or indirectly.

Kshetra Sphuta and Beeja Sphuta

For women the Kshetra Sphuta is to be calculated. The position of Kshetra sphuta in various
charts are to be considered especially the Saptamsa chart.
For men the Beeja Sphuta (Sperm point) is to be calculated. The position of Beeja Sphutain
various charts are to be considered especially the Saptamsa chart.

Aspect of Guru
Whenever there is the aspect of Guru (Jupiter) or the conjunction of Jupiter with the 5th house or
its lord then there is always the hope that remedies will work. Remedies may be the help of God
or the help of medicine. Use both together, that is my opinion.
If Jupiter is not at all connected and there is a high level of putradosha in the horoscope of both
the man and wife then it is better to stop trying to have children by using medical assistance and
go ahead with adoption which is what Karma wants. People spend a lot of money on medical
assistance to fulfill the fate that they have to be punished for a major sin in their past life
pertaining to children.
Connection of Guru means connection with teacher, doctor and Astrologer. So I have seen that
only those who have a Jupiter connection to the problem finally reach out to a good Astrologer
who will tell the couple what to do. Otherwise they do not get the chance at all.

3 out of every 12 horoscopes will have Putradosha

Going by the rule that if the 5th house lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house there is putradosha
then 3 out of every 12 horoscope is likely to have problems with children. That is about 1/4th of
the worlds population.
Whenever a planet is in the bhava madhya (middle of the bhava) it will give 100% results and
when it is on the edge of a house (bhava) it will give 0% result. Half-way between the bhava
sandhi and bhava madhya the planet will give 50% effect.
So even though 1/4th of the worlds population will have the Putradosha the level will vary from
acute to manageable level.
Other combinations will further decide on how serious the Putradosha is. For example if Saturn
and Mercury occupy the 5th house then the Putradosha will increase.

100% Putra Bhagya Great Luck with Children

The Lagna Lord and the Lord of the 5th house being placed in the 5th house or in 1st, 4th, 7th or
10th house or in the 9th house then there will be 100% Putra Bhagya as per the words of
Maharshi Parasara in Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra.
Such people will be blessed with sons, or many children or if the family is limited to 2 then it will
be a boy and a girl.
The above rule implies that the 5th lord must be in a Kendra or Trikona meaning it should be
auspiciously placed. However the Lagna Lord is very important to get thorough happiness with
children. The Lagna is not only I or ME it is the a Trinal house to the 5th house, hence
strongly connected. The connection between self and the children is established when the 1st
house lord conjoins the 5th house.

Kakbandhya fault
Maharshi Parasara says that if the 5th house lord is in the 6th house and the Lagna Lord is in
conjunction with Mars, the 1st child will be born and thereafter the wife of the person will become
sterile (incapable of birth of children). Such a fault is known as Kakbandhya.
If the lord of the 5th house is debilitated (neechasthana) and is also in the 6th house, 8th house
or 12th house and if Budha (Mercury) is in the 5th house the lady will suffer kakbandhya.
If Saturn and Mercury occupy the 5th house and at the same time the lord of the 5th house is in
debilitation or does not aspect the 5th house then the lady will suffer kakbandhya.

Birth of Children after putting in great effort

Effort may be medical or through astrological remedies.
The 9th house lord in the 5th house, the 5th house lord is debilitated and Mercury and Ketu
occupy the 5th house children (son) may be born after lots of effort and waiting.
Here the clue is that the 9th house lord in the 5th house seems to give some hope for the
childless person. The 9th house is the 5th house from the 5th house.
If the 5th house lord is debilitated and is also in the 6th house, 8th house or 12th house or if the
5th house lord is in the sign of a malefic planet and the 5th house is occupied by malefic planets
then children (son) are born after much delay and effort.

Birth of Son
If the lord of the 5th house is in exaltation and occupies the 2nd, 3rd, a trine (1st, 5th house or
the 9th house) and the 5th house lord is aspected by Jupiter or is with Jupiter the person will be
blessed with a son.

Birth of only Daughters

If the 5th house lord is with the Moon and also in the Drekkana (Decanate) of the Moon the
person will be blessed with only daughters.

Child problem due to Bhava Lords being in certain houses

If the 1st house lord is in the 5th house then the happiness with sons will be medium, the first
born will not live long.
If the 2nd house lord is in the 1st house the person will be blessed with sons (children).
If the 2nd house lord is in the 2nd house it indicates absence of son (children).
If the 2nd house lord is in the 5th house then the son of the person will like him be intent on
earning wealth.
If the 2nd house lord is in the 12th house there will be absence of happiness from the eldest son
If the 3rd house lord is in the 5th house the person will be blessed with sons (children).
If the 3rd house lord is in the 9th house then the person will be blessed with son (children).
If the 4th house lord is in the 8th house then the person may be impotent (Kliba or Kleeba).
If the 5th house lord is in the 1st house then the person will be blessed with good children.

If the 5th house lord is in the 2nd house then the person will be blessed with sons (children).
If the 5th house lord is in the 5th house and is ALSO with BENEFICS then Putravaan ie blessed
with sons, if with MALEFICS then childlessness. This rule by Maharshi Parasara speaks volumes
on the impact of benefics and malefics on the same planetary position. Students of Astrology
should never forget this principle.
If the 5th house lord is in the 6th house then the children will become the persons main enemies
or death of children is indicated, or the person may adopt a child. In my opinion the best remedy
for this fault is to adopt a child and fulfill the destiny instead of being forced to adopt a child in a
different situation.
The 5th house lord in the 7th house indicates happiness through children.
The 5th house lord in the 8th house indicates reduction in happiness through children.
The 5th house lord in the 11th house indicates bahuputra yoga many sons (children).
The 5th house lord in the 12th house indicates putradosha and adoption of children.In my opinion
the best remedy for this fault is to adopt a child and fulfill the destiny instead of being forced to
adopt a child in a different situation
If the lord of the 6th house is in the 5th house then the person will be inimical to his own children.
if the 6th house lord is in the 11th house there will be no happiness from children.
The 7th house lord in the 3rd means daughters will be better off than sons. If a son is born then
that son may be mostly in difficulties.
The 7th lord in the 11th house indicates more daughters than sons.
The 8th house lord in the 5th house reduces the number of children.
The 9th house lord in the 2nd house indicates good children.
The 9th house lord in the 5th house indicates blessings of sons (children).
The 10th house lord in the 5th house indicates great blessings of sons (children).
The 10th house lord in the 9th house indicates blessings of children.
The 10th house lord in the 11th house indicates blessings of children.
11th lord in the 5th indicates that the children will be happy, educated and virtuous.
12th house lord in the 5th house indicates putradosha. Indicates high expenses through medical
treatment while trying to beget a child. It may indicate expenses due to poojas concerning
childbirth problems.

How to use the above information on bhava lords being in various houses
The following advise is given by Maharshi Parasara:
The effects of the lords of the houses which have been told to you are to be deduced considering
their strength and weaknesses. The effects of the planets owning 2 signs are to be deduced
based on the 2 lordships. If in this way, contrary effects are indicated it means the effects will be
nullified. On the contrary, if the effects are varied nature these will be obtained. If the strength of
the planet is full, it is to be predicted that the said planet will yield the full effect, the planet will
yield 1/2 and 1/4th effect in case the planet is 1/2 and 1/4th respectively.

Check if Pitrudosha (Matrudosha) is also present in the horoscope. Pitrudosha is the blemish on
the house of parents and especially father and ancestors. Do the appropriate Ptirudosha
remedies. Rameshwaram is one place I know of.
Never neglect the Amavasya Pooja for your forefathers. Non Hindus may do thanksgiving
prayers to their ancestors. Tharpanam is best done on AMAVASYAS, Feed the crows on such
Adopt a child from an orphanage if you are declared medically unfit for giving birth to children.
If the dosha is less then do a full sponsor of an orphan child in an orphanage.
Do social service pertaining to children who are poor and disabled.
Create awareness of orphans and orphanages in and around your locality.
Hindus may pray to BABY KRISHNA.
Those who believe in the power of Homa (Havan) may try PUTRAKAMESHTI Yagna. Such
homa worked well in Lord Sri Ramas time as Ramayana reveals to us. In modern times it is
difficult to find the right persons for doing this.
Start loving children around you. Let God, Karma and Nature know that you like children a lot.
Soon you will be blessed with a child.

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